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Staples, Suite 67, Corpus Christa 78411, 512/851 8238 Dallas/Ft. wOrth: 4408 N Haltom, Ft Worth 76117, 817/ 485 5013 Hou•ton: 2940 Patao Dr., Houston 77017, 713/643 2677 Lonelllew: 105 Gum Springs Road, Longview 75602, 214/ 757 4572 Pharr: 805 North Cage, Pharr 78577, 512/787 5994 For complete information, call or write ~ for our 40-page Technical Catalog 553 Solaroll Pompano Beach, Florida C1rclo 2 on Reader Inquiry Card TC""\.D Am1i1ec1 u ,-J,lislwtl JU ,._,.,.., CO'.\ITENTS ,-,, br dtr Tum Son,n tf Arclrm<u tljfrWor,--tfllwT,...,R-,-IJ/ dw..i-,..--1-t,(,t,mbftu On EMERGING AUSTIN Ttnlor H.,., ALI Euntm-, lK, PrnidrM EDITOlt Jori ""'",. Ban., M .._, 11.Gl'-G EOrTOlt O.Z.-w8rool., ASSOClll.TF. EDITOR /1,r,)....,..,.. ASS<lC11>.TF. P\/BLISHF.R Robnt/1 F",d,I CtROJl.ATIO' M.,,AGER u.A""~ Pl Bl.JCATlO'-!> ASSl!>TA.'-i fDITORIAI. co,w1 r ... ,,. Jae-~ Tbd,,J, AU IN THE NEWS 24 co,TRIBUTt~G EDl"TOR!> O.,..i,/ Four new high-tech de,·elopmems i11 Austin promise new jobs­ s,.. fAJ4 J-, c- D.n-i,/ DU- t..ry P-1 f.U., 1.-ry a­ and some problems: Construction u11denvay 011 Houston's AJA Clo,uH,..,.,,,,. f4/,\ M.morl J.t.-C•l/ar Pnnl'.... -.•- -4/4 Wortham Theater, George Brown Co11vemio11 cemer. Don-id MOAl<-c..-l ~BA T',11. Pl Bl IC ... no,s COMMITTEI ABOUT THIS ISSUE 39 D,,ndc; M""""1,,-t Cofkr,S...,_ trilau_..J IArn JONJtaw-1 A.turi11 Gnwtldl>t-"rod H,,..,_ M..U-P,rl Jr H- R.,,._,.,I M.Cw Sa,, CONGRESS AVENUE TRANSFORMED . 40 NIIIMH> H,.,.,,..,t>w,J Jr .4..uut M.xru 8,,,.,., fJp.,,,, Cr~A-4-, II,,,,_ Co111ributi11g Editor Michael McCullar surveys the battles and Hql, C-- f>o/Ja, new building shaping Congress Avenue. heart ofhistoric Austin C"""llrt /9/U Irr dtr Tuw Son,n, ef ArcluJttt:J Coctrollrd ,u,~ pc,utz~ and showcase of its fwure. ,.,.,,i., Aauia 1nm 7870/ POST>t-.STI.R s,,.,lo,1,/r,u ,,_,_, ,o Tua 'vthircct /400 ,...-1,,..., CIVIC IDENTITY lN THE LAND OF THE LAID BACK 50 A11.ma T,.w.J 18'101 40 T~ 1</!/'787J86 In 1839. when Judge Edwin Waller laid ow the RepublicofTexas· tat>sc,_ pr,a u VJ ,.,, ,....,J« 7l--l 11ew capital. he pla1111ed four municipal plazas. Associate Editor _,,.,,,,, - $/ti"" ....., /« - lltlWtb,r, •itll oddrrun ll1lAta 11w Ra_\ Ydoyaga shows ho11 thefour plazas have become cemersfor ~--VlldrdS...... ltq,,.,.,__<{ of/,.,,... ,, ef ,.,.,,,,.i;J/ ,_., ...­ the identity that Austin will project imo the rest of the century. •nRffl p,,t"'f.UJIOII U Jtrr<th l"oJu:btlnl ,...._.,tut,1,_,,<1(,,...,,.,-r,,tndunun ut ,uJwr rdJ.zcr.,/ « Mttntsuw "1<1 ""' AUSTIN PORTFOLIO ,.._Jttllltf"..,.r,wlc,rn<#tffdb, n_40,Af-l 60 lfllltf ""'1 nlaxiol"1l'Mltlll rtKrnar,h ,rjftt-1"" • .., .,,._ of mJ,,, Dos Banderas- David Graeber's Townhouse (60); 327 Congress or~ Avenue (62); Shen Office Building (64); 1204 Sa11 Allfonio (66): ISS.\ (/(),1()4/79 50 Mfffllvr II"""'" Pwbw.,,_, Presen·ation Square Condominiums (68): Hal Box Residence ,t,,datfC,mJ,.,_ J,.,_ (70). T,amArclliurtn<al<ik>pc-db)lho \•ff) I_, of~ Pm.diem .,-.ibblr,nmq,,btnrie> 11 NEW TEXAS FELLOWS 72 l'-'OfTIC'f.R\J_,f_, S.,,, A- PrrJitlnd llal, u '-1""4 fort Profiles of I I Texas architects elected to the American lnstitwe of II""" PrrJitlnd f.l«t C...,1,, Architects' C ol/ege of F el/ows for owstanding comrib11tio11s to Dr\ ",/Ji,r fJ PaJD hu p_,-.., ~­ HdW Da/JaJ I"'" Prnidnu 1<,1u, the profession. •nn41 HOIISIOII 'K.. ,,,,udtt,u Ju,, Su,z,,,,_ ,-,.,,.. 1..-, ,.,.-.,,, t.rn p,.,_, C'o/Jrr, S-• s«r---, 1-, 1u,,.,1,, """'- lNDEX TO ADVER..:..T:....:l=-SE=R=S=----------~97 60 1,ni111r,, l>n Tnlor CU.: HI.VI Al~ Atutin IJ.t'OIIIW \,a l'rrJidntl DA VE BRADEN/MUSINGS 98 T~/\ BOArtO,Of l>tRICTOR~ Go,, P"'1,~ llbil,,., C ltdpNr C,.,_ ~i,,..,, ,._,i/Jo Cltapu, J,,_, l"ft,.t,r ,tau,,, C/tapln r-. Coe,.11 Jr Bro:DJ COMING UP: The July August issueofTexas Architect willfocus Cltaptn J-,M 11,,,,., c.,,,_c1vun Cltoptn 1-, I M. i/n- I Al4 OaI1tu 011 '50s desig11 in Texas. with features by Lawrence Speck on the Otapur J_, M ~d fJ p...,, Cltt,pu,. /tot,,-r, G - f«I ...... decade's e11duri11g innovations. and by Stephe11 Fox on the Cltoptn. II .U-. P ~ Ill H.,__ essentials-memorable and forgettable-of the 50s style. Also c,.,,,.n TL.. Aslw, l.-,rlt,oGr.-4, l,1/ln<lapr,-, r-t>,,,u ,..-. included will be a history of the period's two unique building ci.o,,u,.n..1nH.- ,.,_,,r,..., C/eoptn,A...,.. Prrr. Ill Sa.. 4- types, shopping malls and awomated parking garages, and C/w,pfn, p-, ""' ~"Tr.uu Clorpl,r 1' c1,,..1t-,tn, M.""' profiles of H. H. Harris and Milton Ryan. C..,,.,,.,, 11_. P- ,_,,,, Tr<IU Cltoptn J,l,ci.,,t K"'• M>irlwo Falb C"'1pfn T_M,Aum.l fAJA H,,..,_ ON THE COVER: Growth is challenging the Capitol for I P,w l'usidndJ r,, 11,nlsu c.­ O.Z0.., 1P,Ji,&, M,_,,,1 TnJJ-, dominance of Austin's s/...·yline. Photo by Ron Dorsey. 1.-A l~K' Al4 ltrp,nal l>rr,no,J Trw.s Arch11u1 Mai ·June /985 5 ' LETTERS EDITOR: Thank you for including McKinney Place in your "In Progre!>!> .. PAVEX MAKES !>cction of the January February is<,ue or Texas Architect. l appreciate your intere t in the work. A GRAND ENTRANCE The article 1s timely a!> we are currently in the midst of a wonderful controver!>y. David Dillon, architecture critic of the Dallas Morning News, chose McKinney Place as the '>Ubject of a recent maJor aru­ cle, and almost predictably. David''> treat­ ment of the building was not totally posi­ tive. In the fuc, that's followed, we are beginning to get fan letter., disagreeing with Dillon·, assessment. and in which both side,· "blood is up." John V. N,feler, o· Brien O'Brien N)feler Callaway, Dallas EDITOR A fnend kindly <,ent me a copy of your review in the January February 1.,,ue of Tew., Architect This wa, the hrst review- a<, far as I know- by a practicing architect, ,o I was mo,t anxious to read it. Halfway through the hr.t column. I wa, already ec,ta11c; by the time I fini,hed reading the review al 11 could do wa, heave an overwhelmed sigh Although I know every word of the book · "by heart ... I almost felt compelled to ,11 down and read 11 all over again . If I am ever a,ked to wnte another book. I hope 1·11 be ble<, ed with the kind of ,up­ WITH IXCWSIVE EUROPEAN port and encouragement that rve received DESIGNIDCONClffl MYEIS. from the AIA. the member-. of the commit­ AICHl11CTUUL APPIAL. tee and '>UCh a fine wnter/rev1ewer a, Larry NDlrT-Mllllcllc:anldd .....lllgllaol Good ..........................hlndlllPM11IGIII ..... Glw1 ..... pellllllllll Muriel Q11<•.1t McCarthY. bJPAVEl a111horof David R William'>. Pioneer Architect. =n=fllnm. Oallm Dan1 ...1Dr1chbMwllln1Dr1-.alllll COIi, ,auc:an-.....,.,,...,-bulldlng nialffllrC... PAYE><pawin. PAYE><PM11pnMde1gerune....-..wl 'w ~ .....ID,_, •..,__.,,dllDGl,..,.cmn DOIIIICONU DUIIAITM 11111 ..,._IG.....,.11,owan:Mlcllnl __..._ PAYE><PM11pnMde ......... ~ dlllgrlVlflllllly 0 L,; OUAALDCK - HOl.lANO MVII OPAUSIIN, INC. P.O.._ ,1111 Aullln, ,._.,.,_ 11.,.....,. llnAnlllllo, ,._ 1111N1.... 6 Orclo 6 on Reader /nqu ry Card T.·1111 ,\rd111n1 M111 ·J11ne /98.5 Masonry Design Profiles The San Antonio architecture respect for building materials, finn Ford Powell & Carson has for hwnan scale, for roots that go back to 1939, technology, and for the region. when the late and legendary Theirs is an architecture based O'Neil Ford began his Alamo on the value of pennanence, City practice. Since Fords of enduring appeal, of ongoing death in 1982, the finn has suitability for hwnan use. And continued to embrace the same it is an architecture that has philosophy that has shaped always relied heavily upon the their work from the very use of masonry construction as beginning-an attitude of an appropriate fonn of building. In fact, O'Neil Ford used to talk a lot about bricks-how he hung A St. Poul Squan•, c. 190,~IOl«l San Antoni(), li.·"81 around the brickyards as a kid, .,. Centt'r forTrtll\liportation Md Commt•rce sorted the bricks, stacked architect Bartlett Cocke (now Silt-am Moody Plaza, c. I!lft! them, and lugged them around Jones and Kell) produc(..'Ci one (,alvei.ton, lcXM • Trimly l 'niw111ily 1.,brnry, c. 1!17l.l for the masons. He liked the of the finns most notable Son Antonio, Te,cna texture of bricks, their visual works-Trinity University in 'f' Frank l\1urch1"'lll l\1l-morial Towt·r, c.
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