' . f •rte Weather Forecast *t U. 8 .^eatoe* BnNsn lATORPAXi APM L IB. M46 Average Daily Cfrcnlation ■ ■ N- ■ ; For ttw Mtaath ot Match. 1946 ( ’loiidy. nmtterrd light ahowto* TWELVB Manchester Evening Herald / and little change In temperature tonight; Tneaday alowly dhsdabh- very good hunting dog in hia day. 9 ,1 3 8 \ lag. cbMUHn*** and *llghtl^ wemar. I' Nobody ever had a complaint K (^^ets HU Wingh S^cpiid Degree . Mesiaber ot tbe .Aodlt ■' ■ ■ ''t" whatsoever about this dog 'until Army and Noyy Bnreaa of . Ctrcnlattoa* About Towu 'eard Along Main Slrd' th* people who Bow live in the ■X Manci Ciiy of Village Cltitrnt where the owners o f the dog- Is Conferred ' (TWELVR'PAGHS) ' PKlCk THREE CENTS Andean Sotfui of Manchester*$ Sido SireetSt Tog had lived, .didn’t .like" the idea of Incorporatad MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1915 Our ’ Lady ot ‘ l^od COUI15 Ing him around, even for the (OtnaalfltoLAdreettiMc aa »9) MANCHESTER, h'f' Mothar* Qrcle will m « t shbrt JJme'it took for someone-to Knight^' o f Cqluiiibus VOL. LXIV., NOa?8 hom* ot Mr*;' Arthur Cyr, It’* coin* lo he a young man’s i notWpg but sand, .and , seawater epnuK^d pick him. d p and take- —A-'. man Circle. Monday e v e w g Dolire department when the .boya f9r^wo year* and over,^ Mm babk home. .These people com­ Initiate -l(i Ca^idates; eifht o’clock. ^ ^ frnm the War* .-socord'O^'’ Dort’t aay af.ything about ^gwldg plained th. the police until things com^honle fro®, ‘f ir.V j!; „n a picnic: Me a been living In ingr^to l^llce Chief Gorddn..j^ne came-to triKdoint^where the dog Third Degree .Sunday. MiBChaster Aase«lbly No. jSSic# achool laM-TueadM-^igM tenta, bruahing Jllea', and i" other ended up at DtBushneir*. 1 hope > \ Order ol^ ^ n b ovr for Rirla. will while discussing postwar; unrest vermin for year*. ■ \ the heck Jack>\(thafa the dog’s The second degree w a s ; confer^ Don’t afiggeat a .plcBire show name) comevbablevto haxint them ^ lit iU meettog Monday evening p ^ W lltM s ^ ettWr said, "Ccin* MaaoptC^'Tjemple. and in- ......... On-mid-PacIftc aand *plt\moviea forever. red upon a claas of more .than 40 ^ cfindu^.^ a niUltary ildertng the vvay-tfiey are teaching •’jr told/fne fellows mq;e- with me candidates by officers of Campbell the boy# Irn-the serviceservice’ 'tdto haJjdwhandie^^ been hla one and oniKfbrm whiai. 'lo r 'hlch the>gi^rls are ... ■'... -jjf recreation. Many ahowa he about /this Incident *ud they Every Sot. Nigm At 8:30 Sharp! Are arm# and employ Jiu,Jitai> the t^uncll, Knights of .Columbus, at m a k in g ^ table*. Mias Caro'y" haa already *een two and three couldirt get over how .’‘chicken'’ vMillejr la » ting for the Rainbpw police job won’t be,atiy^ okj man * aome people ran be.' --w. Tinker hall last night. The third times ahead- of .you. degree will be exemplified for the \ ftk. J- E. Rlliott for the Job when they.eotfie bach.” M\ Doh^t scramble hia egga. That’s Now these same people . 20 Gaines Includii^.Swi stakes class Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock Playing will. Inctdeptatly thoaa at the pohee the wav all tlrieiK^gg* are cooked 'Complaining because the ypuhg’ o'cl( ' ichooV'fiad patrolman Kddie Dwy­ FI* the eggs the\w’ay he Ilk stera are\hqVfng a grand 'time -Sit Tinker hall'- er believing he had a black eye the them • usually siinnjwde up__ playing bal^ebail In a vacant lot At the meeting o f the council Admiasipn $1.00 A «| ’ the M ^ o ria l Hoa- other night. He apd Patrolman 'a t ’S' a'croa* -the \treet^ tot. tut. how prior to the degree It Was voted pital aujdltiry wijyarity>e^Monday Ray Griffin were, demonstrating- laOally the way- d e h ^ a t ^ pota ■ad.../ to drape the^charter for 30 days attMmooa at thg' hospital, \ m 1# various hold* that had been told to tOea are served. ./Keo>e every­ “Thank you ver>’' much for your but of respect for GM 1-c Joseph -X thatr custoBS 'eyeiW time a m ^th them by the FBI teacher. Griffin « thing -fresh: Apd' g)T h^av.V-^n time and space, Staum, whose death was announc­ has flya MondaysiNA full att^d hand slipped and hit Dwyer near the steak* If you g e t’ em.. , "Pfe, H. A. Wierr.biekl. ed this wtok. Grand Rnight Foster one ey*. Someone remarked that ■’Cherry Point,' N. C." H, .Williams appolntemdohn Mur­ aa<^ tt ffoped for. But above, all /don't interfere' . X 1 ^ e eye had blackened quickly and with hla pliinsT/If he wanU t," phy, Johh. Moriconi and-^-Thomas / Tkcli^eerfl Were All jfor Nothing it Was not luitll Dwyer looked in a m heater’s whirlairid ^one-< e-d«y F-O Kugene «\pow elI Hassett as a committee t<rdraw_up Touj •spend an ev^ing -swinging the 8 for the/National ------- mirror that he found-out he wan hot s p o t# - ^ him eWing. I f a drivf'V’i’ April ^ . , a renoliition of sympathy to pre­ Clothi^coHection w#a a gfrand Eugene G. Cowell, 2l>.^as -s. being kidded. hla"way opvRc.npirtg. If he wants sent to the fahjily. / ' ^ ■ Oil Barticrs^ success gavc-'thf town a lot ceived the silver, wings N jf •' aji Grand-Knight Viliam*, announc­ K:, a cabinym the woods for a fort­ :of goml publiciH’. but it sure has Army Air Forces pilot ano\wa.» Di the old'A*!** Hi* town ed that a fiinera>wiass will be'said ^ iii-' night vIet him go. Don't don't meant a lo t^ f work for the aort- awivrri In as a Flight OfficeiNat poat wa* theN;ommon mean# of disappoint them. They have at St, BridgiUr^ church Tuetoay ' XX V .jtng and/packhkg ..committee and ceremonies at .Napier Field, Ala morning at-Pf30 o’clock and urged %7 X, yO ^ Furndctts spreading information. No one planning many moon’.s foi-' th, uaimen's org^irstlons whoso thought of passing by the town .bamat an advahpd single engine at as lapge a delegation aa .pos­ trip home. Ami don't tint w>t1uiRlV a'^saiated. AAF Training A rcw'StlD AvallablA pexat without stopping to reap any 0ilot school o t-^ e AS sible meer at the church at 7:15 to ter lip hia dates. One item of clothirtiUhat caused Command. /Run of Mr. .and Mrs. notices that mlj^t b« there. atteraftlie mass in a body. , more tmuble and look^nore time P ; S.. C o^ll., F-O Cowell is a ftAC&LIFFB OIL CO. only were tht- j legal noUcea apout StaUm. is the third nieinber of Clerks in one of the Main street . put together was graduate of the Msnehehter High at VbL fla»tfOf4 V-tttI . town meetings tanea and ^ otv chain markets get quite/a kick Despite the injunction to /3arapbelrN^uncil to give his life M MapM Ayaww - Bartfofg but the townspeople used Poet out of a fellow who is..-Cvidently a . them in pairs aecurcly.^toey Sebool. In tbe servibe of his- country. The to announce card partlea: dance* pastime shopr<?r. Hr comes Intoj either not tied at all or Inse- othe4# w'ere.Etmrett Brown "and Raymond LaGida,^ for whom the Riissiani Fighting lost dog* and so fqrtly/. the store, lo ol^ ^ -er the friiits.i Jt was a Chiijr,se puzzle and ed when the .bby* kid her. She says Sht Kew Junclf6n East o f Nowadays th* town signpost Is and vegetaWeA Then he-goes t6 i mistake to asst-njble tho hun- she la proutf of the fact that her , Brown-LaGTaoe'clr of Columbian IN THE NORTHWBT SECTION Ruin, of Unler den/^ • _ ^ * used only for legal^notlcc* put out the meal<fcounter. .Looks over ored* of pairs that we’re mismated. husband thipks that much of her-, Squire* wa* named St year. Reds tdatm DessaiF at Appottem by th* town clarlr And hardly any­ w hatev^ happehs^ to he there. If, gpd heVeJs where the patience of A av'cwe sfatedt. 'We were askW to All Streets We.st of Main Street, From the Center North Linden; Throwln Max-, ^ i r ies^ \ this in th*s.j:olumn’, -tf dotf; American Force* LECLERC one think* of Idoklng at the notice* there happefis to be fish gives , x^omen came in a^iii. ~ Ineluda and North of West Center Street, Including the Buck- that sre posted there. ' , that more than -a curso’rv glance. | \Ve understamf this -la the only you’re innterested go aqwn .street -ALICE COFRA.N imum Jitiillery and Cities F r ^ d FUNERAL HOME The railroad crossing tender at Then he goes to tho gpocerlea de-i national eollcction of used cloth- tome early morning andxflnd o*rt (Known A* <]ueen Alice)' land Area. IC JRweased for Other Du- partment. He walks up and down ing that will be made this Jrear. If Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Air Power to Reduce K SS Midii atrart Main *t™st .and Depot Square, for yourself.' lies; Push l4 Mile* ^ . thought someone ihlght the aisles, looking over the Items— another 'should be necetaary we Born lyith a Veil /German §trongholil^. Made Ptaoae B2«f ly stop to read notice* on the from the top to the bottom shelf. will ii6 doubt be able to’ profit by The rationingsg. Item for Beading* Dally; InclufUng Sunday.
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