PATRIOTISM IS NOT DEAD THE MIDDLESEX COUMY TOP COVERAGE TOl> COVERAGE Lender-Press and Leader Shopper Leader-Press and Leader Shopper —top circulation coverage in —top circulation coverage in Woodbridge area. xtm Woodbridge area. Serving Woodbridge Township, Cartcrct and Edison Knit ml ir and Claw Mail At P. O. Wiiodhridff, N. .1. Woodbridge, N. J., Wednesday, October 18, 1%7 TIN CENTS Overflow Crowd Expected at U.S. Day Celebration Sunday at WSHS Stadium Bv RL Til WOJ.K Principal Speaker and is the father of two daugh- thought in my mind, I was thf three Township High Rarone. in behalf of the com- ' Matter of Ceremonies ness and Professional Wom- WOOMtRIIHiK - What I* ters. The family makes their literally sitting in a fox hole Schools; a 280-voice choir, munity; Mrs. Elizabeth No- en's Club, Mrs. Novak, presi- <-M>ectofl In he the largest at- home in Fort Wadsworth. on Okinawa when the word also from the three high vak, president of the Wood- dent; Miss Wolk, Mrs Ber- came." Irnrird local program in the Master of ceremonies will schools; the Avenel Firelilcs, bridge Business and Profes- nariette Acierno, Mrs. Aida He is a Lf. Col. in the Army sional Women's Club which Brennan, Mrs. Rosalie Kin- history or Wmxlhridgr will he I,t. Col. Joseph 1M. Me a drill team; the 389th Army Reserve and presently serves Band, drill team and honor will be marking the conclu- ney. Mrs. Kay Kadash, Mrs. take place Sunday at Wood- Crane, Jr., commanding offi- as commanding Officer, 11th guard from Fort Monmouth; sion of its National Business Sarah Tezbir. hririge Senior High School cer of the 11th special Forces Special Forces Airborne with a detachment of Green Be- Women's Week at the pro- Stadium at 7:00 P. M., when (Green Berets). He is also M a y o r 's Commission on owner of Cherry Hill Inn. headquarters at Miller Field, rets, the New Jersey Blues gram and Michael Trumba- Youth, Edwin P. Beckerman, ihe United Stales Day Celc- Stalen Island. In 1M4 Mc- from Rutgers University and tore. chairman of the Cultu- ON WEST POINT TEAM general chairman; Michael l>t;t(i<in will he held under the Crane became a director of honor guards and flag bearers ral Sub-Committee. Col. McCrane is a native Triimbatore, chairman of th« sponsorship of the- Woodhririge Mac Andrews and Forbes Com- from veteran, civic, and fra- FLAG PRESENTATION ; of Clifton. He is a graduate Cultural Sub-Committee; N "h- Township Business and Pro- pany, Camden. manufactur- ternal organization! in Wood- The climax of the program of Xavier High School, New olas Romeo, Miss Wolk. P . fessional Women's Club and ers of licorice derivitives and bridge Township, Carteret and will be the presentation of York City and the United l*wis Bender, Mrs. Josephine the Cultural Suh-Committee of paperhoard. He was elected Edison. the 10 major flags which have States Military Academy, Swartz, Frank Murphy, Barry the Mayor's Commission on president and chief executive flown over Jhe United States West Poml, class of 1950. officer of the firm in August The three major faiths will Gross. Youth. since the early colonization of He Was on the Army varsity of this year. also be represented. The Rev. Ruth Frasher, supervisor ftf the country. Miss Wolk,Amer- Miss Uulh Wolk, American- football team for four years, Lewis Bender, pastor of the vocal music in the Township Representing Governor Rich- icanism chairman of BPW, Ism ehairman of BPW, has 194H-H149, during the years First Presbyterian Church of schol system, will be in charge ard J. Hughes who is on hid will be the narrator, while announced that i.t. Col. Nicho- that the Pteben were permit- Woodbridge. will give the in- of the choir from the high way to the Virgin Islands to the 389th Army Band will pro- las DcMaria, Deputy Post ted to play on varsity teams, vocation. Rabbi Samuel New- schools. Leaders will be Wil- attend the Governors' Con- vide the appropriate back- (ommaiulrr of Fort Wads- He was primarily a line back- berger, dean of rabbis in the liam Cameron, Valentino I)i ference, will be Ralph A. Dun- Township and spiritual lead- ground music. Fort Monmouth worth. .Slaten Island, will be er, but saw some duty as quar- gan, recently appointed to the Giorgio, Mrs. Elizabeth Mu- er of Congregation Adath Is- Honor Guard will carry the the principal speaker. terback on the Doc Blanch- newly-created post of Chan- sacchia. Mr. Romeo, super- rael, Woodbridge, will offer flags into the field. aid Glen Davis Squad. Mc- visor of Instrumental musii A veteran of World War II, LT. COL. N. DeMARIA cellor of Higher Education. a prayer for a just and hon- LT. COL. JOSEPH McCRANE Crane served in the Marine The audience will be asked will be in charge of the • '<i- Korea and Vietnam, Colonel TO MASS COLORS orable peace, while the Rev. Corps during World War II to rededicate itself to country dent band and the leaders I OcMaria is a native of Bay- Col. DeMaria attended Offi- One of the features of the Martin O'Keeffe, assistant ing of the Star "Spangled Ban- and flag by pledging alleg- be Charles Urbanski, Pa.id (iniir. He entered the army and was assigned to the Pa- program will be the massing pastor of St. James R. C. ner, there will be an aerial cers Candidate School. He iance to the flag. The National Rothfeld and James Guter. in IDll as a private and made cific area. of the colors, with over 150 Church, Woodbridge will pro- j fireworks display for the saw active service In France, Anthem will be played by the Chief Warrant Officer W, his way up from the ranks. "I had applied for West flags being massed. nounce the benediction. j "rockets' red glare." He wiis promoted to Lieuten- Germany and Korea. In Viet- Point", he recalled, "but when Participating in the program High School musicians and will The committee In charge is Johnson, III, will be conduc- anl Colonel in July, \%t. nam he was stationed in the the time came to take the will be a 250-piece band Short talks of welcome will \ be sung by the student choir. as follows: tor of the 389th Army Band Early in his army career, LI. Delta Area. He is married exam it wax the farthest made up of musician); from to xivMi by Mayer Ralph P. j At the conclusion of the sing- Woodhridge Township Busi- Fort Monmoulh. Stand Razed Not All at US Day Program: Youth Corps Area Artists Urged To Make Way^Local Group Plans Part Extends Its To Participate In Three Major Firms Project Here U. S. Day Art Show For Complex In Peace Demonstration WOODBRIDGE — In connec- WOODBRIDGE - Mayor tion with the United States Day Will Locate Here Celebration to be held Sunday WOODBRIDGE - Residents WOODBRIDGE — While most There is still a tendency by lhe| *•»*? driving along St. George Ave- ed that this township's Neigh- at 7:00 P.M., at Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE—Close on th« of the community is preparing public to consider dissent un- Senior High School Stadium, heels of an announcement Tups- nue, in the vicinity of the Wood- for the United States Day Cele- borhood Youth Corps program, patriotic and from some cor the Woodbridge Township Bus- day by Council President Joseph bridge Senior High School may bration to be held at Wood- ners, even to call it treason. We has been approved for extended iness and Professional Wom- Charles Frank's Opinion Nemyo that a major Eastern re- * notice a significant change in bridge Senior High School Sta- are concerned that, as the warfunding by the U. S. Depart ment of Labor. en's Club and the Cultural tailer will locate warehousing (he landscape because the "Dai-dium Sunday night as a public continues, dissent will be more Sub-Committee of the Mayor's ry Queen" stand in front of demonstration of their patriot- overtly suppressed, either by in- The in school program has Not Ours, Says POPA VPs and office operations on a 6fi- been refunded for 32 weeks, Commission on Youth, the acre tract off Blair Road, Mayor 'he school was razed Monday. ism, another group — Middlesex timidating those who speak in sponsors, have announced that When iho High School was first County Clergy and Laymen Con- opposition or by attempting to with a federal grant of $54,400. WOODBRIDGE - Two vice,-— • Ralph P. Barone today announc- It provides for 105 enrollees. • an art show on patriotic and ed that still another corporate built and aprroval was given cerned about Vietnam, — odiscredif t them." historical subjects will be held. presidents of POPA - Property j 17-„__,,,. D*»JA** The summer program, for ratable has decided to locate in wnicn Rev Seymour Zynchelsky, chair- Owners Protective Association lOUngeT IxeOaerS by the oKard of Education fOr' - Theodore Seamans, 250 enrollees, has been refund Mrs. Josephine Swartz, im- Woodbridge. ihe construction of the stand iof tne Woodbridge Methodist man of the Raritan Valley Chap- mediate past president of BP-disagree with a public statement! ter of SANE, was guest speaker. ed for $133,000. Its duration is 1 made by Charles Frank, ST., in T U A nth ATS Gibralter Container Corpora- 'his newspaper fought againstjChurch is a leader, is making ten weeks. W and chairman ) of the art ft 0nr plans to participate in the peace He said the American people l0 tion will construct a $2 million it, u nMiceessfully.
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