THE OBSESSION ISSUE MATT MULLENWEG: AN OPEN SOURCE 11> BOURBON: AMERICAN SPIRIT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOLECULE CUT COPY: FREE YOUR MIND LONDON POSE ART OF ACTIVISM Volume 27.6 November 2013 USA $3.50 Canada $4.50 England £3.00 Japan ¥1000 7 25274 73916 5 MATT MULLENW4G: AN OPEN SOURCE TEXT BY DEB!A WINTE! PHOTOG!APHY BY LIZ CA!UNA “Hello World!”—It’s a friendly greeting and disarmingly simple. spired by art in some way, whether it’s building things, or lis- These words greet you when you start your very !rst WordPress tening to music.” blog and whisper, “You can do this.” The phrase has launched The creative force driving WordPress was Mullenweg’s ac- a hundred million blogs, giving voices from Argentina to Zim- cess to open-source software—software that is public and built babwe all the permission they need to make themselves heard. on collective collaboration rather than corporate proprietary Less than 10 years old, WordPress has been astoundingly suc- code. For Mullenweg, making WordPress free was a way of “pay- cessful. According to W3Techs, an estimated 17 percent of the ing it forward” for the gifts and opportunities he had received world’s websites are created using WordPress. Part of that suc- through said software This approach is at the core of his cess is clearly attributable to WordPress’ free, open-source web philosophy and has subse-quently attracted legions of platform, its plug-in architecture, and the vast array of templates devotees to WordPress. Mullen-weg explained, “I think that make it both "exible and easy to use. Yet it is also due in part technology is incredibly interesting as a means to an end—a to the fact that WordPress has empowered the blogging gen- super scalable means because, with soft-ware, hundreds of eration with a force that has changed not only the way we read millions of people are just a click away. That’s really powerful. and report news, but also how we create and market ourselves. The opportunity [for society] to have an impact in such a short WordPress is a kind of clay, and users have happily become the period of time—it’s intoxicating.” sculptors. For this, we have Matt Mullenweg to thank, along with WordPress’ staying power grew because it made blogging Mike Little and Michel Valdrighi. ac-cessible through ease of use and inviting templates, For someone who has been listed in Business Week’s 25 Most encouraging the average American to find his or her own In"uential People on the Web, Forbes’ 30 Under 30 in Media, creative voice and, for many, exercise their First Amendment and Vanity Fair’s Next Establishment, Mullenweg—like his cre- rights: freedom of speech and freedom of the press. As ation—has a remarkably down-to-earth presence. I had a chance Mullenweg sees it, “to me the quintessential American idea is to catch up with him recently at his Automattic headquarters equality of opportunity, the idea that there is a level playing in San Francisco, where I heard more about his journey to “de- field. It’s kind of amazing that you and I can use the same mocratize the web” and what the future of blogging might hold. software that the New York Times does, and we are on the It’s a fairly safe bet that Mullenweg was not your typical teen- same internet. People can click a link and come to either of the ager; nor was he your archetypal computer tech geek. Driven by sites just as easily. And that equality of opportunity changes the a love of music and photography, Mullenweg started using blog game. It’s not just the people who have the printing presses or software to upload photos to the internet. He began making millions of dollars to spend on software anymore; it’s anyone minor changes in the code to meet his personal needs, thereby with an internet connection.” This direct-to-consumer pipeline customizing it. This marriage of art and code ultimately became has forever altered communication habits of our global cultural an overarching theme in his life’s work. “They were always and landscape. The soaring trend of blogging has been catapulted still are tied together,” Mullenweg said. “The !rst websites I not only by free software, but also by a so-ciety with an built were for musicians. All of the technology I do today is in- insatiable hunger to express themselves. 36 37 As a platform, WordPress’ broad availability revolutionized mobility. Next up on WordPress’ list is perfecting its mobile app the process of exchanging information. David Vinjamuri, a experience. Mobility in blogging is crucial as global smartphone Forbes contributor who teaches branding and social media at sales surpassed PC sales in 2011 according to Mashable’s Chris NYU, bears witness to the blogging evolution: “Blogging—the Taylor and market analyst !rm Canalsys. For Vinjamuri, mobil- ability to self-publish instantly and without intermediation on ity is a key trend: “I think that both mobility and the profusion the web—has changed journalism irrevocably. Just !fteen years of new voices have changed the nature of authenticity. To be au- ago in order to report or comment on the news you needed to thentic now, you have to be in the middle of it, on the scene.” In belong to an organization willing to edit, publish, and distribute addition, new, competing content management systems (CMS) your views. Blogging tore down the wall.” Vinjamuri sees paral- and blogging alternatives such as Blogger, Tumblr, Joomla, and lels between blogging and other newfound forms of expression Drupal have emerged on the scene. However none have reached in history, such as pamphleteering during the Revolutionary War the popularity of WordPress for a variety of reasons, including era. “At !rst, bloggers were diarists and amateurs. Then new and the simplicity of WordPress for the non-coding masses. unheard voices crept into the dialogue. Because of the way that Google assigned page ranks, well-linked and frequently updated blogs showed up high in searches, giving them prominence and exposure. It became clear that blog economics were di"erent. Topics that wouldn’t support a paper or magazine were great “To me the quintessential American idea fodder for blogs. Narrowly de!ned news and commentary suc- is equality of opportunity: the idea that ceeded. Bloggers went from being ignored to scorned, scorned to grudgingly accepted, then respected and !nally co-opted and there is a level playing !eld.” integrated. Most professional journalists and columnists now blog. Some bloggers cross over. And entire media platforms like The Hu!ngton Post and Forbes Online are based in large part on Mullenweg’s provocative tagline—“trying to democratize the contributions of unpaid bloggers.” publishing”—is a curious mantra for a software mogul. In 2006, The rami!cations of this new technology and cultural change Mullenweg approached Toni Schneider with an o"er to become are clearly still being played out as new factors arise, such as CEO of Automattic (WordPress’ lesser-known parent company) 38 and create a sustainable and pro!table business model from this he enjoys personal travel, music, reading, and the occasional altruistic ideal. Schneider accepted. “When Matt and I !rst met bottle of whiskey (Yamazaki 1984, to be exact). about it, he asked me if I thought it was possible to create a busi- When I !rst came across WordPress, I was struck by a phrase ness on top of WordPress that would support and grow the open- on it’s website: “Code is Poetry.” At once idealistic and prag- source project instead of exploiting it for commercial purposes,” matic, it is easy to see how the WordPress team has created so Schneider said. “It’s an exciting project to work on.” much poetry from the mundane bits and bytes of their trade. Fast Although some in the blogosphere speculate on how pro!t- forward a few years—and several shots of very expensive whis- able the company can actually be, WordPress continues to grow, key—and it is clear that the idealist remains. Mullenweg explains, seemingly fueled by good karma and an army of devoted blog- “For me it’s all about the people, right? It’s about the creators, not gers. Their new headquarters in SoMa has all the “un-corporate” necessarily what they’re creating, because WordPress is a very trappings of a typical startup: an open concept, a huge space open platform. You can create anything. But we’ve always been for events, bu"ed cement #oors, exposed ceiling and walls, and sort of creator-focused, author-focused. You have words that shu$eboard courts as well as ping pong tables. The seating is you want to say, a story you want to tell, and a narrative you want inviting; chairs and couches face each other, dotted with the oc- to put into the world. That’s what really matters. So how can we casional cheery, tiny succulent plants. In the center is a library get out of the way and be almost invisible and still do the things housing each employee’s favorite books, including Mullenweg’s that will make your world just a little bit easier.” choices, such as On Writing Well by William Zinsser, Antifragile WordPress has proven to be for millions of people who don’t by Nassim Taleb, The Halo E!ect by Phil Rosenzweig, and Pre- know their PHP from their SEO—and don’t really care to. The dictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. enticing format and ease of use have given this mini-army its Life at Automattic is unconventional: 95 percent of the work- own path to expression: free, uncomplicated, and fueled by their force is dispersed around the globe rather than being located own imagination and initiative.
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