prliKC WlOlam PuMtc library ViRGlMIAIiA ¥M ''-'ifi*. * >i-^^*> "»'• tKij'fi^ * <' :(• • • 2 GUIDE TO PRINCE WILUAM. W«dnMday, August 10, 198S GUIDE TO PRINCE WILLIAM, W«dnesckiy, August 10, 1966 3 BOOK! DesigrKsgram 43 Party Ponies Company 19 Encore DarKeweqr ......31 PrifKe WiUiom Hamilton's Jewelers 35 Symphoriy Orchestra :...12 His qnd Her Hoir 0esi9is.....:.24 IVirice WiMiom Symphony Orchestra „ .21 AUTOMOTIVE WFVA Radio, FM... ......;....27 Coloniol Homes/ HOME APPUANCES Coldwell Banker 27 Battlefield Ford..... 16 Auto Home Electronics ERA Aquia Realty 33 Bogle Tire Company ....44 11 Forest Honws Systems Brenner's Advanced Auto 25 OTHERS of Virginia, Inc....!........ „.4<S Follovf the croiMfds to. • • • • Central Motors GMC 9 Aquio Self Storage .8 Fosters Brothers 15 Fancy Fliwers/Cpr Rentals 10 Howco Homes ...35 Jock Kiowans Chevrolet ..20 Pohanka Nissan • Cadillac • Olds Jock Baker Associates ......19 Jerry's LirKoln Mercury... ...7 Key Properties!...... .....34 Lustine Toyota/Dodge 28 Mt. VenxHi Realty/Stafford 32 Manassas Honda 24 Northern Virginia Building National Tire Wholesalers 55 ^^Drive A Little & Save A LotP Industry Association ...33 Nielsen Inc./Volkswogen PC Associates 44 Ju$t A Short Drive South On 1-95 • Audi •Dodge..... 51 Ry<w> Homes/ Noble Cars/Volvo •Mercedes ' HOME FURNISHINGS Old Bridge Townhomes 43 26 & ACCESSORIES Ryan Homes/ Petrocci Car Rentals ...28 FINANOAL O NISSAN Antique Station 34 Old Bridge Homes 37 Petrocci Used Cars ;.38 Liberty Savings Bank, PERSONAL & s .29 Silver Companies/ Pohanka Nissan ..! 3 Carolina Salvage/ Piedmont Federal BUSINESS SERVICES Potomac Hills ......30 • Cadillac •Oldsmobile ..3 New Furniture..... 53 Savings Bank.: .56 Silver Companies/ Your best deal on a new or used cor or truck is right here in Fredericksburg, Tune O Mize/ Oak Bom of Ashbum, Inc.......35 Dofrelnc. 30 Summertoke... 48 Mr. Transmission .....37 Schirmer's Pool, Patio Federal Insurance .....8 Va. Pohanka has the largest stock of Nissans, Cadillacs and Oldsmobiles in Southfoce Associates/ & Cosuol Furniture ...41 Getting To Know YOU.............27 Mt. Vernon Realty 50 the entire state...and record-breaking sales is your proof of the best deal & Shows Carpet....,..:;.... 18 Getting To Know You 32 IBM„ 19 Washington Homes ...24 biggest savings from Richmond to Washington...You'll aet sensational Po­ APARTMENTS Physicians Weight Loss 32 hanka financing too, the lowest rates in the entire area! Battery Heights 10 Prirxre William Commutefide..42 Chesapeake Apartments ........34 Super Shuttle 43 • Over 200 New And Used Cars And Trucks Always In Stock! Westgote Apartments 23 Stork News 39 Welcome Wogon/M.L. Roos ...31 • The Pohanka Price Means Volume Savings & Better Financing^ F0OD& BEVERAGES Pohanka Has A Proven Record Of Customer Satisfaction Since 1919 RECREATION Buffo's .......25 Camp Fires Potomac Council .42 EZCruz ;... , 14 CRAFTS, GIFTS HOME Prince William County Fair.....52 Sond/s Cokes...; 42 & FLOWERS IMPROVEMENTS Prince William Cqumy Park Authority ....47 A Petal Pusher 18 Automatic Equipment Soles The Christrrxis Goliery ...38 ofWashir>gton..... 5 Consumer Corwtruction 24 Dickinson Equipment: 32 DEPARTMENT DooleyPools^ „.18 PROFESSIONAL Fairfax Lumber & Millwork 26 STORES Goose Creek Kitchens .....28 SERVICES Sears Outlet Store.... ;....27 Hanover Custom Buildings.....19 Chester L Bonks, Attorney 45 Sher^Brond Decks ., 30 HEALTH Sky Nursery, Inc. „. 52 Chiroproctof ...8 H Hl_ 7 SCHOOLS EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Tom Hanger James J. Fox, Attorney..,.. 24 Home fanprovements 6 Dr. Lincoln German, Tempxxory Solutions ..;.... 21 Chiropractor ^ Dr. Jeffrey I. Wynn. B & W Nursing 38 Opiomedist ..„ 44 Northern Virginia Community Manassas Urgent Core...; 45 College.;. ..29 Mary Woshington htospital ....13 Mary Washington HospHol..,. 12 Potomac Counseling Associatton...: 14 UTILITIES Rotomoc Hospitol 36 REAL ESTATE FASHIONS & Nortfwm Virgirtki Electric Potomoc Ho«pHai.... 45 Bollantraye At ACCESSORIES LEISURE ft Cooperative .20 Potomoc Hospftoi ^ ...54 Breezewood/Artery Homes 17 PHTKH WHIiom Ho^>Hai J9 ENTERTAINMENT Better Homes Reofty/Doie Anita's KkitPlaet. ..23 rTlnoe Wittiuin AA^ PMomoc Mi«s CHy/Montdoir .22 Dohl Jewelers .19 Medtcol 5ociet» 40 10T>Mat«rs 18 Bob HummerfColdwetl Bqnk«r..8 4 GUIDE TO PRINCE WILUAM, W«dn«doy, Augurt 10. IWi GLNOE TO PRINCE WILUAM, WadnMdor, AuguM 10, 1908 S ff COMFORDABL Save on Carrier Air Conditioning We want you to be as comfortable with your purchase as you are in your Carrier- condrtmned home, so right now all our deluxe central air conditioning systems are ON ST., ]^^9^1 precision Carrier engineering and terrific savings. That's comfort and that s affordable: "comfordable" cooling from Carrier THE PREMIUM ROUND ONP^ • The Finest Carrier Central Air Conditioner—with every deluxe protective feature. • Super High Efficiency—cools for about half th&cost of typical older models. • Top Quality Throughout Carrier Heating and CooJing UMMMI TiM Offw. CaH K M^ fw Mate Mii a RS MtiMte. C8 Lucas Co, Nie. Worthorw Vlrghtto S11* HoadMy AMd Woodhldoa. VA rXondMontng • HMUng Pr. Air CondlMowliiB Corp WMO. FuMHienRa. " , VA anss Air DIstrtbutIng Co. Br«nn«n HMUng A A/C HMUIIS « Air CondMonlNt wm VA SM41W m-11 Wnnilli»imi», VA 4M-X771 -^ " '^-^' ' '" ' ' '-^^ ' ere not comfortable until you are. GUJDETO PRINCE WILUAM, W«lntsdoy, August 10, 1988 PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY Preservation vs. development battle continues GUKX TO PRINCE WILUAM. W«dn«doy. AuguM 10, 1988 7 of the ^tomac NewsHewa \ ' • ' ~~'. "" " ' ' ' — , • , Nationwide focus has zoomed in on Prince WiUiam County this year in reaction to what has popularly been caUed The Third BatUe <rf Manassas." 'LL GO WITH YOU Pitted in this confrontation, wtuch one local activist jokinaly calls the"Sixth Third BatUeofMa- nassas," are county officials eager to lure ec(Hiomic development to Prince William and preserva­ R NEXT tionists who fear Uiat the area's historical past is being ignm^: At issue is a proposal to build a regional shopfHng mall on land ad­ jacent to the Manassas National Battlefield Park, U»e site of two bloody GvU War battles. Prvserva- tionists nati<Miwide say the mall will ruin the grounds wbwe Con­ federate G«ieral Robert E. Lee set up headguarters during the Second BatUe of Manassas. Some county officials say the mall will be a drawing card to re­ tail and corporate businesses that can buttress the county's tax base and ease the residential tax bur­ den. Unusual in this; debate is the fu ror it has spurred and the attention It has drawn. The conti-oversy has fueled such intense media cover­ age that state Sen. Charles Colgan, p-Manassas, awoke one mwning during a spring tinp to Eun^, turned on an American cable broadcast and saw a news brief on the mall debate: I said, My God, I can't get away from this thing,"' Colgan said. Back at home in Prince William, though, many aspects of the con­ troversy are not uncommon. For A great blue heron takes wing years, some county residents have from the boat dock at Quantlco. County wildlife has more and m^rpe'^^^Zirritt questioned a pro-growth policy laid tion of using increased tax reve­ s^xarated into votes on libraries, out by county officials who argue nues to slice tax rates. During parks, road improvements and a that economic development is Government county election years, such as 1987, police/fire training center, is nec- Who lives in needed to lighten residential taxes the arguments over the effects and essairy to handle the county's surge The Third BatUe of Manassas," TypicaUy, homeowners pay less consequences of develc^ment grow of new residents, bond proponents though bigger and louder than oth- m county taxes than the cost of mu­ uicreasingly heated. say. Prince William? er similar conflicts, is simply an­ We reahze that when you need nicipal services they receive^ such Residential growth, wheUier it Prince William residents, unlike still protecting you. We can't really go with you on other chapter in the same saga. 39 schools and law enforcement. can be curbed or not, has brought their neighbors in Fairfax County Each new demographic study (rf car service/you're not always in our Two and three decades ago, resi­ Businesses, on the other hand, pay wiUi it its own undieniable head­ where the county has assumed Pnnce William County residents Here's how our Lifetime Service your next vacation, but we can give dential development boomed in mdicates a youthful, educated pop­ neighborhood. That's why when far mwe in taxes than the costs <rf aches. Everything from county debt for major road projects, have Guarantee works. You pay once for a you a copy of our Lifetime Service Pnnce William County as federal services they utilize. schools to county jails are over­ been hesitant to approve past bond ulation witii income levels highw- yoij're more than 50 mifes away, our workers and others sought life in Boosting the business porticm of crowded and Prinee Williain <rffi- refferendums. Nine of the last 12 than state and national norms. covered repair. If it ever fails or wears Guarantee to take along. the suburbs, giving rise to the rush the county's tax txase is necessary, dals know they must find solutions bond referendums have been killed The county's average age is 28 Lifetime Service Guarantee is hour commute that has how be­ years old, according to countv out, we'll fix it again free. Free parts. to ease a»e tax burden on home­ that will likely be costly salves to Residents will likely not know planners. -^, honored at any Ford or Lincoln- come nightmarish for many. Cur­ owners, county officials say. the prt^lems. until October wheUier the latest Free labor. For as long as you own Askustoseeaoopydthefree rent county officials now saiy they bond attempt will spur the same Two surveys in 1966 showed tiiat, Mercury dealer. So no matter where are still paying for Uie residMitial Some county resid^its argue Funding those capital im­ of aU residents ig years and older, your Ford, Lincoln or Mercury Ljfatime ServtceGuaramea that the county's tax rate, am<Mg provements is difficult, county offi­ heated debate as have maiiy in the you go on vacation or business, we're growth allowed during those years tiie hi^iest in the state, is proof almost 40 percent have "some col­ vehicle.
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