All lndia lnstitute Sffiedical Sciences To Shri Shambhu Kumar Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia Ministry of Health and Family Welfare PMSSY-lV Section 3'd Floor, IRCS Building, New Delhi Sub: Matter raised by Shri Suresh Pujari, Hon'ble M.P. under rute 377 in Lok Sabha regarding abnormal rise of cancer cases in Bargarh District of Odisha. Ref: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (PMSSYJV Section), Government of lndia, New Delhi letter No. H-l1014t1t201g-NCD-tl dated 21.05.20:i0 received vide e-mait dated 21.05.2020. Sir, I am directed to rgfer.to your tetter under reference on the above subject and to enclose the information alongwith its enclosures submitted by the Community Medicine & Family Medicine Department of AllMS, Bhubaneswar for further course of action at your end. sffi€fq /you rs fa ithfu I !y, ,a_' eT.fi. qIfr/ (S. K. pani) Eft'Ed Inngft+. 3rfrrlt / Senior Administrative Officer w, areeefi /AllMS, Bhubaneswar Enclosures : As above Copv to: 1. PS to Director for kind information of the Director. 2. PS to MS, DD (A) & HoD CM & FM for kind Information. 3. Shri S. M. Routray,-Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, pMSSy Division,3rd Floor, IRCS Building, Red Cross Road, New Delhi, 11d001 forinformation and necessary action. 4. Shri Jitendr3 Kumar Jangid,section Officer (PMSSY-lV)'Govt. of lndia,Ministry of Health - ?nd Family Welfare,lRCS Building,New Delhi for information and necessary action. 6' Shri Shubham Goel, Assistant Section Officer (PMSSY Division), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of lndia, Red Cross Building, Near parliament, New Delhi for information and necessary action w.r.t. e.mail dated zl.os.zozo. All lndia lnstitute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar -19 Department of Community Medicine & Family Medicine Regarding abnormal rise of cancer cases in Bargarh district of Odisha The statement that cancer cases are occurring in excessive numbers in Bargah district of Odisha is found in the newspapers and some websites. However, the data published in scientific journals that are more reliable do not echo such gross excess of cases in the said district; An article published in International Journal of Cancer and Clinical Research on 'Cancer patterns in Odisha- An important mining state in India' in October 2019 (Page nos294-300;page297 has graph) shows that prevalence of cancer in Bargarh is on the lower side compared to other districts of the state. Bargarh has 6.2 cancer cases per lakh population and is on 23'd position in terms of prevalence. This data is from Acharya Harihara Regional Cnacer Centre (AHRCC), Cuttack which is the largest cancer hospital in Odisha. This fact is also reflected in our own AIIMS Bhubaneswar hospital data of the past three years, which shows that cancer cases coming from Bargarh is only 50 since 2018 which is much lower than rest of the districts and is on 15th position in our list of districts.(Page no 293) Hence, the claim that Bargarh is excessively affeeted by cancer cases is unfounded by scientific evidence available thus far. Further information may be obtained from Regional Medical Research Centre, Bhubaneswar as there were newspaper reports (if true) that ICMR had sent a team to Bargarh district to study the cancer situation there in February 2020. However, we neither have access to the report nor the data. Dr. SortfHangma Subba Professor & Head Department of Community Medicine & Family Medicine AIIMS Bhubaneswar Odisha gm Chatterjee et al. lnt J Cancer Clin Res 2019, 6:126 DOI: .. : Volume6llssue5 Y r*€ x r xa at** xa*$ $ <> *Nr rx a2. * { Open Access {mxxx*w ew& {Kzwb*,w,K Wg*swew{.Xz :.: t:t I it I lV & L ft b. 5 t i.1 11 {: ?} Cancer Patterns in Odisha - An lmportant Mining State in lndia Shormila Chotterjee, MBB$ MPH, CPHI, Poul H Levine, MA\ Surendra Nath Senopoti, MDa, Dipti R^oniSqmonta, MDs and Pinoki Panigrahi, MD, PhD6- lCenter for Global Health and Development, lJniversity of Nebrosko Medicol Center College of pubtic Heolth, Omaho, NE, USA 2Deportment of Epidemiology, lJniversity of Nebrasko Medical Center Cotlege of Public Health, Omoho, NE, USA 3Asion lnstitute of Public Heolth Bhubaneswor, Odisho, lndio 4Deportment of Rodiotion Oncology, Achoryo Horihar Regionol Concer Centre, Cuxack, Odisha, lndio sDeportment of Medical Oncology, Acharya Harihor Regionol Concer Centre, Cuttock, Odisho, tndia 6Center for Globol Health and Development, LJniversity of Nebrasko Medical Center, Coltege of public Heotth, Omoho, NE, USA *Corresponding author: Pinoki Ponigrohi, MD, PhD, Center for Gtobol Heotth and Development, College of public Health, 984385 Nebroska Medicol center omaho, NE 68198-438s, t)sA, Tet: +1402-552-6692 Abstract ant areas of research for risk factors and cancer control in Odisha. Backgrourrd: Odisha, a populous state and a major mining belt in lndia has high levels of environmental carcinogens. Keywords There is no population-based cancer registry in Odisha, Cancer registry, thus giving no opportunity to develop systematic studies on Environmental carcinogens, lndia, Risk factors, Prevalence important regional carcinogens. This paper highlights cur- rent patterns of cancer as seen at Acharya Harihar Region- Abbreviations al Cancer Centre (AHRCC), and provides the first oppor- tunity to determine the most important research questions AHRCC, Acharya Harihara Regional Cancer Centre; AlpH: that could drive cancer control programs in Odisha, Asian lnstitute of Public Health; CDC: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention; HBCR: Hospital based cancer regis- Methorls: The analysis included all patients diagnosed and lry; H. pylori: Helicobacter pylori; HPV: Human papilloma admitted with cancer at AHRCC, Cuttack, Odisha between virus; IARC: lnternational Agency for Research on Cancer; January, 1.t and December, 31"t,2012. patient data were ICD 10: International Classification of Diseases and Related extracted from inpatient records, investigation reports and Health Problems 10; ICMR: lndian Council of Medical Re- from in-patient registers and admission registers main- search; NCRP: National Cancer Registry Program; pBCR: tained by the Medical Records Department. Relevant in- Population based cancer registry; VIA: Visual inspection formation on diagnosis; primary site and demographic data with acetic acid were retrieved. Results: There were a total of 4811 patients, with a mean ,,,tr,dUell*nr rr vq age of 47.5 ! 15.5 years, 44o/o males. The most common " cancers among males were oral (14%), gastric (13%) and Cancer is the second most common fatal disease in H:: il:J3,Ji[?3'i;#ir!"Srljll;iil:l?r$:"ffi'(;ifi rnoia accounting ror about 7% or annuar deaths r1]. rhe prevalent gastric (5%)and gatt btadder (il%). Seuen fercult tf oui number of cancer cases in lndia over 5 years cancer patients were aged < 20 years. Acute lymphoblastic is estimated to be around 2.3 millions with about 1.2 leukemia, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma milllon new cases and 785 thousand deaths [:]. The and brairr tumors were most common in this age group' total cancer burden in lndia is projected to increase Conclusion: Findings from this study suggest that particu- substantially from about 1.2 million new cases in 2018 lar attention be given to high prevalence cancers as import to more than 1.9 million by 2O4O [3]. Recognizing the Citation: Chatterjee S, Levine PH, Senapati 5N, Samanta DR, Panigrahi P (2019)Cancer patterns rn OcJislra ffi) - An Important Mining State in lndia. lnl i Cancer Clin Res 6:126. doi.org/IA.2.3931 j6 1237g.3419/141U:1 q,YF" Accepted: Oi:tober 1.?, 201,9; Published: Ortoirer 74, 20irg Copyright: O 2019 Chatteriee 5, et al. This is an open-access artrclc distributed uncJer the tornrs of ihr, {.u$ N,\& x.* Crealrve Commons Attribuiion License. rr.rhrch permrts unrestricted use. distribulon, and reproductron N ; ttt NA.i tt")r\iAL i"I {ttlA ir.Y in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. DOI: 1 i).i?3937 i?-37 8 "341. 51 1 4 101 ?6 ...,,,i.|. need for active cancer surveillance and cancer control reported among gall bladder cancer patients In ln- activities in lndia, the lndian Council of Medical Re- dia [9] and this is probably due to the presence of s€-^h (ICMR) initiated the National Cancer Registry dangerously high concentrations of such metals in Programme (NCRP) with a network of cancer registries drinking water. Hence, it is extremely important to in 1981. The NCRP now comprises twenty seven Popu- understand cancer patterns in Odisha, and focus on lation-Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) and seven Hospi- etiological factors for some of the most important tal-Based Cancer Registries (HBCRs). Published reports cancers in the region, which will help formulate prac- from these PBCRs and HBCRs have provided valuable in- tical cancer control methods. priorities for cancer research and formation for setling The Asian lnstitute of Public Health (AIPH) [1"$], situ- identified target sites - both anatomic and geographic ated in Odisha, has partnered with the Acharya Hariha- - for cancer control measures [4]. ra Regional Cancer Centre (AHRCC) [1"1], a tertiary care Cancer patterns in lndia vary widely across regions center established to provide care of cancer cases in the and have been well documented in the registries un- state, thus allowing an opportunity to begin accumulat- cancers in the region, der the NCRP [5]. Odisha, with a large population of ing data on the most important 41,947,358 has only recently been included under the The data collected may thus foster further research ef- NCRP'with a Hospital-Based Registry (HBCR) (figure 1) forts leading to improved cancer control in the state. [b]. There is no existing published report on the status This paper provides a description of the data collect- of cancer in the region, The state is in one of the largest ed in the first year of this initiative and highlights obvi- mining belts in lndia, and its population is exposed to ous opportunities for cancer control in Odisha.
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