INDEX Symbols & Numbers alt, 308 altitude. See latitude, longitude, altitude ?>, php tag, 121, 137 Amazon, 253 @ (at symbol), Twitter, 284–285 Android ! (exclamation mark), constants, 277 <ar:name>, 89 # (hashtags), 284 Augmented ID, 9 200, HTTP status code, 318 browsers, 21–22 400, HTTP status code, 318 fi duciary markers, 5 401, HTTP status code, 318 Google Goggles, 18, 293 403, HTTP status code, 318 gravimetric AR, 5 404, HTTP status code, 318 junaio, 43 500, HTTP status code, 318 Layar Shortcut Tool, 179, 180 503, HTTP status code, 318 marketing, 292 QR, 7 A Red Laser, 7 SDK, 180 <a href>, 93 SnapTell, 17 accelerometers, 23 Space InvadAR, 16 accuracy, 307 video, 214 action, 307 Wikitude World Browser, 25, 77–79, actions, Layar, 135–144 99 adding, 140–142 angle, 169 audio, 142–143 animation fetching, 137–139 Idle-Animation, 246–247 triggers, 143–144 junaio, 45, 225–229 video, 142–143 OnClick-Animation, 246–247 actions table, Layar, 135–137 Apache, 190–192 ACTION_Table COPYRIGHTEDAPI MATERIAL endpoint URL, 106 contentType, 141 APIs triggers, 144 junaio, 189, 191–192 activityType, 136 testing, 198–199 icons, 141 junaio Dashboard, 316 iPhone, 141 Layar, 146 advertising Wikitude World Browser, 28 future, 295–296 app store, 25 marketing, 287 Apple App Store, 287–288 QR, 7 applications tags, 8 marketing, 19, 279–290 affi liate programs, 253 sale of, 287–288 319 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331919 55/4/11/4/11 99:22:51:22:51 AAMM AR Beatles Tour – bullet points AR Beatles Tour, 40–41 junaio Dashboard, 243 AR Drone, 297–298 Wikitude World Browser, 74 archINFORM, 46 autoTrigger, 136 ar:description, 302 POIs, 137 <ar:description>, 89 autoTriggerOnly, 136, 137, 144 ARGirl, 5 autoTriggerRange, 136, 143–144 ARML. See Augmented Reality Markup Language awards, 281 ar:name, 302 <ar:name>, 89 ar:provider, 302 B <ar:provider> , 86, 89–91, 92 Bada, 25 POIs, 95 barcodes, 6–7 <ar:provider id=> , 95 baseURL, 166, 168 Art is all around you, 42 Beatles, 40–41 ASP.NET, 190 <behavior type>, 226 audio idle, 227 junaio, 211–212 behaviour-length, 315 Layar, 38 behaviour-node_id, 315 actions, 142–143 behaviour-type, 315 <wikitude:attachment> , 94 bird’s eye view, Layar, 37 Augmented ID Blender, 230 Android, 9 blogs, 283 facial recognition, 9 bloggers, marketing, 286 Augmented Planet, 26, 30, 69 BMW, 298–299 Layar, 106 Booking.com, 33 logos, 253 books, 296 QR, 7 branding, 9 Twitter, 284 browsers, 5, 21–52 Augmented Reality Markup Language (ARML) accuracy of, 47–51 Google Earth, 86 anatomy of, 24–26 KML, 86 Android, 21–22 latitude/longitude, 86 app store, 25 tags, 86–87 discoverability, 10 Wikitude World Browser, 27, 85–100, GPS, 22 301–303 accuracy of, 47–50 creating worlds, 87–91, 98–99 growth of, 23–24 email address, 93 info bubbles, 25 metadata, 90–91 iPhone, 21–22 phone numbers, 93 junaio, 43–47 POIs, 86, 92–94, 99 Layar, 36–43 testing, 99 maps, 25 thumbnails, 93 accuracy of, 50–51 XML Notepad, 96–97 radar, 25 XML Notepad, 86, 88 range, 25 Wikitude World Browser, 96–97 Wikitude World Browser, 25–36 authentication, Layar, 38 BuildAR, 184–185 Author BuildAR Dashboard, 184 GLUE channels, 240, 243 bullet points, 281 320 bbindex.inddindex.indd 332020 55/4/11/4/11 99:22:51:22:51 AAMM call to action – databases C Compass & Navigation AR, 39 Conquar, 41 call to action, 281 constants, 277 callback functions content junaio, 189 description, 280–281 Getting Started Package, 194 marketing, 280–290 validation, 197–198 title, 280 Layar, 116 content listing, 280 Callback URL contentType, 136 junaio, 194, 316 ACTION_Table, 141 junaio Dashboard, 269 contrast, 15 Category, Layar Listing & indexing, 130 <coordinates>, 61, 83 ChangetoIntLoc(), 119 <wikitude:address>, 94 channels. See also junaio cosid, 253 GLUE, 237–247 countryCode, 306 Author, 240, 243 Create Tracking XML, 251 building from scratch, 250–253 Cribbins, Bernard, 292 creating, 248–250 cropping, reference images, 262 Description, 244 customization E-mail, 244 Layar, 128–134 images, 241–242 databases, 119–121 MD2 Model, 244 tags, 8 Phone, 244 customization-name, 315 Position on the Tracking Image, 245 customization-node_id, 315 Scale, 245 customization-type, 315 scaling, 245 customization-value, 316 testing, 242 CUSTOM_SLIDER, 307 Title, 240, 243 CUSTOM_SLIDER_n, 307 Tracking Image button, 241 Upload Video, 241 video, 241–242 D Channel Categories, 194 dashboards. See also junaio Dashboard; Layar Channel description, 193 Dashboard Channel Name, 193 BuildAR Dashboard, 184 Channel refresh time, 194 Hoppala Dashboard, 182–183 Channel Selection list, 238 Wikitude Dashboard, 70–71, 98 Channel Short Name, 193 databases Channel Visibility, 194 CityGrid, 64 Checkbox, 155 Foursquare, 65 CHECKBOXLIST, 308 GeoNames, 64 checkboxlist, 160–161 Hoovers, 65 CityGrid, 64 junaio, 276–277 closeBiw, 136 Layar, 108–128 color creation of, 148–149 Layar POIs, 131–132 customization, 119–121 reference images, 15 mylayar.php, 121–125 Commission Junction, 253 MySQL, 148–153 comparison image, 14 phpMyAdmin, 113–114 compass, 49–50 321 bbindex.inddindex.indd 332121 55/4/11/4/11 99:22:51:22:51 AAMM databases – full databases (continued) email address, Wikitude World Browser ARML, 93 POIs, 112–114 Enable in-channel search, 194 query string, 116–117 eRightSoft, 259 SQL, 113 errorCode, 117 tables, 109–111 Expiration dates, 130 testing, 125–128 POIs, 63–65 Layar, 112–114 F Trulia, 65 Facebook, 256 Wikipedia, 63–64 markerless AR, 9 Yahoo, 65 facial recognition Yelp, 64 Augmented ID, 9 Zvents, 65 Viewdle, 9–10 databases_name , 114–115 feedback, 282 databases_password , 114–115 fi duciary markers. See markers databases_username , 114–115 fi lters Date , 313 Layar, 147–165 DBpedia, 64 Checkbox, 155 debugging, junaio 3D objects, 216–220 connecting, 157–158 decimal notation, latitude/longitude, 56–57 creating, 153–157 dedicated XML fi les, 267–270 POIs, 173–174 Delete, 196 query string, 158 Description Radiobutton List, 155 content, 280–281 Slider, 154 GLUE channels, 244 SQL, 158–163 junaio Dashboard, 244 testing, 163 Layar, 107 Textbox, 154 Wikitude World Browser, 74, 89 troubleshooting, 163–164 description , 303, 313 Layar Dashboard, 147 <description> , 83, 92 500, HTTP status code, 318 Detail description, 130 503, HTTP status code, 318 dimensions Flickr junaio, 202 browsers, 23 Layar 2D objects, 173–176 Wikitude World Browser, 32–33 diminishing reality, 294–295 force3d, 314 Dinosaurs Alive (book), 296 <force3d>, 215, 217 discoverability, 10 foreach, 139 </Document> , 82 400, HTTP status code, 318 401, HTTP status code, 318 E 403, HTTP status code, 318 404, HTTP status code, 318 Eclipse, 180–181 Foursquare, 65 Edit, 196 Foursquare Venues, 31–32 E-mail FROM, 162 GLUE channels, 244 FTP junaio Dashboard, 244 junaio, 189 Wikitude World Browser, 75 Layar, 103 full, 166 322 bbindex.inddindex.indd 332222 55/4/11/4/11 99:22:52:22:52 AAMM future – hashtags future, 291–300 Upload Video, 241 advertising, 295–296 video, 241–242 books, 296 Idle-Animation, 246–247 diminishing reality, 294–295 junaio, 236–253 games, 296–298 MP4, 237 hardware, 298–299 natural feature tracking, 236, 237–247 interactive TV, 293–294 OnClick-Animation, 246–247 language translation, 292–293 reference images, 237, 238 marketing, 291–292 3D objects, 237 print, 296 images, 242–247 rotation, 245 Rotation/Orientation in Degrees, 245 G Visibility, 238 Galileo, 293–294 GoDaddy, 108 games Google, 4 future, 296–298 Google AdSense, 287 Layar, 41–42 Google Earth, 81–84 natural feature tracking, 16 ARML, 86 GeoNames, 64 junaio, 202 GET, 136 KML, 71–74, 86 Get London Reading, 10–11 POIs, 59–62, 73–74, 202 Gethotspot, 162 XML, 59–61 Gethotspots(), 117 Google Goggles, 18, 293 Gethotspots Google Local, 32 foreach, 139 Google Maps Layar 2D objects, 173 BuildAR, 184–185 GetJar, 179 latitude, 201 GetObject, 170–171 latitude/longitude, 58–59 Getting Started Package, junaio, 190–191 longitude, 201 callback functions, 194 POIs, 58–59 Gettransform, 171–172 triggers, 143 GIF, 94 Wikitude World Browser, 27 GLUE, 47 Google Marketplace, 179 channels, 237–247 Google Search, 23 Author, 240, 243 Gorillaz, 292 building from scratch, 250–253 GPS creating, 248–250 browsers, 22 Description, 244 accuracy of, 47–50 E-mail, 244 junaio, 45 images, 241–242 POIs, 22 MD2 Model, 244 Toozla, 22 Phone, 244 gravimetric AR, 5 Position on the Tracking Image, 245 Scale, 245 H scaling, 245 testing, 242 hardware, 298–299 Title, 240, 243 Harvesine formula, 117 Tracking Image button, 241 hashtags, 284 323 bbindex.inddindex.indd 332323 55/4/11/4/11 99:22:52:22:52 AAMM heads-up display (HUD) – junaio heads-up display (HUD), 298 i-MetrO, 40 homepage, 315 import, junaio, 231–233 Homepage URL, 194 info bubbles Hoovers, 65 browsers, 25 Hoppala, 182–183 horizontal plane, 36 MySQL, 182 POIs, 25, 36–37, 132 Woomba Mania, 182 information bar, 25 Hoppala Augmentation, 182–183 INSERT INTO, 132 Hoppala Dashboard, 182–183 insideAR, 257 horizontal plane interactionfeedback, 312 info bubbles, 36 interactive TV, 293–294 Layar, 37 iPhone _.htaccess, 316 activityType, 141 HTTP status codes, 318 ARGirl, 5 http://m_layar.com/open/your_unique_ <ar:name>, 89 layer_name, 178 browsers, 21–22 HUD. See heads-up display compass, 49–50 hyperlinks fi duciary markers, 5 Layar Intent, 179 Get London Reading, 10–11 natural feature tracking, 15 Google Goggles, 18, 293 QR, 7 junaio, 43, 195 marketing, 292 Red Laser, 7 I SnapTell, 17 IBM Seer, 28 Translate, 293 icon, 314 Upsies, 16 <icon>, 203 video, 214 Icon, OBJECT_Table, 167 Wikitude World Browser, 25, 79–80, 99 icons ISO standard, 7 activityType, 141 POIs, Layar, 132–134 J Wikitude World Browser, 75 <icons>, 205 Java, 180 ID, 136 JPEG, 94 OBJECT_Table, 166 JSON, 103 TRANSFORM_Table, 169 JSON, 120 Id, 312 $JsonResponse, 120 idle, 227 junaio, 21, 43–47 Idle-Animation, 246 advanced functionality, 267–277 images.
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