Average Daily Net. Press Ran The Weather THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1971 For The Week Ended PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Jo ly 81, 1071 Clear tonight with low In low IRmtdiTBtTr lEtteiting Hiprali) 60s. Tomorrow suimy; high 80 to 8!f. Sunday’s outlook . fair, 14,890 cooler. lister St.; Mrs. Cynthia Cooley, East Hartford. They have a Manchester 332 Oakltmd St.; Michael’ Hor­ Party Marks daughter, Mrs. Thomas Zuraw Manchester^A City of Village Charm net, 713 Foster St,, South Wind­ of Manchester; and two sons, ^ Wedding Date David McAuUffe, a student at Hospital Notes sor; Stacey L, Falcone, WH- VOL. LX X XX , NO. 267 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1971 (Cleaalfied Adveriteing on Page 11) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS limantlc; Kevin S.- O’Brlant, 76 Mr. and Mrs. Ja m e s McAuUtfe Manchester Community Ccdlege, VMmWO BOOBS Hishview Rd., South Windsor; of Forbes 8t., East Hartford, re­ and Jam es McAuliffe, who lives t a tetmwMMe Care Semi* Paul B. Haller, Storrs. cently were feted at a 28th wed­ In Tokyo, Japcui. private, moon • 8 p.m., and , 4 ' Also, Nancy E. Kama, 61 ding anniversary- celebraticn at Mr. and Mrs. McAuliffe re­ p.m. • * p.il».; private rooirie, Plymouth Lane; Mrs. Esther the home of Mrs. McAuUffe’s turned from a trip to Aruba, Cur­ 10 a,m. • * p.m., and 4 p.m. • 8 J . Haugh, 132 Washington St.; sister, Mrs. Glsele Golding o< 11 acao, Puerto Rico and St. Thotn- Don’t Fc^el Unusual PeDte • ■ ^' Francis M- Dineen, 128 West as In the Virgin Islands, shortly By SOL. R. COHEN P ed iatrics;' Parents' 'allowed Ardmore Rd. St.; Mrs^ Catherine Borello, Nearly 40 friends and relatives before the anniversary party. any ttme except noon • 3 p.m.; Meskill Not Ready Did you wake up this Wallace Defies Courts; 28% Eldrldge St.; George W. attended the surprise garden others, 8 p.m. • 8 p.m. morning thinking something Frost, Charter Rd., Tolland; party. Including Mrs. Joyce S. Sell Service; 10 a.m. • 8 p.m.; was ■wrong? M r s . ITiomasine B. Olsen. Benoit of East Hartford, maid First Talking Picture 4 p.m. • 8 p.m. Storrs; S. Arthur Perkins, 8 Was your heeid in a whirl Intensive Care and Coronarj- of honor at the 'wedding, and The first talking morion pic­ N. Elm St.; Mrs. Femande guests from California, Rhode ture In 'Which the sound track and your heart without Care; Inunedlate family only, Poissonnler, 184 Nevera Rd., song? any time, limited to five mln- Island and Massachusetts. was actually on the film was To Act on Tax Plan Orders School Reopened South Windsor. The couple was married July "The Jazz Singer,” starring A1 ■When you put on your UtM. Also, Bruce A. Wilson, 26 3, 1946 at St. Mary's Church In Jolson, released in 1928. HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) The Republican governor said shoes, did you break a new Maternity; Fathers, 11 a.m. ■ Rlsley Rd., Vernon; Robert T. —Gov. Thomas J. Meskill any Democratic leader who lace? TROY, Ala. (AP)—Gov. 18;40 p.m., and 6;80 p.m. ■ 8 Steullet, RFD 4, Dunn Rd., urged other legislators to sup­ Was your razor so dull It George C. Wallace, chal­ p.m .; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m.. said today he was not ready Meskill Sets Coventry; Voldemars Gravlejs, to 'act on the sales-tax re­ port the bill because Meskill put cuts In your face? lenging President Nixon and 6;S0 p.m. .8 p.m... 172 Hortra St.; Mrs. Fay Dew­ Appearance would veto it “underestimated Was the orange juice and the federal courts, to­ Age U m lts; 16 In maternity, ey and son, 81 Orchard St., placement proposal for the my resolve.” warm and the coffee too 18 In other areas, ho limit In unpopular income tax, but day ordered the reopening Rockville. Gov. Meskill will be the g;uest ”11 I feel that I cannot live cold? under a freedom-of-choice self'servlce. he promised Connecticut on.W nC’s “Face the State’’’ with it, I will veto it,” Meskill Was the newspaper wet The emergency entrance on plan of a lilack school closed would have a balanced program Sunday at 6 p.m. The said. But he noted he could use and was it tom on the fold? Armory St. Is the only hospital program, to be broadcast live his emergency powers to bring Did your wife get upset two weeks ago by a federal entrance open from 11 p.m. to Tardiff Elected budget for the current fis- 2al year. at 6 p.m., will be rebroadcast further savings by ’’cutting per­ ’cause you left her no court to speed integration. 7 a.m. All other outside doors By Young Dems at 11:30 pfm. Sunday on WTIC sonnel, closing facilities” or or­ money? Wallace issued an executive are locked during the night The governor has 16 days to Radio. dering other economies. The Did you barge out the door order directing the Limestone shift. Robert Tardlff of 93 Amott act on the legislative "com ­ The governor will be ques­ bill was passed overwhelmingly when she said "Don’t be County school beard to open the Rd. last night was elected presi­ promise” package containing a tioned by a panel of newsmen by both houses, but the crucial funny?" New Hope Junior High School ADMITTED YESTBJRDiAY: dent of the Young Democratic 3V4-per cent sales tax, a 6 per consisting of Don Campbell, votes on the amendment con­ Was the car kind of slug­ and allow residents of the pre­ Pugltese photo cent tax on capital gains and Canfield W. Brewspter, 98 Legion Club of Manchester, which has Capitol Bureau chief for the taining the details the plan gish and the traffic In sea­ dominantly Negro community dividends and other levies. It were much closer, passing 83-82 Dr., Vernon; William C. Col- been reactivated for the first Pattersons Wed 25 Y ears SAUE e Hartford Times; Sherman Lon­ son? to .choose the county school time since 1968. was passed by the legislature In the House. umbe, 268 Woodbrldge St.; Mrs. don, editorial page editor for Were your fights with co­ their children will attend this Other officers elected at last late 'ITiursdt^y night. " Meskill charged that the Raffaela Donato, East Hartford; Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Pat­ Is a member of the Hartford the Waterbury Republican and workers without rhyme or fail. night’s orgranizational meeting "The legislation provides for American; and Larry deBear, Democrat-controlled liegislature reason? The New Hope School, estab­ Mrs. Catherine E. Dtmcan, 86 terson of 9 Baulters Rd., who Engineers Club and the Hart- I are Vied Malewsko, executive BUY NOW. wijoy Itwimidout MWhig* oi»»4^rtoty (ft no payoff of the deficit and assistant director of W nc pushed through the sales-tax Forget it, dear friend — lished in the early 1920s, had Barry R d.; Mrs. Susan Goodelle, ford Section of the American | vice president; Karen Laski, observed their 28th wedding an­ there is real question as to News. bill to force hint either to ac­ and don’t feel unusual. only black pupils for many 126 Prospect St., Rockville. Society of Mechanical Ekigl- dMitonttnlora and prior modato (Cbiftr tlT.«i8larioi/.;MriaWia***^wiW treasurer; Nancl Wagner, per­ niversary on July 31, were hon­ whether it is in balance,” Mes­ cept It and pay off little or none It happens quite often — years. At the ena of the 1970-71 Also, Alclde J. MalUet, 269 neers. Both he and his wife are Raooidws. and Componant $yal«ma)-je8dit^1n original faclo^ M M 9arlonal manent recording secretary ored at two anniversary parties. members of a square dance kill said at his morning news of the *262 million deficit or to you’ll find on perusal. school year, there were 184 Ne­ Lawrence Rd., Wapplng; Claude and temporarily corresponding On July 4, the couple were cenference. allow the Income tax to remain It’s the thirteenth, a Fri­ gro and five white children in C. Higgins, 29 Sunset Terr., club. secretary; and Lawrence Gau- feted at a surprise party at the He added, -however, he had and further identify himself day — when some people the student body. South l^ndsor; Mrs. Anna J . tax that accompanies the per­ ruder and Edward Szymanou- summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. the power to effect further cuts with the unwelcome levy. say, Wallace ordered the school Karvells, 36 Palm S t; Laurent sonal income tax, which the ski Jr., delegates to the state Russell Elliott at Cornfield Measure of Power in spending under emergency Referring to the sales-tax "WTiatever might happen— board to reinstitute the attend­ O. Larrabee, East Hartford; 18" Color Portable TV new bill would repeal. It would executive board. Point in Old Saybrook. They Horsepower as a unit of pow­ conditions. He said auch cuts substitute, which he claimed it was meant that way.” ance zone plan in effect last Jayne libbey, 188 Brook St., go into effect Sept. i. Tardlff, who initiated the were also guests of honor on er measurement was adopted I could include layoffs. would leave nothing for deficit school year which permitted South Windsor. ------- If the goveinor decides to drive to reactivate the club, has Aug. 2 at a family dinner party by James Watts in experiments payment, Meskill said: “Ob­ pupUs in the New Hope commu­ Also, Henry O. Hardls, 88 The governor said he had not veto the new measure, the in­ the "complete blessing of the in the Terrace Room at Bradley with strong dray horses, ac-1 seen the bill but had directed viously- the Democrats are not nity to attend that school or Brook S t, South Windsor; come tax would remain, in ef­ interested in paying their Democratic Town Committee,” International Airport, Wndsor cording to Encyclopaedia Brl- his tax commissioner to print any other of their choice in the George Meyer, 62 Bigelow St.; fect and employers would begdn bills." Meskill predicted “re­ according to Ted Cummings, tannica.
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