SOURCES, LOCALITY AND GLOBAL HISTORY: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE IN EAST ASIA BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 6-10 July 2015 EHESS, Paris 14TH ICHSEA PARTNERS & SPONSORS InternatIonal SocIety for the hIStory of eaSt aSIan ScIence, technology and MedecIne GDR 3398 « Histoire des mathématiques » 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN EAST ASIA SOURCES, LOCALITY AND GLOBAL HISTORY: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE IN EAST ASIA BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Designed by Sica Acapo Edited by Catherine Jami & Christopher Cullen 6-10 July 2015 EHESS, Paris Conference Venue: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) 105 Boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris Book of Abstracts CONTENTS CONFERENCE ORGANISATION 4 PARTNERS & SPONSORS 6 ABSTRACTS 7 PLENARY SESSIONS 8 PANELS 13 SESSIONS 186 INDEX OF CONTRIBUTORS 268 3 14th ICHSEA, 6-10 July 2015 - Paris CONFERENCE ORGANISATION INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chair: Pierre-Etienne WILL (Collège de France & EHESS, Paris) Members Iwo AMELUNG (University of Frankfurt) Nancy BERLINER (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) Gregory CLANCEY (Singapore National University) Marta HANSON (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) Takehiko HASHIMOTO (University of Tokyo) Jiří HUDEČEK (Charles University, Prague) KIM Yung Sik (Seoul National University) Angela LEUNG (University of Hong Kong) LIU Dun (IHNS, CAS, Beijing) Morris LOW (University of Queensland, Brisbane) Carla NAPPI (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) QU Anjing (North-West University, Xi’an) Dagmar SCHÄFER (MPIWG, Berlin & University of Manchester) SUN Xiaochun (IHNS, CAS, Beijing) Togo TSUKAHARA (University of Kobe) Paul UNSCHULD (Charité, Berlin) Alexei VOLKOV (National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu) ZHANG Baichun (IHNS, CAS, Beijing) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Co-chairs Catherine JAMI (UMR China, Korea, Japan, CNRS & EHESS) Frédéric OBRINGER (UMR China, Korea, Japan, CNRS & EHESS) Caroline BODOLEC (UMR China, Korea, Japan, CNRS & EHESS) Members Florence BRETELLE-ESTABLET (CNRS, SPHERE) Michela BUSSOTTI (EFEO & UMR China, Korea, Japan) Paola CALANCA (EFEO) Isabelle CHARLEUX (CNRS, GSRL) Jean-Sébastien CLUZEL (CREOPS, Université Paris Sorbonne) Christopher CULLEN (Needham Research Institute & CRCAO) Redouane DJAMOURI (CNRS, CRLAO) Vera DOROFEEVA-LICHTMANN (UMR China, Korea, Japan, CNRS & EHESS) Nicolas FIÉVÉ (EPHE, CRCAO) Françoise GED (Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine) Valérie GELEZEAU (UMR China, Korea, Japan, CNRS & EHESS) Annick GUÉNEL (CNRS, CASE) Gilles GUIHEUX (Université Paris Diderot, SEDET) Mathias HAYEK (Université Paris Diderot, CRCAO) Liliane HILAIRE-PEREZ (Université Paris-Diderot & EHESS) 4 14th ICHSEA, 6-10 July 2015 - Paris Book of Abstracts KIM Daeyeol (INALCO) Christian LAMOUROUX (UMR China, Korea, Japan, CNRS & EHESS) François PICARD (Université Paris-Sorbonne, IReMUS) Emmanuel POISSON (Université Paris Diderot, SPHERE) Antonella ROMANO (EHESS, Centre Alexandre Koyré) Delphine SPICQ (Collège de France & UMR China, Korea, Japan) Bernard THOMANN (INALCO & ESOPP, EHESS) ZHAO Bing (CNRS, CRCAO) FRENCH SPONSORING COMMITTEE Chair: Pierre-Cyrille HAUTCOEUR (EHESS) Members Jean-Pascal BASSINO (IAO, Lyon) Serge CHAMBAUD (CNAM) Karine CHEMLA (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC-SAW, Paris) Anne CHENG (Collège de France) Manuelle FRANCK (INALCO) Yves GOUDINEAU (EFEO) Antoine GOURNAY (Université Paris Sorbonne) Annick HORIUCHI (Université Paris Diderot, CRCAO) Sylvie MICHEL (Faculté de Pharmacie, Université René Descartes Paris 5) Christine SHIMIZU (Musée Cernuschi) Nathalie MONNET (BnF & CRCAO) Sanjay SUBRAHAMANYAM (Collège de France) Marie-Lise TSAGOURIA (BULAC) ISHEASTM OFFICERS President: MEI Jianjun (Needham Research Institute & Churchill College, Cambridge) Vice-president: SHI Yunli (USTC, Hefei & Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Secretary: Jef J. CHEN (St Cloud State University, Minnesota) Treasurer: Caroline BODOLEC (UMR China, Korea, Japan, CNRS & EHESS, Paris) Editor-in-chief, East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine: Hans Ulrich VOGEL (Tübingen University) RECEPTION TEAM Jean-Baptiste ALARY HONG Sora Éléonore BALLIF Alice LIN Raphaëlle CAMPION Khalil PETIT Maryl GENC Clément PITORRE Justine GRANGER WANG Huayan Chloé HASHIMOTO CONFERENCE SECRETARY & TEAM COORDINATOR Sica ACAPO 5 14th ICHSEA, 6-10 July 2015 - Paris PARTNERS & SPONSORS EHESS, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales ISHEASTM, International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medecine UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon CNRS & EHESS CECMC, Research Center on Modern and Contemporary China D. Kim Foundation for the History of Science and Technology in East Asia IUHPST/DHST, International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Division of History of Science and Technology INSHS - CNRS, Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales Centre National de Recherche Scientifque Région Ile de France GIS Asie, Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifque Études asiatiques Laboratoire SPHERE, UMR 7219 CNRS & Université Paris Diderot CRCAO, Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie Orientale CNRS-EPHE-Collège de France-Université Paris Diderot CAK, Centre Alexandre-Koyré - Histoire des sciences et des techniques UMR 8560 EHESS-CNRS-MNHN GDR 3398 « Histoire des mathématiques » INALCO, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales BULAC, Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations BML, Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon Logo Credits: Crédit photographique Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon, Didier Nicole. Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon, Ms. 75-80, f. 34. 6 14th ICHSEA, 6-10 July 2015 - Paris Book of Abstracts ABSTRACTS 7 14th ICHSEA, 6-10 July 2015 - Paris PL Innovation and entrepreneurship in China’s pre-modern economy: Huizhou and Shanxi merchant networks revisited PL Plenary Lecture 1 Innovation and entrepreneurship in China’s pre-modern economy: Huizhou and Shanxi merchant networks revisited François GIPOULOUX (UMR China, Korea, Japan, CNRS & EHESS) While abundant scholarship has been devoted to the study of marketisation and the gradual emergence of industries in early modern China, less attention has been devoted to investigating the contrasted social, economic, and political functions of merchant networks. Tis paper will focus on two trading networks — Huizhou and Shanxi mer- chants — that have always been considered separately in academic literature. Te objective is to provide a comprehensive analysis of China’s endogenous fnancial instruments over a long period of time (16th-20th centuries). Te rise of interregional trading networks in China was supported by both formal and informal fnancial institutions. Te lack of fnan- cial innovation, however, seems to have been a crippling weakness. Te pawnshops and other loans or money shops could not properly be called banks, for they were confned to lending money to households or lending working capital to crafsmen. Chinese endoge- nous institutions did not commit themselves to long-term credit. In the last two decades, numerous scholars have reconsidered the relationship between the State and the economy in late imperial China. In particular, the question of the great divergence between China and Europe has received considerable attention in both Main- land China and the West, especially since China’s return to the centre stage of the world economy at the beginning of the 21st century. Te issue has long been debated, mainly in the form of two questions. First, there was the ‘Needham puzzle’: why did economic development in China fall behind that of the West despite the advance of Chinese civi- lisation in the technological and/or commercial revolution during the Song dynasty (by 1000 A.D.)? Ten, there was the ‘Jones question’: Why was the Song achievement, which set China’s economic development well ahead of other societies in both Europe and Asia, never repeated in China? Instead of focusing exclusively on quantitative data — which are, in the case of China, scarce and incomplete — or on a normative standard, the primary objective of this paper is to address two sets of questions: 1. What was the overall contribution of these regional trade groups to economic development? and 2. How can we explain the paradox of the wealthy merchant emerging in a context of uncertain processes of capital accumulation? 8 14th ICHSEA, 6-10 July 2015 - Paris PL Book of Abstracts PL Plenary Lecture 2 Doing EASTM in the early twenty-frst century: the case of Japanese family planning in Cold War Asia Aya HOMEI (University of Manchester) Tis paper aims to assess possibilities and challenges of scholars identifying with EASTM by introducing my current research on Japan’s involvement in international coo- peration in family planning in the 1960s and 1970s, and the trajectory I was compelled to take in my research. I am going to discuss how EASTM scholars can contribute to dife- rent felds of inquiry by reappraising established categories, such as colonial science and international health. I am also going to discuss issues that can emerge out of this form of scholarship. Some are general problems with which an academic feld needs to engage in the process of institutionalization, such as the dilemma between ghettoization or inter- disciplinary collaboration and the question of advocacy versus academic integrity. Others are more specifc issues arising from doing EASTM of the recent period and dealing with knowledge that informs political action. How, for instance, can we reconcile our critical approach to knowledge production with the ofen progressivist views of our informers? I will be illustrating
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