1886 232 REPORT ON THE FINANCES. APPEI^DIX. I.—DEPOSITS AND PURCHASES OF GOLD AND SILVER, COINAGE MINTS. Description. Philadelphia. San Francisco. * Carson. New Orleans. Standard Standard Standard Standard ounces. ounces. ounces. ounces. United States bullion (domestic pro­ duction) 6,387.866 1,145, 662. 772 United States coin 8,48.5.981 118.196 639.333 Foreign bullion 3, 286. 301 115,951.415 873.032 Foreign coin 8.843 205, 012. 903 3, 288.126 Jewelers' bars, old plate, &c. 35.110. 032 1, 695. 967 2, 312.057 Total 53, 279.023 1, 468,441. 253 695.409 7,112.548 Redeposits: Fine bars 10, 437. 736 Unparted bars . 101,375.230 15. 989 Total gold received and operated upon 165, 091. 989 1, 468,457. 242 695.409 7,112. 548 United States bullion (domestic pro­ duction) 15, 302, 690.15 941, 292.13 852. 99 7, 790, 577.49 United States coin 236, 702. 23 1, 995. 75 1.068.48 Foreign bullion 4, 387. 00 509,165. 67 14,943.55 Foreign coin 109,034.36 106. 21 , 68,251.29 Jewelers' bars, old plate, &c. 157, 072.25 1,042.63 19, 650. 28 Total 15, 809, 885. 99 1, 4.53, 602. 39 852. 99 7, 894, 491. 09 Redeposits: Fine bars 656, 753. 09 Unparted bars . 1, 347, 518. 06 78.26 Total sil verreceived and operated upon 17, 814,157.14 1,453, 680. 65 7, 894, 491. 09 G-old and silver deposits and purchases 15, 863,165. 013 2, 922, 043. 643 7,901, 603.638 Redeposits: G-old .- 111,812.966 15. 989 Silver 2,004,27L15 78.26 Total gold and silver received and operated upon 17, 979,249.129 2,922,137.892 1,548.399 7,901 * For the first four Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1886 DIRECTOR OF THE MINTo 233 APPEE'DIX. BY WEIGHT, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1886. ASSAY OFFICES. Total. New York. Denver. Bois6. Helena. Charlotte. Saint Louis. Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard ounces. ounces, ounces. ounces. ounces. ounces. ounces. 451,817.706 61,28L 669 6,493.676 57, 570.127 10,995.581 3, 631.707 1,744,536.513 11 79ft 191 31.447 157. 981 21,153.059 111, 593. 060 338.612 232,042.420 96,633.141 4.390 6.718 304,954.121 69,536.208 210.525 74.293 2,273.807 111, 212.889 741,300.236 61,523.641 6,493.676 57, 570.127 11,074.264 6,408.825 2,413,899.002 83,061.430 93,499.166 56, 694.679 541.604 174.038 15L 511 158, 953.051 881,056.345 62,065.245 6,493.676 57,744.165 11,074.264 6,560.336 2, 666,351. 219 3,739,227.37 14,499.87 1,417.16 97,253.21 1,015.77 1,884.08 27, 890,710 220. 56 29.88 240, 016. 90 • 74^, 461.80 282.59 1, 272, 240. 61 520, 991.18 .52 698, 383. 56 219, 021.66 65.10 2L44 4,589.13 401 462.49 5,222, 922. 57 14,564.97 1,417.16 97,253.21 1,037.73 6,785.68 30,502,813.78. 26,102. 05 682, 855.14 51, 373. 66 216.71 52.16 36.84 1, 399, 275. 69 5,300,398.28 14,781.68 1,417.16 97,305.37 1,037.73 6,822.52 32,584,944.61 5,964,222.806 76,088.611 7,910.836 154,823.337 12, m. 994 13,194.505 32,916,712.782 139,756.109 541.604 174.038 151.511 252,452.217 77 475 71 216.71 52.16 36.84 2,082,130.83 6,181,454.625 76,846.925 7,910.836 155,049.535 12, in. 994 13,S82.856 j 35,251,295.829 months fiscal year. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1886 234 REPORT ON THE FINANCES. II.—DEPOSITS AND PURCHASES OF GOLD AND SILVBB COINAGB MINTS. Description. Philadelphia. Sau-Francisco. Carson. NewOrleans. IJnited States bullion (domestic pro­ duction) $118,844 02 $21,314,656 22 $12,938 21 United States coin 157,878 72 2,198 99 $11,894 57 ' Foreign bullion 61,140 48 2,157,235 62 16,242 46 Foreign coin 164 52 3,814,193 55 61,174 43 Jewelers' bars, old plate, &c. 653,209 90 31,552 87 43,015 01 Total.... 991,237 64 27,319,837 25 12,938 21 132,326 47 Eedepositis: Finebars 194,190 43 Unparted bars. 1,886,050 79 297 47 Total gold received and oper­ ated upon 3,071,478 86 27,320,134 72 12,938 21 132,326 47 United States bullion (domestic pro­ duction) 17,806,766,70 1,095,321 74 992 57 9,065,399 26 IJnited States coin 275,435 32 2,322 33 1,243 32 Foreign bullion 5,104 87 592,483 69 17,388 86 Foreign coin 126,876 34 123 59 79,419 68 Jewelers' bars, old plate, &c. 182,774 98 1,213 25 22,865 78 Total 18,396,958 21 1,691,464 60 992 57 9,186,316 90 Redeposits: Fine bars 764,221 77 Unparted bars . 1,568,021 01 91 06 Total silver received and oper­ ated upon 20,729,200 99 1,691,555 66 992 57 9,186,316 90 Gold and silver deposits and pur­ chases 19,388,195 85 29, Oil, 301 85 13,930 78 9,318,643 37 Redeposits: Gold .... 2.080.241 22 297 47 Silver... 2.332.242 78 91 06 Total gold and silver received and operated upon 23,800,679 85 29, Oil, 690 38 13,930 78 9,318,643 37 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1886 DIEECTOR OF THE MINT. 235 BY VALUE, DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1886. ASSAY OFFICES. Total. New York. Denver. Bois6. Helena. Charlotte. Saint Louis. $8,405, 910 81 $1,140,124 08 ,$120, 812 58 $1, 071, 072 13 $204, 568 95 $67, 566 64 $32,456,493 64 218, 048 76 585 06 2, 939 18 393, 545 28 2,076,149 95 6, 299 76 4, 317, 068 27 1, 797, 825 88 81 67 124 99 5, 673, 565 04 1, 293, 69G 89 3, Q16 74 1,382 20 • 42, 303 39 2, 069, 077 00 13, 791, 632 29 1,144, 625 88 120,812 58 1, 071, 072 13 206, 032 82 119,233 96 44, 909,749 23 1, 545, 328 93 1, 739, 519 36 1, 054, 784 73 10, 076 35 3, 237 92 2, 818 80 2, 957, 266 06 16, 391, 745 95 1,154, 702 23 120,812 58 1, 074, 310 05 206, 032 82 122, 052 76 49, 606, 534 65 4,351,100 94 16,872 57 1,649 05 113,167 37 1,181 I 2,192 38 32,454,644 56 256 65 34 77 279,292 39 865,119 18. 328 83 1,480,425 43 606, 244 28 61 812, 664 50 254, 861 57 75 75 24 95 5,340 08 467,156 36 6, 077, 582 62 16,948 32 1,649 05 113,1^67 37 1, 207 54 7,896 06 35,494,183 24 30, 373 29 794, 595 06 59, 780 25 252 17 60 70 42 87 1,628,248 06 6,167,736 16 17,200 49 1,649 05 113,228 07 1,207 54 7,938 93 I 37,917,026 36 19, 869, 214 91 1,161,574 20 122,461 63 1,184,239 50 207,240 36 127,130 02 80,403,932 47 2,600,113 66 10,076 35 3, 237 92 2,818 80 4,696,785 42 90,153 54 252 17 60 70 . 42 87 2,422,843 12 22, 559,482 11 1,171,902 72 122,461 63 1,187,538 12|l 207,240 36 129,991 69 87,523,561 01 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1886 236 REPORT ON THE FINANCES. Ilia—DEPOSITS OF UNREFINED GOLD OP DOMESTIC PRODUCTION, WITH THE STATES DISTRIBUTED, DURING THE FISCAL COINAGE MINTS. Locality. Philadelphia, SanFrancisco.' Carson. NewOrleans. Alabama $110 46 Alaska—. $102,432 30 Arizona 595 22 215,417 15 California 3,600 11 4,222,175 09 $7,416 ! Colorado 42,709 36 3,172 50 Dakota 1,047 89 Georgia 9, 575 59 Idaho 516 76 320,065 56 Maryland 1,222 73 Michigan 17,284 69 Montana 214 98 74,876 26 ;N"ebraska 494 66 Nevada 716,990 92 5,521 91 New Mexico — 14,881 77 72,508 93 North Carolina. 11,426 51 Oregon 1,010 14 418, 307 97 South Carolina . 871 18 Tennessee 256 55 Texas 2,049 54 Utah 51,921 51 Virginia 1,975 01 Washington — 41, 628 07 Wyoming 1, 941 45 Other sources ... 5, 725 37 282, 268 78 Total Unrefined. 115, 460 43 6, 523, 814 58 12,938 21 Refined 3, 383 59 14, 790, 841 64 Grand total., 118,844 02 21,314,656 22 12,938 21 £2S!S^£}^^S3l Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St.
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