•^•tjltjl* subscribe to the Westfield Record, the area's best source for local news, call (800) 300-9321 The^festfield Record Thursday, January 30,1997 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents, Curious George Father Hudson touched many lives coming to town : Storytime on Elm, 35 Elm St, Hospice co-founder devoted life to caring for others will feature Curious George, the monkey from children's litera- as a happy one. It was the biggest and most beauti- lington Seminary. "He was thrilled with the award ftil funeral I've ever seen," Father ture. THE RECORD Father Hudson was ordained at At 10.30 am Saturday, the because a college freshman wrote McNultysakL Sacred Heart Cathedral in Newark program will be "Curious A great man and a friend to an essay about him. That's why In a time of loss such as his, in 1962. His first assignment was at George Comes for Breakfast" many has died, but the light of his they chose him," said Father Frank Father McNulty said he can un- Our Lady of Mercy Church in Park At 2 pm, the show will be "Cu- life shines on those who remember McNuKy, pastor of Blessed Sacra- derstand how people can be angry Ridge, and from 1967-70 he served rious George Under the Tree." him fondly and others he will ment Roman Catholic Church in at God, but he is not as chaplain at Holy Name Hospital Children of all ages are wel- never meet Roseland. He knew Father Hudson "I'm just thankful to God for the in Tcanock. Until 1984 he served as come to greet George and listen Rev. Charles Hudson, co-founder for 45 years. incredible gift of 45 years," he said. director of pastoral care at St Eliz- to stories. Refreshments will be and vice president of the Center The impact Father Hudson made "I had the great thrill of watching a abeth Hospital in Elizabeth, where served. Seating is limited. For for Hope Hospice in Union County, on so many lives was evident last 17-year-old kid whose greatest ac- he gave spiritual guidance to the inore information or to make a died at his Roadie home Jan. 21 of week when crowds of friends at- complishment was winning a high terminally ill and their families. reservation, call 2321343. a massive heart attack. He was 81. tended his funeral at St Helen's school basketball game turn into "He had two major gifts," Father The priest's passing came only a Roman Catholic Church in West- this giant who had done so much." McNulty said. "The unbelievable day after he was honored with the field, where the priest presided at Born in Jersey City, Father Hud- ability to talk to people who hod Religious themes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hu- Sunday Masses. Every one of the son graduated from Scton Hall loss — both those who were dying In films to be topic manitarian Award from Drew Uni- 5,000 Mass cards printed in memo- University with a degree in educa- and their families after the death. The Adult Enrichment Com- versity. ry of lather Hudson were taken in tion. He also received a master's Also he was a great preacher." mittee at St Helen's Parish on Those closest to lather Hudson one day. degree in counseling from lona It was during his tenure at St. Railway Avenue will present a remember the day before his death They came in by the thousands. CoUegeand in theology from Dar- (Please turn to page A-2) FR. CHARLES HUDSON ogram 8 pjn. Monday exptor- gg the religious and spiritual themes in Alms. Movies as diverse as It's A Wonderful M/r, On the Water- Mayor wants front, The Grapes of Wrath and One flew Over the Cuckoo's Not deal with the same deep :1 questions of the human spirit as encountered In the Bible, commuter line and the stories in these films help reflect the values many hold dearly. Admission is free and pop- corn will be provided. to skip Newark Blood drive planned ay KAJMNaiTI THIS RECORD Ait will brighten tmto at Masonic Lodge station tunnel. A blood drive will be held at The voice of Westfleld's com- the Masonic Lodge at 1011 Cen- muters will be heard. See page A-2. tral Ave. 6-9 p.m. Monday. Mayor Thomas Jttrtlim recently Trie event is sponsored by announced his inU>nt to establish a could increase its volume of trains Atlas Pythagoras Lodge No. 10 commission that would examine through a tunnel crossing the Hud- r &A.M the feasibility of a dim* access son River from 20 to 35 per hour, route from Westfield in mkltown Amtrak trains also use this tunnel. Manhattan via NJ Transit. College women An examination of lines In terms Traditionally, riders who use the of ridrrship six! growth potential I giving scholarship* Raritan Vftltey line, which extends g from High Bridge to Newark, have determined it would lw most effec- Aptafcatkins for 19S7 scnolar- had U> twitch trains at IVnn Sta- tive to make the Morris and Essex h awards by the WsstOaU tion Newark for passage into mid- linen direct transfers. This concept woman's Club m new earns tmo fruMbor. Jan 10. MM, through passage with HJ itanaWt Ms*sw» f*«k g t» th* eommfaukm'i long- service, wnwrn nas SSIISBCPH snout Ml young woman who an term goal, the mayor also would 2,t00 twfw riders MtMN raHaaWtHai mi m ww "Right now we doni haw any lap half of th«# Uk«' to MC It art as • upwial gsM*. Thv swards are matst Internet Rrnup (tw the 1,400 rfettt-s ttuta svaUabl» to scoimrmittat* th* haasd upon acadsntte acms**- wtw> htMinJ NJ Transit daily in Harttan Valley line." Mr (!ctkmwn Mid nswt Completed appttcations Htrvt> ('< >!*•(rmn, fur Th*> Nffpncy in now (OHMIM rating and supporting matariaki «* NJ lYwmit, luiMi Uir witli m-vrr*\ (Ahtt trmnftfmrtatMm *» rr*W. March 14 st the M>rvk«ii in raui lining the pus WHS ffutdamv oflV* i it* M»rvfc<t» 1*' f (Tf«tU)|t • iiwind tunn«4 fkhoWfttUpa wul \m ewanfed mttttuwtt <hiru<K MM* late* ttMttfa UM> nvff If « tmuwl la budt st the anmutl duuwr uf the t'lub »IIMIV it>vek<tl NJ Trunsit <l*ti*a«r In»M Ui |«g« A '*) IrtMay Musical comedy coming to Kmmrvf II Central Avenue section left to fend for itself *n*t tasrtim at Mrt»«4 wttl ftriMH»?tt MUM*} vmn #«tl»>f WssUMtf tfcMty wtnu*l fmtttml tmm ftmm ttw Ciar Tfw iw«uty «( WmlfWM hw WwtfWttl «ttrf Kan lust tm Cwrttrai Av«ttM» Tnw trtriff *4 t^mtfal AVWMK* m4 1 ma I pm W*rt«r«tair, r»4, Ifeuth A***** k* llnw NUwM • m Hmmmm Mt-fmnl T***4m WmtfleM ttmmw Ht mmnmt0%AV* ati» mm twt »#w*«t|prt Urn «* Ow iliaH WHS tand p«r*nu *••*• plan '$0* clump tmittni tnm#wm A* ihm N«-rt ft «tH H» «f 8m mnm or* «*•) *** ****** • "W* a. ~ ...» Vhm **** at? * «#* «» ac»5i t*imr* MBUB^BSBVI. asssstfasasstll isst «# •• sssasst *•*** Cast i* «* 5** .. .,.,: _„ CNl wMI IfWW^Wrf WHS I* mi on tho a^uk SaM^h«AA. — -^ — — ^ Jk sp^w ss*<vrts« awfai a>^a W#stfl#M fftocofd January 30,1997.: Central. Ave. section left to grace new train station tunnel •y KAMNffflZ direcfb/ into the walls of the new tunnel. on display at the Cranford train station. Transit Art Program. : Fourteen artists submitted works in ap- But it was not until the start of the train The new tunnel, complete with an eleva-; to fend for THE RECORD plication for the contract station construction last autumn that the tor, should be ready for use by this sum- WESTFIELD - Westfield's train station The consensus is [the art] should reflect beautiflcation project began. mer. In an effort to speed the tunnel's itself was vital to the town's growth, and theupon the culture and characteristics of the "This will be something more permanent opening, the artwork will not be put up „ town," former Mayor Garland "Bud" than Cranford The last tunnel stood for until after it's open, Ms. Wehmann said. (Continued from page A-l) depot will display a tribute to the town it bred. Boothe told the Wettfldd Record. "Flower over 100 years," Mr. Boothe said. The Transit Arts Program began several advocacy for Central Avenue. The bushes or esoteric geographic shapes Once selected, the contractor will work years ago when an artist design team de- merchants aren't aa vocal and NJ Transit, which owns the station, is now in the process of contracting an artist would not be right for WestfleM." with the construction crew to decorate the veloped concepts for the 28 stations in-' there are no big wealthy landlords volved in the Hudson-Bergen light rail' like in the SID," Ms. Brainier said. to create a series of artistic inserts to The former mayor created a committee tunnel with 18 different inserts of varying project A Central Avenue merchant and brighten the transit tunnel being built at of local citizens to coordinate with NJ sues. property owner, who Identified the station. Transit on the project While in office, Mr. "We needed very durable, low- The program was so successful the board ' herself only as Margaret, said In The artworks, which will represent the Boothe looked into beautifying the tunnel maintenance art for this project," said Sue of directors decided to make it corporate- her experience merchants on Cen- flavor and history of WestAeld, will be buUt in a similar fashion to the historic pictures Wehmann, project manager for the NJwide.
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