March 1, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S921 Even as commissioner of education, The legislative clerk read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- it wasn’t beyond him or above him to CLOTURE MOTION ator from Georgia. invest in his community in that way. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- f It is, I hope, an indication of who he is ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the and whom he will remain if the Senate Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY chooses to confirm him into this role, move to bring to a close debate on Executive OF JOHN ROBERT LEWIS AND Calendar No. 8, Gina Marie Raimondo, of COMMENDING JOHN ROBERT as I hope we will do with a big bipar- Rhode Island, to be Secretary of Commerce. tisan vote today. Charles E. Schumer, Sherrod Brown, LEWIS FOR HIS TOWERING I yield the floor. Sheldon Whitehouse, Benjamin L. ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE NON- VOTE ON CARDONA NOMINATION Cardin, Robert Menendez, Patrick J. VIOLENT STRUGGLE FOR CIVIL The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Leahy, Alex Padilla, Jacky Rosen, RIGHTS the previous order, all postcloture time Richard J. Durbin, Tammy Baldwin, Mr. OSSOFF. Mr. President, as if in has expired. Jack Reed, Chris Van Hollen, Richard Blumenthal, Tim Kaine, Martin Hein- legislative Session, I ask unanimous The question is, Will the Senate ad- consent that the Senate proceed to the vise and consent to the Cardona nomi- rich, Christopher Murphy, Maria Cant- well. consideration of S. Res. 82, submitted nation? earlier today. Mr. MURPHY. Madam President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- imous consent, the mandatory quorum The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ask for the yeas and nays. clerk will report the resolution by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a call has been waived. The question is, Is it the sense of the title. sufficient second? The bill clerk read as follows: There appears to be a sufficient sec- Senate that debate on the nomination ond. of Gina Marie Raimondo, of Rhode Is- A resolution (S. Res. 82) honoring the life The clerk will call the roll. land, to be Secretary of Commerce, and legacy of John Robert Lewis and com- mending John Robert Lewis for his towering The legislative clerk called the roll. shall be brought to a close? The yeas and nays are mandatory achievements in the nonviolent struggle for Mr. THUNE. The following Senators civil rights. are necessarily absent: the Senator under the rule. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there from Tennessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN), the The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. objection to proceeding to the meas- Senator from Missouri (Mr. BLUNT), Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is and the Senator from Kansas (Mr. ure? necessarily absent: the Senator from There being no objection, the Senate MORAN). Tennessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN). proceeded to consider the resolution. The result was announced—yeas 64, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there nays 33, as follows: Mr. OSSOFF. Mr. President, I ask any Senators in the Chamber wishing unanimous consent that the resolution [Rollcall Vote No. 68 Ex.] to vote or change their vote? be agreed to, that the preamble be YEAS—64 The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 84, agreed to, and that the motions to re- Baldwin Hassan Portman nays 15, as follows: consider be considered made and laid Bennet Heinrich Reed [Rollcall Vote No. 69 Ex.] Blumenthal Hickenlooper Romney upon the table with no intervening ac- Booker Hirono Rosen YEAS—84 tion or debate. Brown Johnson Rubio Baldwin Grassley Paul The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Burr Kaine Sanders Bennet Hassan Peters objection? Cantwell Kelly Schatz Blumenthal Heinrich Portman Capito King Schumer Blunt Hickenlooper Reed Without objection, it is so ordered. Cardin Klobuchar Shaheen Booker Hirono Risch The resolution (S. Res. 82) was agreed Carper Leahy Sinema Boozman Hyde-Smith Romney Casey Luja´ n to. Smith Braun Inhofe Rosen Cassidy Manchin Brown Johnson Rounds The preamble was agreed to. Stabenow Collins Markey Burr Kaine Sanders (The resolution, with its preamble, is Tester Coons McConnell Cantwell Kelly Schatz printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- Cornyn Menendez Tillis Capito King Schumer mitted Resolutions.’’) Cortez Masto Merkley Van Hollen Cardin Klobuchar Shaheen Duckworth Murkowski Warner Carper Lankford Sinema Mr. OSSOFF. I yield. Durbin Murphy Warnock Casey Leahy Smith f Feinstein Murray Warren Cassidy Lee Stabenow Fischer Ossoff Whitehouse Collins Luja´ n Sullivan EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued Gillibrand Padilla Wyden Coons Manchin Tester Grassley Peters Cornyn Markey Thune The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- NAYS—33 Cortez Masto Marshall Tillis ator from Iowa. Crapo McConnell Toomey Barrasso Hawley Rounds Daines Menendez Van Hollen FEDERAL FUNDING Boozman Hoeven Sasse Duckworth Merkley Warner Ms. ERNST. Mr. President, from the Braun Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) Durbin Moran Warnock Cotton Inhofe Scott (SC) Ernst Murkowski Warren streets of Portland and Seattle to right Cramer Kennedy Shelby Feinstein Murphy Whitehouse here in our Nation’s Capital, lawless- Crapo Lankford Sullivan Fischer Murray Wicker ness has ensued all too often across our Cruz Lee Thune Gillibrand Ossoff Wyden Nation over the past year. I have con- Daines Lummis Toomey Graham Padilla Young Ernst Marshall Tuberville sistently called it what it is—anarchy. Graham Paul Wicker NAYS—15 And, folks, we need to be absolutely Hagerty Risch Young Barrasso Hawley Sasse clear on this: Anarchy cannot be toler- NOT VOTING—3 Cotton Hoeven Scott (FL) Cramer Kennedy Scott (SC) ated in our Nation. Blackburn Blunt Moran Cruz Lummis Shelby The mayhem that we have seen over The nomination was confirmed. Hagerty Rubio Tuberville the last year has put our families, our The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NOT VOTING—1 communities, and our law enforcement HEINRICH). Under the previous order, Blackburn in danger, and tragically it has led to the motion to reconsider is considered The PRESIDING OFFICER. The yeas death and destruction. made and laid upon the table, and the are 84, the nays are 15. In what will probably come as no President will be immediately notified The motion is agreed to. shock to the American people, a non- partisan watchdog organization found of the Senate’s action. f f that the Federal Government has spent EXECUTIVE CALENDAR more than $14 billion of our taxpayer CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The money, our hard-earned dollars, on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant clerk will report the nomination. Federal contracts and grants in five to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the The bill clerk read the nomination of major cities where civil unrest, also Senate the pending cloture motion, Gina Marie Raimondo, of Rhode Island, known as anarchy, goes unchecked and which the clerk will state. to be Secretary of Commerce. police are unable to do their jobs—14 VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Mar 02, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01MR6.030 S01MRPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE S922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 1, 2021 billion with a ‘‘b’’ dollars paid to local ate proceed to the consideration of S. subject matter of any hearing to be con- leaders and city officials who are fail- Res. 83, submitted earlier today. ducted by the Committee or any Sub- ing to do their jobs. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The committee at least seven calendar days prior Let’s keep talking about these dollar to the commencement of that hearing, un- clerk will report the resolution by less the Chair with the consent of the Rank- figures, folks. According to recent re- title. ing Minority Member determines that good ports by local media in Oregon, left- The senior assistant legislative clerk cause exists to begin such hearing at an ear- wing protests in Portland have caused read as follows: lier date. Witnesses shall provide a written roughly $2.3 million in damage to Fed- A resolution (S. Res. 83) expressing support statement of their testimony and curriculum eral buildings since they broke out last for the designation of February 20 through vitae to the Committee at least 24 hours pre- summer. The near-nightly standoffs February 27, 2021, as ‘‘National FFA Week’’, ceding the hearings in as many copies as the with police involved graffiti, broken recognizing the important role of the Na- Chair of the Committee or Subcommittee tional FFA Organization in developing the prescribes. windows, firecrackers, as well as Molo- 2. In the event 14 calendar days’ notice of tov cocktails. According to one U.S. at- next generation of leaders who will change the world, and celebrating 50 years of Na- a hearing has been made, witnesses appear- torney in Oregon, cleanup at the court- tional FFA Organization Alumni and Sup- ing before the Committee, including any wit- house and four other government build- porters. ness representing a Government agency, ings has cost more than $2 million, and must file with the Committee at least 48 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there that number could keep going up be- hours preceding appearance written state- objection to proceeding to the meas- cause the repairs are ongoing. ments of their testimony and curriculum ure? vitae in as many copies as the Chair of the Last year, I pushed for a review of There being no objection, the Senate Committee or Subcommittee prescribes. any Federal funding that was going to proceeded to consider the resolution. 3. In the event a witness fails timely to file the cities and States that were allow- the written statement in accordance with Ms. SMITH. Mr. President, I ask ing anarchy to run rampant. It was a this rule, the Chair may permit the witness unanimous consent that the resolution simple ask: Scrutinize any future Fed- to testify, or deny the witness the privilege be agreed to, the preamble be agreed eral funding that might flow into these of testifying before the Committee, or per- to, and the motions to reconsider be mit the witness to testify in response to lawless jurisdictions.
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