Works in the Rare Book Collection Title Main Author Publication Year Material Type Call Number "A letter to an Honourable Brigadier General, Commander in DA 508 A3 1841 Imperfect: cover detached; 1841 BOOK Chief of His Majesty's Forces in Canada", t.p.-p.[i] wanting "A world of its own" / McAuley, James Phillip, 1917- 1977 BOOK PR 9619.3 M22 W6 1977 Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), "Bab" ballads : 1879 BOOK PR 4713 B11 1879 1836-1911. Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), "Gretchen" : 1879 BOOK PR 4713 G7 1879 1836-1911. PR 9619.3 D25 K56 1941 Limited ed. of 200 "Known and not held" : Dalziel, Kathleen. 1941 BOOK copies. "Let my people go" : Gollancz, Victor, 1893-1967. 1943 BOOK D 810 J4 G64 1943 Porteous, R. S. (Richard Sydney), d. "Little known of these waters" / 1945 BOOK PR 9619.3 P556 L5 1945 1963. "Mulloka", "The great spirit" and other verses / Dunsdale, John. 1950 BOOK PR 9619.3 D8557 M96 1950 "Private" discipline / Pauling, Marie. 1960 BOOK PR 9619.3 P29 P7 "Ten o'clock" : Whistler, James McNeill, 1834-1903. 1920 BOOK N 7445 W57 1920 "The book!", or, The proceedings and correspondence upon DA 538 A22 P4 1813 DAL copy imperfect: Perceval, Spencer, 1762-1812. 1813 BOOK the subject of the inquiry into the conduct cover semi-detached. "The book!", or, The proceedings and correspondence upon Caroline, Queen, consort of George 1813 BOOK DA 538 A22 P4 1813 the subject of the inquiry into the conduct IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821. "The hut," and other verses / Anderson, A. M. 1900 BOOK PR 9619.3 A5665 H9 1900 "The land of the sky" : Reid, Christian, 1846-1920. 1892 BOOK PS 3066 L3 1892 "The merciless beauty"; Briggs, Ernest, 1905-1967. 1943 BOOK PR 9619.3 B694 M47 1943 Aberdeen and Temair, John Campbell "We twa" : 1925 BOOK DA 816 A2 A5 1925 Gordon, Marquis of, 1847-1934. Aberdeen and Temair, John Campbell "We twa" : 1925 BOOK DA 816 A2 A5 1925 Gordon, Marquis of, 1847-1934. Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles "We" / 1927 BOOK TL 540 L5 A33 Augustus), 1902-1974. ... Urbis Romæ prospectus 1593. Tempesta, Antonio, 1555-1630. 1915 BOOK DG 807 T4 1915 [A Greek and English dictionary : Groves, John, Rev. 1829 BOOK PA 445 E5 G84 1829 [A new general English dictionary : Dyche, Thomas, d. ca. 1733. 1771 BOOK PE 1620 D8 1771 [A system of anatomical plates of the human body : Lizars, John, 1787?-1860. 1817 BOOK QS 17 L789 vol.1 1817 [A view of the covenant of works from the sacred records / Boston, Thomas, 1677-1732. 1772 BOOK BT 155 B72 1772 [al-Qurʼʼān al-Karīm]. Qurʼʼan. 1930 BOOK BP 100 1930 Loudon, J. C. (John Claudius), 1783- [An encyclopedia of plants : 1829 BOOK QK 7 L6 1829 1843. [Biblia latina, Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1454. 1961. 1961 BOOK Z 241 B58 1961 [Biblia latina, Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1454. 1961. 1961 BOOK Z 241 B58 1961 [C. Julii Caesaris quae extant, cum notis & animadversionibus Caesar, Julius. 1697 BOOK PA 6235 A2 1697 Dionysii Vossii, ut & qui vocatur Juli PA 2015 D55 T.p. and some front & end [Dictionary, English-Latin and Latin-English]. 1800 BOOK pages missing ; broken in half [Estampes de Ozanam] Ozanam, Jacques, 1640-1717. 1700 BOOK QA 33 O93 1700 [Hē Kainē Diathēkē] Bible. N.T. Greek. 1549. 1549 BOOK BS 1965 1549 [Hērodotou Halikarnēssēos Historiōn logoi 9 epigraphomenoi Herodotus. 1763 BOOK PA 4003 L38 1763 Raymond no.255 Mousai] = [Homerou Ilias kai Odysseia kai eis autas scholia, e exegesis, Homer. 1711 BOOK PA 4018 A2 1711 ton palaion.] = [La cosmographie vniverselle de tovt le monde.]. Münster, Sebastian, 1489-1552. 1575 BOOK G 113 M74 1575 [Letter to Dr. Alan Andrews / West, Rebecca, 1892-1983 1980 BOOK PR 6045 E8 Z482 1980 Barbour, Alexander Hugh Freeland, [Manual of gynecology / 1889 BOOK RG 110 B373 1889 1856-1927. [Marbhrainn a rinneadh air diadhairibh urramach, nach MacDonald, John, 1779-1849. 1868 BOOK PB 1648 M24 M37 maireann : [Notebook]. Geddes, Thomas O. 1822 BOOK R 464 G44 1822 [One]. 1974 BOOK PR 9614.9 O5 1974 No.297 [One]. 1974 BOOK PR 9614.9 O5 1974 No.164 [Opera] Virgil. 1579 BOOK PA 6801 A2 1579 [Orlando furioso] Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533. 1800 BOOK PQ 4582 E5 A357 1800 [Paradise lost]. Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1700 BOOK PR 3560 1700b [Paradise lost]. Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1700 BOOK PR 3560 1700 [Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medicinali materia Libri Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos 1543 BOOK R 126 D6516 1543 sex] / [Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or, The new London Royal College of Physicians of London. 1682 BOOK RS 151.3 R6313 dispensatory : [Photoalbum of Europe] 1930 ISSUE D 910.5 E9 OVRSZ [Photoalbum of Europe] 1930 ISSUE D 910.5 E9 OVRSZ PR 3500 A2 1850 Dal copy imperfect: t.p. and [Poems] Gray, Thomas, 1716-1771. 1850 BOOK p. 1-48 wanting MacDonald, Alexander, ca. 1700-ca. [Poems]. 1830 BOOK PB 1648 M135 t.p. and pp. 1-2 missing. 1780. [Reliques of ancient English poetry : Percy, Thomas, 1729-1811. 1775 ISSUE PR 1181 P5 1775b [Sailm Dhaibhidh]. Bible. O.T. Psalms. Gaelic. 1881. 1881 BOOK PB 1662 B58 1881 [Sar obair nam bard Gaelach]. 1850 BOOK PB 1633 S24 1850 [Selections]. Hippocrates. 1650 BOOK R 126 H59 P23 [Selections]. Hippocrates. 1650 BOOK R 126 H59 P23 [Summa theologicae]. Alexander, of Hales, ca. 1185-1245. 1662 BOOK BX 1749 A6 1662 Raymond no.7 ; t.p. missing [Tasso's Jerusalem delivered, or Godfrey of Bulloign : Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. 1649 BOOK PQ 4642 E21 F3 1749 [Teledex] / Hopkins, Ted. 1970 BOOK PR 9619.3 H655 T35 1970 [The Holy Bible : Bible. English. Authorized. 1613. 1613 BOOK BS 185 1613 L6 [The poems, sacred, passionate, and humorous, of Nathaniel Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867. 1844 BOOK PS 3324 P6 1844 Parker Willis.] [The works of Mr. Hogarth moralized / Hogarth, William, 1697-1764. 1768 BOOK ND 497 H7 T8 1768 t.p. wanting [The works of Virgil : Virgil. 1721 ISSUE PA 6807 A1 D7 1721b [Treaties] 1790 ISSUE E 99 I7 T74 1790 [Works] of Horace translated into English prose. Horace. 1760 BOOK PA 6394 W3 1760 [Works] of Horace translated into English prose. Horace. 1760 BOOK PA 6394 W3 1760a [Works] of Horace translated into English prose. Horace. 1760 BOOK PA 6394 W3 1760a [Works] of Horace translated into English prose. Horace. 1741 BOOK PA 6394 W3 1741 [Works] of Horace translated into English prose. Horace. 1741 BOOK PA 6394 W3 1741 [Young's book of secrets : 1870 BOOK RC 81 Y68 1800 T.p. and last 36 pp. missing 16 vues de la Bibliothèque d'Urcée : Titus-Carmel, Gérard, 1942- 2009 BOOK N 6853 T5 S45 2009 1793 and 1853, in three letters / Cobden, Richard, 1804-1865. 1853 BOOK DA 47.1 C63 1853 20 Australian novelists / Roderick, Colin Arthur. 1947 BOOK PR 9617.32 R6 1947 200 years of Australian painting / Thomas, Laurie. 1971 BOOK ND 1100 T5 25 [i.e. Vintecinco] dibuxos dos anos 1935-36 Colmeiro Guimarás, Manuel, 1901- 1964 BOOK NC 1185 C6 D5 A bachelor's children : Porter, Hal. 1962 BOOK PR 9619.3 P56 B3 1962 A bear in my bedroom / Small, Mary. 1976 BOOK PR 9619.3 S537 B4 1976 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 1864- A bestiary / 1954 BOOK ND 553 T7 A88 1954 1901. A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in France Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1847. 1829 BOOK Z 1001 D54 and Germany. Russell, K. F. (Kenneth Fitzpatrick), A bibliography of Johann Remmelin the anatomist / 1991 BOOK QM 21 R79 1991 1911- A bibliography of selected early books and pamphlets relating Spence, Sydney A. 1952 BOOK Z 4011 S66 1952 to Australia, 1610-1880 / A bibliography of the work of Mark Twain, Samuel Langhorne Johnson, Merle De Vore, 1874-1935. 1910 BOOK Z 8176 J8 1910 Clemens : A bibliography of the works of F. Anstey [Thomas Anstey Turner, Martin John. 1931 BOOK Z 8375.6 T8 Guthrie] A bibliography of the works of F. Anstey [Thomas Anstey Turner, Martin John. 1931 BOOK Z 8375.6 T8 Guthrie] A bibliography of the works of Sir Henry Rider Haggard, 1856- Scott, J. E. (James Edward), 1911- 1947 BOOK Z 8377.5 S3 1947 Copy no.60 1925 / A bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of Algernon Wise, Thomas James, 1859-1937. 1919 BOOK Z 8857 W81 Charles Swinburne, A bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of Algernon Wise, Thomas James, 1859-1937. 1919 BOOK Z 8857 W81 Charles Swinburne, A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen / Chambers, Robert, 1802-1871. 1855 ISSUE CT 813 C5 1855 A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen / Chambers, Robert, 1802-1871. 1855 ISSUE CT 813 C5 1855 A biographical history of England, from Egbert the Great to Granger, James, 1723-1776. 1769 BOOK DA 28 G7 the Revolution: A biographical history of England, from Egbert the Great to Granger, James, 1723-1776. 1769 BOOK DA 28 G7 the Revolution: A biographical history of England, from Egbert the Great to Granger, James, 1723-1776. 1769 BOOK DA 28 G7 the Revolution: A boat load of home folk / Astley, Thea. 1968 BOOK PR 9619.3 A75 B6 1968 A body of divinity : Ridgley, Thomas, 1667?-1734. 1731 BOOK BT 60 R5 1733 A body of divinity : Ridgley, Thomas, 1667?-1734. 1731 BOOK BT 60 R5 1733 A body of divinity; or, Ussher, James, 1581-1656. 1649 BOOK BX 5520 U87 1649 A bohemian affair : Mathew, Ray, 1929-2002. 1961 BOOK PR 9619.3 M293 B6 1961 A book about doctors / Jeaffreson, John Cordy, 1831-1901.
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