y M a. lj I ï t VOLUME 32, NUMBER 43 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 PRICE TEN CENTS CT /■ ■ ■ 4 ? Is ■ -• A v v-1 ' ’; (Lost in 0, Series of Two Articles) white patrons and no misunder­ some. We don’t have as many out- After spending $25 or $30 catching t:Hbtel and Mot .i - “I believe a we used to. I think a person should opened my business, it was not jwrt standing at all." of-town guests as we used to, but a sale, we should be 'able to get ■;person should go anywhere he exercise his rights and go where he ■' Has desegregation In Memphis helped or hurt Negro busi­ for the Negro. I just opened a busi­ MRS. JANA PORTER Of Uni; I am afraid to say If it will help refreshments, not caring where." ichoose. I haven’t lost any business pleases." ness, we always try to keep it as nesses? During the many years of all-out segregation,, Negroes versl Life Insurance Co. Cafeteria or not We will just have -o run MRS. B. M, 8IMS of The Flame nt, ill and am expecting more In Competing with white florists attractive as possible and try ; who operated hotels, motels, restaurants, cafes and taxicabs in — “It hasn’t hurt us a tall. In fact on and see what the end will be.1’ Cafe, 388 Outer Parkway — "It has the future." Is nothing new for Mrs. Flora Io have what the people want tor -the Bluff City knew thaf the 'so-called Negro market belonged It Is better. Now, prices can be ALBERT SMITH of .United Taxi­ hurt us some, but not much. We 'JEFF LEWIS of Jeff’s Barbecue. Cochrane of Flora's Flower Shop. their money." tdfh'im. But, now, desegregation has changed all of that. Com compared." cab Company — “I would say it Is still get the clubs. I believe the 361 E. Butler — "No, It. hasnt hurt 733 Vance, and Mrs. Addie Craw­ .pplltfoh is wide open. MRS. GERALDINE FLEMING of a held to buslntss." novelty will wear off, for we have my business. I have never been in ford of Henley's Floral Shop, 1085 Mrs. Crawford said: “We always Eureka Hotel, 356 Mulberry — “W? MRS. MATTIE OVER of Handy as good a place as any downtown, afy downtown place myself and Thomas, but their comments are have hud white trade. We don't Here’s what several Negro busi- has affected us one way or the have no complaint, We get along House, 995 1-2 Mississippi - M.v I don’t think It is just to go in me dqnt know what kind of food they worthy of mention. have as many now as we used to. ness people have to say about thia other. Of course, I don’t know what fine. In fact, jt has helped us." customers are mostly working peo­ white places, but the freedom to do Said Mrs. Cochrane: "No, deseg­ have." We have more colored, but WNWa new day of desegregation:_ , it will grow into. We are maintain. MRS. DORIS JEAN ZOLLICOF- ple. so I don’t think It has hurl as one desires." ¡WILLIAM TONEY of Tony's Inn regation has not hurl our business. do buy from us. I do my best' to E. V. TARPLEY of Littlejohn Ing our regular amount of colored FtR of Plaza Hotel, Third at Cal­ any. I think I have belter food Walter - "Business Is about the same. We In fact, it has helped. Competition Taxicab Co.......... “I won’t say it patrons as always. We have a few houn — “Business has fallen of' than most, of those smaller pla.es. WALTER BaILKY of Lorraine still have out-of-town guests like makes better business. When I Rive the best In quality and price«.“ T ? § /taps Critics Of ¿fe: infc .t. < Negro Teachers I t; S.$ ’ W; Writer Of Two-Part Series Objects To I Criticism Hurled By 'Rights' Leaders .«• ::X This is the second of a two-part article defending Negro ¡I [•- teachers who were criticized recently for not being active partici­ : pants in civil rights movements. The article was written by Rev. William I. Bell, an instructor at Manassas High School and founder-pastor of Pilgrim Rest Holy Community Church. Here is the final parts :: By REV. WILLIAM L, BELL teaching and professional prepara­ It is not the purpose of Shis ar­ tion rather than spreading his ticle to hold up anyone or any energies thin to participate in movement to ridicule or cleiision, peripheral things. but it is obvious that the teacher As cited earlier, the panelist will do a better job of teaching if criticized the Negro teacher for not Hall Award For he applies himself to the task of being more dynamic in encouraging the Negro student to strive for classial ulture, growth and develop­ leMoyne Library ment. Whether one appreciates MU, t, J.Toney Heads classical culture or not depends In 'The Hollis F. Price Library Back a large measure upon what he is & me LeMoyne College campus Is one fed. ■7 fit 16 library buildings selected to Maybe we are not conscious of It. ..Mi receive architectural awards In the Tenn. Ed. Congress but we are the product of what we Second Library Buildings Award eat, program sponsored jointly by The Sunday Torris j. Toney of 910 Polk and It has been said that during principal of Geeter High School was Amerlan Institute of Architects, Installed president of the Tennessee World War II and the Korean War, The American Library Association JACKSON, Miss. - Bishop Education Congress at tihe two-day American soldiers stationed in and the National Book Committee. convention held in Nashville. Korea, Japan ,etc. often complained . Presentation of the Award of Charles Golden, who preside* Other Memphians installed were: that the natives of those countries jkerit .to LeMoyne will be made at over the Negro Methbdltt Mrs. Callie Lente Steven« of 900 smelled like “sake." The people special ceremonies planned to coln- churches in Memphis, corrie# McLernon and principal of Florida of thpse countries, in turn, com­ CLEMENT HIRING POLICY PRAISED — J. Willard Governor Clement appointed Mr- Bowden, of ade w|!li National Library Week out a two-mpnth-old .promleo Etyneptary, secretary; Jofceph W. plain'd that all Americans «helled Bowden, .left, secretary of fhe State Pardons and Nashville, in 1963. The Governor is being prois- Westbropk of Glenview apd like milk. The truth of the mallei Paroles Boarddoinrgovernor.Frank G. Clement ep throughout,the state for carrying, out Ms’* . tagerald, chief.1J- entww WHiwhti« i snpeririter, " Ji-Wdt,*«« correot, tn reviewing ftif’llrt ¿f^NSgroes hired in vqHous campaign promises. X” ■ ' brar *, said the award treasurer, a will be ptcsinted to the college at church h«rd Orientals usually drink a great state offices during past months. Tennessee's ter '<4 1704 Orr, chaplain. a program scheduled for Thursday Other officers: ' deal of “sake" and because of this, BISHOP CHARLES GOLDEN Bishop Golden, who head* the --------------------------------- ----------------- morning, April 9, at 10:30. W< J. Officer, Nashylile, and E. their bodies under certain condi- Nnshvlle. Birmingham Ara* (Ten­ ar Johnson, Athen*, vice pres- ' lions give oil the odor of “sake". nessee, Mississippi and Alabama) of ; Mrs. Evelyn- P. Hall, Gal­ As a rule, Americans drink a great tlie Methodist Church's all« Negro latin, assistant secretart, and C. C. deal of milk and under certain Now Honor lee For 40 Central Jurisdiction, was turned Chattanooga, pltllamenta- conditions their bodies give off the back when he attempted to enter odor of milk. Thus, you get the Galloway Memorial Church here. With him, and also rejected' was a Ipw executive committee mem- - idea writer hopes • of what we ire Nelson Senter■' «.Nash“.Nashville, white bishop, Oltorles Matthews, of mean when we say that we are the Years Of Service Robinson of Lexington Hie Boston area. > and product of what we eat. Jackson of Knoxville. Lt. George W. Lee, manager of Seven white Methodist ministers the Memphis office of Atlanta Life In some sections of Europe, the and two Negrt) laymen were attest- 'We Are Just Doing What Is Right,' insurance Co., 526 Beale, and di­ people - until recent years • had rector of the firm, Is being honored (Continued on Page Four) never heard any other kind of music School Music this week for his 40 years of “loyal Board Of Ed. Announces Advanced except classical and native folk Says Governor Frank G. Clement and efficient service’ ’to the com­ Set For Sunday music. Thus, they had been nurtur­ pany. Biology Course For High Schoolers ; training Union ot Salem - ed from birth, so to Bpeak, on NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Negroes are filling important positions Sihf Baptist Church will pre- Honoring Mr. Lee are Memphis space, symphony, concerto, chorale in the Clement Administration. And the number one example is The Board of Education last Friday voted to put a new roof Father Marshall the students of Mrs. E. L. etc. employees of Atlanta Life. Special on Hyde'Park Elementary School. Low bid of $1,565 by John A. J. Willard Bowden, scretary of the State Pardons and Paroles programs are being conducted at Cole’s School of Music in a recital They learned early to whistle, Board. Gov. Frank G. Clement appointed him a member of the- the branch office each morning of Denie's Sons Company was accepted. Sunday, April 5, at 3 p. m. Rev. sing, and play the ariars and this week mid there will be a ban­ a I, McCargo Is pastor of(the choruses from the great operas in board - the first-of his race - in 1963.
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