NATIONAL NATIONAL ANALYSIS Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Tatmadaw Da Gu La and Than attends opening of families celebrate Rakhine Traditional Thingyan festival in Myawady Thingyan Water Festival PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGES 8-9 Vol. III, No. 363, 3rd Waning of Tagu 1378 ME Friday, 14 April 2017 Dance troupes perform on the opening of the Nay Pyi Taw Mayor’s pandal to mark opening of the traditional Thingyan New Year festival in the capital yesterday. PHOTO: MNA Thingyan celebrations kick off THINGYAN is a Sanskrit word As the Myanmar year of 1378 ture that allows the washing away ebration for Thingyan, or water with water hoses to small roadside meaning “change”, and perhaps it comes to a close and the new year of the previous year’s sins and the festival, has commenced. The stands equipped only with barrels is inevitable that the annual event of 1379 is ushered in, one thing that anticipation of starting a new year opening of water throwing pandals of water and small plastic bowls to welcome the new year has has not changed is the enthusiastic with a clean slate. occurred across the country yes- with which to deliver the water to changed over the years. throwing of water, a symbolic ges- All over Myanmar, the cel- terday, from large official stages passers by. SEE PAGE 2 >> 2 NATIONAL 14 April 2017 Thingyan celebrations kick off Dancer troupe of the Ministry of Home Affairs performing at the opening ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA Vice President U Henry Van Thio sprinkles scented water on a dancer at the opening ceremony of Thingyan Water Festival in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA >> FROM PAGE 1 diences with dance and song. He said during the occasion Also in attendance were of the hottest spring, the water Nay Pyi Taw’s Thingyan Festival Union Ministers, Union Attor- festival is the Myanmar tradi- commences with attendance of ney-General, Chairman of Peace tion that aims to keep each other Vice President U Henry Van Thio Commission, Chairman of An- cold with love through watering. ti-Corruption Commission and Other activities entering into the In Nay Pyi Taw, the opening other officials. water festival have decayed the ceremony for the Thingyan pan- In Mandalay, the celebration people’s love and are being in- dal attended by Vice President U started at 5am, as members of the fluenced by decadent culture, he A reveller pours water on an Rakhine ethnic woman to celebrate Henry Van Thio was unveiled by Mandalay Region government, said. Thingyan festival in Thuwanna Stadium. PHOTO: NYI ZAW MOE the mayor. ministers and members of parlia- In Yangon, the Yangon City The mayor of Nay Pyi Taw ment offered meals to 108 monks Pandal was opened by Chief Min- Dr. Myo Aung delivered a new at the Mandalay City Mayor ister of Yangon Region U Phyo year welcoming speech at the Pandal in the south of Mandalay Min Thein, while the Central opening ceremony. moat. Pandal in Myawady was opened Afterwards the Vice Presi- At the opening ceremony of by the Speaker of Amyotha Hlut- dent, Union Minister for Informa- the Myanmar New Year Tradi- taw Mahn Win Khaing Than. tion Dr. Pe Myint and Nay Pyi Taw tional Water Festival, Mandalay The opening ceremonies Mayor Dr. Myo Aung cut the rib- Region Chief Minister Dr Zaw were held along with dance bon to open the Thingyan Pandal. Myint Maung delivered his New troupes and music as people Then the MRTV Modern music Year welcoming speech, in which enjoyed the splashes of wa- band and various dance troupes he asked for a return to more in- ter thrown from the pandals. from ministries entertained the au- nocent times. —Myanmar News Agency People enjoying the Thingyan celebrations during the later part of the day in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA A man prepares mote lone yay paw, a Thingyan charity snack. The opening ceremony of Thingyan festival in front of Yangon City Hall. PHOTO: GNLM/PHOE KHWAR PHOTO: GNLM /PHOE KHWAR 14 April 2017 NATIONAL 3 Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than attends opening of Thingyan festival in Myawady SPEAKER of the Amyotha Hlut- taw Mahn Win Khaing Than at- tended the opening ceremony of the Myanmar traditional Thingyan central pandal for ME 1378 held near Thaungyin Hall in Myawady, Kayin State yesterday afternoon. Hluttaw representatives, Myawady District Deputy Com- missioner U Htoo Lwin, Tak Prov- ince Governor, dance troupes, locals and officials attended the event. Mahn Win Khaing Than, Myawady District Deputy Com- missioner, Chief of the District Police Force, Hluttaw representa- tives and officials cut the ribbon to open the central pandal. Afterward, the Myawady Township Myanmar traditional Thingyan organization committee chairman District Deputy Com- missioner U Htoo Lwin gave a speech related to the opening of Thingyan festival is formally opened in Myawady in the presence of Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than and dignitaries . PHOTO: MNA Myanmar traditional Thingyan central pandal. group photo and participated in provided entertainment with During the four-day festival, Thingyan this year runs from The Speaker of Amyotha the pouring of water, a symbol of Thingyan dances. people from all strata of life and Thursday to Sunday, and cul- Hluttaw and officials, Governor of the traditional Myanmar Thingyan The festival of Thingyan from various ethnic groups per- minates with New Year’s Day Tak Province, Thailand and offi- celebration. marks the transit from the old year formed traditional dances and do- on Monday.—Myanmar News cials then took a commemorative Afterward, a dance troupe to the new year. nated charity food to revellers. Agency Rakhine dance troupe perform at opening of Thingyan festival in Buthidaung. PHOTO: TIN SOE Thingyan celebrations make Senior General Min Aung Hlaing pours water on a dancer. PHOTO: MNA a splash in Maungtaw District Tatmadaw families PEOPLE enjoyed the Thingyan new year festival at water throw- ing pandals in Maungtaw District celebrate Thingyan in northern Rakhine State yester- day, the first day of the four-day THE ME 1378 Myanmar Thing- artists from Myawady music band. festival. yan Festival was celebrated by Similarly, Deputy Command- At the opening of central families and members of the of- er-in-Chief of Defence Services pandal in Buthidaung, authori- fice of the Commander-in-Chief Vice-Senior General Soe Win ties, dignitaries and towns elders (Army, Navy and Air) yesterday and wife Daw Than Than Nwe at- sprinkled scented water on dance in conjunction with the opening tended the opening ceremony of a troupes and the festival kicked ceremony of a pandal on Nay Pyi pandal near Zeyathiri Department off in the town. Taw’s golf course. Store. Tatmadaw senior officials Following the opening cer- Commander-in-Chief of De- also toured pandals in front of Na- emony, the dance troupes enter- fece Services Senior General Min tional Defence College, Nay Pyi tained the people with traditional Aung Hlaing and his wife Daw Taw transit camp, Military Hospi- dances. Kyu Kyu Hla cut the ribbon mark- tal, and in housing area of office of Meanwhile, other pandals in ing the opening of the pandal.Af- office of the Commander-in-Chief the town were also opened. terwards dance troupes performed (Army). Traditional water festival along to the songs of Myu Mhaung The dance troupes, artist- of Rakhine ethnic people and Way Kin and attendees joined in ees and vocalists will entertain the central pandal in Maungtaw in the water festival. Guests were the Thingyan revellers with song will commence on 17th April. Women grind sandalwood at the Rakhine traditional sandalwood served with Sthuditta feasts and and dance till 16 April on a grand Yamanya grinding ceremony in Buthidaung. PHOTO: TIN SOE entertained with performances by scale.—Myanmar News Agency 4 LOCAL NEWS 14 April 2017 Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival set to close on 18 April WITH a record number of pil- “Both monks and lay disci- grims across the country, Mann ples are usually busy with char- Shwe Settaw Pagoda festival was itable activities on Myanmar annually opened in Minbu on 5th New Year Day. So, we changed waxing of Tabodwe and sched- the closing date to the follow- uled to conclude on Myanmar ing day of Myanmar New Year New Year Day. But the festival Day i.e. 18th April.” said Chair- closing date has been changed to man of the board of trustees the following day of Myanmar U Myint Thein. New Year Day this year. The festival is one of the According to the agreement most significant pagoda festivals of Mann Shwe Settaw Pagoda’s in Myanmar and lasts more than Ovadacariya sayadaws, Mann two months. Mann Shwe Settaw Shwe Settaw Pagoda patrons in- (the Golden Footprints) pago- clusive of Regional Government da is one of the most venerated ministers and Mann Shwe Set- pagodas in Myanmar. There are taw Pagoda board of trustees, the two foot prints namely the Auk closing date was set to change, Set Taw Ya or the Lower and said a member of the pagoda the Ahtet Settaw Ya, the Upper. Photo shows Mann Shwe Settaw in Minbu during the pagoda’s festival. PHOTO: KYAW SEIN WIN board of trustees. —The Mirror ASEAN Culture and Tourism Photo Contest to be held THE ASEAN Culture and Tour- of the Korean Ministry of For- countries and Korea”, according to Invitation to printing ism Photo Contest will be held to eign Affairs, TTG Asia and a statement. People interested in commemorate the 50th anniversa- ASEANTA. participating in the contest should ry of the establishment of ASEAN “The ASEAN Culture and upload photos to the website http:// press vendors by the ASEAN-Korea centre, ac- Tourism photo contest will be held no later than News and Periodicals Enterprise of Ministry of Information, cording to The Ministry of Hotels to commemorate 50th anniversary 23 April.
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