Begbie's Pure Fluid lapesia. THE valuable properties of Magnesia have been long and uni- versally known. The use of Magnesia in the solid form has been very properly objected to, on account of its tendency to form dangerous concretions in the bowels. The introduction of the Fluid Magnesia has removed this objection, as it has been proved by eminent naedical authorities that the use of this favourite Medicine in the liquid state is not liable to produce these con- cretions. It can therefore be used with perfect safety and incal- culable benefit by anyone, and is specially adapted for Adult Females and Children. This preparation is deservedly esteemed, possessing as it does all the medicinal properties of Magnesia, with more immediate action, and being administered in a more elegant and convenient form. The continued use of Soda and Potash as antacids has been known to produce very serious results in the system. These agents can be entirely dispensed with, as the Fhiid Magnesia is a more efficient remedy, and is perfectly free from the danger of causing injurious effects. MANUFACTURED BY GLOBE COMPANY, Manufacturing Chemists, Commercial Road, Glasgow. London Depot—8S Lea denhall St. , E. C. Sold by all Chemists and Druggists. Crawford's JSm Watclies. Being the only Manufacturer in Scotland of Chronometer, Duplex, and Lever Watches, he can recommend all Watches sold by him. First-class Silver Patent Detached LEVEE WATCH, 4 Jewels, Gold Balance, Enamel dial, Glossed and Polished Pivots and Shoulders, made in sizes to suit Ladies and Gentlemen, only £4 4 First-class Sterling SHver HORIZONTAL WATCH, 8 Holes Jewelled, Gold Balance and Enamel Dial, made in sizes to suit Ladies and Gentlemen, only 200 Would call special attention to this Watch. SPECIALTY.—A Gentleman's Genuine GOLD LEVER WATCH, 10 Jewels, Chronometer Balance, at the exceptionally low price of 4 2 6 Also, in Beautiful Hunting Cases, 660 Useful and Ornamental Novelties in Electro-Plate, suitable for Presents, at Moderate Prices. 18-carat Gold Albert and Chains at £5 per ounce. Special attention paid to Repairs. Watch Cleaning thoroughly, and guaran- teed, 2s 6d ; Main Spring, 2s 6d ; Jewels, 2s 6d. Other Repairs equally low. All Watches upheld and Warranted for Two Years. THOMAS W. CRAWFORD, Wholesale and Betail Manufacturing 296 ARGYLL STREET, GLASGOW. MITCHELL & Co., OLD IRISH WHISKY, IN CASKS OR CASES, FOR HOME USE OR • EXPORTATION. AGENT FOR SCOTLAND— llT€Hll,i*. 20 HIOX^E STI^yEET, G L A S G O W. PATENT OFFICE AND_DES1GNS REGISTRY. M. THOMSON & CO., Consulting Engineeks WR.• AND Patent Agents, and Registrars op Designs and Trade Marks, 96 BUCHANAN STREET. GLASGOW, transact all business connected with the obtainment of BRITISH, COLONIAL, and FOREIGN LETTERS PATENT FOR INVENTIONS, THE REGISTRATION OP DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS, as well as the preparation of PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, IN THE MOST CORRECT AND EFFICIENT MANNER, AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES. THE "INVENTOR'S GUIDE." A Handbook containing the most Complete, Reliable, and Useful Information on Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, may be had Gratis. Persons at a distance can receive protection for their Inventions for Six Months, cost £8 8s, by furnishing rough sketches and descriptions of their improvements, and have the necessary papers forwarded to them for signature. W. R. M. THOMSOISr, & Co., CONSUITING ENGINEERS AND BRITISH AID FOREIGN PATENT AGENTS, GLASGOW: 96 BUCHAl^AK" STREET, EDI]SrBUilGH: 12 ST. AJSTDREW SQUABE. : STAFFORDSHIRE FIRE INSTJRANCE COMPANY. (LIMITED J. CAPITAL £250,000, Fully Subscribed. Bankers BANK OF SCOTLAND. | THE COMMERCIAL BANK OP SCOTLAND. IK'SURAK'CES against Loss by Fire are undertaken by this Company on almost every class of Property, on terms most advantageous for Insurers, at the lowest rates of Premium, commensurate to the risk. SURVEYS made and rates quoted free of charge. CLAIMS promptly and liberally settled. Losses by Fire arising from Lightning or Coal Gas Explosion, made good by this Company. GAS WORKS, COLLIERIES, IRON WORKS, EISTGII^E WORKS, and WAGGO]Sr WORKS, &c. &c., Insured at very Moderate Eates. POLICIES of other Companies can be transferred to The Staffordshire Fire Office without any additional expense. IKTLUENTIAL AGEITTS, on LIBERAL TERMS, Wanted, in all UJSTREPRESElSrTED PLACES. Apply to ROBERT MUIR, Resident Secketaky. West Nile Street, Glasgow. National Library of Scotland lillllllllllllllilllllillllllllllillilll *B000033719* THE CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT FOR SUBSTANTIAL FURNITURE, ARTISTIC DESIGN, GOOD MAKE, & SUPERIOR FINISH, IS JOHN M. SIMPSONS, 60 GREAT CLYDE STREET, GLASGOW. The Stock is always large, and made only of well-seasoned wood, most carefully manufactured and finished. I'his enables Mr. Simpson to guar- antee with the utmost confidence every Article bought at his Warehouse. A most prominent feature of the Stock to be seen at (50 Gkeat c lyde Street is the great number of WARDROBES, CHAIRS, SOFAS, SIDEBOARDS, and TELESCOPE TABLES, all constructed on very substantial and sound principles, having a distinctive character and individuality of their own, and a total absence of the common, slim, trashy Furniture made to sell at a low price rather than to be used. John M. Simpson has all along refrained from quoting Prices in his Advertisements, because he is assured that the practice in counection with Furniture has only a misleading tendency. Customers have re- peatedly told him how disappointed and annoyed they have been by being misled with the quotations given in advertisements. He would, therefore, caution Buyers of Furniture against coming to the conclusion that, because an Article is Advertised to be sold at what seems a low price, therefore it must be cheap ; his opinion is, that QUALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OF CHEAPNESS, A mere quotation of price may catch the eye and make an impression on the untninking, but it is neither a guarantee of the Design, Quality, or Finish of the Article quoted for, nor even that it is desbrving of the name given to it. Those in want of the very best Furniture at the lowest possible price should not purchase till they have seen John M. Simpson's immense Stock at 60 Great Clyde Street, where their wants can be supplied. All Goods marked in plain figures. Inspection of Stock and comparison of prices freely invited. Illustrated _ House Furnishing Guide and Price List Gratis on applica- tion, or Post-free for 2 Stamps. All Goods carefully Packed. No Charge for Packing. All Purchases above £20 delivered 10 miles round the City per own vans, or 40 miles per rail. Free of Charge. A Specialihj.—DOOK SCREENS, a great protection from Cold and Draughts, and a great convenience in the Sick-Room. A large Stock always on hand. JOHl^ M. SIMPSO^T, 60 GREAT CLYDE STREET (Corner of Maxwell Street), : FURNITURE. JOHN m;. si]N/ir>soiN'. CABINETMAKER & UPHOLSTERER, CARPET AND BEDDINCx WAREHOUSEMAN, AND DEALER IN WORKS OF ART. Warehouse and Shoiorooms 60 Gr^RKJ^T CLYDE STJRJEET (Corner of Maxwell Street), Works ;—FOX STREET (off Maxwell Street), GLASGOW. Established and Celebrated for the Sale of HIGH-CLASS MODERATE-PRICED FURNITURE. ALWAYS in Stock, a very Large Choice of Good Substantial FURNITURE, of Superior Style and Finish, suitable for the Dining-room, Drawing-room, Library, Sitting-room, Bed- room, Counting-house, and Office, • .-^-lej The Cheapest Establishment in the City for Good FURNI- TURE, Well-made, and of Artistic Design. Parties of Taste, and all who study True Economy, would do well, before fixing elsewhere, to inspect this Stock, exaiuine the Quality, and note the Prices. Every facility afforded for that purpose, and Inspec- tion and Comparison invited. The Busines-i being long-established and extensive, and conducted on Cash Principles and the Lowest Scale of Profits, and being under the Personal Superintendence of tlie Proprietor, Parties may depend upon haviiSg their Orders executed to their entire satisfaction. ALL PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Orders above £20 delivered per own Van 10 miles round the City ; or 40 miles per Rail, Free, and no Charge for Packing. ILLUSTRATED HOUSE FURNISHING- GUIDE & PRICE LIST Gratis on application, or by Post for Two Stamps. CARPE rS, FLOOR-CLOTHS, CURTAINS, BEDDING, and a Choice Selection of PICTURES, BRONZES, &c., in Stock, at the Lowest Prices for Cash. A.VOID DJRA.XJOIIT.S. DOOR SCREENS. A great protection from Cold and Draughts. A great comfort and convenience in the Sick-Room. A great variety of Styles, and all moderate in Price, at JOHN M; simpso:n's FURNITURE. BEDDING AND CARPET WAREHOUSE, 60 caiEAT CLYDE STREET, GLASGOIV. NAISMITH'S Hamilton Directory, FOR 18 7 8-70, INCLUMNG BOTHWELL, BLANTYRE, UDDINGSTON, MOTHERWELL, AND LARRHALL. TO WHICH IS ADDED A HISTORY OF HAMILTON AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. HAMILTON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. NAISMITH, "Advertiser" Offick. '*Q V i>/y Q.'^ PREFACE. The first Directory of Hamilton was issued by us in 1817, our firm at the time being- Brown & Naismith. Other three issues, the last in 1859, have since made their appearance, and have long been out of print. The present publication has been loudly called for, the wonderful growth of the Burgh in population, wealth, and commercial importance during- the past few years, causing the want of a g-ood, reliable local Directory to be felt more and more. We have exerted every effort to supply the desi- deratum ; and for any shortcomings and inaccuracies which may appear we ha\'e to crave the indulgence and forbearance of the public. With the Directory is issued a Handbook of Hamilton and neighbourhood, the aim of the compiler of which has been to supply natives at home and abroad with a historical memorial of the district, past and present, and strangers with what does not exist at present—a handy guide to its many and varied objects of interest.
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