June 8, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4225 In closing, I want to commend the resolution (H. Res. 518) honoring the may have 5 legislative days in which to Hoh Tribe and tribal council, Chair- life of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, ex- revise and extend their remarks and in- woman Maria Lopez, and Alexis Berry, plorer, researcher, and pioneer in the clude extraneous material on the reso- the executive director, for their vision, field of marine conservation, as amend- lution under consideration. their steadfastness of purpose, and ed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there their sustained effort to fix a serious The Clerk read the title of the resolu- objection to the request of the gentle- problem. You have done a remarkable tion. woman from Guam? job of doing your part to solve the very The text of the resolution is as fol- There was no objection. difficult problem that you face. Now it lows: Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield is up to the House to pass this legisla- H. RES. 518 myself such time as I may consume. tion so it can soon be signed into law. Whereas Jacques-Yves Cousteau was born I rise in support of House Resolution I appreciate the gentlewoman yield- on June 11, 1910, in Saint-Andre-de-Cubzac, 518. It’s a resolution to honor the life ing me time today. This is an impor- France, to Daniel and Elizabeth Cousteau; and achievements of Jacques-Yves tant issue in my district, and I appre- Whereas Jacques-Yves Cousteau in 1930, Cousteau, introduced by my good after having made his preparatory studies at ciate the bipartisan cooperation that the College Stanislas in Paris, entered the friend from Florida, ILEANA ROS- we have received on this bill. Naval Academy in Brest and became an offi- LEHTINEN. Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, I rise to- cer gunner; Mr. Cousteau spent his lifetime as a night in support of the ‘‘Hoh Indian Tribe Safe Whereas after serving in the French Army researcher, explorer, and pioneer in the Homelands Act.’’ This act declares that 37 during World War II, he was decorated with field of marine conservation. He pro- acres of land within Olympic National Park is the Legion of Honor, France’s highest honor; duced more than 120 films, wrote more held in trust by the United States for the ben- Whereas in 1950, Jacques-Yves Cousteau than 50 books, and was the first diver efit of the Hoh Indian Tribe, a federally recog- founded the French Oceanographic Cam- to take color footage at a depth over paigns (COF), and he leased a ship called Ca- 150 feet. Mr. Cousteau’s work brought nized tribe. lypso and equipped her as a mobile labora- The Hoh Tribe has demonstrated a compel- tory for field research and as a support base the colorful, exotic, and unknown ling need to add lands to its existing Reserva- for diving and filming where he traversed the world of undersea life to the homes of tion to provide a safe area in which to con- most interesting seas of the planet as well as people around the world and, in doing struct housing and other facilities for its mem- big and small rivers; so, sparked a generation of conserva- bers. The present reservation area is in a tsu- Whereas from 1952 to 1953, Jacques-Yves tion-minded ocean activists. nami zone and prone to major flooding. Addi- Cousteau took the Calypso to the Red Sea The Cousteau Society for the Protec- tionally, Federal agencies such as the Bureau and shot the first color footage ever taken at tion of Ocean Life, founded by of Indian Affairs, the Department of Housing a depth of 150 feet, for a documentary titled Cousteau in 1973, today boasts more ‘‘The Silent World’’; and Urban Development, and the Federal Whereas ‘‘The Silent World’’ was filmed than 360,000 members globally. House Emergency Management Agency have limited using ground-breaking skin-diving gear that Resolution 518 would officially honor authority to assist the tribe with housing and Cousteau invented with engineer Emile the brilliant and inspirational work of other improvements and services due to the Gagnan in 1943, freeing divers from heavy Jacques-Yves Cousteau and recognize dangerous and unsustainable location of the helmets and allowing them to be free and his invaluable contributions to our un- reservation. weightless as if in space; derstanding of the world’s oceans. It is I applaud Chairman RAHALL for his diligence Whereas in 1956, ‘‘The Silent World’’ won most fitting that we honor him today, in transferring this land to the Hoh Indian Tribe the top award at the Cannes Film Festival Mr. Speaker, because today is World to enable them to live with a sense of stability and the Academy Award for Best Documen- tary Feature in the United States; Oceans Day. and without fear of flooding. Whereas in 1973, Jacques-Yves Cousteau With that, I ask Members on both I encourage my colleagues to support the created the Cousteau Society for the Protec- sides of the aisle to support the passage bill. tion of Ocean Life; of this resolution. Mr. CHAFFETZ. Madam Speaker, I Whereas in 1977, Jacques-Yves Cousteau I reserve the balance of my time. again urge passage of this important was awarded the United Nations Inter- Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield bill and support its passage. national Environment prize for outstanding such time as she may consume to the I have no further requests for time, contributions in environmental advocacy; author of this legislation, the gentle- Whereas in 1977, the ‘‘Cousteau Odyssey’’ and I yield back the balance of my woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- time. series premiered on PBS, and seven years later, the ‘‘Cousteau Amazon’’ series made LEHTINEN). Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I again urge Members to support this its television premiere; Whereas in 1985, in honor of his achieve- thank my good friend, the gentleman bill. ments, Jacques-Yves Cousteau received the from Utah, Congressman CHAFFETZ, for I have no further requests for time, Grand Croix dans l’Ordre National du Me´rite yielding me the time. and I yield back the balance of my from the French government and the United Mr. Speaker, as the author of House time. States Presidential Medal of Freedom from Resolution 518, I would like to also The SPEAKER pro tempore. The President Ronald Reagan; thank the Natural Resources Com- question is on the motion offered by Whereas throughout all of his voyages, mittee ranking member, Congressman the gentlewoman from Guam (Ms. Jacques-Yves Cousteau produced over 120 DOC HASTINGS, as well as Chairman BORDALLO) that the House suspend the films and authored or contributed to roughly NICK RAHALL for their support and rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1061, as 50 books; and their assistance in moving this resolu- amended. Whereas Jacques-Yves Cousteau passed away in Paris on June 25, 1997, after spending tion to the floor today. Today is World The question was taken. a lifetime of 87 years inventing, exploring, Oceans Day. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the and storytelling: Now, therefore, be it opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being I would also like to recognize the bi- Resolved, That the House of Representa- partisan support by members of the in the affirmative, the ayes have it. tives honors the life, achievements, and dis- Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, on tinguished career of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Natural Resources Committee, includ- that I demand the yeas and nays. explorer, researcher, and pioneer in the field ing Oceans Subcommittee chair MAD- The yeas and nays were ordered. of marine conservation. ELINE BORDALLO. Thank you very The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. much, Madam Chair, and Congress- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the SALAZAR). Pursuant to the rule, the woman LOIS CAPPS of California. Chair’s prior announcement, further gentlewoman from Guam (Ms. Later this evening, Mr. Speaker, Con- proceedings on this motion will be BORDALLO) and the gentleman from gresswoman CAPPS and I will be hon- postponed. Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) each will control ored by the National Marine Sanctuary f 20 minutes. Foundation for our work on ocean The Chair recognizes the gentle- issues, namely, coastal restoration and HONORING THE LIFE OF JACQUES- woman from Guam. coral reef rehabilitation. Of course, we YVES COUSTEAU GENERAL LEAVE take inspiration from the extraor- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I move Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I ask dinary life and career of Captain to suspend the rules and agree to the unanimous consent that all Members Jacques-Yves Cousteau. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:19 Oct 09, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H08JN0.REC H08JN0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 8, 2010 Captain Cousteau was a pioneering I, like countless others, was impacted Cousteau continues to serve as a reminder to explorer of the seas and of the many by the dramatic way in which he all of us about the importance and values in environmental issues that we face showed us a world that was so foreign marine conservation and about managing our today. When explaining his relentless and so far away. The work that he did, natural resources. passion for ocean exploration and con- with that staff and that crew, had a Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to sup- servation, he said, ‘‘People protect profound impact upon countless people, port H. Res. 518. what they love.’’ including myself.
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