AT-1. Planning Permit Application 160308 - 1285 Phillip Island Road, Newhaven - Landscape Master Plan by Applicant VISION The scenic South coast of Phillip Island is a tourist destination of State significance. T he Site at 1285 Phillip Island Road, Newhaven has been significantly modified as a result of farming, and currently presents as a relatively featureless grassy paddock abutting coastal dunes. The dune system will be rehabilitated and managed as a Conservation Area (in co-operation with and under guidance of PINP). The balance of the Site is proposed to be developed as a camp ground and caravan park, providing an alternative accommodation option on the south coast of the Island for travellers and holiday-makers. The landscape treatment aims to create a native bush / coastal setting, responding to the site conditions. It features a meandering site layout, extensive revegetation, earth mounding and an on-site stormwater treatment system. A palette of locally indigenous and suitable Australian native plants is nominated which will thrive in these conditions, creating an attractive and contextual landscape setting. Landscape Principles THEME & VISION • Respond to site conditions: topography, vegetation & microclimate 01 • Preserve the environmental integrity of the dunal system • Create South-coast landscape that fits comfortably in context • Create sites nestled within the landscape • Develop a safe, attractive pedestrian environment • Locate communal facilities in visually prominent, central areas PHILLI P ISLAN D ROAD PLANT SELECTION & PLACEMENT • Indigenous plant palette to coastal interface • Locally Indigenous & Australian plants native elsewhere 02 • Wetland species in accordance with Melbourne Water & Westernport Water Guidelines ROAD LAYOUT • Indicative alignment of entry road to be refined by traffic engineers • Meandering, predominantly one-way internal roads, minimum road widths 03 • Views along all internal roads to terminate in planted areas CONSERVATION AREA FUNCTIONAL LAYOUT • 204 sites indicated on this plan 04 • Southern third of site can be closed during the off season • Larger sites located closer to Phillip Island Rd • Smaller sites located closer to conservation area ADJOINING LAND INTErfACE • SOUTH: Boundary to Conservation areas to have visually permeable fence, restricting pedestrian access to the dunes and a planted boundary 05 • NORTH: Phillip Island Road interface to be densely planted & earth bunding • EAST: Interface with private land, densely planted boundary & earth bunding • WEST: Philip Island Nature Parks land, public access to Forest caves beach, densely planted boundary & earth bunding KEY PLAn - NOT TO SCALE The Surf Park Landscape Masterplan 1285 Phillip Island Rd, Newhaven PROJECT_DRG NO 0316-0033 D001 REV 05 DRWN AC CHKDMC APPROV HW DATE 20.02.2017 PHILIP ISLAND ROAD P ROPOSED LOCATION & ROAD TREATMENT of entry road to be confirmed by traffic engineer SEWERAGE pumping +2.0 station 100sqm 30sqm BIO- SEDIMENT BASIN +1.5 RETENTION BASIN +2.0 +1.0 C ArpArkING INDICATIVE LAYOUT MOUNDED LANDSCAPE & CHANNEL ABUTTING EASTERN BOUNDARY PLAYGROUND & TO INTERCEPT AMENITIES PICNIC AREA OVERLAND STORM block WATER +1.0 OFFICE & MANAGERS residence DEPOT +1.0 +2.0 300MM DEEP, MIN 1.5M WIDE STORM WATER OPEN CHANNEL AT +1.0 BASE OF MOUNDING CONTINUOUS ALONG BOUNDARY rec room G ROUP SITES PARK & COmmUNAL AMENITIES CAMP kITCHEN +1.0 PUBLIC ACCESS to FORREST AMENITIES caves CArpArk block +1.0 +1.0 CANOPY TREES e.g Banksia integrifolia Coast Banksia Banksia marginata+2.0 Silver Banksia Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Rosea' Yellow Gum SCREENS TREES e.g Allocasuarina littoralis Black She-oak Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping She-oak +2.0 Leptospermum lanigerum Woolly Tea-tree C VONSE Myoporum insulare Common Boobialla R SHRUBS e.g ATION Acacia longifolia ssp sophorae Coast Wattle Ar Banksia spinulosa Hairpin Banksia EA Bursaria+2.0 spinosa Sweet Bursaria Correa alba White Correa GRASSES & GROUNDCOVERS e.g Austrostipa stipoides Coast Spear Grass Lomandra longifolia subsp.longifolia Spiny Headed Matt-rush Poa poiformis Coast Tussock Grass Tetragonia implexicoma Bower Spinach Legend CANOPY TREES e.g CONSERVATION AREA INTERFACE Banksia integrifolia Coast Banksia Plant species consistent with Coastal Dune Scrub EVC 160 and Coastal EARTH MOUNDING BOUNDARY FENCING I NTERNAL BUILDING LIGHTING Banksia marginata Silver Banksia Dune Grassland EVC 879 For noise attenuation, visual screening, Visually permeable fencing Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Rosea' Yellow Gum Acacia longifolia ssp sophorae Coast Wattle sightlines & topographical interest preventing pedestrian access to dunes A. Internal lighting to be as low wattage as possible to ensure personal safety SCREENS TREES e.g Atriplex cineraria Coast Saltbush B. Sideways spill should be shielded especially near Allocasuarina littoralis Black She-oak Carpobrotus rossii Karkalla windows P NRIMARY E TRY ROAD CMI A P S TES Allocasuarina verticillata Poa poiformis var poiformis Coast Tussock-grass C. Windows to have black out features to block Drooping She-oak Two-way sealed road for vehicular traffic. Total of 204 sites including: light spill after sunset during peak Short-tailed Leptospermum lanigerum Woolly Tea-tree Rhagodia candolleana ssp candolleana Seaberry Saltbush - Nominally 8m width -15 sites at 9 x 18m Fledging period 15th April to 10th May. Myoporum insulare Common Boobialla D. Dimmed emergency lights (as safety permits e.g. STORM WATER TREATMENT PONDS -50 sites at 10 x 12m exit signs) SHRUBS e.g Plant species consistent with Swamp Scrub EVC 53 and Melbourne SECONDARY INTERNAL AVENUES -92 sites at 9 x 10m Acacia longifolia ssp sophorae Coast Wattle Water Guidelines for Constructed Wetlands One-way sealed road for vehicular traffic -46 sites at 7.5 x 7.5m E XTERNAL LIGHTING Banksia spinulosa Hairpin Banksia Acacia verticillata ssp. verticillata Prickly Moses to minimise road surface area. -1 larger groups site Bursaria spinosa Sweet Bursaria Carex appressa Tall Sedge - Nominally 4m width A. External lighting to be as low wattage as Correa alba White Correa possible to ensure personal safety Leptospermum lanigerum Woolly Tea-tree S EDIEMNT BASIN & BIO B. Upward and sideways spill shielded on outdoor GRASSES & GROUNDCOVERS e.g Melaleuca ericifolia Swamp Paperbark RETENTION BASIN lights, especially any internal road lighting PEDESTRIAN PATHS Austrostipa stipoides Coast Spear Grass Juncus sp Juncus Gravel paths throughout sites and to WSUD elements to be designed C. Blue, green, yellow or red filters on outside lights Lomandra longifolia subsp.longifolia Spiny Headed Matt-rush connect to Forrest Caves and to Phillip in accordance with Stormwater D. All external lighting to be turned off all night Management Report by Brosnan (not used) between 15th April and 10th May (peak Poa poiformis Coast Tussock Grass Island Road SUP Short-tailed Shearwater fledging period). Engineering Solutions Tetragonia implexicoma Bower Spinach -Nominally 2m width CONSERVATION AREA INTERFACE Plant species consistent with Coastal Dune Scrub EVC 160 and Coastal Dune Grassland EVC 879 Acacia longifolia ssp sophorae SCALE 1:500 (A1) Coast Wattle The Surf Park Landscape Masterplan Atriplex cineraria Coast Saltbush 1285 Phillip Island Rd, Newhaven Carpobrotus rossii Karkalla Poa poiformis var poiformis 0 10 20 PROJECT_DRG NO 0316-0033 D001 REV 05 DRWNCoast ACTussock-grassCHKDMC APPROV HW DATE 20.02.2017 Rhagodia candolleana ssp candolleana Seaberry Saltbush STORM WATER TREATMENT PONDS Plant species consistent with Swamp Scrub EVC 53 and Melbourne Water Guidelines for Constructed Wetlands Acacia verticillata ssp. verticillata Prickly Moses Carex appressa Tall Sedge Leptospermum lanigerum Woolly Tea-tree Melaleuca ericifolia Swamp Paperbark Juncus sp Juncus AT-2. Planning Permit Application 160308 - 1285 Phillip Island Road, Newhaven - Planning Report by Applicant PLANNING REPORT Application for: Use of the land for a caravan and camping park and associated development, removal of vegetation from the road reserve, and creation of access to Phillip Island Road. Site address: 1285 Phillip Island Road, Newhaven (Lot 1, LP89850) October 2016 PLANNING REPORT 1285 PHILLIP ISLAND RD, NEWHAVEN Contents Page 1. Introduction 3 2. Site Analysis 3 3. Surrounding Area 4 4. Proposal 4 5. Planning Controls 7 5.1. Zoning 7 5.2. Farming Zone Assessment 7 5.3. Particular Provisions 10 5.4. Overlays 10 6. Planning Policy 11 6.1. State Planning Policy Framework 11 6.2. Local Planning Policy Framework 16 6.3. State and Local Policy Assessment 20 6.4. ESO1 Assessment 21 6.5. SLO2 Assessment 22 7. Conclusion 24 Attachment 1 – Title documents The subject site, looking from Phillip Island Road. © Jardine Johnstone 2016 The information contained in this document is confidential and intended solely for the use of the client identified in the report for the purpose for which it has been prepared and no representation is made or is to be implied as being made to any third party. Use or copying of this document in whole or part without the written permission of Jardine Johnstone constitutes an infringement of copyright. The intellectual property contained in this document remains the property of Jardine Johnstone. 2 PLANNING REPORT 1285 PHILLIP ISLAND RD, NEWHAVEN 1 INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared to accompany a planning permit application to Bass Coast Shire for the operation of a caravan and camping park, associated development, removal of vegetation from the road reserve, and creation of access to a category 1 road
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