Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine Missouri S&T Magazine Special Collections Missouri S&T Magazine, May 1993 Miner Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine Recommended Citation Miner Alumni Association, "Missouri S&T Magazine, May 1993" (1993). Missouri S&T Magazine. 394. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine/394 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Missouri S&T Magazine by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. / / I MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Castleman Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401-0249 Telephone 314-341-4145 OFFICERS Pres ident ROBERT V. WOLF, '51, 244-L McNutt Hall, UMR. Rolla , MO 65401 President·elect GERALD L ST EVENSON, '59, Jacobs Engineer Group, 251 South Lake Dr., Pasade na, CA 91101 Vice President W.R. "PAT" BROADDUS, '55, M I. P.O. Box 2545, Dalton, GA 30722 Vice President ALFRED J. BUESCH ER, '64,624 Golfview Dr., Ballwin, MO 6301 1 Vice President M MATTEO A. COCO, '66, 7115 Aliceton Ave., Affton, MO 63123 Secretary ROBERT T. BERRY, '72, Burns & McDonnell , 10795 Watson Road, Sunset Hills. MO 63127 Treasurer J.L. "JACK" PAINTER, '50, P.O. Box 723, Rolla , MO 65401 DIRECTORS AT LARGE JOHN G . BARTEL, '52. 200 Washington, Hennann, MO 65041 CHRISTA DEGONIA ANDREW, 2436 Wesbay Dr. , Maryland Heights, MO 63043 JAMES W. HOELSCHER, '48, 113 Stonebridge Dr.. Hendersonville, NC 28739 DENNIS F. JAGGI, '70. 1509 Nighthawk Dr., Edmond, OK 73034 ALISSA M. GALLAGHER. '81, 816 S. Benry, SI. Louis. MO 63122 ROBERT R. MORRISON, '71, 730 Ralntree, NapeN;He, IL 60540 AREA DIRECTORS Area Zip Codes 00·14 S. DALE McHENRY, '81, AT&T, RL 202/206 North, Room 4B232, Bedminster, NJ 07921 15·26 ROBERT C. PERRY, '49,302 Fox Chapel Rd. , ApI. 500, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 27·36 WILLIAM H. GAMMON '49, 4142 Southwell Way. Sarasota, FL 34241 37-45 GRAHAM G . SUTHERLAND III . '64-. Morrison Knudson-MK Ferguson , 1500 W. 3rd St., Cleveland, O H 44113 46·52 LARRY L. PARKINSON, '64, 1800 W;Hlamsburg Dr., Adrian, MI49221 53·61 ROBERT M. SAXER. '61 , 704 E. Cedar Ave., SI. Charies, IL 60174 62-62 ROBERT F. UTHOFF, '52, 42 Circle Drive, Springfield, IL 62703 63-65 JERRY R BAYLESS, '59, 101 ERL, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 JAMES L. FOIL, '74, 207 NE Country Lane, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 ROBERT S. BRUCE. '69, 15 Carrswold, Clayton, MO 63105 The WILLIAM W. COLLINS, '50, 1608 Wilson Clrcie, Rolla. MO 65401 edit, ROBERT J. SCHNELL, '78,3526 Brookstone S Dr., SI. Louis, MO 63129 HUMBERT E. "BOB" SFREDDO. '58, P.O. Box 1302, Jefferson CIty. MO 65102 byll JAMES K. VAN BUREN, '63.9807 Copper Htli Rd., SI. Louis, MO 63 124 ole RICHARD J. VEHIG E, '68, Southwestern Bell Corp, 500 N. Broadway, Room 1400, ';Ih Sl Lou;s, MO 63102 Alun 66·72 PHIL A. BROWNING, '48. P.O. Box 578, Logansport, LA 71049 73·75 JAMES E. BE RTELS MEYER, '66,3303 E. 100lh PI. S., Tulsa, OK 74137 76 ·77 JOHN C. "CURT" KILLINGER, '73, 14823 Preston Park, Houston, TX 77095 MSI 78·84 RANDY G. KERNS, '74, 4797 Valhalla Dr. , Boulder, CO 80301 Pres 85·92 WILLIAM M. HALLETT, '55, P.O. Box 64216, Tucson, AZ 85728-4216 Rob, 93·99 VIC HOFFMAN, '60.31057 E. Lake Morton Dr. S.E., Kent, WA 98042 STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES CLlNT SCOTT Student Union Board, 218 University Center West, U MR, Rolla, MO 6540 1 JENNIFER McGEE Student Council President, 202 University Center West. UMR, Rolla. MO Man 65401 Johr COMMITTEE CHAIRS Uni, JE ROME T. BERRY. '49, Rt 4, Box 419, Rolla . MO 65401 Edit LUCIEN M. BOLON JR., '59, 902 S.W. Murray Rd., Lee's Summit, MO 64081 Kalh J. RICHARD HUNT, '50. 14913 Highway 82, Carbondale, CO 81623 CALVIN M. OCHS, '49, 1304 Bello Paseo Ct , Jeflerson City. MO 65109 LONNIE J. SHALTON. '63, 700 W. 47th, Suite 1000, Kan sas CIty, MO 64112 Con RONALD A. TAPPMEYER, '47, 2226 Country Club Dr., Sugar Land, TX 77478 Lind ERNST A. WEINEL. '44, 189 Weinel Place. O'Fallon. IL 62269 AneL Dick PAST PRESIDENTS Johr ARTHUR G. BAEBLER, '55. 17 Zln,.r Court, SI. Louis, MO 63 123 Carc RICH ARD H. BAUER, '52, Missouri Electrochem Inc ., 10958 LinNalle Dr., 51. Louis. MO 63 123 Reb, ROBERT D. BAY, '49, 8947 linden Lane, Prairie Village, KS 66207 Johr ROBERT M. BRACKBILL, '42, 9148 Clearlake Dr. , Dallas, TX 75225 PAUL T. DOWLING, '40, 10144 Winding Ridge Rd ., 51. Louis, MO 63 124 LoUI RAYMOND O . KASTEN, '43,901 W. 114th Terrace. Kansas City, MO 64 114 Mati PETER F. MATTEI, '37, 9954 Holliston Court, SI. Louis, MO 63124 JAMES B. MCGRATH, '49, 12425 Balwyck Lane, SI. Louis. MO 63131 Pho JOSEPH W. MOONEY, '39, 21 1 N. Central, Clayton, MO 63105 KatJ­ MELVIN E. NICKEL, '38, 10601 S. Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 J. ROBERT PATTERSON, '54, Show·Me, Inc" P.O. Box 573 Sikeston. MO 63801 Anr LAWRENCE A. SPANIER, '50, 246 Eagle Drive, Juplte,. FL 33477-4061 Dan JOHN B. TOOMEY, '49, Starr Management Corp., 7 110 Rainwater PI.. Lorton, VA 22079 r-- Frr STAFF St, Dc DONAL D G. BRACKHAHN, Executive Vice Presiden t, MSM-UMR Alum ni Assodation ral LINDSAY LOMAX BAGNALL, '76, Assistant Vice President. MSM-UMR Alumni As sociation '----- COMMUNICHTIONS Welcome to th e first of several thematic issues of the MSM Alumnus. us For this debut, we've chosen a topic very near I N T H s s s u E and dear to our hearts: Communication. In this issue you 'll read about how several of your classmates are helping to advance the telecommunications revolu­ MSM-UMR Alumni Association COVER STORY tion. You'll find out about how wireless personal University of Missouri-Rolla communications and satellite technology are making Rolla, Missouri Roy Wilkens sees a way to communicate in a it easier for all of us to stay in touch, how the fate of natural gas pipeline system TV and phone companies are becoming as linked as Volume 67 page 4 Number 2 their fiber-optic and cable networks, and how multi­ May 1993 media could change the way you use your telephone TELEREVOLUTION or TV set, and even the way you learn. You 'll also read about advents in communication on campus­ MSM Alumnus UMR alums are on the cutting edge of the (USPS-323-5001 communications revolution from our c1asses-by-satellite through National Tech­ nological University to our back-to-the-basics move Issued quarterly in the interest of the graduates page 8 and former students of th e Missouri School of to help students better communicate orally and on Mines and Metallurgy and the University of paper. Missouri-Rolla. T he MSM Alumnus is pub­ ALUMNI PROFILE lished by the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Castleman Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Jesse Bowen, EE'49, remem bers his Rolla, MO 65401-0249. Second Class postage "We have defi nitely come to the paid at Rolla, MO and additional mailing of­ experiences in Europe age of The Ietsons," fices. page 14 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to - Mario A. Padilla, MetE'60, vice MSM Alumnus, Castleman Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla , MO 65401-0249. president of new markets business AROUND CAMPUS development for AT&T The MSM Alumnus is written, A look at news from the university edited, photographed, and designed page 20 by the staff of the UMR Department of Communications and Marketing, with the assistance of th e MSM-UMR Alumni Association. MINER SPORTS "If anything holds back the lntramurals keep students active development of technology , it will be MSM-UMR Alumni Association page 26 the difficult regu latory and pol itical President problems that the industry faces as it Robert V. Wolf, '51, '52 MORE FOUNDERS makes this transition.. ." Executive Vice President - Robert H. Glaser, EE'6 1, Donald G. Brackhahn Our list of alumni entrepreneurs exec uti ve vice president of operati ons keeps growing for Southwestern Bell in St. Loui s Managing Editor page 28 John W. Larson, Vice Chancellor University Advancement ASSOCIATION NEWS Predicting how the merger of the Editor phone and cable industries will Kathy Matthews page 32 mesh over time is "like dancing with elephants," says Gary D. Contributing Editors lindsay Lomax Bagnall, '76 SECTION NEWS Forsee, CE'72, sen ior vice president of staff operati ons for Andrew Careaga page 36 Dick Hatfield Sprint Corp. of Kansas City, Mo. John Kean Carol Kiehl MINERS REMEMBER THE WAR Rebecca Martin, '90 John L. "Jack" Painter, '50 Dr. Douglas Christensen, ChE"43, shares his " ... market needs and tec hnology Laura Powell memories of campus and WWll Marianne Ward trends are going to drive the page 40 marketplace. Regulation may try to Photographers impede this, but I don 't think it will Kathy Matthews Ari Mentz ALUMNI NOTES ever stop or control it." Dan Seifert page 44 --S. Dale McHenry, ChE'81 , division manager of AT&T Data Front couer photo of Mr. Wilkens by Communications Services Steve Miffer. Back couer photo of Dr. Dauis by Dan SeiferUStonehouse Photog­ raphy. wasi lines. read wher iams pipel his Il oil, 9 hour the ( smal sche pipel doJJa coul, "1kn comr we\\ and t Wilk, muni 3,501 Thol pho~ SPlir pacir ducir the b "the\ they them techr -" leI sal's { pro//[, Cell{f " COM ·MU N len T I '0 N S CALL FORWARD Roy WILKENS AND WILTEL CHALLENGE THE "BIG Boys" IN THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY by Andrew Careaga Long before Roy Wilkens, EE'66, If you 're in bUSiness , you probably communications race, and he doesn't was into phone lines, he was into pipe­ know all about WilTel.
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