February 1, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 1207 By March 1, this country will default veterans payments, it keeps payments the Congressional Black Caucus, who on its debt, that is right, for the first to veterans, honors its obligations to during his tenure, elevated the Black time in 209 years, this country runs the contractors. What happened to the Caucus to a position of national promi- risk of defaulting on the national debt. country's metal box? Why cannot that nence. Now, I might express, Mr. Speaker, be protected? KWEISI MFUME now takes on a new this is not debt, this is not voting to This Congress voted by a narrow challengeÐto rebuild the NAACP and extend the debt ceiling so that you can margin to go home instead of making elevate its prominence. With this is borrow more for future spending. This sure that metal box was secure. The mind, I cannot be saddened by is depar- is simply acknowledging and paying fact of the matter is that failing to tureÐthere is too much to look for- the debts you have already incurred. If deal with the deficit or failing to deal ward to. you do not like future spending then with the debt ceiling, Mr. Speaker, f you do it the old-fashioned way, you failure to keep this country from going A HISTORICAL DATE legislate it so you do not have any into default now can only worsen the more. You cut the programs. This is deficit, because this country will have The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under honoring the country's debt that it to pay more for the inevitable borrow- the Speaker's announced policy of May owes. ing that is going to take place. 12, 1995, the gentleman from California The previous gentlemen talked about I voted against adjourning, Mr. [Mr. DORNAN] is recognized for 60 min- the farm bill. Yes, that is also in crisis, Speaker. This Congress needs to stay utes as the designee of the majority and, yes, the Congress ought to be here here until it gets this problem worked leader. working on it. out, until it gets the farm bill worked Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker, I am sure But why is it not being brought up out we have got to preserve the credit glad that there is an outstanding mem- tonight? They provided the answers rating for the United States. ber of the freshman class and a friend themselves. It came out of committee The first time in 209 years it has real- and compadre in the chair. I like to on Tuesday. There are many of us, such ly gotten to this point. Does anyone feel good vibrations coming down on as myself, who are not on the Commit- really want to push the country to this the back of my neck from that lofty tee on Agriculture. The rules of the edge? high perch up there. House provide for a 3-day layover so Mr. Speaker, in preserving the credit Today is a historical day for me per- you can study these bills, and yet this rating of the United States, this Con- sonally, Mr. Speaker. Today is the first Republican leadership is not willing for gress could preserve a lot of credit for day that when we adjourn here, that I this House to be in session tomorrow, itself. We should not be going local this will be a full-time candidate for the Monday, Saturday, whatever it takes week. Presidency of the United States. My to get this bill done. eight worthy men of high character You know, Mr. Speaker, everyone f who are all out there competing have knows about credit ratings. America's FAREWELL TO REPRESENTATIVE been full-time candidates for an entire families worry a great deal about keep- MFUME year. ing their credit ratings solvent. Why is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a I declared in this well at this lectern not this congressional leadership wor- previous order of the House, the gen- on February 7 last year, which was the rying as much about keeping the Fed- tleman from Virginia [Mr. SCOTT] is 40th anniversary of my receiving my eral Government's credit rating? I was thinking about this the other recognized for 5 minutes. Air Force wings of silver. It was the day, Mr. Speaker, as I wanted to look Mr. SCOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to 25th anniversary of the POW±MIA at our mortgage. We have an adjust- pay tribute to a great American, a bracelet I still wear, No. 1, for a master able rate mortgage, and so we keep our great humanitarian, a great represent- sergeant, Jimmy Holt, from Hope, AK, mortgage and we keep a lot of our im- ative of the people, a great friendÐ one of the heroes from Hope who went portant papers like a lot of Americans KWEISI MFUME, whose letter of resigna- missing on February 7 of 1968, right at keep their important papers in a metal tion from this body was read earlier to- the end of the infamous Tet offensive, box under the bed. We do that, we keep night. The event of the 104th Congress and in the whole year, the leader of the it in a metal box because if there is a brought with it many changes. Many of other Chamber set the schedule so he fire, they will be protected, or a flood, these changes do not bode well for Afri- was a full-time candidate whenever he those important papers like a mort- can-Americans, other minorities, the felt like it. He has 100 percent attend- gage will be protected, perhaps even elderly, the poor, students, and work- ance record last year and this year, from prying hands. ing class Americans. Knowing this, I never missed a vote. When there were But you know, Mr. Speaker, there is cannot be totally saddened by the de- three Senators in, when my friend Mr. one danger, one crisis that a metal box parture of my distinguished colleague SPECTER of Pennsylvania was in, all he cannot protect, metal, concrete, steel, from this body, because I know that had to do was watch the leader. When Teflon, you name it, cannot protect this leaving Congress is truly for the he left, they left. He went to New against, and that is from a default. greater good of all these groups and the Hampshire, they followed him, or he That is from interest rates going up on American community at large. Rep- went to Iowa or somewhere else. The variable rate loans. That metal box resentative KWEISI MFUME's leadership other five are all literally full-time. cannot protect our variable rate mort- is needed elsewhere at this time, and I My friends Allen Keyes and Pat Bu- gage from the $1,200 that the average look forward to supporting his efforts chanan gave up their broadcasting and family will pay additional if this coun- in his new role as President and CEO of writing careers, to their credit, and try goes into default. That metal box the NAACP. have been full-time candidates for a cannot protect future car payments The NAACP is gaining the experience year. from being 2 to 3 percent higher. That and leadership of a man who recognizes The two millionaires, multi million- metal box cannot protect us against the importance of coalition buildingÐ aires, make $15 million a year, Morry these credit rates, Visa credit rates, he has shown his ability to move coali- Taylor, and Steve Forbes, Malcolm Visa, MasterCharge, and so on, from tions towards their goals without sac- Forbes, Jr., worth $500 million or so, going up. That metal box cannot pro- rificing principle. The NAACP is gain- they have been full-time candidates, tect us from the higher rates we will ing the knowledge of a man who recog- turning their corporations over to chief have to pay for our children to go to nizes the importance of economic de- operating officers, and Lamar Alexan- school. That metal box cannot protect velopment and empowerment, and one der on ``Meet the Press'' this Sunday us. Just as that metal box cannot pro- who has used his legislative experience said he draws almost $300,000 a year tect this family, and a lot of us are to advance the causes of small and mi- from his law firm in Nashville, from families, guess what happens if this nority-owned businesses and to encour- Howard Baker's law firm. He has been country goes into default, that metal age banks to invest in economic devel- a full-time candidate for 3 years. They box cannot protect the country. opment opportunities within inner city have all raised among them tens, The country has a metal box, and in communities. The NAACP is gaining twenties of millions of dollars. It is al- it it keeps Social Security, it keeps the expertise of the former chairman of most all gone, and the only one with H 1208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 1, 1996 the bottomless purse, kind of like Ross men in, then they pluralize it, ``support here in the House. I am sorry you do Perot this go-around, is Steve Forbes, our troops.'' not take my recommendation, but God- and the media is just rocketing him to b 2115 speed. I guess you are showing a lot of stardom, because he spent about $18 courage of your conviction. million on commercials. You cannot exercise your constitu- Now he has a bad conduct discharge.
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