Wednesday, October 12, 1921. 0 Pàart THE GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE- GIANTS WIN SIXTH GAME, 8 TO 5 Soothinq and He&lina tried to steal and was thrown out by that it would be retained in confer­ GREEK FORCES REPORT Schang ence, as the house bill did not pro­ VICTORY OVER TURKS Promotes Skin Health The Giants added ,a run in the sixth pose repeal of this section of the ex­ Athens, Oct. '11.—Greek and Turk­ inning. Bancroft singled, to left, went isting law. ish nationalists forces have been en­ to second when Frisch walked and was Vote Down Amendment, gaged in stern battle along the new thrown out trying to steal third as Democrats generally were expected front iii Asia Minor, extending from Young fanned. Frisch went to second to support the surtax, estate tax, capi­ Afiun-Karahish'ar, northward to a on the play at third. He_ scored a mo­ tal stock tax, corporation exemption point almost directly east of Brusau. Just Received ment later when Kelly singled to cen­ repeal and other provisions of the com­ On the southern end of this line the A Limited Supply of the and ter. "Irish" Meusel ended the inning promise program. Some leaders on Greeks, says an .official statement, Tires Red Tubes by flying out. After that only two that side, however, thought the minor­ have .won a complete victory, driving Latest Style Giants saw first base, both getting ity would vote almost solidly âgaïnst the nationalists from the field and in­ there on singles in the ninth. the completed bill unless provisions flicting heavy losses upon them. The official figures for the game were made for increased taxes on cor­ VICTROLA gave the attendance as 34,283. The porations and reduced taxes on individ­ ~TO EXTEND TARIFF. Guaranteed gate receipts were $112,234, of which uals having incomes of $15,000 a year Washington, Oct. 11.—The emerg­ No. 300 the advisory board's share is $16,835.10 or less. ency tariff, instead off expiring Novem­ and the two clubs' share $95,398.90. Before adopting the transportation ber 27, would remain in effect until The players participate in the first five tax repeal amendment, the senate voted February 1, under a bill favorably re­ Price $250.00 games only. down, 38 to 30, an amendment by Sen­ ported Tuesday by the house ways and Positively the best tire ator Trammel, Democrat, of Florida, means committee. The life of the dye proposing that the repeal be effective embargo would be extended as well value on the market. 10 days after the passage of the bill. as the rate carried in the emergency Ruth, Sitting in Bleachers After Being Ordered act. It will pay you to T AMENDMENT Williston Holding REPORT BIG DISCOVERY. inquire. Paris, Oct. 11.—Archaeologists at Out of Dugout, Watches Substitute Slam Out Farm Exposition work in the rains of ancient Ephesus have discovered a crypt believed to be TOR ML OF ILL Special to the Tribune. the tomb of St. John the Evangelist, it Circuit Drive; Ten Strike-Outs Credited to Williston, N. D.. Oct. 11.—An agri­ is said in a dispatch received here. cultural exposition is to be held in this city Wednesday, October 12. un­ Giant Pitcher; Great Crowd Out. der the auspices of the Commercial Tl club, the details Ijeisg in charge of the A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN LEE FOREST'S county agent. Is Always a Well Woman New York, Oct. 11.—Forcing the issue with the Yankees On the same date, which is also the You Should Not Overlook On* Word Republican Compromise Tax Bill date set for the sale of 60 head of THE BEST GARAGE by powerful work with the stick, the Giants evened the world Has Smooth Sailing First Shorthorn cattle, women from all parts of this Latter series count Tuesday, taking the sixth gamef 8 to 5. Each of the county will meet here for a con­ Long Beach, Wash.—"I have taken 119-21 First Ave. No. Phone 9530 Day; Squall Expected Soon. ference with the home demonstration See This New Model club now has won three games and if the course of the agent and other experts on home Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription off and istruggle so far is anything to judge by, the battle bids fair economics. The demonstration agent on since 1910—do not take it all the time Easy Terms If Desired Washington, Oct. 11.—The Repub­ is arranging for the visitors an ela­ but am never without it—and when I feel to go the limit of nine encounters, with a great contest on the lic compromise tax revision program borate display, the exhibits consist­ a little under the weather it is my medi­ W£ G% W% C PIANO last day for the final honors. was started on its way through the ing of canned and dried vegetables, cine. I started to take it first for tired senate Tuesday with the adoption, fruits and meats, made-over clothes, feeling and loss of appetite. I received IIUr9 HOUSE Tuesday's game at the Polo grounds, played in mild autumn without a dissenting or record vote, of and other, home productions of inter­ an amendment proposing repeal on next such wonderful results from the first bot­ 508 Central Ave. weather to a crowd of some 34,000 spectators, took on for a January 1, of the transportation taxes est to women. tle »that I never want to be without it, couple of innings the aspect of a battle of home run hitters. on freight, passenger, Pullman accom­ and gladly recommend it to the young as modations, express packages and oil well as the old. Young women in pnme Meanwhile, up in the stand, his damaged arm in a sling, unable by pipe line. of life need all their energies: they may to plav, sat "Babe" Ruth, the king of all the home runners, There were increasing evidences', keep away from the blues ana that tirea a pathetic figure of baffled determination, watcthing no less however, both on the floor of the sen­ feeling by using Dr. Pierce's Favorite ate and behind the scenes, that some WEATHER Prescription. I think it is the best of all than three other men clout the ball for circuit drives before of the other compromise proposals tonics. Women who are getting on in the game was two innings old. would not find as easy sailing. Reply­ years need a good medicine. The little ing to an inquiry from the Democratic Reported for The Tribune by the U. 8. VALUABLES PROTECTED Two of these men were of the op-^> Weather Bureau at Helena. chronic troubles which they had not no­ side, Senator McCumber of North Da­ ticed in past years are developing into posing clan. The other was "Babe kota, temporarily in charge of the rev­ Observations takenat 8 p. m., Oct. 11, AT LITTLE COST enue bill, announced that the compro­ for Preceding 24 Hours. real sickness, and they feel that discour­ Ruth's own substitute, the slim and BOX SCORE High Low Pre. aged and tired condition more than any snappy "Chick" Fewster. Substitute mise amendments would not be offered 0 on behalf of the full Republican mem­ Great Falls 72 one else. I beg you, women, to take my EG $3.50 and up per year; that's NATIONALS. «1» r h po a Calgary 74 0 Fewster lifted the ball into the left bership of the finance committee; that .02 advice, get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favor­ Burns, cf 3 1 1 he was against some of them and that Chicago all it costs to rent a Safe De­ field bleachers with a man aboard in Bancroft, s* 5 0 2 Havre 7- 0 ite Prescription. You will bless the day MILK the Yankees' second inning, jltting his Frisch, 31» 4 2 0 he and other committeemen reserved Helena 0 you read my letter." Mrs. A. W. Quinn. S 0 posit Box in our Vault. Bet­ Young, rf 5 0 1 the right to oppose them. 0 club on the happy side of a two-run Kalispell 70 You should obtain this famous Pre­ Kelly, lb 4 1 3 Fight Surtax Clause. Miles City 68 0 scription now at your nearest drug store Cream's Only Rival ter decide to rent one now. margin, after the home runs of Giant E. Metisel, If 4 1 2 New York 6» 0 Kaulings, 2b 5 0 0 Senators in the so-called manufac­ 0 in tablets or liquid, or writ« Dr. Pierce, Mayonnaise just a trifle sluggers Emit Meusel and Snyder had turers' bloc, supported by house lead­ St. Paul 46 cancelled a three-run advantage which Snyder, c 4 2 2 Seattle 50 0 resident Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, better than you have Toney, p 0 0 0 ers, were all set to launch their fight Williston 60 0 i. Y., for free medical advice. ever had it before. .Try the American leaguers had acquired in Bilmes, p 4 1 2 against the 50 per cent, maximum in­ S the first inning. There was nothing of Los Angeles 74 0 SEGO MILK in your come surtax rate amendment after its Spokane 76 0 next dretsing. jealousy in Ruth's demeanor as he Totals 38 8 18 27 7 0 introduction. There were reports that Portland 50 0 watched all this, and the one happy San Francisco 64 0 Delightful smoothness AMERirASS. nb r h po n this provision would be materially al- and distinctive flavor smile observed on his face during the 0 i tered in the conference between the afternoon appeared when "Chick" in­ Fewster, If 3 2 15 0 Weather Conditions — Pacific Slope, will result.
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