.Distribution Today . Weather 17,975 Fair today; high In Ms. Fair RED BANK tonight; low in Mi. Partly cloudy tomorrow; high about SO. See weather, page 2. ' 1 Independent Daily f SH 1-0010 ( MONDAY TmtouoHnuDAY-Mtr. an JREGISTER Timed dally, Uoudfty tlirougn Friday. Second Clan I'oitage 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 194 Paid at Rtd Bank and at Additional Mallini OUlc.i. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Kennedy Fort Monmouth Soldier's Wife Takes TopU.S., Britain Plan To Visit Prize in Easter Parade on Boardwalk ASBURY PARK-The brunette wife of a Fort Monmouth soldier Early Laos Reply; France won first prize at the 26th annual Easter Fashion Parade on the Asbury, Park boardwalk yester- Source Says He day. The contest was closed this year to men. Plans to Confer Mrs. Kenneth Barrett of 37 Red China in Threat Second Ave., Long Branch, wore With De Gaulle a simple black wool suit and "hot pink" accessories—pink gloves Fcmale Fowl PARIS (AP) — President and a large floppy picture hat Will Send Briton Due John F. Kennedy will pay of black straw, crowned by a Foul Driver a .three-day visit to France swirl of feathery pink flowers. Troops If EATONTOWN — A flock of Here Tonight Mrs. Barrett said she made the female fowl fouled up Easter about i May 31 to Confer hat herself. Sunday for an Oakhurst man With French President Mrs. Barrett is 20 and a native SEATO Does and his wife yesterday. For Talks Charles de Gaulle, it was of Los Angeles where she has Charles Grube, 60, of 15 Wal- done some modeling. Her hus- reliably reported today. JAKARTA, Indonesia lace Ave., Oakhurst, told po- WASHINGTON (AP) — band holds the rank of specialist lice he was driving west on ord Home, the British for- The Presdent will be accom fourth class at Fort Monmouth. (AP) — Red China today Wall St. through a wooded panied by his wife, Jacqueline. She was awarded a 14-carat gold held a threat over the West area when a flock of guinea eign minister, arrives here The U.S. Embassy in Paris and chain from the city of Asbury to turn Laos into another hens flew In front of his car. tonight to start prelim- die French Foreign Ministry re- Park, and a silver bowl from Korea if the Southeast Asia Mr. Grube turned his car to inary work with Secretary fused all comment on the report. Gov. Robert B. Meyner. the left and drove into a tree But diplomatic sources said con- Mrs. Stuart Bunton, 24 Phyllis Treaty Organization and fence. Neither Mr. Grube of State Dean Rusk on a firmation could'be expected la Rd., Freehold, and Mrs. Richard (SEATO) sends troops into nor his wife, Katherlne, was in- Western reply to Russia's ter today. Daley, 455 Prospect St., Long the strife-torn Indochina king jured. Sgt. Henry Riddle in- note on Laos. French official fclrdes have Branch, were runners-up. ' vestigated. They are expected to have a been discussing the possibility dom. Basic Black draft of the reply ready by the of Kennedy's visit since a Wash- Peiping's Foreign Minister Mrs. Bunton, like the first prize time Prime Minister Harold Mac- ington rumor to that effect was Chen Yi, winding up a visit to winner, was clad in basic black millan reaches here late tomor- published last week by the Paris ndonesia, told newsmen that if Convertible with pink trimmings. Her black row afternoon for conferences newspaper France-Soir. SEATO sends troops into Lacs crepe, V-necked dress was set off with President Kennedy. While refusing to give any de- by a large pink necklace and then China will also senc troops." Flips Over The President and the prime tails of the visit, officials today high, flowery pink cloche, minister are scheduled . to meet AND THE WINNER, needless to iay, is •the lady on the left, Mrj. Kenneth Barrett Marsha] Chen Yi, who led the confirmed TJwF a decision had carried a pastel mink stole. four times: Wednesday morning Chinese Communist 3rd army in- now been made. Mrs. Daley wore a suit of black of Long Branch, who took first priza in the annual Asbury Park Easter fashion Pa- In Sea Bright and afternoon, Thursday after- to Korea in 1950 before becom- The 'visit was being greeted as imported wool, an off-white fur rade. Not quite to delighted as the final announcement is made are the two run- SEA BRIGHT — Two persons noon and Saturday morning. a considerable diplomatic victory ing foreign minister, alluded to piece and a black and white hat. escaped serious injury about mid- U. S. officials speculated it is for President de Gaulle and a The hat was a cloche with a ners-up, Mrs. Richard Baley of Long Branch, center, and Mrs. Stuart Bunton of Free- SEATO's warning that it was night last night when the con- unlikely the repty will be delayed sign of Kennedy's respect for deep crown draped in white silk hold. prepared to take "appropriate 1 vertible car in which they were until the end of Macmillan's France * World War II hero now action" to prevent an armed organza and a hood of tiny, black riding hit a metal light stanchion visit. The U. S. and British evalu- back In power. 4=— Communist takeover of Laos. flowers. Her husband is a student on Ocean Ave. and turned over. ations of the Soviet note virtually Official sources pointed out Forgetful Borrowers at St. Peters College. The plump, balding marsha Patrolman John Carmody said are identical. Consequently, the that by the reported date of the Among the 12 most smartly at- insisted "that up to now China the vehicle slid along the road on Paris visit, Kennedy will have Youth Admits Theft Have Golden Chance reply could be dispatched to Mos- tired promenaders selected by has not taken part in the Lao- its cloth top after overturning. cow while the British officials are talked to British Prime Minister tian civil war." the judges in Convention Hall RED BANK — Opportunity He identified the drivei as Mis still in Washington. Harold Macmillan and West Ger- were Mrs. John Edwards, 113 "Remember China was com- Is knocking for persons who Barbara Richards. 20, of Rt. 31, Vague on Timing man Chancellor Konrad Aden Garden Rd.. Shrewsbury, who At Merchants Trust pelled to participate in the Ko- Madison Township. He said she Russia, in its note to Britain luer. wore a black suit and black have borrowed between 300 rean War only after the U.S told police an animal ran in RAR1TAN TOWNSHIP—A 16- after giving Middletown police an last Saturday, agreed with the cloche with a white flower, and and 500 books from the Pub- forces went to our border be- front of her car and she lost year-old boy, arrested Saturday address in West Keansburg where British proposal to hold a 14- Mrs. Donald Cole, 16 Timothy lic Library and neglected to re- yond the Yalu River," Chen said control. The vehicle struck the La., New Shrewsbury, who wore night has admitted the theft of he had formerly lived. The foreign minister said Pei- pole and lipped over on its side. nation conference on the political Seek Plane turn them. future of Laos, but remained a grey outfit, a floral pink and $465 from the Merchants Trust Key Ring Marked ping's solution to the fighting It skidded 180 feet, coming to a Co. branch bank in Centerville, vague on the timing of a cease- white hat, and a mink piece. Chief Guntner said the boyMrs. Gena Leslie, librarian, between pro-Western and prostop on its top in front of 1250 'ire, which the British, backed Missing Off Among the SO finalists selected Holmdel Township, March 23, readily confessed to the burglary Communist forces in Laos is toOcean Ave. Police Chief Gerard F. Guntner announced that "Fine Forgive- by the United States, proposed as by the judges who scouted the after police found on his person 'let the Laotian people settle Miss Richards suffered only a reported yesterday. ness Week" is in effect tomor- first step. N.J. Coast boardwalk were Mrs. Kermit a key ring with "Merchants their differences themselves and finger and shoulder cut. A pas- Johnson, 95 Spajngdale Ave., Red The boy, identified as Bernard Trust Co." stamped on it. row until Saturday. Long-over- withdraw all foreign intervention. senger, Donald A. Fleischmann Kennedy said in a statement MONMOUTH BEACH - A sin Bank, who wore a pink suit, blue Robinson, Old Creek Rd., Port The boy told police that at the due books will be accepted This would insure peace and neu- 28, of Edgewater Dr., Matawan that "he viewed the Russian note gle-engine private plane carrying hat and fur stole; Mrs. John Monmouth, will be arraigned to- time of the theft he was living without question or fine, -Mrs trality in the country." had nose and forehead cuts. as a "useful next step toward • JeekskflJ, 14. Y.. eye specialist, Seiber, 63 Moreau Ave., Free- day on a charge of burglary, ac- with Mr. and Mrs. William Clau- Willing to Talk The car, police said, is ownec peaceful settlement of a poten- which was believed forced down Leslie said. hold, in a beige suit and fur cording to Ralph W. Baclunan. sen, Daven La., West Keansburg, Chen Yi left before newsmen by Carl Morales, Bronx. Mis! tially dangerous situation." - , fn the Atlantic near here Satur- piece; Mrs.
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