Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 11-4-1981 Spectator 1981-11-04 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1981-11-04" (1981). The Spectator. 1639. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1639 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. TheSeattleUniversity Spectator Vol.L, No. 7 the spectator Seattle University, Seattle, Wash Wednesday, November4, 1981 Impoundment security'sBlack Friday Fine Arts gets : $10,000 grant to buy extras by RobertaForsell TheFineArtsDepartmenthasbeenaward- eda$10,000grantfromafoundationthatac- tively sought out institutions needingmoney — arareoccurrence thesedays. The moneywas given by theKreielsheimer Foundation, a trust managed by Sea-First Bank thatmustallocatefunds totheperform- ingartsandthefine arts. The grant will be treated as a bonus and used to purchase items not in this year's budget— additions that will benefit every facetofthedepartment. Chairman of the department, Kevin Waters, S.J.,isintheprocessofmeetingwith the facultymemberstopinpointjust whatthe additions willbe. Items such as organs and video-tapeequipmentwillmostlikely bypur- chased andshouldbeinuseby winterquarter. The extrasaretoserve thedualpurposeof "enhancing theeffectiveness of the teaching and better servingthe students' needs," said Waters. photo bymichaelmorgan The department was takenabacklastJune whenaskedfor a "wantlist" by theIndepen- by KarlBahm percentto50 percentofthevehiclesparkedon "Wehavenofinesor othertoolavailableto of Washington, a mediator impound." people dent Colleges campusdidnothavevalidparkingpermits. us except for Hesaid that organizationforthefoundation. Inanattempt to improvethe parkingsitu- advantageofthat,and Hesaid that after meeting with many dif- inthepasthavetaken "It'ssuch an unusualsituationtobeasked ation on campus— providingmore space for security department's policy of ferentgroupsoncampus,he becameawareof of the fora listofwhatyou'dwant todo withaddi- those who have paid for on-campus park- leniency. ing—Seattle University Security Services has a consensus that parking was a problem. tional money, said Mark Rountree, S.U. parkingplacesforthose usually a list stepped up enforcement of parking regula- There weren'tenough According to rules and regulations, said grants writer. "We present " to got whoneeded,andpaid forparking."We've Fenn, security personnelareonly required to prospectivedonorsandhopethey readit. people paid. department never been toclearthelosts for who've Peo- giveone warningbeforerequestinga cartobe The fine arts has parkingshould haveit. department Three weeks ago,on whathas come tobe ple whohavepaid for impounded.But,headded,"We'lldealwithit much of a money-making on Why pay parking?" Rountree, and this termed "Black Friday", 12 vehicles without ifyoucan'tfind thesame way;looking for cars with two to campus, according to faculty through what validS.U. parkingpermits were towed and Many of thestudents whosecars wereim- four warnings. It'snot a case of gettingnas- chance for the to think they funds was a impounded at the request of security per- poundedareangry with what they considera ty, but simply enforcingwhat's alwaysbeen would do with additional one— especiallysince they can now , sonnel. Bob Fenn, S.U. chief of security, strict, uncompromising change in policy. there.Idon'tapologize forthat." valuable put thoughts intoeffect. statedthat only vehicles withoutpermits were Fenn denies that the parking policy has those parking certainly been a boost to our and thatevery vehicle had"anywhere changed."It'sexisted,tomyknowledge, for In other efforts to improve at "This has morale," Waters. "It's a very "trom two to four warnings.Thepeopleknew along, longtime."Hedescribesthepolicy of S.U., according to Fenn, motorcycle and commented positivestamp ofapprovalonthekindofpro- they wereillegal. the past few years as a "tolerance policy" bicyclespaces havebeenexpandedandplaced '' gramwehavehere. which wasactually "moreacase of beingun- inmoresecureareas,andtheadministration is looking for more space within walking dis- Waters said thatthe foundationseemed to "Idonilike toimpound.It'sthelast damn able tocope, not having enforcement capa- by S.U. knowof theexcellenceofS.U 'sdepartment, thing 1 want to do Unfortunately I'vebeen bility. But it's gotten so severe we've had to tance whichmight be leased for use . faculty,students, (continued onpage three) forcedto doit."Fennstated that between30 addressit." andadminsitration. Foran's tenurebid not supported by English dept. Foran disappointed and amazed Evaluations, publications indicate that reconsiderationis rejected that Foran wasstrongcandidate by Tim Healy by Mark Guelfi A request for reconsideration of a decision denying Ifa department strongly recommends a candidate for tenure to Don Foran, an associateprofessor of English, tenure, according to Pat Burke, chairmanof the Philo- wasofficially deniedlast week. sophy department, that candidate stands a very good chance of getting tenure. Foran wasnotifiedofthedecisionin aletter fromGary Zimmerman, executive vice president,datedOctober 25. "DonForan was not given that support of his depart- Accordingto Foran, Zimmermanstatedin theletter that ment," hesaid. hadalready sincetherecommendation todeny him tenure can say thatDonForan was not given tenure, basic- a "I beenmadeat each level of the tenure process, reconsi- ally he did not havethe support ofhis executive necessary. because derationwasnot considered committeeand ofhis department.Ican say nothing about support or anyone The request for a reconsideration had been made on whether he had the of the dean of June30. "Neither thedeannor the department chairman else,"hesaid. wereeven contactedin the last couple of months of si- Burke, a member of the rank and tenure committee, lence thatIendured,"Foranstated."1can only conclude explained that he is bound to confidentiality about the that either the administration did not take my request actualproceedings of thecommittee. seriously or they enjoycharades." Hesaid thatthe support of thechairmenand of theex- When contacted,Zimmerman stated, "I don't believe ecutive committee in a department is a critical factor in further comment is required;theprocess providedby the receivingtenure but added thathecouldn't say whetherit university has beenadheredtoinallaspects." was thecriticalfactorinForan'scase. disappointment and amazementat the It is the job of the rank and tenure committee, Burke Foran expressed said, denialofa reconsideration."Ifind itincomprehensible," to determine whether or not the recommendation department he stated, "that a teacher with over six years of excellent from the is sound and whether or not it photobyJeremy glassy shouldbesupported. studentevaluationsand consistent ratings of excellent by DonKoran his department chairmanand unquestionedservice to the Iassumethat the university should be renderedaccount- "We reserve the right todiffer. In some instances we university and the community would be denied at least able for its decisions and theramifications." have." a would that minimal due process that reconsideration A candidate for tenure goes through several steps of But the rank and tenure committeeis only that of an perhaps have yielded." evaluation during the tenure process. First, the candi- advisory body to the academic vice president who then by president. president Foran, who had declined to comment on the tenure date'sfileis reviewed anexecutivecommitteefromher advises the The advises theboard of decisionwhilewaitingfor a reconsideration,stated, "This orher department. trustees. is the only timethat Iwilladdress the tenurequestionand (continued on page three) (continued onpage two) Senate to consider charters, hold process temporarily by Tim Ellis After objections by some ASSU officers "It [considering the NSU charter] would about the propriety of "holding" all clubs continuetodistracttheSandO'smaincharge fromcharteringuntilanewcharteringprocess —working with thecore committee," John- is developed,the senate last week decided to sonsaid. allowthe NigerianStudent Union to charter Opponents of allowing the NSU charter becauseitsrequestprecededthesenate'sdeci- through the senate said during— the meeting siontoreviewtheprocess. thatiftheSand Ocommittee establishedas The NSU's charter was reviewed by the a— standingcommittee to handle club matters Senate Structures and OrganizationsCom- workedonclub charters, it woulddistract mittee who met with NSU President John the S and O members from their duties as OgbonnaMonday.Thegroupthendecidedto membersofthe"corecommittee," establish- give the charter to the senate for discussion ed recently to develop alternatives to club and,eventually,avote. budgetingandcharteringprocedures. "They toldme that they had reviewedthe "It'svery time-consumingtogo overchar- NSU's constitutionand that they weregoing ters and meet with club presidents," said togive it to the senate at thenext meeting," SenatorJaneMason,amemberoftheSandO Ogbonna said. committee and also the core committee. Ogbonnasaidthat he waspleasedwith the Masonaddedthatshe hoped thataresolution decision, noting that the group had been wouldbe passed intomorrow'smeeting for- meeting oncampus forabout four years,and mally requestingthat noclub charters would could
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