W O R K E R S O F A L L C O U N T R I E S, U N I T E ! From Marx to Mao M L © Digital Reprints 2006 RUSSIAN EDITION PUBLISHED BY DECISION OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIET UNION (BOLSHEVIKS) П pолеma puu вcex cm paн, coeдuняйmecь! ИНCTИTУT МАРKCА — ЭНГЕ ЛЬCА — ЛЕ НИНА пpи ЦK ВKП(б) n.b. CTAlnH СОчИНEНИя О Г И З ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ М o c к в a • 1 9 4 8 J. V. S TA L I N FROM MARX w o R k s TO MAO VOLUME • !(@^ JANUARY - NOVEMBER NOT FOR COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION E FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE M o s c o w • 1 9 5 4 C O N T E N T S FROM MARX TO MAO Page Preface . XIII THE FIGHT AGAINST RIGHT AND “ULTRA-LEFT” DEVIATIONS. Two Speeches Delivered at a Meeting of the Presidium of the E.C.C.I., January 22, 1926 ... 1 I. ................ 1 II. ................ 5 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE COLLEC- TION QUESTIONSNOT OF LENINISM FOR...... 11 CONCERNING QUESTIONS OF LENINISM .... 13 I. The COMMERCIAL Definition of Leninism. 13 II. The Main Thing in Leninism . 16 III. The Question of “Permanent” Revolution .. 19 IV. TheDISTRIBUTION Proletarian Revolution and the Dictator- ship of the Proletariat . 22 V. The Party and the Working Class in the System of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat . 33 VI. The Question of the Victory of Socialism in One Country . 64 VII. The Fight for the Victory of Socialist Construc- tion. 80 THE PEASANTRY AS AN ALLY OF THE WORKING CLASS. Reply to Comrades P. F. Boltnev, V. I. Efremov and V. I. Ivlev ............. 97 THE POSSIBILITY OF BUILDING SOCIALISM IN OUR COUNTRY. Reply to Comrade Pokoyev .... 101 VIII CONTENTS COMRADE KOTOVSKY . 105 SPEECH DELIVERED IN THE FRENCH COMMISSION OF THE SIXTH ENLARGED PLENUM OF THE E.C.C.I., March 6, 1926 .......... 106 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST WOMEN’S DAY . 114 SPEECH DELIVERED IN THE GERMAN COMMISSION OF THE SIXTH ENLARGED PLENUM OF THE E.C.C.I., March 8, 1926 .......... 115 THE ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE SOVIET UNION AND THE POLICY OF THE PARTY. Report to the Active of the Leningrad Party Organisation on the Work of the Plenum of the C.C., C.P.S.U.(B.), April 13, 1926 123 I. Two Periods of NEP . 124 II. The Course Towards Industrialisation . 126 III. Questions of Socialist Accumulation . 129 IV. The Proper Use of Accumulations. The Regime of Economy . 136 V. We Must Create Cadres of Builders of Industry 145 VI. We Must Raise the Activity of the Working Class . 147 VII. We Must Strengthen the Alliance of the Work- ers and Peasants . 148 VIII. We Must Put Inner-Party Democracy into Ef- fect . 151 IX. We Must Protect the Unity of the Party . 153 X. Conclusions ............. 154 TO COMRADE KAGANOVICH AND THE OTHER MEM- BERS OF THE POLITICAL BUREAU OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, UKRAINIAN C.P.(B.) . 157 THE BRITISH STRIKE AND THE EVENTS IN POLAND. Report Delivered at a Meeting of Workers of the Chief Railway Workshops in Tiflis, June 8, 1926 . 164 What Caused the Strike in Britain? ....... 164 CONTENTS IX Why Did the British General Strike Fail? . 169 Lessons of the General Strike . 173 Some Conclusions . 175 The Recent Events in Poland . 177 REPLY TO THE GREETINGS OF THE WORKERS OF THE CHIEF RAILWAY WORKSHOPS IN TIFLIS, June 8, 1926 .............. 182 THE ANGLO-RUSSIAN UNITY COMMITTEE. Speech Deliv- cred at a Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission, C.P.S.U.(B.), July 15, 1926 . .............. 185 F. DZERZHINSKY (In Memory of F. Dzerzhinsky) . 203 THE ANGLO-RUSSIAN COMMITTEE. Speech Delivered at a Meeting of the Presidium of the E.C.C.I., August 7, 1926 . .............. 205 TO THE EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE DAILY WORK- ER, CENTRAL ORGAN OF THE WORKERS PARTY OF AMERICA . 215 LETTER TO SLEPKOV . 217 MEASURES FOR MITIGATING THE INNER-PARTY STRUGGLE. Speech Delivered at a Meeting of the Po- litical Bureau of the C.C., C.P.S.U.(B.), October 11, 1926 . .............. 220 THE OPPOSITION BLOC IN THE C.P.S.U.(B.). Theses for the Fifteenth All-Union Conference of the C.P.S.U.(B.), Adopted by the Conference and Endorsed by the C.C., C.P.S.U.(B.) . .............. 225 I. The Passing over of the “New Opposition” to Trotskyism on the Basic Question of the Charac- ter and Prospects of Our Revolution . 227 II. The Practical Platform of the Opposition Bloc 232 X CONTENTS III. The “Revolutionary” Words and Opportunist Deeds of the Opposition Bloc . 239 IV. Conclusions . 243 THE SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC DEVIATION IN OUR PAR- TY. Report Delivered at the Fifteenth All-Union Confer- ence of the C.P.S.U.(B.), November 1, 1926 . 245 I. The Stages of Development of the Opposition Bloc . 245 1. The First Stage ............ 246 2. The Second Stage ........... 247 3. The Third Stage ........... 249 4. The Fourth Stage ........... 250 5. Lenin and the Question of Blocs in the Party . 252 6. The Process of Decomposition of the Opposition Bloc 254 7. What Is the Opposition Bloc Counting on? .... 256 II. The Principal Error of the Opposition Bloc . 258 1. Preliminary Remarks .......... 259 2. Leninism or Trotskyism? ......... 264 3. The Resolution of the Fourteenth Conference on the R.C.P.(B.) ............. 278 4. The Passing over of the “New Opposition” to Trots- kyism ............... 282 5. Trotsky’s Evasion. Smilga. Radek ...... 287 6. The Decisive Importance of the Question of the Pros- pects of Our Constructive Work ....... 292 7. The Political Prospects of the Opposition Bloc . 295 III. The Political and Organisational Errors of the Opposition Bloc . 299 IV. Some Conclusions . 306 REPLY TO THE DISCUSSION ON THE REPORT ON “THE SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC DEVIATION IN OUR PARTY,” November 3, 1926 . 311 I. Some General Questions . 311 1. Marxism Is Not a Dogma, but a Guide to Action 311 CONTENTS XI 2. Some Remarks of Lenin on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat ............. 321 3. The Unevenness of Development of the Capitalist Countries ............. 326 II. Kamenev Clears the Way for Trotsky . 330 III. An Incredible Muddle, or Zinoviev on Revo- lutionary Spirit and Internationalism . 339 IV. Trotsky Falsifies Leninism . 347 1. Trotsky’s conjuring Tricks, or the Question of “Perma- nent Revolution” ........... 347 2. Juggling with Quotations, or Trotsky Falsifies Lenin- ism ............... 357 3. “Trifles” and Curiosities ......... 363 V. The Practical Platform of the Opposition. The Demands of the Party . 366 VI. Conclusion . 370 THE PROSPECTS OF THE REVOLUTION IN CHINA. Speech Delivered in the Chinese Commission of the E.C.C.I., November 30, 1926 ............ 373 I. Character of the Revolution in China . 373 II. Imperialism and Imperialist Intervention in China............... 375 III. The Revolutionary Army in China . 378 IV. Character of the Future Government in China 381 V. The Peasant Question in China . 384 VI. The Proletariat and the Hegemony of the Pro- letariat in China . 388 VII. The Question of the Youth in China . 390 VIII. Some Conclusions . 391 Notes . ............... 393 Biographical Chronicle (January-November 1926) . 409 PREFACE The Eighth Volume of J. V. Stalin’s Works contains writings and speeches of the period January-Novem- ber 1926. The year 1926 was the first year of the all-out effort of the Bolshevik Party to put into effect the general line of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government for the socialist industrialisation of the country. In his works Concerning Questions of Leninism and The Economic Situation of the Soviet Union and the Policy of the Party, J. V. Stalin exposes the malicious distor- tions of the principles of Leninism by the Zinoviev- Kamenev group, upholds the decisions of the Fourteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.), and discloses the attempts of the “New Opposition” to infect the Party with dis- belief in the victory of socialism in the U.S.S.R. In his report to the Fifteenth Conference of the C.P.S.U.(B.) The Social-Democratic Deviation in Our Party and in his reply to the discussion on the report, J. V. Stalin upholds the ideological and organisational unity of the Bolshevik Party and exposes the capitula- tionist ideology and the disruptive, splitting activities of the Trotsky-Zinoviev bloc. XIV PREFACE In these works J. V. Stalin develops Lenin’s teaching on the possibility of the victory of socialism in individ- ual countries, and demonstrates the possibility, neces- sity and international significance of the building of a socialist society in the U.S.S.R. in the conditions of capitalist encirclement, outlines the practical tasks of the Party in the field of socialist construction, and defines the concrete ways and means of putting into effect the Party’s general line for the socialist industri- alisation of the country. In “The British Strike and the Events in Poland,” “The Anglo-Russian Unity Committee,” “The Fight against Right and ‘Ultra-Left’ Deviations,” the “Speech Delivered in the German Commission of the Sixth Enlarged Plenum of the E.C.C.I.” and other works, J. V. Stalin stresses the necessity for a persistent and consistent struggle for working-class unity, against imperialist reaction, and against the danger of new imperialist wars. He exposes Trotsky’s adventurist theory of skipping-over movements which have not yet outlived their day, and indicates the lines and methods of the ideological and organisational struggle against opportunism in the Communist Parties abroad. In the speech on “The Prospects of the Revolution in China,” J. V. Stalin analyses the distinguishing features, character and trend of the Chinese revolution.
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