Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:893-910 DOI 10.1007/s10531-008-9335-2 SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES AND REFERENCES Potentials for monitoring gene level biodiversity: using Sweden as an example Linda Laikre · Lena C. Larsson · Anna Palmé · Johan Charlier · Melanie Josefsson · Nils Ryman Table S3 Brown trout stocks (including information on the supposed origin for the stock) typically used for stocking activities in Sweden www.zoologi.su.se/research/popgen/monitoring __________________________ Linda Laikre ( ) · Lena C. Larsson · Anna Palmé · Johan Charlier · Nils Ryman Division of Population Genetics, Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] Melanie Josefsson Department of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. Box 7050, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden Table S3 Brown trout stocks (including information on the supposed origin for the stock) typically used for stocking activities in Sweden. References for genetic studies are also given (see Brown trout references.pdf for full references). (w) indicates that the genetic study of a particular stock is based only on wild individuals. Only original references given – reviews of previously reported material are not included. Stock Supposed origin References for genetic studies of the stock Ammarnäs Vindelälven, Västerbotten County Östergren 2006 Arevattnet Västerbotten County Ryman & Ståhl 1980 Arjeplog Storavan and lake Uddjaure, No genetic studies found Skellefteälvens drainage, Norbotten County Baltak Tidan, Västra Götaland County No genetic studies found Bergeforsen Indalsälven, Jämtland County Jansson & Andersson unpubl. data (in Jansson et al. 1995) Bergnäs Storavan and lake Uddjaure, No genetic studies found Skellefteälvens drainage, Norbotten County Bergsjö Västerbotten County No genetic studies found Björkaå Björkaån, Skåne County No genetic studies found Bonäshamn Hatchery stock originating from Jansson et al. 1995 Kallströmmen Bosjö/Bösjö Dalarna County No genetic studies found Brunnshytte Lundsfjärden-Malen and No genetic studies found Grecken, Örebro County Byskeälven Västerbottens and Norrbotten No genetic studies found County Bågede Bågedeforsen, Faxälvens Öst & Jansson 1998 drainage, Jämtland County Dalälven Dalarna County Bernatchez et al. 1992 (w) Dannewitz et al. 2003 Jansson & Öst 1997 (w) Palm et al. 2003 Öst 1997 (w) Öst & Jansson 2001 Dammån Dammån, Indalsälven, Jämtland Åkerström 1992 County Dellen Lake Dellen (North and South), No genetic studies found Gävleborg County Dysån Dalarna County No genetic studies found Fjätälven Dalarna County Dannewitz & Prestegaard 2001 (w) Dannewitz et al. 2004 (w) Forsmo Västernorrland County No genetic studies found Fuån Dalarna County No genetic studies found Gardsjön Västerbotten County No genetic studies found Gimån-Båthälla Gimån, Ljungan, Jämtland Jansson & Andersson unpubl. County data (in Jansson et al. 1995) Laikre et al. 2008 1 POTENTIALS FOR MONITORING GENE LEVEL BIODIVERSITY: USING SWEDEN AS AN EXAMPLE Stock Supposed origin References for genetic studies of the stock Gimån-Stavre Gimån, Ljungan, Jämtland Jansson & Andersson unpubl. County data (in Jansson et al. 1995) Granbo/ Granboforsen, Indalsälven, Chakraborty et al. 1982 (w) Granboforsen Jämtland County Jansson et al. 1995 Granå Oreälvens drainage, Dalarna No genetic studies found County Gullsjööring Västerbotten County No genetic studies found Gullspång Gullspångsälven, Värmland Dannewitz & Bystedt 2006 County Gyllensten & Wilson 1987 (w) Ståhl & Ryman 1987 Öst & Jansson 2001 Guriöring No information No genetic studies found Hansjö Oreälven, Dalarna County Dannewitz 2003 Helige å Helgasjön, Kronoberg County No genetic studies found Hornavan Skellefteälvens vattensystem, No genetic studies found Norrbotten County Hålsjön Dalarna County No genetic studies found Hökensås Västra Götaland County No genetic studies found Indalsälven Jämtland County Chakraborty et al. 1982 Ryman 1983 Öst & Jansson 2001 Jorm Blåsjöälven, Faxälven, No genetic studies found Jämtland County Kall Kallsjön, Jämtland County Laikre et al. 1995 Laikre et al. unpubl. data Palm & Ryman 1999 Ryman & Ståhl 1980 Kaltisöring Norrbotten County No genetic studies found Karlslund No information No genetic studies found Klarälven Värmland County Ståhl & Ryman 1987 Öst & Jansson 2001 Konnevesi Rautalampi, Kymmene älvs Not indigenous drainage, Central Finland Kroknäs Västerbotten County No genetic studies found Kälarne Hatchery stock, Jämtland County Ryman & Ståhl 1981 Lidan Västra Götaland County No genetic studies found Ljusnan Mellanljusnan, Gävleborg County Öst & Jansson 2001 Loån Gävleborg County No genetic studies found Luleälven Norrbotten County Ryman & Ståhl 1981 (w) Ståhl & Ryman 1979 (w) Öst & Jansson 2001 Lygnern Halland and Västra Götaland No genetic studies found Counties Lögdeälv Västerbotten County Gross & Nilsson 1995 (w) Mellanljusnan Mellanljusnan, Gävleborg County Öst & Jansson 2000 Mjörn Säveån, Göta älvs drainage, No genetic studies found Västra Götaland County 2 Laikre et al. 2008 POTENTIALS FOR MONITORING GENE LEVEL BIODIVERSITY: USING SWEDEN AS AN EXAMPLE Stock Supposed origin References for genetic studies of the stock Moälven Norrbotten County No genetic studies found Mörrum Mörrumsån, Blekinge County No genetic studies found Nissan Halland County Dannewitz 2002 (w) Nordåstam No information No genetic studies found Norrtäljeån Stockholm County No genetic studies found Närsjön Dalarna County No genetic studies found Oxsjöån/bäcken Lake Fotingen, Ljungans Gross & Nilsson 1995 (w) drainage, Jämtland County Jansson & Andersson unpubl. data (in Jansson et al. 1995) Parki Parkijaure-Randijaure and No genetic studies found Skalka, Norrbotten County Piteälven Norrbotten County Östergren 2006 (w) Prästd. No information No genetic studies found Rockå No information No genetic studies found Rotälven/Rotån Dalarna County No genetic studies found Rysjön Dalarna County No genetic studies found Råneälven Norrbotten County No genetic studies found Silen (Västra and Värmland and Västra Götaland Laikre 1999 (w) Östra) Counties Siljan Siljan, Dalarna County Dannewitz 2003 Dannewitz & Prestegaard 2001 Skellefteälven Västerbotten County Gross & Nilsson 1995 (w) Ryman 1981, 1983 Ryman & Ståhl 1981 (w) Öst & Jansson 2001 Spjutsund Södermanland County No genetic studies found Stopbäcken/Stopån Dalarna County No genetic studies found Storboström Indalsälvens drainage, Jansson 1997 Jämtland County Ryman & Ståhl 1980 Storån Jämtland County Dannewitz et al. 2004 (w) Nilsson 2005 (w) Sävarån Västerbotten County Östergren 2006 Säveån Göta älvs drainage, Västra No genetic studies found Götaland County Tidan Västra Götaland County Jansson 1996 (w) Tjusjöå Tjusön, Västerbotten County No genetic studies found Toskström Valsjön, Indalsälvens drainage, Nilsson 2005 Jämtland County Umeälven Västerbotten County Ryman 1983 (w) Öst & Jansson 2001 Vanå Dalarna County No genetic studies found Vindelälven Västerbotten County Östergren 2006 (w) Visskvarn Östergötland County No genetic studies found Vojmsjön Västerbotten County No genetic studies found Voxnan Gävleborg County Öst & Jansson 2000 (w) Vänne å Halland County No genetic studies found Västerdalälven Dalarna County No genetic studies found Laikre et al. 2008 3 POTENTIALS FOR MONITORING GENE LEVEL BIODIVERSITY: USING SWEDEN AS AN EXAMPLE Stock Supposed origin References for genetic studies of the stock Ålanda Ström Västra Götaland County No genetic studies found Ångermanälven Västerbotten and Västernorrland Öst & Jansson 2001 Counties Åsunden Östergötland County No genetic studies found Åvaån Stockholm County Dannewitz & Johansson 2002 (w) Gyllensten & Wilson 1987 (w) Ätran Halland County No genetic studies found Österdalälven Dalälven, Dalarna County No genetic studies found Örartjärn Dalarna County No genetic studies found Öreborg Öreälven, Västerbotten County No genetic studies found Örekilsälven Västra Götaland County No genetic studies found Öreälven Västerbotten County Östergren 2006 (w) 4 Laikre et al. 2008 .
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