VOL. 11 l NO. 1 JANUARY 1, 1974 ROBERT S. DORSEY ROBERT B. MeCURRY, Jr. Dr. ROBERT J. ROBINSON EUGENE T. ROSSIDES HOWARD H. CALLAWAY IOf Engine Expel-l Chrysler Executive Georgim Pastor Washingfon Aftorney socref.ary of rho Army Varied Careers Represented on Silver Anniversary List The Secretary of the Army, a third district of Georgia in 196% moved up the ladder to his cur- first black elected to Tau Beta Pi, and the F-86 fighters to the GE% lawyer, a minister, an engineer 66 and was the Republican can- rent position. He started as a dls- the National Engineering Honor which will power the giant super- and a business executive are the didate for the Governor of Geor- trict sales manager for Dodge in Society. He currently serves as sonic transports of the future. He National Collegiate Athletic As- gia in 1966. Green Bay, Wise. Manager of Evaluation Technol- is credited with developing a sociation’s 1974 Silver Anniver- McCurry is on the Board of ogy and Methods Development in complex computer simulation sary winners in the College Ath- ROBERT B. McCURRY, JR. Directors of the Fellowship of the Flight Propulsion Division of technique to predict the eflect of letics Top Ten. McCurry is the Vice-President Christian Athletes and the Michi- the General Electric Company in tolerances on engines and their The five honorees are Secretary of TJ. S. Automotive Sales and gan State University School of Evendale, Ohio. He specializes in inner parts. of the Army Howard H. Callaway Service for Chrysler Corporation Business. He is also on the Board jet engine design and test pro- He has received numerous hon- of Washington, D.C.: Chrysler in Detroit. He was a three-year of St. John’s Hospital and is a cedures and is recognized as one ors in recent years, including the Corp. vice-preaideni Roberr~~ B.- q&r winner at center for the member of the Detroit Press Club. of the foremost authorities on Ohio State Distinguished Alum- MeCurry, Jr. of Detroit, Mich.; Michigan State teams of 1946-47- aircraft engine propulsion in the nus Award of Ohio State’s Col- jet engine expert Robert S. Dor- 48 and served as team captain all ROBERT 5. DORSEY United States. lege of Engineering in 1970, the sey of Cincinnati; Dr. Robert J. three seasons. Dorsey was an outstanding de- His engineering career spans Ohio State Distinguished Foot- (Jack) Robinson, pastor of the He joined the Chrysler Cor- fensive end for Ohio State Univer- work on jet engines from the J47 ball Alumnus Award in 1967 and First B&ist Church of Augusta, poration in 1950 and has steadily sity for two seasons and was the which powered the B-47 bombers Continued cm page 3 Ga.: and Eugene T. Rossides, se- nior partner in the New York- Washington law firm of Rogers College Athletics Top Ten and Wells. The five, all college graduates of 1949, and varsity lettermen during their collegiate days, will be honored with the Today’s Top Three Olympians Head Today: Top Five Group Five student-athletes as College Athletics Top Ten during the Jan- Two football players, a basket- as an offensive tackle. Blandino was one of 11 foot- As a senior, he was a consensus uary 8 Honors Luncheon at the ball star, a swimmer and a run- He has been on the Dean’s ball players chosen to receive All-America and was the first Association’s 68th annual Conven- ner have been selected as To- List at Pitt every semester and the Scholar-Leader-Athlete Post- player picked in the professional tion in San Francisco. At the same day’s Top Five student-athletes. has compiled a 3.83 (out of a &MIS- graduate Scholarship from the draft of college players. He was time, Jesse Owens will be pre- They are David A. Blandino. sible 4.0) grade point average as National Football Foundation and a starter on the 1972 Olympic sented the Association’s highest University of Pittsburgh ofTen- a pre-medical student with a Hall of Fame this season. He team. honor, the Theodore Roosevelt sive tackle; Paul D. (Doug) Col- mathematics major and will also was selected to the Interna- He ranked third nationally in Award. lins, Illinois State University graduate with highest honors. He tional Churchmen’s All-America scoring in 1972 with a 32.6 aver- The Silver Anniversary Top cager; David D. Gallagher, Uni- is Pitt’s Rhodes Scholar nominee. team. age and won the Abe Saperstein Memorial Award in 1972 from the Five were selected from a group versity of Michigan defensive He is president of Pitt’s chapter of 14 finalists. Each has achieved tackle: Gary W. Hall, Indiana of the Fellowship of Christian PAUL D. (DOUG) COLLINS Chicago Press Club. distinction in his career follow- University swimmer; and David Athletes, a member of the Druids Doug Collins holds virtually As a student-athlete, he carried ing graduation. J. Wottle, Bowling Green State Honorary Society and vice-pres- every scoring record in Illinois a 3.30 grade point average as a Following is a capsule biogra- University track star. Three of the ident of Omicron Delta Kappa, State University basketball his- health and physical education phy of the five winners: five were members of the 1972 the national men’s leadership hon- tory. He averaged nearly 29 major with a minor in psychol- Olympic team. ogy. He was on the Academic HOWARD H. CALLAWAY orary society. He spends his sum- points a game for three seasons They will be honored at the mers working with young people and earned All-America honors All-America team for three sea- Callaway is the Secretary of the NCAA’s Honors Luncheon Janu- as a counselor and social worker. both his junior and senior years. Continued on page 3 Army. He earned three varsity ary 8 at the St. Francis Hotel in letters in tennis and two in San Francisco during the Associ- squash at West Point. Upon grad- ation’s 68th annual Convention. uation, he attended the Infantry Dick Enberg will be master of School and subsequently served ceremonies. with the 17th Infantry during the The five student-athletes were Korean War. He was awarded selected by a committee of the Combat Infantry Badge and prominent citizens and educators the Republic of Korea Presiden- from a list of 15 finalists from tial Unit Citation. the 1973 calendar year. Six of the Callaway was honorably dis- finalists were from winter-spring charged in 1952 and long has sports nominations and nine from been active in a variety of busi- fall sports. ness. political, educational and Each was selected for athletic civic enterprises in his native ability and achievement, char- state of Georgia. acter, leadership, campus and off- He was named Civilian Aide campus activities and academic for the Third Army Area and is achievement. Only seniors are Chairman of the Council of eligible for Today’s Top Five. Trustees, Freedoms Foundation Following is a brief biographi- at Valley Forge. He is also the cal sketch on each of the winners: former International President of DAVID A. BLANDINO i “” I ” .*a , the Young Presidents Organiza- f. ;,. ‘I ’ i tion and a Republican National Blandino has started every Committeeman for the state of game for the past three seasons DAVE WOTTLE GARY HALL DOUG COLLINS Georgia. He served in the 89th for the Panthers and has played Congress and represented the in every quarter of every game Bowling Grem Runner Indiana Swimmw l/finair SM. Cagmr The Editor’s View Energy CrisisSqueezes Athletics Since the National (:ollcgiatc Athl(tt,ic As- problem and hopefully offer ways for NCAA social ion was f’ormtatl by I’rcsidcnt Theodore members to survive it with as little incon- Roosevelt in l!)OG, collegct athletics have venience as possible. Purdue’s Newell Helps faced and conquered many problems from Ross H. Smith of Massachusetts Institute within its own ranks and also from outside of Technology will chair the N(1AA Qcrgy influences. (kJKImitke and Round Table l’ancl. He’ll bc Lead Trainer Advances Now, 1974 seems to ofl’er one of our most jOirlC!d by Wiles Hallock of the Pacific-8 By BOB ARNOLD critical criscls in the form of the energy Conference, l?ill Callahan of Missouri, Tom The Wd Sfreef Journal crunch. Joynes of Virginia Military Institute, Wil- The Purdue University football player runs onto the field at Ross- The fuel shortage is here and it is a real liam H. PJaughn of CrJl(JradO, Boyd Mc- Adc Stadium dressed for battle and expecting pain. His fingers are one. It is affecting transportation on inter- Whorter of the Southeastern Conference, taprd to keep them from breaking, his forehead is padded, and his national, national and locai levels. It is af- Dave Strack of Arizona, Cecil (hJleman of chronically weak left ankle is swathed in adhe;ivc tape and narrow fecting education from the closing of ele- lllinois and Dick Koppenhaver of the North metal splints. All this armor is the handiwork of Pinky Newell. mentary schools for lack of fuel oil to heat Central Conference. A couple of hours later, as Purdue struggles to widen a slim fourth- quarter lead, the player, a 245-pound guard named Ralph Perrctta, is classrooms to colleges and universities, Some of the areas to be covered in the helped from the field. His left ankle has been sprained again. But it which are extending break and vacation discussions include a general summary of isn’t broken, primarily because the armor Mr.
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