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N O V E M B E R 9 , 2 0 1 7 D E P A R T M E N T O F A R C H I T E C T U R E FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE DESIGN AND PLANNING I N S T I T U T T E K N O L O G I S E P U L U H N O P E M B E R PROCEEDINGS 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARCHITECTURE RESEARCH AND DESIGN AR+DC 2017 Decoding Ideas and Thinking in Architecture Copyright Department of Architecture ITS Surabaya @2017 Editors: Arina Hayati Collinthia Erwindi Kirami Bararatin Nurfahmi Muchlis Nopember 2017 Publisher: Department of Architecture Faculty of Architecture Design and Planning Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Kampus ITS, Sukolilo Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111 All Right Reserved 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) ii Foreword First of all, I would like to thanks to Department of Architecture and colleagues in making this international conference on architecture research and design happen. It is quite hard to manage and interpret the very interesting theme regarding how the architect think and how the idea is processed, not only they allow for subjective interpretation but also to be able in decoding intangible steps. The 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) is an annually conference held by Department of Architecture and in the frame of 57th Dies Natalis ITS. In this conference we invite all of academics, researchers, and students to exchange their knowledge of theories, design methods and researches, which the idea could be based on their own experiences and related to architecture design or on interpretation from other people’s experiences. Professionals are also invited to share and to discuss their design process and knowledge. Today we have 17 papers (9 AR+DC’s papers and 8 CIB’s papers) from academic and researchers and I would like to thank to all participants in joining this annually conference and looking forward to meeting in the next event. Finally, I would like to thanks to the keynote speakers Dr. Gregory K Missingham from the University of Melbourne and Mr. Ary Indra from Aboday-Architects for sharing their knowledge and experiences as well as Institution such as Indonesian Architect Institution for East Java (IAI Jatim), Association of Indonesia Higher Education (APTARI) and all sponsors which supported this conference Best regards, DR. Ing. Ir. Bambang Soemardiono Organizing Commitee of the 9th AR+DC 2017 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) iii Introduction DECODING IDEAS AND THINKING IN ARCHITECTURE Design thinking has a paradoxical characteristic: designers agree it is the core and the most important part of a creative process, yet to explain how it works is the most difficult one. As a process, it follows a logical sequence of actions or events, requires a logical objectivity, as it also allows for subjective interpretation. To create the best decision and solution, designers should have a consciousness in their process. They cannot rely only on their intuition, but they must be able to try revealing and decoding their intangible steps. Decoding means transforming, analyzing and interpreting a message of language, either visual or semiotic ones. So, to decode means to convert a coded message into intelligible language as well as to analyze and interpret a communication or image. The concept of decoding therefore focused on analyzing the design process and its methodologies with the objective to reach a better understanding of its structure and content as well as to improve efficiency in design practice. In this conference, academics, researchers, and students are invited to exchange their knowledge. This will be a medium where current theories, design methods and researches on this field are discussed. It can be based on their own experiences in academic activities related to architecture design or on other people’s experiences which they analyzed and interpreted. Professionals are also invited to share and discuss their design process and knowledge specifically on how they are dealing with interrelation between their objectivity and subjectivity thoughts. Topics Architectural theory Keywords: pragmatism, semiotic language, hybrid language, Theoretical approaches & discourses, etc Architecture research Keywords: vernacular architecture, traditional architecture, architecture & urbanism, local architecture, eco-architecture, housing and human settlement design, etc Architecture method Keywords: transformation, contemporary idioms, digital design, narrative, diagrammatic approach, contextual approach, community based design, programmatic approach, evidence- based, etc Architecture design 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) iv Keywords: contemporary vernacular design, creative design thinking, decode, manifesto, interpretation, reconstruction, etc Architecture education Keywords: exploration, utopian design model studio, concept-test model studio, digital design model studio, survey analysis design model studio, etc Architecture practice Keywords: pragmatism, trial & error, phenomenology, case-based, etc 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) v Aim and Scope Academics, researchers, and students are invited to exchange their knowledge in this conference. This will be a medium where current theories, design methods and researches on this field are discussed. On AR+DC 2017, professionals are also invited to share and discuss their design and knowledge specifically on dealing with place based design for contemporary needs. 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) vi Steering Committee Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Antaryama, Ph. D Department of Architecture ITS Dr. Ima Defiana, ST, MT Department of Architecture ITS Dr. Eng. Ir. Sri Nastiti N E, MT Department of Architecture ITS Ir. Hari Purnomo, M Bdg Sc Department of Architecture ITS Defry Agatha Ardianta, ST, MT Department of Architecture ITS 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) vii Organizing Committee Bambang Soemardiono Chairperson, General Program Coordinator Iwan Adi Indrawan Vice Chairperson Adinda Sih Pinasti Retno Utami Secretary Tanti Satriana Rosary Nasution, Fardilla Management Rizqiyah Angger Sukma Mahendra Treasurer Arina Hayati, Kirami Bararatin, Collinthia Paper Erwindi, Johanes Krisdianto, Endy Yudho Prasetyo Nurfahmi Muchlis Publication Rabbani Kharismawan, Bambang Gatot Transportation Wahyu Setyawan, Wawan Ardiyan Event Suryawan Rullan Nirwansjah, Irvansyah Sponsorship Tjahja Tribinuka, Eko BC, Irfian Documentation Dewi Septanti, Rika Kisnarini, Susilo Accomodation Handayani Ribut Suhartono, Chofwan, Chusni, Arif, General Assistant Mariadi, Gatot, Dhany Indra, A Sahal J 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) viii Reviewer Team Assoc. Prof. Tetsu Kubota Hiroshima University Assoc. Prof. Jeffey Chan Kok Hui National University of Singapore Dr. Rizal Muslimin University of Melbourne Dr. Ir. Budi Prayitno, M.Eng. Universitas Gadjah Mada Prof. Paramita Atmodiwirjo, ST., M.Arch., Universitas Indonesia Ph.D. Prof. Yandi Andri Yatmo, ST., Dip. Arch., Universitas Indonesia M.Arch., Ph.D. Prof. Ir. Happy Ratna Santosa, M.Sc., Ph.D. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Ir. Murni Rachmawati, MT Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Ing. Ir. Bambang Soemardiono Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Ir. V. Totok Noerwasito, MT Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Antaryama, Ph.D. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Ir. Rika Kisnarini, M. Sc Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Eng. Ir. Sri Nastiti N E, MT Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Arina Hayati, ST., MT Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember FX Teddy Badai Samodra, ST., MT., Ph. D Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Dewi Septanti, S. Pd, ST, MT Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Ima Defiana, ST, MT Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Dr. Ir. Asri Dinapradipta, M.B. Env Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) ix Reviewer CIB Prof. Ir. Johan Silas Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Prof. Ir. Happy Ratna Santosa, M.Sc., Ph. D Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Prof. Ross King University of Melbourne Prof. Dr. Ir. Sangkertadi, DEA. Universitas Gadjah Mada Dr. Emilia van Egmond Eindhoven University of Technology Prof. Ir. Titien Saraswati, M.Arch., Ph.D. Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D. Universitas Gadjah Mada 9th International Conference on Architecture Research and Design (AR+DC) x Program Schedule Thursday, November 9, 2017 Day 1 Subject for Parallel Sessions: Architecture Research 1. 08.00 – 08.30 Registration 2. 08.30 – 08.40 Reported speech by Organizing Committee 3. 08.40 – 08.50 Speech and Opening of Conference by Rector ITS 4. 08.50 – 09.00 Coffee Break: 5. 09.00 – 10.30 Session 1: Keynote Speech 6. Moderator: Defry Agatha Ardianta Speakers: 09.00 – 09.50 Ary Indrajanto Aboday Design 09.50 – 10.40 Gregory Missingham
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