$\u 4*Ht-Jta $uk% FOR COLLECTING AND PRINTING RELICS OF POPULAR ANTIQUITIES, &c. ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR MDCCCLXXVIII. PUBLICATIONS OP THE FOLK-LORE SOCIETY. I. ik dfdl-Jfoq jtot^g. PRESIDENT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF VERULAM, F.R.G.S. COUNCIL. JAMES BRITTEN, F.L.S. PROFESSOR MAX MULLER,M.A. HENRY C. COOTE, F.S.A. F. OUVRY, F.S.A. SIR W. R. DRAKE, F.S.A. W. R. S. RALSTON, M.A. G. LAURENCE GOMME. EDWARD SOLLY, F.R.S. F.S.A. HENRY HILL, F.S.A. WILLIAM J. THOMS, F.S.A. A. LANG, M.A. EDWARD B. TYLOR, LL.D. DIRECTOR.—WILLIAM J. THOMS, F.S.A. TREASURER.—SIR WILLIAM R. DRAKE, F.S.A. HONORARY SECRETARY.—G. LAURENCE GOMME, Castelnau, Barnes, S.W. AUDITORS.—E. HAILSTONE, ESQ. F.S.A. JOHN TOLHURST, ESQ. BANKERS.—UNION BANK OF LONDON, CHARING CROSS BRANCH. LIST OF MEMBERS. Mrs. Adams, Manor House, Staines. George H. Adshead, Esq., 9, Strawberry Terrace, Pendleton. Major- General Stewart Allan, Richmond. William Andrews, Esq., 10, Colonial Street, Hull. George L. Apperson, Esq., The Common, Wimbledon. Mrs. Arnott, Milne Lodge, Sutton, Surrey. William E. A. Axon, Esq., Bank Cottage, Barton-on-Irwell. James Backhouse, Esq., West Bank, York. Jonathan E. Backhouse, Esq., Bank, Darlington. James Bain, Esq., 1, Haymarket, S.W. Alexander Band, Esq., 251, Great Western Road, Glasgow. J. Davies Barnett, Esq.. 28, Victoria Street, Montreal, Canada. J. Bawden, Esq., Kingstou, Canada. Charles E. Baylcy, Esq., West Bromwich. The Earl Beauchamp. Miss Bell, Borovere, Alton, Hants. Isaac Binns, Esq., F.R.Hist.S., Batley, Yorkshire. William George Black, Esq., 1, Alfred Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow. J. F. Boaler, Esq., Woodrhydding, Ilkey-in-Wharfdale, Yorkshire. II. Courthope Bowen, Esq., 49, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W. Mrs. Woodhouse Braine, 56, Maddox Street, W. James Britten, Esq., F.L.S., British Museum, W.C. Percy W. Britton, Esq., 13, Park Square, Leeds. William E. Brough, Esq., Leek, Staffordshire. The Lord Brougham and Vaux. Henry Thomas Brown, Esq., Chester. J. H. Burton, Esq., 5, Trafalgar Square, Ashton-under-Lyne. The Right Rev. Bishop Callaway, Caffraria, South Africa. J. M. Campbell, Esq., Kelvin Grove, Glasgow. Henry Campkin, Esq., F.S.A., Reform Club. Rev. J. L. Carrick, Spring Hill, Southampton. Rev. J. W. Cartmell, Christ's College, Cambridge. William Chappell, Esq , F.S.A., Strafford Lodge, Oatlands Park, Weybridge. H. B. Churchill, Esq., Weiland House, Reigate. Rev. George Christian, Redgatc, Uppingham. Hyde Clarke, Esq., D.C.L., 32, St. George's Square, S.W. Edward Clodd, Esq., Rosemount, Tufnell Park, N. John Collett, Esq., 12, Fopstone Road, Kensington, W. J. Payne Collier, Esq., F.S.A., Riverside, Maidenhead. Moncure D. Conway, Esq., Hamlet House, Hammersmith. Henry C. Cootc, Esq., F.S.A., Walwyn House, Richmond Road, West Brompton. F. W. Cosens, Esq., F.S.A., 27, Queen's Gate, Kensington. Rev. Joseph Crompton, Bracondale, near Norwich. Hugh Diamond, Esq., M.D., Twickenham House, Twickenham. James 11. Dormer Esq., 48, Devonshire Street, Queen's Square, W.C. Sir William R. Drake, F.S.A., The Lodge, Oatlands, Weybridge. J. Dalrymplc Duncan, Esq., 22o, West George Street, Glasgow. John M. Dunn, Esq., F.R.G.S., 30, Claverton Street, St. George's Square, S.W. Rev. T. F. Thiselton Dyer, Penzance, Cornwall. Charles W. Empson, Esq., I, Southwood Terrace, Highgatc, N. John Brans, Esq., LL.D. F.R.S. V.P.S.A. Nash Mills, Heme] Hempetead, Herts. John Fenton, Esq., Elm Tree House, Hampetead. David Fitzgerald, Esq., Porten Road, Hammersmith. F. G. Flcay, Avondalc Square. S.W. tagnstna W. Franks Esq., M.A., F.R.S., Dir. 8 A. Edwin Freshficld, Esq., 5, Bank Buildings, E.C William Garnott, Esq., Qucrnmorc Park, Lancaster. The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., Harley Street, W. F. W. Goddard, Esq., Seymour Lodge, St. James's Road, Brixton. Frederick J. Gomme, Esq., Castelnau, Barnes, S.W. G. Laurence Gomme, Esq. (Secretary), Castelnau, Barnes, S.W. Rev. Walter Gregor, Pitsligo, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire. Rev. A. B. Grosart, LL.D. F.S.A., Park View, Blackburn, Lancashire. Arthur Gunn, Esq., Hampstead. Miss Gunning, 2, Parkside, Cambridge. Mrs. Gutch, Holgate Lodge, York. Robert Guy, Esq., 4, Elgin Villas, Shawlands, Glasgow. Edward Hailstone, Esq., F.S.A., Walton Hall, Wakefield. James Hardy, Esq., Oldcambus, Cockburnspath. H. S. Harris, Esq., 26, Porchester Square, W. Mrs. Harrison, Shirley House, The Avenue, Beckenham, Kent. Fred J. Harte, Esq., 3, Clifton Square, Lytham, Lancashire. E. Sidney Hartland, Esq., 8, Brunswick Place, Swansea. William Henderson, Esq., Ashford Court, near Ludlow, Shropshire. Henry Hill, Esq., F.S.A., 2, Curzon Street, Mayfair. Robert Holland, Esq., Norton Hill, Runcorn, Cheshire J. Devenish Hoppus, Esq., Church Cottage, Woburn Sands. Rev. A. Hume, D.C.L., All Saints Vicarage, Liverpool. Rev. E. F. Drummond Hutton, D.D., Glasgow. Miss Jelley, 6, Limetrees Villas, Woodside, South Norwood. Mrs. Jobling, 97, Rathgar Road, Dublin. Rev. W. Rodwell Jones, Hanley, Staffordshire. Joseph Jones, Esq., Abberley Hall, Stourport. G. H. Kinahan, Esq., Ovoca, Ireland. Alfred Kingston, Esq., Record Office, Fetter Lane. John Kirsop, Esq., 6, Queen's Crescent, Glasgow. C. J. Knight, Esq., F.S.A., York Terrace, Regent's Park. Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma, M.A., St. Peter's Vicarage, Penzance. Alexander Laing, Esq., LL.D., Newburgh-on-Tay, Scotland. A. Lang, Esq., M.A., 1, Marloes Road, Kensington, S.W. Henry C. Lea, Esq., 706, Sansom Street, Philadelphia. John Lockett, Esq., Market Drayton. J. Long, Esq., 19, Adam Street, W.C. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., F.R.S., High Elms, Beckenham, Kent. Edgar MacCulloch, Esq., F.S.A., Guernsey. J. W. MacCarthy, Esq., British Legation, Yedo, Japan. John Machair, Esq., Edinburgh. Alex. Mackay, Esq., Trowbridge, Wilts. VI Rev. Clement W. Mackey, Alveley Vicarage, Bridgnorth. Surgeon-Genera} Mackinnon, Aldershot. William MacLennan, Esq., 317, Dmmmond Street, Montreal, Canada. Sir Henry Sumner Maine, K.C.S.I., LL.D., F.R.S., 27, Cornwall Gardens. Mrs. M. E. Mann, Shropham, Thetford, Norfolk. Ch. Elkin Matbews, Esq., 7, Hamilton Road, Highbury Park, N. II. B. Michelsen, Esq., F.R.Hist.S., 9, James Street, Westbourne Terrace. •T. Middleton, Esq., Westholme, Cheltenham. Mitchell Library, Glasgow. James Earl Morton, Esq., F.R.C.S., Tarvin, near Chester. Rev. A. B. Morris, Keighle^, Yorks. Prof. Max Muller, M.A., Norham Gardens, Oxford. James Napier, Esq., Maryfield, Bothwell. The Lady Caroline Nevill. Robert Cradock Nichols, Esq., F.S.A., 5, Sussex Place, Hyde Park. James Nicholson, Esq. Murton, Berwick-upon-Tweed. " Notes and Queries," The Proprietor of. Alfred Nutt, Esq., Rosendale Hall, Dulwich. Frederic Onvry, Esq., F.S.A., 12, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square. Cornelius Paine, Esq., 9, Lewes Crescent, Kemp Town, Brighton. George L. I. Palmer, Esq., Trowbridge, Wilts. Rev. Chancellor W. D. Parish, The Vicarage, Selmeston, Lewes. W. Payne, Esq., Hatchlands, Cuckfield, Sussex. Edward Peacock, Esq., F.S.A., Bottesford Manor, Brigg, Lancashire. William Pengelly, Esq., F.R.S., F.G.S., Lamorna, Torquay. Thurstan C. Peter, Esq., Trengweath, Redruth, Cornwall. C. Pfoundes, Esq., Tokio, Japan. John South Phillips, M.A., Barton Lodge, Bury St. Edmund's. Mrs. W. F. Phillpotts, 3, Gloucester Terrace, Campden Hill, W. William Duncombe Pink, Esq., F.R.Hist.S., Leigh, Lancashire. Mrs. Pollard, 6, Belsize Crescent, N.W. Hon. Gerald Ponsonby, 54, Green Street, Grosvenor Square, W. B'Arcy Power, Esq., 13, Longwall Street, Oxford. The Earl Powis. Mrs. Priestley, 17, Hertford Street, Mayfair, W. W. R. S. Ralston, Esq., M.A., 8, Alfred Place, Bedford Square. Isaac J. Reeve, Esq., Newhaven, Sussex. W. Napier Reeve, Esq., F.S.A., Leicester. H. J. Roper, Esq., r>, Lausanne Road, Peckham. Josiah Rose. Esq., F.R. Hist. S., Leigh, Lancashire. Rev. G. Stringer Rowe, Harrogate. George Augustus Snln, Esq. Thomas Satchcll, Esq., Downshire Hill House, Hampstead. 1 VI J. Ebenezer Sannders, Esq., F.S.A., F.L.S., 9, Finsbury Circus, E.C. Rev. A. H. Sayce, Queen's College, Oxford. George Scharf, Esq., F.S.A., National Portrait Gallery, South Kensington. Frederick Sherlock, Esq., 1, Lombard Street, Belfast. Mrs. Singleton, Great Girendale, Pocklington. A. Russell Smith, Esq., 36, Soho Square. Charles C. Smith, Esq., Bradley, near Kildwick, Yorkshire. George Smith, Esq., F.S.A., 62, Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood, N.W. Edward Solly, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., Sutton, Surrey. William S. Sonnenschein, Esq., 15, Paternoster Square, E.C. Professor Dr. George Stephens, F.S.A., Copenhagen. C. H. Stephenson, Esq., Lilian Road, Castelnau, Barnes, S.W. Dr. A. P. Stewart, 75, Grosvenor Street, W. Rev. Charles Swainson, The Rectory, Old Charlton. Hon. Wirt Sykes, Cardiff. The Count Takatsgu Inouye, University College, London. William J. Thorns, Esq. F.S.A., 40, St. George's Square, S.W. Samuel Timmins, Esq., F.S.A., Elvetham Lodge, Birmingham. John Tolhurst, Esq., Glenbrook, Beckenham, Kent. Miss Henrietta Townsend, South End House, Croydon. George M. Traherne, Esq., St. Hilary, Cowbridge, Glamorganshire. Dr. Edward B. Tylor, Linden, Wellington, Somersetshire. J. S. Udal, Esq., F.R.Hist.S., 4, Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C. Professor J. Veitch, LL.D., Glasgow University. Rev. Precentor Venables, The Precentory, Lincoln. The Earl of Verulam R. H. Wallace, Esq., Newton Hall, Kennoway, Fife, N.B. C. Staniland Wake, Esq., 74, Wright Street, Hull. Alfred White, Esq., F.S.A., F.L.S. Capt. E. A. White, F.S.A., Old Elvet, Durham. George White, Esq., St. Briavels, Epsom. William A. White, Esq., C.B., H.B.M.S., Consul- General, Belgrade. Hamilton Whiteford, Esq., 17, Courtenay Street, Plymouth. Rev. J. Whitmee, F.R.G.S., C.M.Z.S., 5, Dacre Park, Blackheath. Adin Williams, Esq., Kempsford, Fairford, Gloucestershire. Charles Williams, Esq., Moseley Lodge, near Birmingham. Councillor William Wilson, West Lodge, Pollockshields, Glasgow.
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