MEMORANDUM AgendaitemNo. 11(A)(16) TO: Honorable Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa DATE: December 16,2014 and Members, Board of County Commissioners FROM: R. A. Cuevas, Jr. SUBJECT: Resolution approving a Permit County Attorney and Improvements Agreement in the amount of $22,200.00 with Andretti Sports Marketing Florida, LLC for the 2015 Miami ePrix FIA FormulaE Championship auto race; accepting a $5,000.00 donation from Andretti Sports Marketing Florida, LLC; and authorizing the County Mayor to execute said agreement and to exercise any and all rights confened therein The accompanying resolution was prepared and placed on the agenda at the request of Prime Sponsor Commissioner Audrey M. Edmonson. R. A. Cuevns, Jr. County Attorney RAC/jls ( . MEMORANDUM (Revised) TO: Honorable Chairwoman Rebeca So sa DATE: December 16, 2014 and Members, Board of County Commissioners ~-.. '. -/7 .J:¥lc__' / .-.If~~ l)!>~~' FROM: R. A. Cuevas, Jr.\, SUBJECT: AgendaltemNo. 11(A)(16) County Attorney \ Please note any items checked. "3-Day Rule" for committees applicable if raised 6 weeks required between first reading and public hearing 4 weeks notification to municipal officials required prior to public heari:llg Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Ordinance creating a new board requires detailed County Mayor's T report for public hearing No committee review Applicable legislation requires more than a majority vote (i.e., 2/3's __, 3/S's __,unanimous __ ) to approve Current information regarding funding source, index code and available balance, and available capacity (if debt is contemplated) required Approved --------------"M"'a"-'y=or Agenda Item No. 11(A) (16) Veto 12-16-14 Override RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING A PERMIT AND IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,200.00 WITH ANDRETTI SPORTS MARKETING FLORIDA, LLC FOR THE 2015 MIAMI EPRIX FIA FORMULA E CHAMPIONSHIP AUTO RACE; ACCEPTING A $5,000.00 DONATION FROM ANDRETTI SPORTS MARKETING FLORIDA, LLC; AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT AND TO EXERCISE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS CONFERRED THEREIN WHEREAS, Formula E is a new Federation Intemationale de !'Automobile ("FIA") racing championship featuring single-seater cars powered exclusively by electricity that will begin racing in some of the world's leading cities beginning in September 2014; and WHEREAS, one of the goals of the races with the electric-powered cars is to drive the change towards the greater use of sustainable mobility, act as a catalyst between companies, leaders, experts, cities and policy-makers, and be a leading force in spreading the idea of the feasibility of an alternative electric future and to accelerate the market penetration of electric vehicles; and WHEREAS, fortunately, Miami was selected as one of those cities and the Miami ePrix FIA FormulaE Championship auto race is scheduled to be held on March 14, 2015; and WHEREAS, the FIA FormulaE series is a worldwide race that will include stops in nine other iconic cities around the world; and WHEREAS, the race to be held in Miami will follow a circuit that goes around the American Airlines Arena and along Biscayne Boulevard, all as depicted in the Exhibit attached as Exhibit A; and AgendaitemNo. 11(A)(16) Page No.2 WHEREAS, the event organizers desire to utilize Parcel B, behind the America Airlines Arena, as the paddock and pit lane for the race and have applied to Miami-Dade County for a permit to do so; and WHEREAS, in order to use Parcel B as a pit and paddock for the race, it is necessary for certain improvements such as electric upgrades, paving and landscaping be undertaken on Parcel B, which improvements are estimated to total approximately $195,000; and WHEREAS, the event organizers have also requested that the County allow such minor improvements on Parcel B, to be paid for by Andretti Sports Marketing Florida, LLC, and to be undertaken before the event while Parcel B remains largely open and available to be used; and WHEREAS, in exchange for the use of Parcel B, Andretti Sports Marketing Florida, LLC has agreed to pay the County $22,200, which amount represents $1,100 per each day of the exclusive for the use two-day set-up and $20,000 for the day of the race on March 14, 2015; and WHEREAS, Andretti Sports Marketing Florida, LLC will leave Parcel B in as good as or better condition as it existed prior to the race and has also offered to make a $5,000 donation to the County in order to allow the County to purchase and install benches or other public amenities on or in the vicinity of Parcel B for the use ofthe public; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the County, and this Board therefore desires, to approve the Permit and Improvements Agreement with Andretti Sports Marketing Florida, LLC, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, for the use of Parcel B for the March 14, 2015 Miami ePrix FIA FormulaE Championship auto race, Agenda Item No. 11(A) (16) Page No.3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The foregoing recital clauses are incorporated herein by this reference and are adopted by this Board. Section 2. This Board hereby approves the Permit and Improvements Agreement in the amount of $22,200 with Andretti Sports Marketing Florida, LLC, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, for the use of Parcel B for the March 14, 2015 Miami ePrix FIA FormulaE Championship auto race, accepts a $5,000 donation from Andretti Sports Marketing Florida, LLC for the purposes set forth in the attached agreement, and authorizes the County Mayor or Mayor's designee to execute said agreement and to exercise any and all rights conferred therein. The Prime Sponsor of the foregoing resolution is Commissioner Audrey M. Edmonson. It was offered by Commissioner , who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Rebeca Sosa, Chairwoman Bruno A. Barreiro Esteban L. Bovo, Jr. Daniella Levine Cava Jose "Pepe" Diaz Audrey M. Edmonson Sally A. Heyman Barbara J. Jordan Jean Monestime Dennis C. Moss Sen. Javier D. Souto Xavier L. Suarez Juan C. Zapata Agenda Item No. 11(A) (16) Page No.4 The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 16th day of December, 2014. This resolution shall become effective upon the earlier of(l) 10 days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the County Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board, or (2) approval by the County Mayor of this Resolution and the filing of this approval with the Clerk ofthe Board. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK By:-::-----::-:--c----­ Deputy Clerk Approved by County Attorney as \1\ ,fVl.-, to form and legal sufficiency. ~ MonicaRizo Exhibit "A" S.. ROOfT0~511fll: lb ·ROOflQP SUI'!E TEMPOR~IIV 4·- PIDEmt"N BRIDGE OISMOUWAIII.E. "2 OPENPARK"IGLOT 1EMPOAARY ija' GAAflllSTIWOSIJI.ISUifES QISMOlJNTABLE 41&07 6b G!lAt/DSTAIIDSORSUffB DJSMOUI/fABLE 514.21 7 SUITE otSMOl!UTA6LE • lliSMOUWAHI.f "" 11 SW,USliiTE·~ lXSMDU!IJA!II.E "" ro sum: DISMOUtiTABLE ,.."' U TMO:SDEUUB(POOPosro) TEMPOMRY 334.45 U SUiTE lllSMllUNTADLE 153_!.1 u~ !)ISMQumABLE 107.S3 14 SUf!E DISMOUNTAl!LE 31.21 1.5 SU>TE DISMOUNTABLE m" 1~ SU;TE DISMOUtlTABlE ,,. "wm OISMOIJNTABU: lll Su;TE DISMOUHTAalE 121J.:I4"" 19 PfllESTRIA!IBRIDG~ DISMOllliTAelf ... ~0 SUITE DJSMOUNTABLE H.Zl U TAAOO!t'IECLUO (SMtll..l., lENT$)_ OOMOUWABlE ll G'IAfii)STAUDSORSU!ITS O!SMOU//JABlE "" ' ' ' ' Exhibit "B" PERMIT AND IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT THIS PERMIT AND IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") made on the ___ day of ___ 2014, by and betweeu MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, herein sometimes designated or referred to as the "COUNTY," and ANDRETTI SPORTS MARKETING FLORIDA, LLC, a State of Indiana Limited Liability Corporation, hereinafter refeJTed to as the "PERMITTEE". WITNESSETH: NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the restrictions and agreements herein contained, the COUNTY hereby issues tltis Pennit to PERMITTEE for the exclusive use of the County­ owned property located behind the AmericanAirlines Arena and commonly refeiTed to as "Parcel.B" and more specifically described as follows: Street Address Legal Description Propertv Folio (Located within the (Recorded in the Public Records of Miami-Dade City of Miami, Florida) Countv, Florida) A Tract of Land, In Section 37, Township 53 and 54 South, Range 42 East and Section 31, Township 53 South, Range 42 East and Section 6, Townsltip 54 01-3231-055-0020 400 NE 8'11 Street South, Range 42 East, Said Tract of Land Lying, Situated and Being in the City of Miami, Miami Dade County, Florida, Maritin1e Areria, PB 154-37, Tract B, T-20152·---·-··- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto said PERMITTEE commencing at 12:00 am, on March 12, 2015, and tenninating at ll:59 pm, on March 14, 2015, for a total payment of Twenty-two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($22,200.00), payable at least thirty days in advance ofMarch 12,2014 to Miami· Dade Cow1ty/Intemal Services Department ("Depattment"), 111 NW 1 Street, Suite 2460, Miami, Florida 33128-1907. PERMITTEE shall submit a secmity deposit in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), at the time of execution of this Agreement. Said security deposit shall be returned to PERMITTEE, without interest, at the termination of this Agreement, provided, however, that the PERMITTEE is not in default of this Agreement atld the Premises are suJTendered to COUNTY as specified in Article XI of this Agreement.
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