Armyworm Symposium 2000: Adamczyk & Sumerford 1 INCREASED TOLERANCE OF FALL ARMYWORMS (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) TO CRY1AC δ-ENDOTOXIN WHEN FED TRANSGENIC BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS COTTON: IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUBSEQUENT GENERATIONS J. J. ADAMCZYK, JR. AND D. V. SUMERFORD Southern Insect Management Research Unit, USDA-ARS-MSA, PO Box 346, Stoneville, MS 38776 ABSTRACT Increased tolerance to Cry1Ac protein was found in a population of fall armyworms, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), after selection for a single generation with transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) cotton foliage. When fed Cry1Ac treated artificial diet, larvae whose parents had fed on transgenic Bt cotton leaves had significantly higher larval weights and a shorter time to pupation than those larvae whose parents had fed on conven- tional cotton leaves. In addition, there was no evidence to suggest any fitness or vigor differ- ences existed from progeny of fall armyworms that fed previously on conventional or transgenic Bt cotton. Furthermore, tolerance of fall armyworms to Cry1Ac had a heritable component in the subsequent generation based on larval weights and time to pupation. These data show that using a common approach designed to control all intrinsically tolerant lepidopteran species of transgenic Bt cotton identically may not be desirable. Key Words: Spodoptera frugiperda, plant-resistance RESUMEN Aumento en tolerancia a la proteína Cry1Ac fue encontrado en poblaciones del gusano de otoño Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), después de escogimiento para una generación singular de follaje de algodón con Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) transgénico. Al ser ali- mentadas una dieta artificial tratada con Cry1Ac, las larvas con padres que se alimentaron de hojas de algodón Bt transgénica mostraron pesos larvales significativamente mayores y menos tiempo a pupación que las larvas quienes padres se alimentaron con hojas de algodón convencionales. También, no hubo evidencia para sugerir que existen diferencias de salud o vigor en progenie de S. frugiperda que se alimentaron previamente con algodón convencio- nal o Bt transgénico. Además, la tolerancia de S. frugiperda a Cry1Ac tuvo un componente heredable en la generación subsecuente basado en pesos larvales y tiempo a pupación. Estos datos demuestran que pudiera no ser deseable usar una practica común diseñada a controlar idénticamente a todas las especies de lepidóptera intrínsicamente tolerantes al algodón Bt transgénico. The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda of fall armyworms on transgenic Bt cotton often (J. E. Smith), is a destructive migratory pest of need full application rates of foliar insecticide many crops in the Western Hemisphere (Sparks treatments to keep these populations below eco- 1979; Young 1979). Historically, this pest has been nomic injury levels (Hood 1997; Smith 1997). a sporadic, but serious pest of conventional cotton Although certain lepidopterous pests of cotton in the southern United States (Bass 1978; Smith are very susceptible to current transgenic Bt 1985). This pest has the potential to damage both technology [e.g. tobacco budworms and pink boll- conventional cotton bolls and transgenic cotton worms, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders)], fall bolls that contain an insecticidal Cry1Ac δ-endot- armyworms, bollworms, and soybean loopers, oxin from the soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringien- Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) are only sub-le- sis Berliner (Bt). The damage to bolls of transgenic thally effected by the Cry1Ac δ-endotoxin (MacIn- Bt cotton caused by the fall armyworm can be tosh et al. 1990, Wilson et al. 1992, Halcomb et al. more extensive than other lepidopterous pest of 1996, Adamczyk et al. 1998b, and Sumerford & cotton including bollworms, Helicoverpa zea (Bod- Solomon 2000a). It seems that the Cry1Ac δ-en- die), tobacco budworms, Heliothis virescens (F.), dotoxin found in current transgenic Bt cotton va- and beet armyworms, Spodoptera exigua (Hüb- rieties does not provide sufficient mortality to fall ner) (Bagwell 1994; Adamczyk et al. 1998a). Al- armyworm larvae, but only slows larval develop- though application rates of foliar insecticides are ment (Adamczyk et al. 1998b). Thus, application often reduced for bollworms found on transgenic of foliar insecticides must be used to control this Bt cotton, possibly due to reduced fitness or vigor pest on current transgenic Bt cotton varieties of individuals (Brickle et al. 1999), local outbreaks (Smith 1997). 2 Florida Entomologist 84(1) March 2001 Few studies have examined the impact Cry1Ac cial diet incorporated with a lyophilized powder of δ-endotoxin has on subsequent generations of Lep- MVP II containing 19.7% Cry1Ac by weight (puri- idoptera. Lambert et al. (1998) showed that the in- fied Cry1Ac; Monsanto Co., St., Louis, MO) using creased tolerance of bollworm larvae to transgenic the method described in Sumerford & Solomon Bt cotton can occur in subsequent generations, (1999). Thirty neonates were placed in 28.6 ml although complex interactions (i.e., genetic vs. cups (1 per cup) containing approximately 5.0 ml environmental) were not sufficiently resolved. of Cry1Ac diet and replicated twice. In addition, Furthermore, in a similar study using fall army- the same cohort of individuals from the same worms, the effect of selection for a single genera- three colonies was reared on non-Cry1Ac diet as a tion with transgenic Bt cotton foliage on survival control to determine if vigor differences existed and development of fall armyworms could not be among colonies. In a preliminary experiment, it fully characterized (Adamczyk et al. 1998b). was determined that a dose of 10.0 µg/ml of It seems that tolerance to Bt is heritable Cry1Ac slowed larval development of fall army- among certain species of Lepidoptera. Sumerford worms very similar to transgenic Bt cotton. & Solomon (2000b) showed a genetic component Therefore, this diagnostic concentration was used for variation in larval development among H. zea in all tests. Survival of larvae at 7 days after ex- feeding on Cry1Ac diet. The authors also found posure (DAE), survival to pupae, larval weights that selecting for more optimally growing larvae at 7 DAE, and time to pupation were recorded. was correlated with improved survivorship when Survival analysis between colonies for each dose larvae were exposed to Cry1Ac. This study was was conducted with G-tests using PROC FREQ conducted in two parts: 1) to determine if in- (SAS Institute 1998). All mean weights and times creased or decreased tolerance of Cry1Ac δ-endot- were log transformed before analyzed using oxin was found in a population of fall armyworms REML-ANOVA (PROC MIXED; Littell et al. 1996). after selection for a single generation with trans- genic Bt cotton foliage, and 2) to determine if off- G2 Experiment spring of more tolerant individuals also exhibited greater tolerance of Cry1Ac during the subse- To determine if tolerance of fall armyworms to quent generation. Cry1Ac had a heritable component, moths from the above colonies were pooled and the subse- MATERIALS AND METHODS quent generation tested. Regardless of what the P1 larvae fed upon, equal numbers of G1 larvae P Generation 1 from all three colonies that fed on non-Cry1Ac A fall armyworm colony (obtained from Dr. diet were allowed to pupate, pooled, and adults mated as described above. This G colony (REG) Frank Davis (retired), USDA, ARS, CHPRRU at 2 Mississippi State University) was utilized in all served as a control again to account for any fit- tests. Females from this colony are annually out- ness or vigor differences among colonies crossed with wild, pheromone trapped males to Pupae from larvae reared the previous genera- maintain genetic heterogeneity and traits tion on Cry1Ac diet were separated based on time to pupation of G individuals. Those that had pu- present in field individuals. Larval and adult 1 rearing as well as egg harvesting were conducted pated at 15 DAE were termed the FAST colony as described in Adamczyk et al. (1998b). and those individuals that pupated at 19 and 20 Three colonies of fall armyworms were estab- DAE were termed the SLOW colony. These pupa- lished from the original colony mentioned above. tion times were selected to insure that similar Larvae were reared until pupation on artificial numbers of pupae were available to develop ade- quate colonies. All G colonies (REG, SLOW, and diet, conventional cotton leaves, and transgenic 2 Bt cotton leaves as described in Adamczyk et al. FAST) were maintained as described above. Sur- (1998b) and modified in Adamczyk et al. (2000). vival of larvae at 8 DAE, survival to pupae, larval Individual pupae were separated based on larval weights at 8 DAE, and time to pupation were re- host (colony designation: NBT, BT, and DIET; corded. Survival analysis between colonies for reared on conventional leaves, transgenic Bt each dose was conducted with G-tests using leaves, and artificial diet, respectively) and equal PROC FREQ (SAS Institute 1998). All means numbers of pupae (100) were then placed in 3.79 weights and times were log transformed before liter cylindrical containers for moth emergence. being analyzed using REML-ANOVA (PROC Adult rearing and egg harvesting were conducted MIXED; Littell et al. 1996). as described in Adamczyk et al. (1998b). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION G1 Experiment G1 Experiment To examine the effects Cry1Ac δ-endotoxin had on a subsequent generation of fall armyworms, G1 Based on very high (>85%) survival data, rear- neonates from all colonies were placed on artifi- ing fall armyworms on transgenic Bt cotton had Armyworm Symposium 2000: Adamczyk & Sumerford 3 no effect on mortality in the subsequent genera- tion. In addition, there were no significant differ- ences (P > 0.05) in larval survival at 7 DAE (0 µg/ ml: χ2 = 2.21, df = 2, P = 0.33; 10 µg/ml: χ2 = 3.33, df = 2, P = 0.19) and survival to pupae (0 µg/ml: χ2 = 1.46, df = 2, P = 0.48; 10 µg/ml: χ2 = 0.29, df = 2, P = 0.87) among all three colonies.
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