Friday February 13th 2009 e Independent Cambridge Student Newspaper since 1947 Issue no 690 | varsity.co.uk »p18 Fashion »Centrefold Special pull-out »p20 Features Doing it by Not Yet: exclusive four-page Tit Hall alumnus Andrew the book preview issue inside Marr talks on Darwin SEAN JONES Mumps scare for Emma scraps John’s students Lizzy Tyler Seven students at St John’s have con- tracted suspected mumps. Although the cases have not yet been positively con rmed as mumps, College ‘Empire’ theme authorities are expecting to receive con- rmation from laboratory tests shortly. Ball renamed after accusations of poor taste It is also believed that students at other Colleges have contracted the virus. Committee ‘unhappy’ that theme caused offence All St John’s students have been ad- vised to contact their GP if they are be- Andrew Bellis & Beth Staton sion to rename the Ball. “I think it was tween 17 and 23 years old and have not because so many people made their had the MMR vaccination. Emma’s May Ball Committee yester- views known, and so College and the Students are warned that even if they day bowed to pressure over its ‘Empire’ committee saw that the theme didn’t have had the full two doses of vaccina- theme, rebranding its Ball in the style of represent the wishes of the whole com- tion they could still be at risk, as “im- the Victorian Commonwealth. munity. It’s reassuring to know that munisation is not 100 per cent e ec- e committee had been under pres- everyone agrees that the Ball really does tive”. ey are advised “not to mix with sure from students and dons over the belong to the students,” she wrote. others once mumps is suspected” and choice of the theme, which was de- “ ey have obviously had a really to report any symptoms, which include scribed by one senior academic as “in tough time over the past few days, and swelling on the face, fever, headache, very poor taste”. Earlier this week arti- I am sorry that making this group ex- muscles ache, loss of appetite and tired- cles about the Ball’s theme were pub- acerbated it. ness, immediately to the college nurse lished by the national media, including “I think it was important to have a or their GP. the Daily Mail and the BBC. very interesting, shocking, in uential Mumps is an extremely infectious In a statement released yesterday debate on the page, and the change it airborne virus, infecting individuals morning, the committee announced has contributed to has restored a lot of from six days before to ve days a er that the word ‘Empire’ would no longer pride in the College.” salivary glands begin to swell, whilst be used in promoting the Ball. On Monday, the Ball committee in- symptoms take two to three weeks to “We have sought neither to excuse sisted that the ‘Empire’ theme would develop. e disease can cause seri- or dismiss any historical events, nor be going ahead despite the controversy ous damage if contracted a er puberty, to support or challenge any interpre- it had caused. “ e committee con- when it can cause meningitis and per- tation now placed upon them,” the sidered the implications of the theme manent deafness. statement said. thoroughly and ensured that we had Following a 40 per cent rise in cases “It is clear, however, that some people the support of the College in making in the South West and throughout the have found our reference to the British our decision,” they said. UK, the Health Protection Agency has Empire to be distasteful. We are unhappy “Any historical theme will inevitably has taken precautions to limit further that any o ence should have been caused; have positive and negative connota- outbreaks. that was certainly not our intention.” tions, but we are neither advocating nor e illness is linked to the contro- e Ball will instead be based on a cele- condoning any point of view associated versy surrounding the MMR vaccine, bration of the Victorian Commonwealth, with the late Victorian period. which was claimed by Andrew Wake- urging students to “party like it’s 1899”. “We rmly believe that our theme eld in 1998 to be linked to autism, a Sir Christopher Bayly, Professor of can be handled with the sensitivity and claim which has since been discredited. Imperial and Naval History, said the maturity that it demands.” ere is, however, mounting concern theme had been “in very poor taste”. e committee said the Ball had “tak- that the repercussions of a loss of con- Noting the academic debate on the na- en inspiration from the fashion, style dence in the vaccine could lead to an ture of the British Empire, he stressed and architecture of Victorian Britain outbreak of measles, mumps or rubella that “racism and economic exploita- and the rich and diverse cultures that in the near future. tion” were signi cant elements. were, for better or for worse, united by Chancellor celebrates Darwin’s birthday: Students are advised to remain More than 100 students joined a the British Empire”. vigilant and take special notice of any Facebook group to protest against the Tickets for the rebranded Ball, which Duke of Edinburgh unveils statue and names symptoms related to the illness, report- Ball’s name. e group’s creator, Joanna will take place on Sunday June 14th, ing any serious worries to the relevant Beaufoy, yesterday welcomed the deci- will go on sale on Sunday at 10pm. Blues boat during Cambridge visit » p8 authorities. Shoe protester bailed a er denying public order o ence Andrew Bellis researcher in the Department of Pa- shirt, and appeared to be nervous. a trainer at Wen Jiabao during a lec- “Education is the best help for a thology and a postgraduate at Dar- He has declined to comment publicly ture in the West Road Concert Hall young student. It is hoped that the The Cambridge postgraduate who win. about his conduct. “I would prefer and called him a dictator. In his let- University will give the student an threw a shoe at the Chinese prime In a ten-minute hearing on Mon- not to speak to the press before the ter, Jahnke reportedly apologises for opportunity to continue his studies minister last week has denied com- day he spoke only to confirm his case is over,” he said. failing to show the respect and cour- at the University,” he said in a state- mitting a public order offence and name and address, and to plead not Jahnke has written an apology to tesy that the guest deserved. ment released by China’s foreign will be tried next month. guilty to the charge. Jahnke was the Chinese government over his Mr Wen has publicly urged Cam- ministry. The protester is Martin Jahnke, a dressed in a black suit and blue t- protest last Monday, when he threw bridge to be lenient towards Jahnke. Continued on page 8 Something to say? [email protected] Friday February 13th 2009 2 Editorial Call the Editors directly on 01223 761541 varsity.co.uk A special preview issue of Not Yet, a new independent zine, can be found inside the centrefold. It is the second in a series of magazine previews in Varsity. Contents Emma Ball: well meaning but foolish nce more, this week we have seen the unedifying spectacle of Cambridge students and even dons weighing in on a contentious political issue. In this case, the outcry has been over the Emmanuel May Ball committee’s News p1-9 Odecision to use an ‘Empire’ theme for their event. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the British Empire, those on both sides should remember that there is an ar- Ethnic minorities investigation p5 gument to be had; downright condemnation and accusations of neo-colonialism are simplistic and facile. As they We reveal the true state of ethnic have repeatedly emphasised, the committee did not mean to express any political view at all. e choice of theme minority admissions to Cambridge. was clearly an excuse for a ‘multicultural’ Ball, with di erent areas representing di erent countries, a common way of organising these parties. It is unfortunate that their hard work has been marred by the current controversy. Some outside the University have greeted this story with glee. ey have used it as evidence that Cambridge is Cambridge Spies p9 ‘archaic’, stuck in the past or just ‘a bunch of to s’. is is not a cause for concern: there are many people around OMG, I can’t believe it, we’re worse the country who instinctively dislike Oxbridge, and are delighted when they nd another reason to kick us. Cam- than Skins. Etc. bridge is capable of running its own a airs without listening to such people. What is far more worrying, on the other hand, is the strong response the ‘Empire’ theme has aroused within Cambridge, and particularly inside Emmanuel itself. e Ball is run for the bene t of the College’s students, and Comment p11-13 anything that mars their enjoyment is a genuine shame. e upshot of the scandal is that many Emmanuel stu- dents have now decided not to attend their own Ball, an event which should have been one of the year’s highlights. e Essay p11 Before selecting a theme which was bound to be at least somewhat controversial, the committee should really have put more e ort into consulting students. FDR’s rst 100 days provide a salutary Hopefully, this sorry a air will now be closed.
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