NHS Fife Staff Governance Committee 29 October 2020, 10:00 to 12:00 Via MS Teams Agenda 1. Apologies for Absence Margaret Wells 2. Declara on of Members' Interest and Chairs opening Remarks Margaret Wells 3. Minutes of Previous Mee ngs held on 4 September 2020 Enclosed Margaret Wells Item 3 Board Committee Minute ‐ Staff (6 pages) Governance 040920.pdf 4. Ac on List Enclosed Margaret Wells Item 4 Table of Actions from mtg on 4th (1 pages) September 2020 (2).pdf 5. Ma ers Arising 5.1. Return to Work Guidance distribution of paper copies verbal Rhona Waugh 6. Covid‐19 Update 6.1. Workforce Update Presentation Linda Douglas 7. Quality, Planning & Performance 7.1. Integrated Performance and Quality report Enclosed Linda Douglas Item 7.1 SBAR SG Committee.pdf (3 pages) Item 7.1 IPQR Oct 2020.pdf (49 pages) 7.2. Staff Health & Wellbeing inc Promoting Attendance Update Enclosed Rhona Waugh Item 7.2 Staff Governance ‐ Staff Health and (13 pages) Wellbeing incl Promoting Attendance ‐ 29.10.20 V0.2.pdf 7.3. Youth Employment Strategy Update Enclosed Bruce Anderson Item 7.3 Staff Governance Committee Youth (4 pages) Employmant Strategy Update V0.4.pdf 7.4. South East Payroll Services Consortia Business Case Enclosed Margo Mcgurk Item 7.4 SG SBAR on Payroll Services Consortium (3 pages) Business Case (1).pdf Item 7.4 Business Case ‐ January 2020.pdf (71 pages) 7.5. Workforce Planning Guidance Update Enclosed Linda Douglas Item 7.5 Workforce Planning Guidance Part 01 (3 pages) Paper ‐ 29 10 2020 V0.2.pdf Item 7.5 Workforce Planning Guidance ‐ Part 2.pdf (5 pages) 7.6. East Region Recruitment Transformation Enclosed Linda Douglas Item 7.6 East Region Recruitment Transformation (3 pages) Part 01 Paper.pdf Item 7.6 East Region Recruitment Transformation (98 pages) Part 02 Appendix Business Case v4.pdf 7.7. Winter Plan To Follow Helen Buchanan 8. Governance 8.1. Board Assurance Framework Workforce Sustainability Enclosed Linda Douglas Item 8.1 Board Assurance Framework ‐ 29.10.20 (5 pages) with Aps V0.2.pdf 8.2. HR Policies Monitoring Update Enclosed Bruce Anderson Item 8.2 Staff Governance Committee HR Policies (3 pages) Monitoring Update.pdf 8.3. Whistleblowing Standards Update Enclosed Bruce Anderson Item 8.3 Whistleblowing Standards Update.pdf (4 pages) Item 8.3 Appendix 1 Cabinet Secretary Letter re (2 pages) INWO Whistleblowing Standards.pdf Item 8.3 Appendix 2 Whistleblowing Standards (4 pages) Bulletin from the SPSO.pdf 8.4. EU Withdrawal (Brexit) update Enclosed Linda Douglas Item 8.4 Staff Governance ‐ EU Withdrawal (3 pages) (Brexit) Update.pdf 9. Linked Commi ee Minutes and Annual Reports‐for Informa on 9.1. Minute of the Area partnership Forum Dated 24 September 2020 (Unconfirmed) Enclosed Item 9.1 APF Minutes230920 V0 1.pdf (7 pages) 9.2. Minutes of the Health & Social care Partnership LPF dated 15 September 2020 (Unconfirmed) Enclosed Item 9.2 Draft Unconfirmed LPF Minute 150920 (4 pages) (1).pdf 9.3. Minutes of the NHS Fife Strategic Workforce Group Meetings dated 16 June 2020 and 20 August 2020 (Unconfirmed) Enclosed Item 9.3 SWG Minutes190620 V0.2.pdf (7 pages) Item 9.3 SWG Minutes200820 V0.3.pdf (5 pages) 10. Issues/Items to be Escalated Margaret Wells 11. Any Other Business 12. Date of Next mee ng: 15 January 2021 Via MS Teams (TBC) Fife NHS Board MINUTE OF THE STAFF GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 04 SEPTEMBER 2020 AT 10AM VIA MS TEAMS Margaret Wells Chair Present: Margaret Wells, Non-Executive Director (Chair) Alistair Morris, Non-Executive Director Wilma Brown, Employee Director Carol Potter, Chief Executive Helen Buchanan, Director of Nursing Christina Cooper, Non-Executive Director Simon Fevre, Co-Chair, Health & Social Care Andy Verrecchia, Co-Chair, Acute Local Local Partnership Forum Partnership Forum In Attendance: Bruce Anderson, Head of Staff Governance Kirsty Berchtenbreiter, Head of Workforce Development Nicky Connor, Director of Health & Social Care Linda Douglas, Director of Workforce Gillian MacIntosh, Head of Corporate Governance & Board Secretary Rhona Waugh, Head of Human Resources Audrey Crombie, PA to Linda Douglas (Observing) Janet Melville, PA to Bruce Anderson and Kirsty Berchtenbreiter (Minutes) Prior to commencing the meeting, the Chair noted that Helen Bailey is absent from work unwell; extended the Committee’s best wishes to her; and thanked Helen Bailey for her valuable support to the Committee. The Chair asked L Douglas to convey this message to Helen. The Chair welcomed J Melville and thanked her for taking the notes of the meeting, and advised the echo pen was being used. The Chair also welcomed Audrey Crombie, temporary Personal Assistant to L Douglas who was observing the meeting today and would be providing secretarial support at future meetings. The Chair welcomed members and attendees to the meeting and introductions were made. The Chair confirmed that the NHS is still on an emergency footing across Scotland, although remobilisation is on course, back to ‘business as new normal’. The Chair expressed her thanks to everyone, whose hard work had maintained services during the pandemic. The Chair also wished to record thanks, on behalf of the Committee, to Staff Side colleagues who had tirelessly supported and represented staff at the Area Partnership Forum (APF), Local Partnership Fora and the Gold, Silver and Bronze Command Groups during the pandemic situation. 01. Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from attendee Andrew Mackay, Deputy Chief Operating Officer. 02. Declaration of Members’ Interests and Chair’s Opening Remarks There were no declarations of interest made by members related to any of the agenda items. 1 1/6 1/303 03. Minute of the Previous Meetings held on 03 July 2020 The minutes of the previous meeting were formally approved as an accurate record, with the amendment that no change had been made to the scheduling of APF meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic. 04. Action List The Chair invited L Douglas to provide an update and requested that as services remobilise, ‘paused due to COVID-19’ is now removed from the Action List and appropriate dates are provided. L Douglas reported that work on revising the Board Assurance Framework has commenced and is progressing. B Anderson suggested that this Action, 22/20.1, could therefore be removed from the Action List. In relation to Action 24/20.1 Staff Governance Action Plan, work is being taken forward, so the Action List can be updated to reflect this. The Committee noted the current status of the Action List and agreed to the removing of Action 22/20.1 as above. Action: BA 05. Matters Arising W Brown highlighted that in addition to ‘Return to Work’ guidance being published on StaffLink, it had been agreed to provide alternative means of accessing the information. R Waugh indicated that printed copies should have been made available within workplaces and agreed to follow this up. Action: RW S Fevre advised that he finds it time consuming to locate specific information on StaffLink; it is not clear where items are to be found. L Douglas recounted this had been highlighted at the recent Silver Workforce Group with a request that the matter be investigated. L Douglas suggested it might be helpful to arrange for a member of the Communications team to provide a demonstration of the app at a future APF Staff Side meeting. 06. COVID-19 UPDATE 06.1 Workforce Update L Douglas indicated that work is ongoing to support workforce requirements for the Test & Protect team: supplementary staff are being drawn from the pools of retirees, friends and family campaign and existing bank workers. There is also a focus on staffing for the Immunisation programme: it will be more extensive this year as the cohort of eligible individuals has increased and it is envisaged there will be greater uptake than in previous years. As remobilisation of normal services continues, together with the need to redeploy staff for ongoing COVID-19 activities, Test & Protect and seasonal flu vaccination, it was suggested it would be helpful to have an overview of the costs involved with the additional workforce requirements. C Potter advised that a paper is going to the Cabinet Secretary, on behalf of Directors of Public Health and Chief Executives across Scotland, in which the potential scale of the challenge in terms of the workforce and investment perspectives is outlined. H Buchanan advised that locally, a Gold Command Group had been stood up to prioritise the mobilisation of services and manage vaccinations, with an operational group tasked with sourcing staff. 2 2/6 2/303 A concern was raised regarding the number of fixed term short period contracts issued to cover e.g. Test & Protect posts and it was suggested this could lead to redeployment challenges in the months to come. The Committee was given assurance that the situation would be closely monitored and sensitively managed. The Committee noted the report. 07. QUALITY, PLANNING & PERFORMANCE – COVID-19 07.1 Integrated Performance and Quality Report R Waugh talked to the section on Sickness Absence, which details NHS Fife’s position for the past 12 months; key challenges faced; and the NHS Scotland rates on which NHS Fife’s targets and improvement actions are based. Reporting has moved on from specific COVID- related information. The absence rate of 4.85% is an improved position on the equivalent period last year, but it is difficult to draw any specific conclusions given the pandemic situation. Promoting Attendance activity is being stood up as is the long term sickness absence work. It was noted that the SSTS code (99) specifying sick leave as ‘unknown causes/ not specified’ can’t be removed from the system; however, a communication has highlighted to managers that this code should not be used in order that the correct reason is attributed to the period of absence.
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