r Mayoralty Contest Wildcats Open Home Opens Monday Noon (Liu* Sfeut Hampshire Season Saturday The Official Organ of the University of New Hampshire Volume 21. Issue 3. DURHAM, N. H., OCTOBER 16, 1930. Price Ten Cents Begin Work On Professor Neserius Proposes Varsity Tops Political Gages Thump on Bar Byrd Addresses 1932 Granite Plan for International Comity Lowell Textile as Mayoralty Tilts Draw Near Large Audience Editor Makes Call For By J. Robert Ayres, ’32 Blue and White Eleven “The recent sophomore, junior, and Interesting Pictures More Sophomore Heelers NOTICE Two American professors, who Scores Thrice in Game senior class elections will be put to shame and shown up as examples of Feature Lyceum Program -------- teach political science in widely sep­ New Feaures Planned for Junior arated colleges, have joined in a pro­ Maine Team Looms As Formidable low grade politics when the annual The athletic department Yearbook— All Juniors Must Have posal whereby the United States will Opponent For Saturday— Memo­ campaigning for the exalted post of Feats of Comrades and Tales of Ant­ wishes to call attention to the Pictures Taken by Tomorrow regain back a great deal of the pres­ rial Field Location Of Tradi­ Mayor of Durham starts Monday,” arctic Perils Graphically Told by rules governing the use of A. A. Afternoon tige she lost in her attitude on war tional Battle This Year said Mayor Soap Blaisdell, whose World Famous Explorer * tickets both for the benefit of debts since the World War. These term of office terminates the evening t the holders and for its own pro- Work on the 1932 Granite is pro­ two men are Professor Philip G. Nes­ The University of New Hampshire before the Vermont game, in a pri­ gressing rapidly according to the tection. Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn erius, of the political science depart­ varsity football team defeated the vate interview with Herald, T h e N e w editor, Conrad Peterson. Several new The conditions are clearly Byrd, the conqueror of the Arctic, ment of the University of New Hamp­ Lowell Textile team at Lowell Sat­ H a m p s h i r e ’ s Rover Boy Reporter. features are planned for this year’s stated on the tickets but there the Antarctic, and the Atlantic by shire, and Professor Emerson P. urday by a score of 20 to 0. The It is rumored in political circles issue. However, the details have have been frequent claims of air opened the University Lyceum Schmidt, of the economics depart­ Wildcat team held the upper hand that Blaisdell will be a big gun be­ not yet been worked out and so are ignorance. Every student should course for 1930-31, last evening at ment of the University of Minnesota, throughout the game, the playing be­ hind the scenes in general to see that not ready for announcement. read the conditions carefully. 8,00 P. M., with a vivid description of, who worked together during the past ing in the Cowell territory practic­ fair play is always in order and to Each ticket must be signed by his adventures and accomplishments Twenty-five heelers are working for summer when Prof. Neserius taught safeguard the welfare of his beloved the owner with ink. It does not ally all of the time. However, the around the curious little city of Little positions on the staff. This is not at the University of Oregon. citizens. admit to freshman games. The Lowell Tech team stiffened when the America. He illustrated his lecture as great a number as the staff needs. A letter was sent to the Christian Already the gages are thumping on athletic department is not re­ ball neared their goal posts, and al­ with a new series of motion pictures Sophcmores especially are urged to Science Monitor by these men explain­ the bar, and campaign plans are being sponsible for any loss of the though the Blue and White team pene­ selected and assembled under his own join the competition for positions on ing the plan which was subsequently laid in the garrets. Under a camou­ ticket. The ticket is not trans­ trated to good scoring positions on personal direction. the staff of the 1933 Granite. picked up by other papers throughout flage of cigarette smoke the wards ferable and cannot be loaned. seven occasions during the first of the The city of Little America, situ­ All junior pictures must be taken the country, until the plan has become are being organized and platforms These are and have been the game, they could not make a touch­ ated about seven and a half miles before 4:30 tomorrow afternoon. No a matter of governmental interest. erected. standard rules but on account of down and lost the ball on downs, only from the edge of the Ross ice bar­ pictures will be taken after that time. Now that the question of war-debt From the attic of the Schunmaker some abuses a new rule has to receive a punt and carry it back rier, was most interestingly described Pictures are being taken at the Com­ cancellations and reducing Germany’s estate report comes that William been added as follows: “A up the field again. and pictured by Admiral Byrd. Many mons organization room every day financial obligations are temporarily Crowley, ’30.5, will be a candidate for Student ticket presented by any­ In the second half, however, the of the difficulties encountered during between 8:30 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. All settled, the United States might well the desk in City hall. Who will be juniors who have not paid for their one but the owner will be taken Wildcats came back as they did in the the construction of the “capital city,” take the next step in developing an the henchmen of “Gentleman Bill” is up and admission refused B. U. game the preceding week and as for example, the numerous bliz­ copies of the Granite should consult international esprit de corps which not definitely known but it is rumored bearer.” If so taken the own­ ran up three touchdowns. The first zards, the breaking of the barrier, Malcolm Brannen at the Kappa Sigma would arouse the esteem of its ad­ that Paul Blaisdell has been sitting in house before having their pictures er’s name will be filed with the was the result of another series of and the crossing of the many ice versaries and the serious attention of on the conferences. Henry Kelley, Dean of men, and the privilege runs up the field, this time ending crevasses were portrayed. taken. thinking men and women of the who has already been corrupted by The personnel of the 1932 Granite of an athletic ticket denied for with the ball over the goal line. The He described the feats of his com­ world. politics in Manchester and week-ends staff is as follows: Editor-in-chief, the remainder of the college second score resulted from a short rades and praised their work which It is generally recognized by states­ in Lawrence, has long been an advisor Conrad Peterson; Business Manager, year. pass near the goal line, Slack to whale visits "Little Amcricd " made possible his flight to the South men, scholars, and missionaries that to Crowley and no doubt will stick a Malcolm Brannen; Assistant Business The department would wel­ Elizabeth, after another march up the pole. Then with his well-known mod­ the good will created between China thumb in the mug. Lady Killer Jack manager, Raymond Whitehouse; Ad­ come a spirit of co-operation field. The final scoring came in the esty he explained that which he ac­ and the United States after the Holt has taken a position as ward vertising manager, Baron Rogers; from the student body and last part of the game when Eustis, complished for science and knowl­ Boxer uprising of the early yeai’S boss under the Crowley ticket, and he Fight On For edge. Sales manager, Malcolm Chase; Pub­ S wishes to urge upon them an New Hampshire’s fleet-footed half­ of this century is in a large measure states that no form of pulchritude will licity manager, George Blanchard; T- active loyalty to the University back intercepted a pass and raced His motion pictures included views due to the fact that instead of ex­ escape his eye. Intramural Cup Men’s Managing editor, Stewart * in all its interests, athletic as down the field sixty-five yards for of the unique little Adelie penguins, tracting the last pound of flesh, Tom McKoan has announced that Stokes; Junior editor, Edward Hoyt; * wrell as scholastic and social. another six points. Lowell Textile’s schools of killer whales, dog teams in America refunded in part the indem­ under his managership Edward Hasel- Men’s Organizations editor, Preston special plays went for naught, only action, and many kinds of seals and nity which it might have collected. tine will enter the fray. Haseltine Fourteen Fraternities Rolfe; Military Science editor, Rob­ one making a gain, and the passing petrels along with many scenes of The money due on the indemnity will be remembered as the represent­ In Basketball League ert Ayers; Men’s Athletic editor, Karl during the game was only moderately action as flying over the Liv and the agreement was set aside to create ative of the people in last year’s cam­ Smith; Men’s Questionnaire editor, successful. Axel Heiberg glaciers and the South Frosh Victors scholarships for Chinese students. paign. Snapper says his experience Hocpsters Continue Play for Trophy Francis Kibbey; Women’s Managing On Saturday afternoon New Hamp­ pole.
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