• DIRECTORY.] HAM.PS HIRE. 11 GEOLOGY OF HAMPSHIRE (Revised to I907.) NATURAL HISTORY AND SciENTIFIC SoCIETIEs.-Hamp- 1882. Etheriuge, R.-Te~L!ary Rr,cks of the. Hampshir«S :shire Field Club and Archooological Society, 5 Sussex place, I Basin. Rept. Brtttsh A 11soc. [Southampton], p. ~outhampton : P,Jpers and Prooeedin,qs. Southampton 502. • Literary and Philosophical Society; Whitchur.:h Institute, I882. Sl10re, T. W. and E. Westlake.-On th3 Southamp­ 'fhe Town hall ; Winchester Institute, St. Thomas street. ton Artesian Well. Rept. B1·iti11h A.ssoc. [South· MusEUMs.-Alton: The Curtis Museum; Portsmouth : ampton], p. 547 · "fhe Portsmouth Free Museum, Old Guildhall, High street r883. Keepin~, H. and TawMy, E. B.-Section at Ho_rd­ well C.iff:~. Quart . .Towrn. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx1x." and The Dickens Birthplace Museum, 393 Commercial road; Southampton: Museum of the Hartley University College; p. 566. Winchester: City of Winchester Museum, 'fhe Square and 1887. · Gardner, J. S.-~otes on the L·mdo11 Clay and its Winchester College Museum; Gosport : Haslar Royal Hoe­ Depos.tion. P1·oc. Geot. As~oc., vol. x., p. 1 I5. I pital Museum. I887. Harris, G. F.-A Revision o[ the Lower Eocenes. Proc. Ge!Jl. A ssoc., vol. :x., p. 4"• PuBLICATIONS OF THE (GOVERNMENT) GEOLOGICAL I888, Gardner, J. S. &c.-The Ba.rton and Upp:1r B.lgsho'; SuRVEY (Headqua1·ter.~, 28 Jermyn street, S. W.).-(t.) Beds. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv ., p. 578. Coloured Geolo.9ical Maps-on the scalg of one inch to one r889. Shore, T. W. and J. W. Elwas.-The New Dock Ex- mile-Old Serte.i: Slleet 8, Aldershot, Eversley Common cavation at So::~thampton. Papers II11mpshir6. [small area in N.E. of county]; 9, Rake Down, Bridger's Field Club, p. 43· Hill [small area in East Hants]; 10, LVery sm1ll area in r8go. Shore, 'f. W -.Clay~ of Hamp:~hira and their Uses East Hants]; 1 I, SouthampLon, Portsmouth, Petersfield, Proc. Hant.~ Field Club, p. 23. , r 1Winchester, Roms:ly, Beaulieu; I2, Alton, Basingstoke, I8;1t-I895· Shore, T. W.-Spring'l and StrJams or Hamp· Alresford, Andover, Whitchurch, Stockbridge, Overt.on, shire ( I89 r) ; Hampshire Mudlands and obber Al­ l41 Uppel' and Lower Wallop, Grately, South 'rid worth; luvia (r8g3); Hampshire Valleys and Waterways 15, Ringwood, Fordingbridge [New l<'orest] ; l6, Hrmrne­ ( 1895). Papers Hamp ;hire Field Club. mouth, Christchurch, Chuton, )1ilford. One-inch Geologi­ 1S93· Reid, C.-A .r'ossiliferous Deposit at Stone, on the cal Maps-New Se-rigs: Sheet 268, Ever8ley, Strattieldsaye ; Hampshire CoJ.st. Quart. Journ Geol. Soc., vol. 282, Shipton Bellin6er, South 'fidworth; 283, An1o\'el', xliv., p. 325. Whitchurch; 284, Hasingitoke, Hartford Briige, Baug­ I897· Ch'l.pman, F.-:\iicroscapic Contents of Brackles-­ hnrst ; 29~. Winchester, Stock bridge, Mottisfont; 300, ho~.m Clay at Lee-0:1-Solenl. Geol. Mt1g., p. 226 . .Alresford, Cheriton, Alton ; 3 r4, Ring wool, Fordingbridge; I8 )8. Monckton, H. W.-Gravels of the Bag3hot Di~trict.. 315, Southampton, Nelf Forest (part of), E1stleigh, Rom­ Q'.ta1·t. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ]i,·., p. 184. ;;ey; 316, Havant, East Meon, Titchfield, Bishop's Waltham; 1898. Salter, A. E. -Pebbly and other Gravels in Southern 329, Bournemouth, Christchurch ; 330, Lymington, Beau­ England. P,•oc. Geol. A.,l.'loc., vol. xv., p. 2S4. Jieu; 331, Portsmouth, Hayling Island. These maps are I 8 )8. Prestwich, Sir J.-The Sn~ent River. Geol. Mag., further illustrate1 by the p::~blished Horizontal St!ction, No. p. 349· • . ~a (price 5s. ). ' I9Cli. Blundell, G. E.-Gealogical Report [Gui!Jfod, I n.deJ Map, geologically coloured ; scale, four miles to one Hook, Sunning]. Rgpt. W~llington Colt. N. S. inch (shows the "solid" geology only) ; price 23. 6d per Soc., vol. xxxi., p. 52. sheet. Hants is included almost enttrely m sheets II L'V. I9'JI. Johnson, J. P.-Geology in the Hants Basin and Hants] and I4 [S. Hants and I. of Wightj, with small por­ Thames Valley. Science Gosstp, p. 233. tions of the east of the county in sheets 12 and I~. 19oi. Johnson, J. P.-Pleistocen) Ft\una of West Witter­ (2.) Books or" Memoirs.''-Cretaceous Rocks of Britain, ing. Proc. Geol. A~soc., vol. xvii., p. 2':i1. by A. J. Jukes-Browne, 3 vols. 29s. ; Geology of the Weald, I901. Kennard, A. S. ani Woodward, ll. B.-Post-Pliocene b_v W. Topley, 17s. 6d. ; Geulogy of P.1rts of Berkshire ani Mollusca of the South of En.;Lmd. Geol . .Assoc., Hampshire, by H. W. Hristow and W. "\Vhitaker (out of vol. xvii , p. 21 3· print) ; Geology of the London Basin, by W. Whitaker (out ryo2. Reid, C.-O.ffaster pilu'a [Southampton whita of print) ; Geology of Rin~wood, by C. Heid, IS. ; Geology chalk]. Geol. Ma,g., p. 527. 1903. Ormeroi, H. A.-The Tertiary Rocks of the H1onts of Southampton, by C. Reid, xs. 6d. 1 The local agents for the sale of all the publications of the Basin. Rept. Rugby Sch. N. H. Soc., for 1902, Geological Survey are ff. Johnson, Winchester; Charpentter p. I, .& Co. Portsmouth ; Gale & Polden Ltd. Aldershot; an.d I 903. Monckton, H. W.-Excursion to the Aldershot Dis­ .llright's Store3 Ltd. Bournemouth. trict. P1·oc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xviii., p. r8-l . .19-:>3. Bullen, Rev. R. A.-Eoliths from South and South­ INTRODUCTION TO GEOLOGY.-J<'or students and for West England. Geol. Mag., p. xo~ . .general readers who may require some explanation of the 1905. Browne, A. J. Jukes.-Tbe Clay with Flints. Q. -i!pecial terms used in geology ; ani some account of the re- Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lxii., p. 132. lations of the strata of Hampshire to those of the rest of 1906 Cripps, F. S.-Notes on the Water Supply to Bourne­ Britain, we may perhaps b;, permitted to mention Harrison's · mouth. Water, vol. viii., p. 2S5. Text Book of Geology, fifth edition, Ig<>3, published by 131ackie & Son, price 3s. 6d. GEOLOGICAL EXCURSIONS.-'fhe members or the Geolo~ gi.ts' Association (Head·quuters, University CJlleJe, G;>wer LIST OF IMPORTANT BOOKS AND l'APER~ (arranged in street, W.C.) make frequent trips to study the rocks of .(.hronological order) COSCERNING THE GEOLOGY OF' HAIIIP• various parts of Britain. Their visit.s to Bournemouth are :IHIBE. [See List (by Mr. W. Wbitaker) of 3I5 works on recorded in their Proce6dings (sea vol. xiii., p. 274; vol. vi., the Hampshire Basin, in th~ Proceedings of the Winchester p. 316), to the Aldershot District (vol. xix., p. t8.J; vol. ix., , o~.md Hants Scientific and Literary Society, r873.] p. 219), toJ Highclere, Christclmrch Bay &c. (vol. xi., p. 13), , o18ti2. :Fisher, Rev. 0.-Bracklesham Beds of the Isle of to Southampton (vol. ix., p. 522 ; vol. x., p. 132), &c. Wight Basin. Quart. Journ. Geol. So.-:. vol. xviii., p. 65. In the Proceedings of the Winche'lter and Hampshire t866. Nicolls, Lt.-C.>l. W. T.- Sarsen Stones near Scientific and Litarary Society for J873 we have a list, Southampton. Geol. Mag. p. 296. (compiled by Mr. W. Whitak~r) of 3I$' papen, books, &c. 1 Wise, J. R.-The New Forest. 2nd ed., London. which relate to the geology of this southern county ani its Co1rington, T. -Superficial D~po.iits of South immediate neighbourhood. Forem )St among th:ll!e are Hants. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi., p. 528. the excellent coloured maps of the Government Geological 1872. Evans, C.- Geology of Portsmouth and Ryd~. Survey, showing the exact pOJitions at the surface of the Proc. Geol. A11soc., vol. ii., pp. 6I, I49· various strata, on the scale of one in<Jh to the mile. Mr. 1872. Prestwich, Prof. J.-Raised .Heach on Portsdown Whitaker's own "Jl;lemoir on the Geology of the London Hill. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxviii., p. 38. .Ba.sin" describes minutely the nortll and north-eastern 1876. Seeley, Prof. H. G.-A Zeuglodon from Barton parts or Hants ; and the eastern district round Peterstield is described in the "Me:noir on th"l WealJen District," by Cliff. Q. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1 vol. xxxti., p. 428. '879-82, Gardner, J. S.-Bournemouth Bed:~. Q. Journ. Mr. W. Topley. , Geol, Soc., vol. xxxv., p. 2og; vol. xxxviii., p. 1. In the Quarterly Journal of the Geologic11ol Society there· ' l83o·B3. ~udd, Prof. J. W.-Oligocene Strata of Hamp· ar3 valuable papers by Sir Charles Lyell, Professors Sir R. Bhtre Basin. Q .•Tourn. Geol. Soc., vols. xxxvi., p. Owen and Sir Jos. Prestwich, Messrs. Clarke, Co1rington. 137; xxxvii. p. 708 and x:xxviii., p. 461.' LSee also Meyer, Woodward, J. S. Gardner, C. Reid, H.W.Mo:tckton, Geol. Ma.g. for rB83, p. 525.] Professors Seely and Jt'l:dd, the Rev. 0. Fisher and others; ttANTS. 2 .
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