EĞİTİM Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17, (2004) 26-36 FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ www.omuegitim.edu.tr RELATIONS BETWEEN PSYCHOLINGUISTİC APPROACH AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING RUHDİLBİLİMSEL YAKLAŞIM VE YABANCI DİL EĞİTİMİ VE ÖĞRETİMİ ARASINDAKİ BAĞLANTILAR Mehmet DEMİREZEN Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Ânabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi, Bey t epe/A NKA RA Özet Yabancı dil eğitimi ve öğretimi atanında ruhdilbilimsel yaklaşımın temel konumu hep gözardı edilmiştir. Halbuki, bu alan yabancı dil Öğretimi ve öğretimi çalışmalarının ilk başlaiıcısıdır. Bu makalede ruhdilbilimsel yaklaşımın hem yabancı dil öğretimiyle hem de anadil öğretimiyle olan çeşitli İlişkileri tanıklarla belgelenmektedir. İncelemenin sonucunda, disiplinlerarası bir çalışma alanı olarak ruhdilbilimsel yaklaşımın aslında sorun çözücü bir bağlantı alanı olduğu ortaya çıkmakta, anadilden gelen etkilerin okuma-yazma-dinleme-konuşma becerilerinin ediniminde yabancı dil öğretimine olumsu: aktarımını önleyici bir katkısının olduğu belirlenmektedir. Abstract : The basic status o f the psycholinguistic approach has always been disregarded in the field o f foreign language teaching and learning, /is a mat tar offact, this field o f study is the first initiator o f the area offoreign language teaching and learning. In this article, as a field o f interdisciplinary study, various relations o f the psycholinguistic approach to mother tongue teaching and foreign language teaching are investigated by giving solid sources. As a result o f this investigation it has been discovered that the psycholinguistic approach, in fact, as an interdisciplinaiy study, has a problem solving relation in ELT, and that it has a blocking function o f the negative transfers o f the interferences from the mother tongue to the target language in terms o f teaching reading-writing- listening-speaking skills. Key Words ; psycholinguistics, psycholinguistic approach, behaviorism, neurolinguistics, biolinguistics, basic skills, mother tongue interferences, and English Language Teaching (ELT). Anahtar Sözcükler: ruhdildilbilimi, yaklaşım, nıddilbilimsel yaklaşım, davranış bilimi, sinirdilbilimi, yaşamdilbilimi, temel beceriler, anadilden karışmalar, yabancı dil öğretimi. 1. Introdiction psychology and linguistics. That’s why it is referred to as a hybrid field. According to Titone and Danesi Psycholinguistic approach takes (1985:31), the term psycholinguistics its name from the field of was coined by Pronko in 1946. psycholinguistics which is an However, a systematic theory was not integration of the two fields of Relations Between..\. / Ondokuımayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17,(2004), )6436 formulated uiitil 1950, Basically, 1 focused on the development of speech psycholinguistics is the study of relation in early childhood, especially studies on between language and mind. In general, I memory and mental| j associations it is defined as the study of the mental involved the use of language! processes that a person uses in In 1912, J. p . Watson producing understanding and storing I coined the term Behaviprfsm. By the language and how humans learn their 1920s, Behaviorism advanced in mother tongue and foreign languages. America and took over the mainstream The interdisdiplinary field of 1 of Experimental ! ! psychology. psycholinguistics emerged twice: once Behaviorists like J.B.Watson, L. in 1900s in Europe and once in the Bloomfield, and B. F. Skinner were able middle of the 2(ith century in the USA. to apply to human speech the same In early decades of the 20th century, “ principles that they applied to the linguists tumedj to psychologists for I description of other hupipn and non­ insights into how human beings use human kinds of behavior. The manner language. In the later period, in whichparents shape their children’s psycholinguists; turned to linguists for I utterances was described! bÿ! Skinner in insights into the nature of language” Verbal Behavior: (Carroll, 1994:12). Between these two In teaching the young child to periods, behavioristic views dominated 1 talk, the formal spectficktions upon the area. which reinforcement is contingent are I at first greatly relaxed, | A(iy response 2. The' Birth and the which vaguely resembles th^ standard Development of the Psycholinguistic behavior o f the community is reinforced Approach | I when these begin to ! appear more frequently, a closer approximation is Speech is one of the insistent upon. In this manner, very distinctive featutes of human beings ■ complex verbal forms may be reached ( that differs them from the other species. Skinner, 1957:29-30) So, its properties and functions in the I ; So, the acquisition pf language life of man is an indispensable part of in infancy was explained by means of psychological enquiry. Scientific the same mechanism of learning the psychology epierged with the I acquisition of other habits. In the development of the first psychological studies carried out between 1920s and laboratory at the University of Leipzig 1950s language development mainly in Germany inf 1879. Psychological 1 regarded as “a matter ■ oif1 imitation, point of view about language flourished practice and habituation” and with Wilhelm Wpndt (1832-1920) who psychologists supporting ^thp behavioral was trained in experimental psychology tradition regarded “conditioning as the and believed that the study of language main mechanism to account for could provide important insights into I language developmeijit”j ; (Stem, the nature of mind. Since he wrote 1983:302). The Empricist | theory of extensively about many different learning as well as the behaviorism aspects o f langpige, he is regarded as ■pointed out that the totality of human the master psycholinguistics. Between language comes from the experience. 1870 and 1900 most of the This period is generally rpg^rded as the investigations in child psychology “formative period” in the1 historical 26 Mehmet Demirezen / Ondokıızmayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17,(2004), 26-36 development of psycholinguistics learning of first language (Demirezen, approach. In this period, the following 1988:176-177). Soon after this, issues are made the job of Chomsky developed the Nativist psycholinguistics: 1. How people approach to unearth the riddles in comprehend language? 2. How do they learning the mother tongue by claiming produce it? 3. How and under what that mother tongue language learning is circumstances do they lose it? 4. How an inborn process. The findings of does a particular language affect biology and neurology, via the cognition, if at all? 5. Are there establishment of two new field namely, relations between the first and foreign biolinguistics and neurolinguistics, language learning? 6. Is there such a supported the ideas put forward by concept like mother tongue Chomsky. Especially with such interference? contemporary techniques of neurology By the early 1950s psychologists as PET (Positron Emission and linguists started to give and take Tomography), regional Cerebral Blood ideas between these two disciplines: in Flow Scanning and CAT (Computer 1960s with the rise of Transformational Assisted Tomography) still we continue Generative Grammar, which was put to learn the riddles on how languages forward by Chomsky, became very are learned, neurologically processed, popular and the psycholinguistic and remembered in both injured and approach, which tried to handle the healthy subjects. unknown in the first language According to Reber’s acquisition. These two cases gained a examination on the number of different theoretical ground for references in psycholinguistic studies in research. Chomsky and others, in 1987, he found that “they rose sharply particular the neuropsychologist, in the late 1960s, peaked in the middle Lenneberg, decided that language 1970s, and then fell off by the early development could not be defined with 1980s” (Carroll, 1994:17). Since the terms of behavioristic psychology. syntax-based models of Chomsky, In addition, the psychologist George McNeill and others ignored the Miller collaborated with Chomsky, semantic relationships, Blomm, Sobin, some articles and studies soon appeared Bowerman, Lahey, Reber, Schlesinger, in press. Thus, language development Fodor and others put forward the idea became a popular topic for investigation that the “generative rules of nativists and many scholars such as Braine, were failing to account for the functions W.Miller, S.M. Ervin, D. McNeil of language”(Brown,1994:28). contributed to the research on language Functualist aspect in the acquisition. During this period psycholinguistic approach widened the ‘'theoretical analyses of language viewpoint w ith t he i dea t hat” t he child development emphasized the role of grammar is semantic, not syntactic” and innate factor” (Carroll, 1994:17), An on the basis of cross-cultural studies, innate mechanism to process the Slobin and Brown concluded that “the linguistic data such as language early semantic rules are universal and acquisition device (LAD, hereafter) was that early mutimorpheme utterances are postulated. So, Mentalist and Rationalist governed by a small set of operations” ( (Cognitive) theories emerged with the Bhat,1991: 21). They claim that these psycholinguistic approach to explain the universals in rules indicate a general 27 Rkldtions Between. Ondofonmaynsiühiversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7,K ^2004'), 26-36 I I ' !! I ; pattern of cognitive development not Acquiring a langLage, which is specific innate structures.
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