ProtectedProtected AreasAreas NetworkNetwork inin PalauPalau AlmaAlma RidepRidep--MorrisMorris MinistryMinistry ofof ResourcesResources && DevelopmentDevelopment 22 protected areas Ngeruangel Northern Reef Channels Bul (8) Ebiil CA Ngardmau • [Ngardmau Waterfall (Taki)] Ngaraard Mangrove • [Ngerchelchuus] • Ngermasech CA Ngemai Conservation Ngaremeduu CA Lake Ngardok Nature Reserve Ngchesar Rock Islands & Sthrn Lagoon Mgmt Area • Ngchesar Watershed CA • Ngerumekaol (State & National) •Ngelukes CA • Ngerukewid Islands (State & National) • Ngemelis & Dmasch Airai Mangrove • Ngkisaol Sardine Sanctuary CA’s (2) • Ngederrak Reef Helen Tululeu CA NgaremeduuNgaremeduu CA/BRCA/BR Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Ngardok Nature Reserve RichRich BiodiversityBiodiversity ProtectedProtected AreasAreas NetworkNetwork ActAct --NovNov 20032003 •• NationalNational frameworkframework toto supportsupport statestate andand communitycommunity levellevel action.action. •• DualDual purposespurposes ofof thethe PANPAN Act:Act: – Address local resource management needs – Protect nation-wide biodiversity, habitats & natural resources •• IncludesIncludes marinemarine && terrestrialterrestrial areasareas •• FullFull rangerange ofof protectedprotected areasareas optionsoptions OpportunitiesOpportunities forfor PANPAN •• SupportiveSupportive policiespolicies •• EffectiveEffective managementmanagement •• StrongStrong sciencescience •• SustainableSustainable financefinance SustainableSustainable DevelopmentDevelopment ••KayakKayak tourstours ••EcolodgesEcolodges ••HikesHikes toto culturalcultural sitessites OpportunitiesOpportunities forfor thethe CommunitiesCommunities •• PANPAN designateddesignated sitessites willwill havehave enhancedenhanced prosecutionprosecution abilitiesabilities •• EnhancedEnhanced accessaccess toto technicaltechnical assistanceassistance toto buildbuild StateState capacitycapacity forfor naturalnatural resourceresource managementmanagement •• ImprovedImproved participationparticipation inin NationalNational levellevel policypolicy makingmaking •• AccessAccess toto fundsfunds forfor managementmanagement BenefitsBenefits forfor PalauPalau •• National biodiversity is protected through an integrated, inter-state network (meeting of CBD obligations) •• Natural resources are managed to ensure sustainable use •• Development of a model approach for natural resource management and conservation of biodiversity that ensures State control with national support •• Access to international funds and technical support •• International recognition of Palau as a leader in conservation ChallengesChallenges •• GeographicalGeographical spreadspread ofof ProtectedProtected AreasAreas •• SecuringSecuring FinancialFinancial SustainabilitySustainability •• EnsuringEnsuring allall StatesStates supportingsupporting PANPAN •• DevelopmentDevelopment impactsimpacts (Compact(Compact Road,Road, etc)etc) LessonsLessons LearnedLearned •• MultipleMultiple stakeholdersstakeholders involvementinvolvement inin draftingdrafting frameworkframework legislationslegislations •• FlexibilityFlexibility throughoutthroughout thethe wholewhole processprocess •• RaisingRaising awarenessawareness ofof decisiondecision--makersmakers •• ImportantImportant toto havehave thethe supportsupport ofof aa conservationconservation championchampion •• ItIt takestakes TIME,TIME, TIME,TIME, © Noah Idechong TIMETIME…………………… PartnershipsPartnerships •• NationalNational GovernmentGovernment (MRD,(MRD, MOF)MOF) •• NGOsNGOs (TNC,(TNC, PCS)PCS) •• StatesStates (communities)(communities) •• OthersOthers (PICRC,(PICRC, CRRF)CRRF) KidKid aa dimlakdimlak denguudenguu tialtial beluubeluu rara rucheledrucheled eraera irecharirechar,, KedeKede baibai melengmeleng erer ngiingii eraera rengelekedrengeleked.. WeWe dodo notnot inheritinherit thethe earthearth fromfrom ourour ancestors,ancestors, WeWe areare borrowingborrowing itit fromfrom ourour children.children..
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