LEVEL 7 7 4 L E S S O N 4 The Identity of Two Peoples A Nation and a Company of Nations he kingdom of Israel was under attack. The STRANGE LAND Assyrian Empire invaded the northern The enslaved Israelites never saw their homeland T kingdom in 721 b.c. It started with the weak again. Weakened, humiliated and hungry, they walked tribes, moving on toward the stronger tribes and in large masses, guarded by Assyrian slave masters. toward the capital city, Samaria. The vicious army of They walked through neighboring lands, then into Shalmaneser v besieged all the tribes of the kingdom regions that they had never seen. The Assyrians finally for three brutal years (2 Kings 17:5). It overpowered one resettled them in a strange land on the southern shores city after another after another, killing huge numbers of the Caspian Sea. of people and enslaving the survivors. The Israelites had turned away from God. They Looking out over their fortified walls, the had been conquered and taken captive. God had inhabitants of Samaria saw the dark masses of prophesied that this would happen. But what was thousands of Assyrian soldiers approaching. They happening to them in captivity—and what was still to moved closer and closer, pouring through the streets come—was also prophesied. of the surrounding villages. Then the battle erupted. Fill in the prophecy from Amos 9:9: “For, lo, I will The invaders cast ladders against the walls, rolled siege command, and I will sift the towers and battering rams into place, and dug tunnels among all nations, like as is under the foundations. Israelite defenders fired arrows, sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain cast down heavy objects and struck with swords and .” spears when Assyrian troops came over the top. This first generation of defeated and enslaved A day passed, then another, then more. At each Israelites lived and died in captivity. Their children onslaught, the walls and the defenders continued to were born slaves, as were their children after them. hold. These 10 tribes of Israel were being scattered “among As the sun rose, the Israelites again prepared for all nations,” and their history became obscured. They battle. But the Assyrian formations had changed. They would become known as the “lost 10 tribes of Israel.” now fully encircled the city. Instead of approaching the But they were not destroyed. walls, the troops were setting up a more permanent The Israelites’ kingdom was destroyed. Their camp. They were preparing for a siege. connection to their land, their culture, their history Day after day, month after month, the Assyrians and their language were destroyed. Their identity kept the inhabitants of Samaria in and everyone and was destroyed. (Eventually, even they themselves everything else out. No food or supplies entered the city. did not know they were Israelites.) But the actual For two years, the inhabitants of the city fell deeper and Israelites were not destroyed. Nor were they deeper into hunger, conflict and crisis. The Assyrians completely absorbed into other nations through remained firmly in place. In 718 b.c., the city fell. intermarriage, which is what happened to almost The last Israelite survivors of the Assyrian every other conquered people in the ancient world. conquest were killed or taken into captivity. The For the conquered Israelites, God had prophesied kingdom of Israel was destroyed. something else. 2 IMPERIAL ACADEMY BIBLE LESSONS As Herbert W. Armstrong wrote, understanding father of many nations,” “and kings shall come out of this prophecy makes up the most important key you” (Genesis 17:1-6). to understanding Bible prophecy. About one third Fill in God’s additional promises from Genesis of the Bible consists of prophecy, and almost all of 22:17: “[I]n I will bless you, and in that prophecy focuses on the descendants of Israel. I will multiply your seed as the Researchers and historians have not confirmed of the heaven, and as the what happened to these descendants, but God has which is upon the sea shore; and your seed shall possess confirmed it through revelation. the .” Mr. Armstrong emphasized this key to God made even more promises when speaking understanding prophecy in The United States and to Abraham’s grandson Jacob. Fill in the blanks by Britain in Prophecy (Chapter 9). He wrote that although using Genesis 28:13-14: “And, behold, the Lord stood many of the Israelites from these 10 tribes remained above it, and said, I am the scattered for centuries, a portion of them “had become your father, and the established in a definite location of their own” 140 : the land whereon you lie, to you years after being conquered by Assyria. will I give it, and to your seed; And your seed shall be What happened to the “lost 10 tribes of Israel”? as the , Where did they go? and you shall spread abroad to the , and to the , and to the , and to the PROMISES THROUGH HISTORY : and in you and in your seed shall all About 1,300 years before the Assyrian captivity is the of the when God had first called Abram. He had promised .” that if he obeyed, “I will make of you a great nation …” These incredible promises set apart the (Genesis 12:2). God later added to this promise, saying descendants of Abraham from all other nations. And that He “will multiply you exceedingly,” “you shall be a you can trace them through history: from Abraham’s son Isaac, to Isaac’s son Jacob, to Jacob’s 12 sons, to the 12 tribes that descended from them, to their enslavement in Egypt, to their liberation under Moses, 12 TRIBES to their conquest of the Promised Land, to their time OF ISRAEL under the judges, to their united kingdom under King David, to their split into the kingdom of Israel and the Naphtali kingdom of Judah, to the destruction of the kingdom East of Israel, to the survival of the people of Israel in Asher Manasseh A Zebulun Assyrian slavery. E Issachar S God had promised specific, history-changing N A West blessings to Abraham’s descendants. By the time of E r Manasseh e v N i R the Assyrian captivity, they had multiplied, but not A n a d R r o R Ephraim J Gad exceedingly; they were a people, but not a great nation E Dan AMMON T I or many nations. They did not even know who they D Benjamin E M were. How could God keep His promises to Abraham? Reuben Judah About 700 years before Assyrian captivity, the Dead Sea Israelites had been preparing to inherit the Promised Land. God inspired Moses to tell them that they Simeon MOAB would receive blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience (Deuteronomy 28). God is a Father, and EDOM He punishes for disobedience to help people turn away from sin. Abraham’s descendants had failed to follow his example and had chosen instead to sin LEVEL 7 | LESSON 4 3 through these descendants: “And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may DIVIDED tell you that which shall befall you KINGDOM . … , you are my firstborn, my , and the beginning of SYRIA my , the of , and the A E of : S N Israel , you shall not excel; because you went up A r E e v to your father’s bed; then defiled you it: he went up to my N Samaria i R A n couch.” R a R d r Reuben had committed a terrible sin: God punished E o T J I D him by withholding the promises, which would normally E M have been inherited by him and his descendants because Jerusalem he was the firstborn. God instead gave the birthright Dead promises to Jacob’s second-youngest son, Joseph, who PHILISTIA Sea strove to obey God. Joseph had been “made strong by Judah MOAB the hands of the mighty God of Jacob” and would inherit “blessings of heaven above” (verses 24-25). Joseph had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob EDOM actually adopted them as his own sons (Genesis 48:5). This meant that each of them was not just considered part of their father’s tribe, but full tribes of their own. It was through these two sons and their descendants against God. God was punishing them, but He had not that the blessings of Abraham would continue to be forgotten His promises. passed down. In fact, God used Israel’s punishing enslavement God inspired Jacob to say that the descendants of to help keep His promise. Even when you are suffering Manasseh, the elder, would become a great nation, and from punishment or trial, God can use even the that the descendants of Ephraim, the younger, would suffering to ultimately bless you. become “a multitude of nations.” The Assyrian Empire had taken the Israelites These two sons, and the two tribes that descended captive and had moved them to different parts of from them, held the birthright blessings of national the empire. The Israelites were still slaves, but they greatness. This lesson focuses on tracing those tribes were beginning to “spread abroad to the west, and to through history to see when and how God fulfilled His the east, and to the north, and to the south” (Genesis promises to Abraham. 28:14). COMBINING THE CLUES SPECIAL PROMISE TO TWO TRIBES The Bible indicates where the descendants of The Israelites are called Israelites because they came Abraham, including Ephraim, Manasseh and the from Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, whose name was other tribes, would migrate over time.
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