THE 2004-2005 POST-KOSCIUSZKO CHAIR REPORT Activities of Dr. Marek Jan Chodakeiwicz orating the Rising. Last but not least, the Last but not least, between November 14 most valuable internet support of the proj- and 24, Dr. Chodakiewicz visited Poland. From the Fall 2004 through the Summer ect was provided by Witold Kiezun of San Among other things, he participated in a 2005, Dr. Marek Jan Chodakeivicz, Research Diego www.warsawuprising.com ; www. panel debate on current Polish issues on Professor of History, Academic Affairs projectinposterum.com. TV-Polsat, talked about Poland as an ally Chairman, and Faculty Vice Chairman at of the United States at the Respublica stu- the Institute of World Politics: A GraduateAccordingly, on September 16, at the in- dent fraternity headquarters; spoke on School of Statecraft and National Securityvitation of the Warsaw Committee of the economic freedom in America before the in Washington, DC www.iwp.edu conduct- Chicago Sister Cities International Program members of the conservative-libertarian ed the following seminar-style directed and the Polish Home Army (Armia Kra- “Koliber” youth society; and lectured studies at IWP: on “The European Union,”jowa) Veterans Association, at the Preston about the polycentric nature of the Ameri- which included not only Poland’s acces- Bradley Hall, Chicago Cultural Center, as can political system at the Collegium Civi- sion but also her past; on “The Ottomanone of several featured speakers during tas. He also took part in several cultural, Empire,” which focused on the Balkans asa gala event, Dr. Chodakiewicz delivered social, political, and economic events and well as the Sublime Porte’s relations witha speech to commemorate the 60th an- functions. Thanks are due to Professor the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; and niversary of the flight of the 8th US Air Wojciech Roszkowski, Wojciech Reszczyñs- on “Western Civilization and Its Intellectu- Force 100th Bomb Group’s flight to War- ki, Jan Pospieszalski, Sebastian Bojemski, al Tradition,” which touched upon Poland’ssaw with military assistance to the Polish Pawe³ Tobo³a, Piotr Gontarczyk, Wojciech Renaissance thinkers. insurgence. The title of the speech was Jerzy Muszyñski, the Chodakiewicz family, “Freedom Does Not Come Free.” Many and others for organizing the trip. Dr. Chodakiewicz further lectured on “Re- thanks to the event organizers, including search, Methodology, and Writing.” He also John Kordek, Sandra Pikarski, Kate Heil- In late December 2004 and early January substituted in Professor Alberto Piedra’s man, and Pawe³ Chudzicki. On September 2005, Dr. Chodakiewicz visited friends and class on “Democracy Building and Foreign 18, Dr. Chodakiewicz lectured about the benefactors of Polish studies, in particu- Policy: Political and Economic Principles of Warsaw Rising at the Polonia Bookstore at lar, and the Institute of World Politics, in a Free Society” and “Western Moral Tra- the kind invitation of the owner, Mrs. Mirageneral, in Florida and Ohio. Dr. John Lenc- dition and American Foreign Policy.” Dr. Pu³aczowa. We would also like to thank zowski participated in the latter venture. In Chodakiewicz also spoke on “Europe in Andrzej Czuma and Roman and Basia Coo- February, similar trips were made to Ala- the Wake of World War I” and “The Fall of per for their hospitality. bama and, once again, Florida. We would Communism” in Professor John Tierney’s like to thank Gene Bak and Pat and Ron “Peace, Strategy, and Conflict Resolution” On October 2 and 3 he was in Seattle,Trzcinski for their hospitality in Ohio, Iwo and “Twentieth Century Politics and Diplo- speaking about the Warsaw Rising first atand Magdalena Pogonowski and Zenon macy: Case Studies in War and Peace.” the Seattle Public Library and then at theand Wanda Woœ in Florida, and Dr. Peter University of Washington. The organizers and Erin Penherski in Alabama. Dr. Chodakiewicz’s trademark Geography of the event from the Department of Slavic and Strategy seminar demonstrated the Languages and Literatures, UW (www.pol- During the Spring 2005 Semester, Dr. John permanent importance of geography and ishstudiesuw.org) and the Polish House Lenczowski and Dr. Chodakiewicz co-taught geopolitics on international affairs, nation- (Dom Polski) of Seattle, including Tom a course on “Russian Politics and Foreign al security, and human culture. Poland’sPodl, in particular, were fantastic hosts. Policy,” as well as held his seminar of “Ge- history figures prominently throughoutFrom October 22 through 24, Dr. Chodakie- ography and Strategy.” The subject matter the course, including such disparate casewicz lectured on the Varsovian Insurrection was considered with Poland’s history and studies as voting patterns, environmentalof 1944 at, respectively, St. Paul Universitycurrent affairs, the Polish-Lithuanian Com- protection, and urban warfare, the latterin Ottawa, at the Wanda Stachniewicz -Pol monwealth and “Solidarity” in particular. demonstrated by the story of the Warsawish Library by Mc Gill University in Mon- In addition, Dr. Chodakiewicz guest-lec- Rising of 1944. treal, and at the Polish Embassy there. We tured on “Just War” in Professor Piedra’s would like to thank cordially our guide, class. Further, Dr. Chodakiewicz was busy Because of the 60th Anniversary of the host, and organizer, Dr. Alex M. Jab³oñski, with a multitude of administrative tasks in Varsovian Insurrection compounded by as well as the Canadian-Polish Congress, his capacity as the Academic Affairs Chair- the stunning success of CNN’s documen- the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences inman and the Faculty Vice-Chairman. tary “Warsaw Rising: Forgotten Soldiers of Canada, and the Polish Embassy. World War Two” (which would be nomi- Outside of his IWP duties, Dr. Chodakiewicz nated for an Emmy in 2005), Dr. Choda- On October 30 and 31, Dr. Chodakiewicz co-operated with CBS’s Andy Rothstein in kiewicz was invited to lecture in several sojourned in Los Angeles, where, at the the production of History Channel’s “Be- places in North America about the Polish invitation of Loyola Marymount Univer- trayal: The Battle for Warsaw,” which is a experience during the Second World War. sity and the Polish Consulate, he delivered new documentary on the Warsaw Rising Lectures were arranged by Polonia and, two speeches on the Rising at LMU. Many set for September 25, 2005. Susan Werbe in most places, were accompanied by the thanks to Council General Krystyna Tokar- is the executive producer of the documen- screening of the CNN documentary as well ska-Biernacik and Miss Paulina Kapuœci- tary for the History Channel. Next, Dr. Cho- as unveiling of a photo exhibit commem- ñska for coordinating the event. dakiewicz assisted Wanda Urbanska in the making of the Poland special installment of tablishing viable intelligence operations in Throughout the trip, he held informal the PBS hit series (now in its second sea- a democratic society, and Dr. Chodakiewicz meetings with politicians, journalists, son) of “Simple Living with Wanda” www. concentrated on the question of “Open- and scholars not only in the places listed simplelivingtv.net The segment includes ness Means Liberty: The Need to Democ- above but also in Malbork, Frombork, and interviews with the Mayor of Warsaw, his- ratize Power.” The event was sponsored Poznañ, where Dr. Chodakiewicz talked torians Norman Davies and Richard Lukas, by the weekly Wspólnota Powiatowa (The about “Poland’s Security Question: How to authors Stanley Cloud and Lynne Olsen; County Community) and the State Archive Make Friends in America.” and a cameo appearance by Lady Blanka in Radzyñ. He would like to thank all orga- Upon his return to IWP, he participated Rosenstiel as well as footage from the nizers, Dr. Dariusz Magier in particular. in the conference on “Is the European Polonaise Ball in Miami, Florida. The seg- He then headed to a conference set up by Union in the Interest of the United States ment is scheduled to air on PBS/WETA TV the Department of Sociology of the Nico- of America?” The event was sponsored by on October 16, 2005. The producer is the laus Copernicus University of Toruñ (NCU) the Heritage Foundation, Hudson Institute, daughter of the late Professor Edmund S. on “Communism, Intelligence Services, De- Discovery Institute, and Global Britain and Urbanski (1909-1996), a renowned scholar mocracy.” This day long event was held en- took place on June 28 in Washington, DC. of Latin America. tirely in English and was ably moderated by Dr. Chodakiewicz spoke on “East Goes its leading light, Professor Andrzej Zyberto- West: The EU and Poland.” During the summer Dr. Chodakiewicz at- wicz, who also delivered a paper on “Intel- In early July, Dr. Chodakiewicz returned to tended a number of conferences and trav- ligence Services in Post-Communist Coun- Europe for a week. He flew to Denmark, eled extensively. On June 3-4, 2005, he tries: Can an Enclave Capture a State?” where, among other things, he conducted participated in the 63 Annual Meeting of Other papers concerned “Early Attempts interviews about the Communist secret the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of at Accountability of Intelligence Services police and surveyed the nation’s mood America, at the University of Pittsburgh, in Poland: Common Project of the Helsinkiregarding Islamic extremist terrorism and and delivered a paper on “A Critical As- Foundation for Human Rights (Warsaw) the Muslim immigrant community in and sessment of Professor Marian Kamil Dzie- and the Center for National Security Stud- out of Copenhagen. A report on this trip, wanowski’s The Communist Party of Po- ies” (ABD Dorota Rowicka, Department “A Danish Week,” will be posted soon on land: An Outline of History,” (http://www. of Criminology and Criminal Justice, -Uni the IWP web site. Likewise, the report of iwp.edu/news/newsID.186/news_detail. versity of Warsaw); “The Same Pattern?his visit to Indonesia in August will be post- asp) written for the panel on “Marian Ka- Polish 1992 and 2005 Lustration Debatesed there.
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