![Arxiv:1802.09159V1 [Cs.AI] 26 Feb 2018](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Antifragility for Intelligent Autonomous Systems Anusha Mujumdar, Swarup Kumar Mohalik, Ramamurthy Badrinath Ericsson Research, Bangalore anusha.pradeep.mujumdar, swarup.kumar.mohalik,[email protected] Abstract due to which there are no concrete guidelines for design- ing an antifragile system. In this paper, we address this gap Antifragile systems grow measurably better in the by formalizing the notions of fragility, robustness, resilience presence of hazards. This is in contrast to fragile and antifragility in the context of intelligent systems, in par- systems which break down in the presence of haz- ticular, for a large subclass of systems that are based upon ards, robust systems that tolerate hazards up to a knowledge-based reasoning and AI planning. We show that certain degree, and resilient systems that – like self- antifragile intelligent systems can be designed using a refine- healing systems – revert to their earlier expected ment of MAPE-K (Monitor, Analyse, Planning and Execu- behavior after a period of convalescence. The no- tion - Knowledge), the autonomic architecture suggested by tion of antifragility was introduced by Taleb for IBM [IBM, 2005]. economics systems, but its applicability has been The paper is organized as follows. We briefly review some illustrated in biological and engineering domains background work on antifragility in section 2. Section 3 lays as well. In this paper, we propose an architecture out the scope of the current study, and describes our approach that imparts antifragility to intelligent autonomous towards introducing antifragility concepts into intelligent sys- systems, specifically those that are goal-driven and tems. Section 4 details the intelligent systems model fol- based on AI-planning. We argue that this architec- lowed, and formalizes concepts of fragility and antifragilil- ture allows the system to self-improve by uncov- ity in such systems. Section 5 proposes design modules for ering new capabilities obtained either through the antifragility, to be augmented to an existing autonomic com- hazards themselves (opportunistic) or through de- puting architecture of intelligent systems. In section 6, we liberation (strategic). An AI planning-based case illustrate the developed concepts with the help of a robot path study of an autonomous wheeled robot is presented. planning example. We conclude in section 7 with some future We show that with the proposed architecture, the directions. robot develops antifragile behaviour with respect to an oil spill hazard. 2 Related Work Systems that degrade in behavior when acted upon by exter- 1 Introduction nal hazards (or, stressors) are known as fragile systems. Ro- How should an intelligent, autonomous system adapt to un- bust systems display tolerance to hazards upto a certain pre- foreseen situations? Answering this question has been the designed level, and show no change in performance. If the focus of significant research effort over the last two decades magnitude of the hazard exceeds this level, system perfor- [Hayes-Roth, 1995]. However, the notion of adaptivity has mance rapidly degrades. An example of a robust system is arXiv:1802.09159v1 [cs.AI] 26 Feb 2018 so far been limited to a system’s capability to cope with un- a building designed to withstand an earthquake of a particu- known situations and return, at best to its original perfor- lar magnitude. Resilient systems are affected by hazards, but mance. In this work, we argue that the presence of unforeseen return to normal performance after a hiatus. Robust and re- stressors, or hazards, offers a system an opportunity to self- silient systems have been studied extensively as a means to improve. Such self-improvement in the presence of hazards allow intelligent systems to cope with hazards [Russell et al., is the central notion of antifragility. 2015]; however, in such systems, the performance, at best, The term antifragility was coined by Nicholas Taleb in his retains its original behavior. book [Taleb, 2012], in which he argued that the opposites of Taleb notes that certain systems, in fact, benefit from the fragile systems are not robust or resilient systems, but sys- presence of hazards, and that these systems need to be distin- tems that benefit from hazards and grow stronger as a result. guished from being merely robust or resilient. Such systems These concepts and their relationships are compelling and abound in nature e.g., the immune system strengthens itself have been illustrated in many domains such as economics, bi- upon encounter with an antigen and often retains the devel- ology and engineering. However, the literature does not pro- oped coping capability permanently [Monperrus, 2017]. An- vide any suggestion towards formalization of the concepts, other example is muscular strength being developed by the stressor of exercise [Jones, 2014]. The increase in strength so strength with available plans and take a position that a sys- developed improves the capability of the muscle to perform a tem is stronger if there are more plans available. This can be wide variety of tasks many of which may be unrelated to the implemented by introducing new actions in the system. As exercise that initially triggered it. In environmental ecosys- a consequence, a system that was fragile w.r.t. some hazards tems [Taleb, 2012], the presence of a hazard in the form of a may now become robust and/or resilient. This is consistent predator strengthens the surviving prey population, since they with the observation in antifragility literature that new capa- learn from past experience. bilities introduce redundancy, which brings beneficial effects Antifragile systems have been studied in the literature through resilience and robustness. in the context of communication systems [Lichtman et al., Modeling the above notion of antifragility in the context of 2016], infrastructure networks [Fang and Sansavini, 2017], intelligent systems has a difficulty. In the antifragility liter- aerospace [Jones, 2014], health care [Clancy, 2015] and ature, new capabilities are introduced through external enti- cloud systems [Johnson and Gheorghe, 2013]. All of these ties (e.g. medicine) or through realization of already existing emphasize the following characteristics of antifragile sys- capabilities (e.g. exercise). However, the intelligent systems tems: that we consider have fixed sets of actions and do not have ac- cess to any external source for new actions1. We ameliorate • Such systems thrive in the presence of hazards, as op- this situation by partitioning the set of actions into visible and posed to robust systems that simply endure, and resilient hidden subsets. At any point of time, the plan synthesis algo- systems which merely survive and return to original per- rithms have access to only the visible subset. Actions can be formance at best. brought in from the hidden set to introduce new actions for • Antifragile systems learn from failure to handle hazards; the planner. One can argue that such an approach is “artifi- the failure may be their own or of other members in a cial” because the system by default has access to all actions, population-based system. which results in the largest set of plans possible. However, our approach is realistic and has a strong rationale: first, due • When acted upon by hazards, the system responds in to the smaller visible set, planning is more efficient. More a fashion that improves its performance over time (not importantly, there is a cost to support the planning and execu- necessarily immediately); the improvement is through tion of actions (more sensors and actuators, more predicates, acquisition of new capabilities caused by deliberate larger state space). Therefore, it is advisable to consider only strategies by the system or through the opportunistic ex- a subset of the actions that are necessary in the current situa- ploitation of certain attributes of the hazard itself. tion and enhance the subset only when in need (e.g. to handle The literature, in general, does not provide formal definitions a hazard). This is accurately captured by the partition of the of the concepts of fragility, robustness, resilience and an- actions into visible and hidden sets. tifragility. In [Lichtman et al., 2016], antifragility is demon- An antifragile intelligent system must therefore first decide strated mathematically for a particular hazard in a communi- what actions are made visible, when and for what duration, cation system, but the definitions are specific to the problem and then execute these decisions. We show that by suitable and are not generic enough to be applicable to other systems. refinement of the MAPE-K loop mentioned in the introduc- tion, with refined action sets and appropriate modules, one 3 Our Scope and Approach can obtain an architecture to design intelligent systems that exhibit antifragility. In the rest of this section, we give some In this paper, we wish to formalize the concepts of an- details of the base MAPE-K loop. tifragility in the context of intelligent systems. Specifically, Intelligent systems based on AI planning can be imple- we consider the class of systems that are goal-driven and mented using the MAPE-K loop (see Fig. 2). It comprises the based on AI planning. These systems have a fixed set of ac- Monitor, Analyzer, Planner, Executor and Knowledge mod- tions. Given goals and constraints, they attempt to achieve the ules orchestrated in a loop by the Autonomic Manager. The goals by deriving a sequence (called plan) from the available Monitor module is responsible for gathering relevant state in- actions and then executing the plan. formation from the resources to detect the events of inter- An intelligent system can be fragile because hazards en- est. This information is then used by the Analysis module countered during execution may drive the system to states to determine if there is a need to change the current plan (se- from where it cannot find a plan to achieve its goals. If, on quence of actions) which is being executed.
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