K - v' ,'nu'wsitrr 'nutur 8iPrru at 9AIIrmphi 38th Year MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1957 Vol. 38, No. 25 The News Beat by John Crabtree FLEMING, JONES WILL Tuesday night the President used his version of Roosevelt's fireside chats to protect his enormous bud- CLOSE Congress turned a 108th S. get. Apparently W. YEAR deaf ear to his plea. A businessman from Houston, Texas and the pastor of With the kind of knife pe- Memphis' Idlewild Presbyterian Church will be featured speak- used to dissect appropria- culiarly ers at Southwestern's 108th commencement and baccalaureate tions bills, Congress went to work services Wednesday morning. The pieces respectively. These ceremonies will mark the comple- taken out to date will probably tion of their college careers for some 85 Southwestern seniors. prove to be only a start. It is im- Lamar Fleming, Jr., chairman of the board of Anderson- possible for the layman to assemble Clayton Cotton Company will deliver the commencement ad- enough of the factual matter neces- dress in-Fisher Memorial Garden at 10 a.m., Tuesday, June 4. sary to give a complete picture of * Dr. Paul Tudor Jones, a South- the fiscal situation. We do not pro- western graduate of 1932, will de- pose to say that the budget is too liver the baccalaureate sermon at big or too small. It is evident, how- Byrd Presented 11 a.m., Sunday morning, June 2, ever, that when the figures run at Second Presbyterian Church. into billions of dollars the average In Senior Recital lost in the green. and Dr. Paul At commencement exercises, hon- business mind is Lamar Fleming (left), Houston, Texas, businessman, Harriet Byrd of Wynne, Ar- the imagina- speak at orary degrees will be conferred on You can only stretch Tudor Jones, pastor of Idlewild Presbyterian Church, will kansas, was presented in her senior the the following: the Rev. Landerr tion and try to comprehend Southwestern's commencement and baccalaureate, respectively. recital last Friday, May 10, at the billion Childers, pastor, Whitehaven Pres- magnitude of seventy-two Southwestern College of Music. have the imagi- byterian Church, Doctor of Divin- dollars. We do not Harriet opened the program with ity; the Rev. David Henry Eding- nation necessary. Once again we Hearings CHEERLEADER a Bach Partita, followed by "Varia- Open ton, Jr., Pastor, Spring Hill Pres- infor- can only weigh the bits of ELECTIONS tions on a Theme by Paganini"- con, hoping Goes byterian Church, Mobile, Alabama, mation both pro and Proposal In elections held in student Brahms, in which her technical that we can come out with some Doctor of Divinity; the Rev. John assem bly Thursday, Clara skill acquired during her four years M. Crowell, pastor, Cehtral Pres- reasoned solution. To Adrm. Corm. Stephens, Elizabeth Rodgers, and of study with Professor Myron down to committee byterian Church, Mobile, Alabama, All seems to have boiled The faculty-student Sandra Bain were elected to be Myers made this "one of the most so Doctor of Divinity; the Rev, a slow burn in the Middle East, appointed to consider the "Student- cheerleaders for next year. brilliant performances heard in news we will have Charles Albert Harper, Memphis, for spectacular Administrative" proposal made last Also in Thursday's elections, any student recital at Southwest- to look elsewhere. Having inquired minister to Hospitals under Mem- month by the IFC met on May 8 Beverly Bowden, Mary Farish, ern," said Mr. Neuman Leighton of elsewhere we find that no spectacu- phis Presbytery, Doctor of Hu- and recommended the establish- Sissy Rasberry, Ann Rust, and the College of Music. manities; and Mr. Julian B. Bon- lar news exists.'Or at least nothing of ment of a Disciplinary Committee Kip Shoaf reached today's run- The concensus of opinion that has not appeared in this col- off slots. many who heard th recital was UlAL'nL, Mempnls,I JDoctor of Laws. to hear and try eases of student Fleming is a trustee eof Riceen In- -umn in some form or fashion dur- that her playing was of high pro-titeH st discipline referred to it by the Dean ing the now about over semester. fessional standard and another out- We could take up some more of Men and the Dean of Women. Calendar standingexample of what South- the University of Houston. In 1953- of This recommendation has been Of the 54 he served as vice-chairmanon For- space and look again at some of western College of Music is doing the R andallCommission submitted in detail to the Adminis- cultural the happenings since February, but to develop and promote trative Committee for their final that too seems like a waste of time. W eek May 20 values in this area. (Continued on page 3) If you read the papers at all you action. May 21: Chi Omega Alumnae know as much of the history as If approved, this proposal will SAE Mother's Banquet we do. provide for open hearings and pub- 6-8 p.m. One of the professors on this ivy- lie announcement of findings and May 24: 24-31 final exams SOUTH WESTERN ERA ENDS covered campus who inhabits a penalty assessments unless request Faculty picnic 6 p.m. portion of the G. I. Gothic is often otherwise is made by the student May 25: Student Council picnic' A group of students gathered in a professor's home last caught saying that "the time has or students involved. Tuesday afternoon. come, the walrus said .... " and The proposed Discipline Commit- Religious Groups It was an informal sort of get-together-school clothes, (Continued on page 3) of the Dean tee will be composed coffee, Cokes, cake, and friendly conversation. of Men, the Dean of Women, and for Select Officers The annuals will be ready presidents of the Student Council, .The informality of the occasion, however, in no way May 24, the delivery on Friday, Honor Council, and Undergraduate For Next Year lessened its significance to those present, for they gathered out day exams start! Women. The student religious groups on of a spirit of love and respect for a great man. Jerry Wittmann, 1957 Lynx campus have been busy during the editor, assures students that Dr. Alexander P. Kelso is retiring this year as head of past month choosing their officers there will be no charge at this Southwestern's philosophy department after more than 25 time, since yearbook subscrip- Students Give for next year. Fellowship years of loyal service to the school. tions are covered by the fifty- Senir R ecitals The Westmnster Presbyterian The retiring professor's remarks for the occasion were dollar library, health, and sup- SeniorGroupat Evergreeh is the Presbyterian typically concise. "One of the plies fees paid at the beginning" Jimmy McCauhla of Grenada, organizationChurch, which for Sofithwestern stu- for So thw esternstu- of the term. Mississippi, was presented in his organization big ideas we get from Plato," has chosen Sai Martin, pres- Therefore, every regularly-en- senior recital last Wednesday eve- dent, he said, is the need for intelli- rolled student is entitled to a at the College of ident, Dick Crais, vice-president; ning, May 15, Nancy Wooddell, secretary; Rich- gent leaders." Thehundreds of copy of the annual and can get Music. ard Park, treasurer; Beverly Finch, Southwesterners and ex-South- it in the Palmer Hall Social Emmett Buford of Forrest City, Sunday school representative; Dick Room between 12:30 and 2:30 on westerners who have experi- Arkansas, will be presented in his Baldwin, PRC representative, and Friday afternoon. This will be # enced his unique teaching senior piano recital before the close Linda Hardesty, Synod the only general yearbook de- representa- .of this semester. He has studied tive. The group also elected chair- method will testify to the livery. under Professor Myron Myers. men for its various commissions: magnificent way in which Dr. Ann Myers, Faith; Deanne Runyon, Kelso has helped to meet that Jerden W ill Citizenship; Donnie Cross, Out- need. Kremer, J. L. reach; and Carol Ann Quade, Fel- The wealth of illustrations S,,l® #B, iAB,lowship. H par excellence drawn from a EUlt sampusr-uuuaouLaumn (Continued on page 3) mind that seems never to have J. L. Jerden will edit Southwestern's Pem Kremer and forgotten or misplaced any of campus publications, the Sou'wester and the Lynx, next year Presidents of all organizations and departments on campus are even the most inconsequential selection by the Publications Board this week. following their requested to read carefully in details which have entered its Miss Kremer will be editor of the+- the Student Council Handbook will fill that po- year at ranging scope of inquiry, the sitionSou'wester, Jerden school yearbook his senior for 1956-57 those sections con- on the Lynx. obvious pleasure in teaching Whitehaven High School. cerning their areas. New offi Also named by the Board this philosophy which has made the searching out of its intricacies Jones will be a senior next year, cers and regulations as well as week were Dickie Jones to the po- a pleasure to those who have come to learn, and Miss Calmer will be a junior. other desired and necessary the almost boyish sition of Business Manager of the changes to appear in the hand- curiosity and humility in the search for truth, the warmth of Sou'wester and Sandy Calmer to Both have had extensive experience book for 1957-58 are to be re- a personality that will always be younger than any retirement of Lynx Business Manager. qualifying them for their respective that ported by letter before the end Both new editors will be juniors positions, and the Publications age-these things will be missed here next year.
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