.. oil IouJan Serving the University of Iowa and the Peorl~ of Iowa City E t.:atabJilhed In 1868 10 eenta a eopy Aaoclated Press Leased W"n and Wirephoto S Student 5~nate Asks Change S OF WI~. The IlIlI. Edition 01 Pre". Prt. llzabethltl r)' Builin. In Footba II Ticket S·ystem 8ndIOmely 511, $US Iy EDSON EGGER kets cost ~ . It was pointed out that many F and don't have to wail In line to pick up two idenUfieaUOII ~ards, IDd leatin( wu T. I. Stiff WrIter students can only attend one or two games their tickets each week." wued accordin( to c1asa. I . Ed. by and must pay for a season Ucket. foreword The Student Senate adopted a resolution To this senate members replied that the One RJla~ member atated that abe Hart Ifu Tuesday night calling for quick action Evashevskl explained present system Is advantageolll to under­ thought resentment for thla year', progr.m oolboy up to alter the student Cootball ticket system. that if this program cia men becaus many of them are re­ wu not because 0{ the extra '10 f but tra,lc I •. The Senate is seeking to enable students were initiated, every. ceiving better Rats than senio". because of the ay tile system kept grouPi import _ to pick up game tickets in advance for body would buy tickets Tuttle acknowledged thai the JY$tem hu and COIIpl from lilting w6ere they Only $4." their dates without their dates being pres· individually, probably to • flaws but explained that It had to be set up wished. ar F1sehel ent before the current season ends. conference games only, hastily, Evuhevsil expreued pleasure at attend­ tbe Ren- Athletic director FQrest Evashevski and and money would be "The decision to buDd new 'aelliU in( the Sena~ meeting. illultrl. lost through a great de­ wasn't made until the end of last school " I'd really like to come and tell you ulllully r .. Athletic Board members Ward TutUe and Hugh Kelso, who were present at the Sen· crease in season ticket year," he explained, "and thia is why we some of OUT problems aometime. I t.hlnk d palntlnn sales. had to announce the extra f In a letter It ....'Quld build a much healthier relation­ In, cOUe •. ate meeting, said arrangements for a "[ have talked to during the summer. Next year the situa· Ihip bet ween students and us." Salt $4," change In policy could be worked out, possibly in time for Iowa's Homecoming many freshmen who are tion will be better," "( have learned more about students' ~F RUlli .. very pleased with the EVASHEVSKI game with Northwestern Oct, 22. The majority of the Student Senale fa· feeliniS Ind problems by attending thlS N. Ed, by program as it is." Kelso stated. "They vored last year'. program whereby one m tinS and think more of lhi kind of 3,500 trl~ The three board members responded to Uke it because they have season tickets student could gct two tickets by presentin, eommunieaUon would Improve reiatlOlll." of Ruula. A STUDENT If the University Hotpltll School proudly leeepts the lutogrlph of the Senate's questions about this year's val tllQ .. clown Emmet K,lIy Jr. I' he toured the school', cla"room Monday. Kelly ,hook ticket policy, which has been strongly crl· n of 1817 hindi Ind mlde I vlrlety of flCiI to the Ipprovil of severll hundred delighted nt. toO U· , ticlzed by a number of student leaders. .. Pub. It yeungmrl. -Photo by Marlin L.vllOn '!'be policy was changed this year be· Silt $S ... cause of plans to turn the students' athletic E liGHT. fee into an athletic building fee , Y Paul LI· Members of the Senate raised questions Ion Of mao as to why students were not allowed to an SIlO un. buy single ticktes for $2 at season ticket .Uons. 418 rates, but instead were required to buy Salt ~ . " LBJ To Altend an entire season ticket for $10. Single tic· I MIOO~I AISSANel. e ttlan 400 ate • veri. Sen. McCarthy f I.arnln, ) proceuel Manila Meeting pp. Pub. Silt $4,,. WASHINGTON I!'I - President Johnson or about Oct. 18 wID put him within 1,000 Stalls Approval TER ..TURl will fly to Manila in the Philippines in miles of Saigon and the land where more GIS AND about three weeks for a seven·nation sum­ than 310,000 American troops are involved By Plul mit conference on the Viet Nam war. A in increasingly violent conflict with Com· Of Katzenbach Inge 01 In· major aim will be to press an allied peace munist·led forces . m Ch.rl.· WASHINGTON I!'I - Nicholas Katzen· l.n a mas- offensive. That the trip has great domestic politi· Announcement of the 10,Dmile trip im· bach wholeheartedly supported U.S . foreign snlcs, phil· cal importance for the President seems policy Tuesday but promised not to become .tun! 0<:1· mediately stirred speculation as to whether obvious. It will be the first transoceanic f •• poetry, Johnson might visit embattled South Viet journey as chief executive to a foreign a yes man as undersecretary of state. leI. 554 pp. Nam itself as well as other Far Eastern capital - in the midst of this fall's elec· The Senate Foreign Relations Committee enira\,lngs nations, His arrival in the Philippines on tion campaigns. suspended jIIdgment on his nomination to Salt ~.tI the NO.2 post In the State Department. INTING IN .blnUiDlIlIMIInRI1hII . Ulll~ The conference was publicly called Mon· Committee Chairman J. W, Fulbright OUCTIONS. day night by President Ferdinand E. Mar­ (D.ArkJ, at first said the committee had rd One of cos of the Philippines to include all coun· approved Katzenbacb's ap,Pointment, but and uselul NEW S I tries with military forces engaged on the then reported the approval was being sus­ published, allied side in the conflict, The first White pended because of an objection by Sen. ONE DRIVER WAS kllltcl. and two pononl Iniurtcl when two w,..ck bIocktcl Hlghw.y 21. trlIffk ,., mort thin two IIMIrs. e most sit· House reaction was to describe Johnson as EUf.eDe J. McCarthy, CD-MinnJ. lb. history interested. trucks collided 'Irty TutldllY mornIng -nelr Hilla, The fiery Is.. ltory peg. 3.) --I'htM by 01'1' Luck reproduced Proposll Kept secret Fulbright said McCarthy, who was not color. Pub. IN The matter had been talked about by at the committee session, bad "an impor· hit $7.tl I Johnson and Marcos when the Philippine tant question" be wanted to ask Katzen· VINCI ON B RIE F leader visited Washington within the last bach. So. Fulbright said, the committee : Th. An .. t I two weeks - Sept 14·16. The project was suspended action pending another hear in" I .n~1 Em· a well·kept secret. McCarthy indicated he was upset by a r With nol .. Negro-White Jury Acqu'its J. D. SIU.· WASHINGTON I!'I - James E. Webb, Then the White House dropped Its coy column written by Howard K. Smith, He lithe finest administrator of the National Aeronautics ever m&det I I reaction Tuesday and announced; said Smith wrote that McCarthy had gone exact and and Space Administration, said Tuesday "President Johnson is glad to agree to to SI. Louis to deliver a speech for a fee Ihowln, the United States has offered transporta· I, vision, tbis invitation and will be ~Iad to join the when his vote was needed for cloture on mall InslgM tion aboard U.S. spacecraft to scientists of meeting of the other chiefs of state or gov· the civil rigbts bill. · 5OS.J~.S, other nations. Webb said he was authorized ernment in the Philippines on or after Oct. McCarthy told newsmen he wanted to It .. to make the offer to the Germans. He said KKK Man In Liuzzo Murder Only 'US 18." ask Katzenbacb, who as attorney general the offer also applies to scientists of Great The other participating nations Include was one of the chicf Administration back· HAYNEVILLE, Ala, I!'I - A jury oC Thomas, 43, of Be mer. Ala ,. thus be· Guthrie, who wu chosen by hi fcllow Britain and other nations. the Philippines, with 200 troops in South ers of the measure, if he had given Smith eight Negroes and four white men Tues· came the accond of throe members oI Juror. to act .. foreman. • • Viet Nam and 2,000 going there; South that information. day night acquitled Ku Klux Klansman the hooded organization to win an ac· FIrst Ilrlclll Jury VATICAN CITY I!'I - A special Vatican Korea, with 39,000 troops ; Australia, 4,500; McCarthy said that whi~e he had intended Eugene Thomas of first-degree murder The jur1 wa the first biracial group mission flew to Viet Nam on Church busi­ New Zealand, 200; Thailand, fewer than to give the St. Louis speech, he finally in the killing of a white civil rights work· quittal in state court in the slaying of Vi­ chosen In four lriaJa growlnjl from the ness Tuesday but with powers to seek new 100; and South Viet Nam itself, with 707,· postponed it and was present for both er. ola Gregg Liuzzo, a Detroit, Mich., house· kUling. ways for Pope Paul VI to help bring peace 000, including 320,00 regular forces . cloture votes. The verdict came afler the jury had de· wife shot to death March 25, 1965, follow­ Ing the Selma·t.o-Mool(omery march. DefeDse testimony pul Thomas at a to that wartorn land. The three-man mis· Expanded Honolulu Meeting At Tuesday's hearing, Fulbright sharply liberated 1 hour and 25 minutes.
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