Denver Jewish News Vol. VI. Wednesday, June 23, 1920 No. 25. MR. AND MRS. NATHAN STRAUS THE BOOK DAUGHTERS OF JACOB OF NEW A Word from the Moss- SAILED FOR PALESTINE. Dr. de Solo Pool Throws Herbert Samuel States YORK IN NEW HOME. Special Weekly Letter By to Up-to-Dates Light on P. M. RASKIN. Policy Beautiful New Structure Is Officially from New York Backs Aged Philanthropist Offers Milk Plant Palestine (Iu “The Young Judaean.”) for Palestine to City. Opened. S LIBERTY PROMISED YOUNG MEN FAIL TO ACCEPT j PROMINENT NEW YORK RABBI ii]>ou my table KELIGIOt DEPARTURE OF GALICIAN COM- A hook EDUCATIONAL SPIR- The now ono million-dollar building TIIKIK SHAKE OF COMMERCIAL Now Straus, who with HAS JEST RETURNED AFTER A and night, j ALU AND MISSION—THE JOINT DISTRI- York—Nathan j Lies open day of the Homo of tlio Daughters of 111 TIES. Mrs. Straus sailed for Europe on June YEAR SPENT IN HOLY LAND. ITUAL LIFE TO BE FOSTERED. BUTION COMMITTEE AND THE I I read it and re-rend it j Jacob, nf Ono hundred nml' Slxty- 12tli, has announced his plan for estab- With ever fresh delight. l-ANIXSMANSCHAFTEN— FEDER- London.—The general principles sovonth stroot nnd Findlay and Toller By ItARBI MAX HELLER. lishing “rest farms” for soldiers on Palestine ran he made onee more ATION OF JEWISH CHARITIES ■ which will Im* followed l»y the new nd- avenues. New York. opened officially We older im»n, when we shake our his lauds at Lakewood. N. .1. I Into a land of milk and honey, neeord- re-read i MAY FACE IMPENDING CRISIS. I read it'and it. ! luinistrut ion in Palestine were an- tlio first week in Juno. In celebration gray over Hie changes we have He has offered to the City of New 1(if? to David Sola Pool, former heads ; .Dr. de And never have enough. Sam- nounced Sunday by Sir Herliert of the event, a week of activities, at (Copyright. llttO. by I. J. I*. B.) seen, are not h.v any means unsus- York his entire plant and machinery Kabhi of Temple Slieurith Israel, Now It the heart of siteaks nature, uel. High Commissioner for Palestine. which State nnd city officials nnd hun- Galk'ian Commission. consisting picious of the proneness of liunian na- for the pasteurization of milk. York, who has just returned from over speaks the sold of love. The Jt Sir Herbert said: dreds of other prominent persons i»nr of Pnchtman. Dr. TunncnlMiuui. the ture to praise, in one’s own years of For more than a quarter of a cen- a year spent in Palestine as a Dr. member religions liberty be do “Compete will ticipated. took place. hank director, Mr. Eisler. and the edi- (leeline, the “good old times;” we tury Mr. Straus has taught pasteuriza- of the Zionist Commission.. I hear in it the tempest maintained In Palestine. Places sacred The building in which aged Jews, tor. Mr. Frostlg, lias finistied Its work not leave out of account the greater tion of milk. and. adding practice to All plans for the restoration of the Of deserts wide and far. to the grout religions will remain In both men and women, will find a home, 1 in this country, and all the commis- temptations, the pampering of wealth, theory, has distributed milk free to the country, including the engineering and onrush of the sea wave. The control of the adherents of those relig- occupies thirty-nine city lots. It has sioners hut Dr. T.inncuhaum have de- the luring of pleasure which have come poor. reclamation projects of the Zionists Night-Hymn of the The star. ions. Civilian administration for the a frontage of 27." a depth of ! parted for Europe. Dr. Taunenhaura in since our simpler days; hut un- The news that Nathan Straus will investments of large amounts of cap- feet and country will Is* established immediate- •175 feet. The building is on an ele- lor personal reasons has decided to re- less our vision is altogether hltirnsl retire from his milk distribution and ital in industries and commerce and The of echo the heavens. ly. The higher ranks will consist of vated plot rising twenty-five feet and main in the United States and may In- hy tl»e blue-gray spectacles of grouchy turn the plant over to the city. Is im- other progress in the development of The voice of human soul; British officials of ability and experi- all the wings are four stories In come a permanent resident of this age, there* are facts iu abundance to portant to many mothers who have re- the Jewish National Homeland can be yearning the searching The and ence. The other ranks will Im* open height. show that tin* young men are not do- lied upon the Straus Milk l’lant for undertaken us soon ns Turkey signs country. For life’s immortal goal. to the local population, irrespective of The Home of the Daughters of Jacob Commission left, mind- ing their duty; that they are selfish- infants’ milk, properly pasteurized and the Treaty of Pence, which grants Before the a creed. Order will be firmly enforced. was formed in 1807 to take care of the ing was arranged hy all the Galician ly absorbed iu the pursuit of pleasure. modified. Croat a over Pal- ages. Britain mandate A hook that never development of the coun- men women of the Jewish the young women Mr. for of The economic and faith relief organizations to do honor to its I hope t«> speak of They will be glad to learn that estine the express purposes That perciiulnl youth, hreatlies try will l»e actively promoted. who were poor or infirm and had members, to wish them a happy jour- some other time. Straus, continuing the seiviee himself establishing a Jewish National Ilome- A hook whose hurtling pages “In accordance with the decision of reached the age of sixty five years. ney and to ask them to convey to the Here are facts to prove my conten- until September first, affords the city lnnd there, according to Dr. Pool. The Impress with fiery truth. Powers It was in 1807 that title was stricken Jews of Galicia the heartfelt tion. We shall say nothing about an opportunity to carry on the work signing of the treaty will mean tie* the Allied and Associated taken the will be adopted to recon- building 40 Gouver- Kahhath services by of civil in measures to a small at X«». greetings and sympathy of their attendance of tin* without interruption. establishment government I read it and re-rend it. congregations mil- struct the Jewish Xutional Home in nenr street, which cost $1,500. brethren in America. What the Com- >oimg: Christian have Mr. Straus soiled for London to at- Palestine instead of the temporary And gone are doubt and woo, Palestine. The yearning* of the Jew- The Gouverneur street home was has accomplished during its a nuinlier of young men on Sunday tend the Zionist Congress scheduled itary administration, first Turkish and I feel it growing truer mission ish people for 2.000 years, of which abandoned in 1004 nnd new quarters visit to this country was properly re- mornings. How many have we on Fri- lor July -4th. Thence Mr. and Mrs. then English, which has hud control As ages come go. and the modern Zionist movement Is the were established at No. :tO2 East Broad- ported upon last meeting. These day evenings, or on holidays eves? Straus plan to go to Palestine, for an of the land since the outbreak of the at this the real- our stay. Score latest expression, will at last l»e way in 1004. Extensions had to Ik* achievements are* of interest ls»th to No use to stop at the fact that extended war. Herliert Samuel, former I feel It will inspire at- ized. The steps taken to this end will made as the number of inmates in the Jews of Galicia and of America. young men tench no Sunday school, tnry of State for Home Affairs, ac- with force REFUGEES REACH ST. LOUIS And thrill divine. Im* consistent with scrupulous respect creased. In 1012 the Bronx property A discussion of them must not lie over- tend no Itihle classes, engage in no cording to reports from London, is The heart of cnniiug AFTER TEN MONTHS' TRIP. mankind for the rights of the present non-Jew- was purchased. looked. social work, except as a profession; scheduled to assume the office of Ah it is thrilling mine. they ish inhabitants. Construction work was begun in 1010 It is almost beyond dispute that the hut what intelligent interest do St. Louis —Ton Polish refugees reach, High Commissioner to Palestine as the “The country has room for a larger nnd it was proposed to spend $870.- Commission held about the liest men take either iu Jewish history and Jew- ed their relatives in this city after n first head of the civil administration I feel its truth immortal population thuu it now contains, and 000. With the Increased cost in labor that Galician Jewry affords. All of ish literature or in the crucial, most toojc more than July 1. trip from Lodz that In every word and breath. Palestine, properly provided expenditures will precarious Jewish problems of own “Palestine can most readily acquire with and material the them are very prominent Jews and ten months. And know that souls are deathless. $1,000,000. speci- day? growth of anti-Semitism, world market in such roads, ruilways, harbors and electric amount to more than There are accepted authorities in their In tin* All the arrivals an* luemliers of tin* a those product* And know there is no death.
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