urn of Alt. morn and tha miCht lov» you. uvlng and prov- constant, tlie 1893. 1209 CRANFORD. UNION CQUNTY. N. J.."THURSDAY,- DECEMBER if>." .909 PRICE 3 CENTS the iliuduw. the acklng. marked | MEN'S CLUB BANQUET. _jjftori.-s and tell how glad h<- was to IN THE WOMEN'S-CLUBS .j,-£itti*:g-.with..SiUerlee, ,-idioiAX-^ . .^be h'nul {netting of-the-Wednesday the goal ncr, Denning ana reluctantly Feparatinp: toi . f^ C5"clu^d:lthe: ^^L^?1' and Morning Club .for 19(» was held at the e nf> library yesterday. A very interestinK iilnt, they war* the strains «if "F. Xange »yne,'" form-I^>'l * Victor was playing Fred ed a ).art of the experience of the i I'-ansre »yne, souvenirs were distribut- paper, "Ceremonials and Fetes," wa» ! Men's Club of Cranford ar,d the other cd fret" '"K furniture department. given by Mrs. Winckler; the Hecund bud, but never ;iuwn ui tlm rirrt-Met|imiigt-clmTE'lr •Srerybmiy »» fi'acliitii; till' paper," (feHcriptiveTif'."Life" in"tB?'" ; wero Uurk, nor \Un right. "•" trot n frood old MethoilistJ Hills," was prepared by Mrs. Babcock The occasion was the second annual and reud by Mra. Hale. The Current TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE Jopic-waa given byJIra._Hoe.!__" banquet of the club. The dinner was i wrved in^the §unday_8cliqol X oimnillecmiin~SrriitTi.'s' ill Ticalth" ' The Club will hold its next meeting the ladies of the Philathen Kible lifeventeij" his attendance " at last on January 5th, "1910, and at the —ladies-whom Toastmaster Lnn^e gal- riifiht's nipeting of the board, and meeting of January 26th, Mrs. Ella little business of impnrtanw was •era tide. Uiey lantly'spoke of as "our sweethearts Murray of New York will give an ad- done. '•• • " -. -i .-.•-• a on the. "Problems of Every-day )d the sun, unj and wives," adding the wish that our wives vrwild alwayn Tn»-f*nr sweethenrts Liefrgft Wi'sli'rvplt iinJ-John-VV«t<ir— 1 Kir ! Monthly.- and that our sweethearts would some- son were relieved, of the obligation to pay dug taxes, jisthfy owned none. Tho V, I. A. members are looking time he our. wivea." ' forward with pleasure UHho quarter* and grew, Elaborate dccofationsT" of crepe - VVr ;,!•; MrKec, -who-lately purchnstfd lit wu lulr iu a lot on thi> 'extension of. Union ave- ly^meetinj; in January when Mrs. paper covered the walls anil ceiling Snowden of the high school faculty 1VM Ifclil siliij; of the banquet hall and a clump of nue beyond Willow avenue, asked to will :»|icak on Industrial Education ivcjgreenSvtvJiid ,th» «pa«Bat;e .to.-tlic v Tina reiim-st. was refiTroil tn theand ail aJdresa wnt*Ee" madeb'y^ Mra. ante-room from whirh t he viandajvere Frederick Nathan of New York on a served. The menu was a& follows': Aujjtin wim directed to topic to be announced later. MENU: ; pera for tho appoint Creamed_Oy8tera__ Scalloped Potatoes mi i HS i nnc'rj.. to H^RIBH—t lio- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH :ty perfumo. Dinner Biscuits cost myX' lienefits 4$ sewers Inid in The Ludies' Aid Society" meeting the room, Chicken Salud Celery-'^ litDIV was held.in the Smirch parlor yester- K*r.:falr. -, - . , resting ther?,, .... rarker,.IJi>use Holla' ... day u;fturnyon,-.2i..ladies being; present. Quren Olives - ' Midget Vherk'ins^ ^CLOSING FOR: The work- on hand- beinir' finished, a years dragged Victor Talkitig^ Machine Bnilml Ninuara Ham; Roast Mock Onck To-morrmv being the last day ofChristmas' box was' packed for Mi*» '^ot marv«t- .Apple Suuce ./ the tunii ut Miss* Uicliiiiond'j) school, Curry's Mission, consisting of~-eom- Defsertala Thilathea Assorted Cake? fihristmns festivities will lie oliaerved fortables, flannel garments, and toy< 00 wundruusly Nuts Fruits /Coffee to the fullest extent. While the for the children. It was decided tn iple yet gram).. ! \ lowed to ling, tinthusinsm over, tlie found to hola lof there is iniof greater aid'"•T6 mrS'"a'lf^y^" Dec. 29th and to adjourn until-Jan'. liest mold, i coming exercifes has been maliiTest In 12th. when Mrs.'.N. It. Foster, Mr«. While the catinp and drinking wen 4.|ie-wb<>!tHi«tr4t?r-T-CTp[V for ' to work and . aliare in inakirg (lie (inal <l:iy a source 'Uehcarsala for,the songB and reci- Bremner's Victor machine. J ifibytorian Sunday *0. : f, ^,.»v»-i u.} nie piipiJR of schoolVcHrVBtmiiarentertainment n're hl«h~T-.r—I of goul'began. Mr, Langc referred Miss with pride to the growth of .the' dull, Itiohnioiid'fl school uhder'the-in- being conducted by Miss Watson anil strnict ion of-Mrsi Olcolt Payne showed Mrs. Jeambey. The tableaux wilfin' ment is a lieadliner in his Aor her particular which (irjfanizea, ftli Dec, 15,. 1M>7, that with 15 members, and achieyvil the Bueces's! hud fefirfinled her' efforts in charge of Misa Elizabeth Conkling to li ivuvo. thetheimn npuayiuak fluently,fluently, under jmrt.-: .••••.• ••: • )-:;"\:••'.'. •r • •". ;_. ••••• : .:. remarkable record of gaining (id men itllTllli Don't bo lax in CO days. - In paying hii tribute to ingly, ami with expressions The; i| ppruuj ition of tin kiiditntt wns at With your tax. the ladies the tonstmastcr sail' th it tcat drum) has writ, .•;,,« The most famous > Artists of Grand Opera' a nation M-Aiimj* Altr tan snx unuld il I v IK II I \ nppluuii mil enm a 10 see i WaUjjujiij. -tn).JK route la.ii) Misa fchnur iJailcy has been wl'-d' to MtWmuH v by Thomas J. Brown in niHtpictor in I ,nf> Misa WagstafT of Holly street. Caruso NFarfar | Piancoir^ >> thletics connected with the, New York City Department of Mucation His principal point was that exercise i| . .-..,. _____ 7 Destihn Scotti: Sembrid^ Slezak and dieti*ho£lil be1 regulated with a view of building up and conscryiig Before you start buying ' your : \^ Schumann=Heirlk and others vitality. To correct bent shuulderH rtu^^p^t^'Sv^tfid'ddBk1, prie CHRISTMAS PRESENTS to this— should rot rely on braces, but should rake exercises 'that require, vigorous MAKE A VISIT TO ; there\ are Vaudeville Stare, Cello, Violin, swinging of the arms. Standing fan Ithln. one's toea as in dancing was the proper street, Banjo, Cornet,/and Trombone soloists, Bands treatment for flatrfoot, hot dependence COMPANY upon arch-supporting shoes.-, meet, !^iW^=K23S.:^,V.yii3&lT<;4^t!ISM*2T^^ i M.C. A; showed the utter falsity of the frequently-made assertion'.' that Ypu may 5.ivc yourself a trijj out of town. The prices are Snappy Quartets, Ballads old. and new, ministers and religious people in gen- c eral are alarmed by- the adyanc^ of right -the goods are-the right kind ajid.eyOJJLavoid the city _ .^J^Songs and Talks, MinstrelxSliows and in scientific know.ledge.. On the con- ^crowds—Shop early. ' ' •-•_. ^ trary, education is an ally to religion, f^ct any kind of entertainment that you could and the speaker Raye an outline of subjects for study-by which the church Holiday Articles for Young and Old suggest-that- you would-like-to™ha^erin your could attract, men to its ranks. By providing lectures on public play Useful Presents- Ornamental Articles i to the earth, home. x y.' •.-;••••; unds, the red 'cross work, trades mil or birth unionism, etc., and asking men to TOYS FOR THE CHILDREN Can you conceive of a more versatiie^en^ prepare papers of their o\vn on such themes, the church could surely CHRISTMAS RIBBONS POCKET BOOKS str«nj?thea itself.andincreascitaiuic,-,, C!j--Kij=i.s:i:*:; ^taMe^^siyil^^ fulness., - . r~ty|4t 4hfese"voices- an4 instfumeirts are-FeproN. Ori' ^-.^-^ .^«,^. ^"LEATHER-GOODS whose, tqiiicwas^^ .. Spiritual,.'..'. Dennison Holiday NoveltiescEtc. duced so perfectly -that anyone TSittitigiw: the i b ^ , to thb fact that" 21 •years ."' And IOOO otlier needed a idlneA next room and not knowing that a machine was ago he occupied the pulpit now filled' lead" Jjy Brother Pearce, and asked the ££- HOI,EPROOF HOSIERY J,50 XOO 3.00 boxed :pany what "they thought of the seed playing would be* deceived. rfiutt man..-. Everybody shouted, i,• "Orders' taken for books—:New Copyright's 1.08 Ts all' right." The professor 1 Why not stop in PlielpsJewelry, store contended that things physical, things delivered front the-Elizabeth store—Alger Books_9c educational, and things spiritual-were •O •<i«: on the way fiome to=motrow night and satisfy merely meehanical divisions of one great subject—niani and went" on to yourself that we do not claim one single thing show that Christ was the perfect man, growing from childhood in stnture THE: that^ thei^ictor will not substanstkite; or come physically, wisdom educationally, and : favor with God, spiritually. Dr. up to my Demonstraiing Roomy p: Riverside SMteHee'made ah'eToquent ippeaf': to' SHOES N develop not one,' or two, but all si.-!es of manhood. -- . than Wini Drive and Norniandy^Place (a separate building) arera. District Superintendent Randolph CAN NOyV BE HAD FROM u Mereillllj. during the_ evening, you will be very ^efcbme,, «poke briefly of-the. reasonableness of ? faith and dependence on a higher If you can t do either I will send a machine to being. The men who believe wholly in Jthemgelvea are lunatice. Morris EDWIN SILBERQ your house if you. say so. _ . Plains is full of kings, czars, sultans, and otlier..mighty_potentatcs, _who xe-.. _authority but their _o_w_n. Ht-i> z - _ ^=E^-lt^yjou^arelJntefesTed~_and feel-thaj.the j lave ivtniiined good willof J5t, Paul'sjchUrch. to its outlay is too much at present you can arrange South Side 'neighbor, and expressed the hope that the Methodiats of Cran- Edge Shoes = ilietilu^ payments^to suit.
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