Towns talk cyanobacteria: See page A2 THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2018 COVERING ALTON, BARNSTEAD, & NEW DURHAM - WWW.SALMONPRESS.COM FREE New Durham candidates make their pitches BY CATHY ALLYN nile court diversion pro- Contributing Writer gram, being an Alateen NEW DURHAM — sponsor in the commu- Residents took advan- nity for 22 years, serv- tage of an opportunity to ing on the New Durham meet their future town Charitable Trust Fund, officials on Monday eve- and on the board of the ning at a Meet the Candi- New Durham Food Pan- dates Night. try. Held at the New She stated that her Durham Public Library, time as a teacher at New the event was informal. Durham School and her Library Trustee and years of community ser- Town Moderator Pro vice have given her a Tempore Rich Leonard, good understanding of who conducted the occa- the needs and assets in sion, welcomed the can- town. didates warmly. Her statement indi- “My hat is off to you,” cated that New Durham he said. “You bring your is back on stable footing own set of talents to the and heading in a posi- town. People who can’t tive direction, following run for office depend on several difficult and di- those who do.” visive years. Advocacy He said the focus of for the implementation the evening was to “get of a program to address to know each other.” town infrastructure and Candidates spoke CATHY ALLYN repair of buildings as a briefly about themselves NEW DURHAM candidates for town offices gathered with the public at Monday evening's Meet the Candidates Night at the New result of long range plan- and answered questions Durham Public Library. The evening was informal and informative, as those tossing their hats into the ring spoke briefly on their ning under professional from the audience. backgrounds and why they were running, and took questions. Seen here are (l to r), William Meyer, Robert Montgomery, Fred guidance would be her Dorothy Veisel is Quimby and Jeff Allard. The election is Tuesday, March 13, at the New Durham School, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. SEE CANDIDATES, PAGE A11 running uncontested for selectman. Unable to Durham. policy revision commit- attend, she sent a state- That included serv- tee, chairing the ethics ment for Leonard to read ing on the parks and committee for six years, New police station that outlined the various recreation commission serving on the CIP com- community service she for over 12 years, on mittee for three terms, has performed in over the planning board for representing the town 40 years of living in New 10, chairing the ethics on the board of the juve- tops Barnstead warrant BY MARK FOYNES sure, if approved, would men and the budget com- Town publishes voters’ guide ahead of voting Contributing Writer require 50-foot setbacks mittee - unless otherwise BARNSTEAD — Vot- for new structures pro- noted. The articles are BY MARK FOYNES town offices, which com- Guide may not be the ers will have a chance posed for sites near wa- grouped by functional Contributing Writer prise the first article. final tax rate for 2018 as to select town officers, ter bodies not covered by area. Most of the articles NEW DURHAM — There are also a few the Town has additional weigh in on a pair of the Shoreline Protection are so-called “special Have you ever gone to land use articles that revenue sources that also land use questions, and Act. The proposed buffer warrant articles” that vote only to find that you voters are asked to con- offset the tax rate. These make spending deci- would apply to swamps, ask voters to consider don’t fully understand sider. The remainder of include such revenues sions over the course of marshes, fire ponds, and spending items above what the implications of the measures have direct to the Town as motor two sessions in the com- intermittent streams. and beyond the general your choice might be? To tax rate implications; the vehicle registration and ing weeks. Another measure would operating budget. help voters understand voters’ guide attempts to other permit and fees,” The first two articles establish a growth man- what a yes or no vote lay out the specifics in a which could potentially will be voted upon by agement policy clarify- Article 27: might mean next week, user-friendly, easy-to-un- lower the marginal tax paper ballot on Tuesday, ing how house permits Operating Budget the town of New Durham derstand manner. rate. The document does March 13, at the town are granted. Approval The article reads, has compiled a voters’ “Within this Voter note, “The actual tax rate hall. Polls will be open would limit applicants “To see if the munici- guide to help demystify Guide you will find esti- is calculated by the New from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to one annual permit. pality will vote to raise the process. mated tax impact infor- Hampshire Department Article 1 will ask vot- The remaining 26 and appropriate the “We urge you to con- mation for Articles that of Revenue Administra- ers to select candidates warrant articles will be Budget Committee’s sider the various issues have financial or tax im- tion (DRA) and it is not running for town of- taken up during a second recommended sum of presented in these War- pact factors. Where there set until around October fice. Sample ballots can session that will take $4,054,588 for gener- rant Articles for your may be a tax impact [t] or November of the fiscal be viewed at the town place in the elementary al municipal opera- decision as well as those he estimated tax impact year using actual data hall. Readers may also school gym on Saturday, tions. The selectmen’s positions which will be information will also be available at that time.” consult the Feb. 15 and March 17, at 9 a.m. recommended sum is elected within the Town listed on the ballot. We According to Town March 1 issues of the Below is a summary $4,068,639. This article by your vote,” the doc- have provided it here to Administrator Scott Baysider for more in- of the articles voters will does not include ap- ument reads. The guide give voters an idea of the Kinmond, there are four formation on who’s run- be asked to consider. All propriations by special continues, “Important respective Warrant Ar- articles that deserve spe- ning. proposed spending war- warrant articles and decisions regarding the ticle impact on their tax cial consideration. Article 2 asks voters rant articles are unan- other appropriations type and level of service, rate should the voters Article 7 will “see if to consider a pair of land imously recommended voted separately.” along with the future approve the respective the town will vote to au- use questions. One mea- by the board of select- SEE BARNSTEAD, PAGE A10 direction for the Town, Warrant Article.” thorize the selectmen to will be made by you at The guide continues, enter into a long-term the polls.” “However, it should be lease/purchase agree- A total of 18 articles noted that the tax rate ment in the amount of will appear on the town indicated in this Voter SEE WARRANT, PAGE A9 warrant next Tuesday. Appearing elsewhere in this issue is a piece out- lining the positions of various candidates for INDEX t Volume 12 • Number 10 Business .......................A7 Churches ......................A8 Election day is Tuesday Classifieds ..............B6–B9 REGION — Town and school district vot- Editorial Page ..............A4 ing will take place on Tuesday, March 13. John Harrigan ............A12 In Alton, voting takes place from 7 a.m. to Letters .................... A4-A7 7 p.m. at St. Katharine Drexel Church on Hid- Obituaries ....................A8 den Springs Road. In Barnstead, voting takes place from Sports ...................B1 - B5 COURTESY PHOTO 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Barnstead Town Hall on 22 pages in 2 sections Route 126. Visiting LBJ ©2018, Salmon Press, LLC. In New Durham, voting takes place from 8 Russ and Judy Kelly pose with the Baysider at the LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson) State Park Call us at (603) 569-3126 a.m. to 7 p.m. at New Durham School on Old and Historic Site on a recent visit to Texas. If you have a photo of you and the Baysider in a email: [email protected] Bay Road. unique location, send the photo and pertinent information to [email protected]. www.salmonpress.com A2 THE BAYSIDER, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2018 Officials to develop a regional plan to mitigate cyanobacteria Alton, New Durham and state reps address contaminants in the Merrymeeting watershed BY MARK FOYNES Quimby tends to tem- a couple of areas where also be found in estua- counterintuitive, a wa- which has the official Contributing Writer per his language with a the Merrymeeting River rine and marine waters terbody’s productivity, DES designation of be- REGION — Spoiler large dose of nuance and forms ponds - and the Big in the U.S. Cyanobacte- in terms of its nutrient ing “pristine.” Logic alert: phosphorus is the context. But he can also Lake itself downstream - ria are often confused content, is not neces- would suggest that there villain in this story. cut to the chase and be has caught the attention with green algae, be- sarily a sign of health. is something occurring Last week, offi- blunt. of officials concerned cause both can produce Conversely, too many between Merrymeeting cials from Alton, New “[Stuff] that starts in about the health of Win- dense mats that can nutrients may be an Lake and the ponds that Durham and the state New Durham will even- nipesaukee as a whole.
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