26J8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. MARCH 30, will be a terrible flood here perhaps in a short time if this section is SELDE~ COXNOR. stricken out. What is this section~ This section provides that for Mr. FRYE also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2704) for the relief of every hundred million of national-bank cmTen~y th£tt. is ~irish~d to Selden Connor; which was read. a first and second time, referred to be issued, $70,000,000 of greenbacks shall be w1th<lrawn from crrcn­ the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. lation; in other words, when we think we have got a hunll.red m_illion L."'\STITUTE FOR PHYSICAL CULTURE. of national-bank currency we have got bu 30,000,000. That IS the provision of the section. What further, sir f ·why, that this con­ Mr. HALE, of Maine, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2705) to provide traction shall go on until the greenbacks of this country are con­ for setting apart public land in the District of Columbia for the Insti­ tra-cted down to $300,000,000; showing that this bill when reported tute for Physical Culture; which was read a first and second time, from the committee, although it pr~fess.ed to give $3 ~,000,00~ circu­ referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and lation of greenbacks, yet had the sting m the last 'SectiOn which was ordered to be printed. to deprive it of its efficacy and of its virtue by the contraction of a COR.XELIUS R.APELYE. hundred millions, which brought it down lower than even the bill by Mr. SCUDDER, of New York, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2706) for some fifty millions by contraction. It shows the whole scheme, and the rplief of Cornelius Rapelye; which was read a first and second when you speak of a scheme _on oll! part, I say this scheme _as reported time, referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to be here is a scheme of contractiOn of the cmrency of the Umted States, printed. and from one end of it to the other it carries contraction upon its face. SHIPPING COMMISSIONERS. And yet we are told that it contains the principle that is to save the Mr. TREMAIN introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2707) to amend the act people of this land; and ~enators, too, 'Yho profess, some o~ them, not authorizing the appointment of shipping commissioners, and for other to be in favor of contractiOn, are angry if we propose to strike out the purposes; which was read a first and 'second time, referred to the very section that does contract the cuiTency beyond the argument of Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. any man that ha-s been ma-de on this floor so far. Certa.i.I:d.y it is a system of contraction and nothing else. THO)IAS J . PEACOCK. Speaking for myself, I can say in a few words what I am in favor Mr. MERRIAM introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2708) for the relief of of. I am in favor, first, of standing bythe$400,000,000. I am in favor Thomas J. Peacock, of Fairfax County, Virginia; which wa read a of free banking. This free banking means to give the same right to first and second time, referred to the Committee on War Claims, and one a..ssociation that another has under the law. If the majority of ordered to be printed. the Senate desire to put clamps upon it so a-s to restrict it, that is for SARAH ![,BRADLEY. the majority to say; but the principle is what I am after; and that is Mr. MERRIAM also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2709) granting a why I have introuuced it. If they desire to add to that amendments pension to Sarah M. Bradley; which was read a first and second time, which will make the notes convertible and reconvertible into a small referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be interest-bearing bond, the majority have a right to do that. If they printed. desire to add that a portion of the interest shall be held a-s a reserve CARE OF INSANE CONVICTS. in the bank for re,demption purposes, so that when the Government Mr. MAcDOUGALL introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2710) to provide is ready to redeem, the banks may be on an equality at the same time, let that be done; but the pTinciple is right; and that prjnciple will for the care and custody of persons convicted in courts of the United be maintained by this country, if not now, in the future. This is States, who have or may become insane while in prison; which was read a first and ~cond time, referred to the Committee on the Ju­ what I desire; and this is what I am working for, and what I am mov­ diciary, and ordered to be printed. ing in the direction of. If Senators think this is opening the flood-gates to destroy the HARRIET TUBMAN. country, they have a right to vote ag:;tinst it; but. they haye no right ~·MAcDOUGALL also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2711) for the to criticise my vote when I vote for 1t. Then, srr, I am m favor of relief of Harriet Tubman; which was read a first and second time, striking out this section; so that the theory upon which we started referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. for an increase of the currency shall be carried out, with proper guards GEORGE SMITH. and proper brakes thrown around it, so as to preserve the benefits that will be derived from this general proposition. Mr. ROSS introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2712) granting a pension tn George Smith; which was read a first and seconcl time, referred to EXECUTIVE SESSIO~. the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions and War of 1812, and . Mr. MORRILL, of Maine. I move that the Senate proceed to the ordered to be printed. · consideration of executive business. REFUND OF TAXES 0~ TOBACCO. The motion was agreed to. Mr. ROSS also introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2713) to provide for re­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. funding certain taxes on manufactured tobacco ; which was read a A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. LLoYD, its first and second time, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, Chief Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the House had signed and ordered to be printed. the following emolled bills; and they were thereupon signed by 1\IA.RTH.A. HUNTS:\:IA.c~. the President pro ternpo're : Mr. STORM introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2714) granting a pension A bill (H. R. No. 2451) to improve the mouth of the Mississippi to Martha Huntsman; which was read a first and second time, re­ River; and ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be A bill (H. R. No. 1037) making appropriations for the construction, printed. preservation, and repair of certain fortifications and other works of SAMUEL P . KEMP. defense, for the year ending June 30, 1875. Mr. MOORE introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2715) granting an increase EXECUTIVE SESSION. of pension to Samuel P. Kemp, late of Company I, Seventh Ohio The Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business. Volunteer Infantry; which was read a first and second time, referred After fom'teen minutes spent in executive session the doors were re­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. opened, aud (at five o'clock and four m.in.utes p. m.) the Senate 1\:lRS. 1\fARY C. REXO. adjourned. Mr. O'BRIEN introduced a bill (H. R. No. 271'6) granting a pen­ sion to Mrs. Mary C. Reno; which was 'read a first and second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be printed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MRS. M. D. DALL. MONDAY, March 30, 1874. Mr. LOWNDES introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2717) for the relief of Mrs. M. D. Dall; which was read a tirst a.nd second time, referred to The House met at' twelve o'clock m. · Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. SEAMAN'S JmiEND SOCIETY, OF NORFOLK. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. :Mr. PLATT, of Virginia, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2718) for tlle ORDER OF BUSINE S. relief of the Seaman's Friend Society, of Norfolk, Virginia; wbic·h The SPEAKER. This being Monday, the first business in order is was. rea-d a first and second time, 1·eferred to the Committee on War the call of the States and Tenitories, beginnin~ with the St.ate of Claims, and orderetl to be print-ed. Maine, for the introduction of bills and joint resolutioils for reference LIGHT-HOUSE AT TANGIER SPIT. to their appropriate committees, not to be brought back on motions Mr. SENER introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2719) to establish a light­ to reconsider. Under this call memorials and resolutions of State and house at Tangier Spit, Accoma-ck County, in Che apea.ke Bay, ir­ territorial Le~islatures may be presented for reference and printing. ginia; which was read a first and second time, referred to the Com­ The morning hour begins at two minutes after twelve o'clock.
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