ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR UNITED STATES VETERANS’ BUREAU FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 1928 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1928 F-----. * .- . , ADDITIONAL COPIES OFTHISPUBLICATIONMAYBE PROCUREDFROM THESUPERINTENDENTOYDOCUMENTS U.S.GOVERNMENTPRINTINOOFFICE WA8H1NGTON,D.C. 16CENTSA;ER COPY ,.. CONTENTS Listofcllarts ----------------------------------------------------- Listoftables --------------------------------------------------- --- Letter oftransmittal -------- -------------------------------------- Introduction ----------------------------------------------------- Ne\\'legislation--------------------------------------------------- Hospitalization ------ -- - - -- -- --- ----- _________ - ---- -- --- - - - - - - - - - - Governmex]thospitalfacilities--------------------------------------- Diagnostic centers ------------------------------------------------ Future hospital construction ---------------------------------------- Development and maintenance of bureau hospitals------- -------------- Expenditures and operatingcostsat bureau hospiU_ ----------------- Outpatient relief ---------------------------- ---------------------- Dental relief --------------- ---------------------- --------- ------- Prosthetics ---------------------------- ------------------ ------- - Disability compensation--- ------------------------- -------------- Death compensation --------------- --------- -------------------- -_ Term and autornati cinsurance ckims---____tit------------------- ___ Cor]verted.insurance claims ------------------------------- ---_----- Insurance ------------------------- ------------------------------- Adjusted compensation---- ----------------------- ---------------- Committees on recoveries---- ----------------------------- -------- Central board of appeals ---------------------- -------------------- Director’s advisory group on appe@---------------------------- ---- Rehabilitation ------------------------------------------------ ---- Finance --------------------------------------------------------- kgal ----------------------------- ----------------------------- - I'ersonllel ------------------------------------------------------- -_ .4nDendix: Statistical tables ------ - -------------------------- -------------- P(lblic acts ----------------- --------------------------- ------ I1ldes -------------------------------------------- ----------- 111 b LIST OF CHARTS FOR THE 1928 ANNUAL REPORT, UNITED STATES VETERANS’ BUREAU, IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE Pam CHART ~o. I.—United States Veterans’ Bureau, actual number of patients remaining in all hospitals from October, 1919, to July, 1928 facing. - 6 CHART No. 2.—United States Veterans’ Bureau, active compensation disability awards each month from January, 1919, to July, 1928 facing- 19 CHART No. 3.—United States Veterans’ Bureau, personnel from 1917 to l928--------------------------------------------------- facing-- 42 v ● . LIST OF TABLES FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT, FISCAL YEAR 1928 MEDICALTABLES TABLE No. I.—Clinical laboratory classified tests in the United States Veterans’ Bureau dispensaries for fiscal years 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, and l928------------------------------------------------------- 44 TABLE No. 2.—Clinical laboratory classified tests in the United States veterans’ hospitals for fiscal years 1924 1925, 1926, 1927, and 1928-- 44 TABLE N0.3.— X-ray exaxninations inthe ’United States Veterans’ Bureau dispensaries for fiscal years 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, and 1928, clas- sifiedby type of examination ----------------------------- --------- 45 TABLE No. 4.—X-ray examinations in the United States veterans’ hos- pitalsfor the fiscal years 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, and 1928, classifiedby type of examination --------------------------------------------- 45 TABLE No. 5.—Total out-patient medical service, by service rendered, for 6scalyears 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, and 1928------------------------- 45 TABLE No. 6.—Classification of total examinations by kind of examina- tion for fiscal ears 1924,1925, 1926, 1927, and 1928- --------------- 45 TABLE No.7.— 6 lassification of total treatments by kind of treatment for fiscal years 1924,1925, 1926, 1927, and 1928------------------------- 46 TABLE No. 8.—Total treatments divided into medical and dental, salary and fee, with percent of fee, for the fiscal years 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, and l928------------------------------------------------------- 46 TABLE No. 9.—Total examinations divided into medical and dental, salary and fee, with per cent of fee, for fiscal years 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, and l928------------------------------------------------------------ 46 TABLE No. 10.—Physiotherapy activities in hospitals and dispensaries, fiscal year l928------------------------------------------------- 46 TABLE No. 11.—Regional nursing activities for fiscal years 1925, 1926, 1927, atldl928-------------------------------------------------- 47 TABLE No. 12.—Distrib~ltion of patients receiving occupational therapy and classification of hours given to each subject in United States veterans’ and contract hospitals for fiscal years 1925, 1926, 1927, and l928------------------------------------------------------------ 47 TABLE No. 13.—Hospital report of United States Veterans’ Bureau pa- tients in Government and civilian institutions, as of June 30, 1928--- - 48 TABLE No. 14.—Admissions of United States Veterans’ Bureau patients to allhospitals by fiscal years 1920–1928--------------------------- 48 T~~LE No. 15.— Admissions of United States Veterans’ Bureau patients to all hospitals, by beneficiary, groups of hospitals, and type of patient, fiscal ycarl928------------------------------------------------- 49 TABLE No, 16,—Admissions of United States Veterans’ Bureau patients to all hospitals, by branch of service, type of patient, and type of admis- sion, fiscal year l928--------------------------------------------- 50 TABLE No. 17.—Admissions to hospitals of United States veterans of all wars without regard to nature or origin of their disability, as author- ized in paragraph 10, section 202, \Vorld \Var Veterans’ Act, 1924, revised, by type of beneficiary and groups of hospitals, fiscal years l92&l928------------------------------------------------------- 51 TABLE No. 18.— .4dmissions of United States Veterans’ Bureau patients to all hospitals, by branch of service, type of patient, and sex and color, fiscal year l928------------------------------------------------- 51 TABLE No. 19.—Yearly turnover of patients in United States veterans’ hospitals operating during the entire Y’earfor the fiscal years 1920- 1928-- 52 TABLE No. 20.—Patients of the United States Veterans’ Bureau under treatment in all hospitals, June 30, 1928, by class of beneficiary, groups ofhospitals, andtype of patient- --------------------------------- 53 T.4BLE No. 21 .—Patients of the United States Veterans’ Bureau under treatment in all hospitals, by sex and color, at the close of each fiscal year, l923-l928------------------------------------------------- 54 TABLE No. 22.—Patients under treatment by the United States Veterans’ Bureau in all hospitals, by branch of service, type of patient, and home address (State), June 30, 1928 ------------------------------- 54 VII VIII LIST OF TABLES Page TABLU No. 23 .—Pa+ients of the Unitid States Veterans’ Bureau under treattient in hospitals in their home Sta+e by groups of hospitals and type of patient, at the close of each fiscal year 1923–1928----- ------- 58 TABLE No. 24.—Patients of the United States Veterans’ Bureau under treatment in all hos itals, by State location of hospital and patient’s State of residence, ? une 30, 1928 ---------------------------------- 60 TA~E No. 25.—Discharges of United States Veterans’ Bureau patients by class, of disease and dis osition or condition on disposition, showing avera e days hospitalize $,fiscal year 1928-------------------------- 64 TABLE # o. 26.— ~lovemeut of patient population, snowing type of admis- sion and result of treatment, fiscal year 1928----------------------- 66 TABLE No. 27.—Discharges from hospitals of patients of the United States Veterans’ Bureau by disposition or condition on disposition and type ofpatient, fiscal year 1928 ----------------------------------------- 68 TABLE No. 28.—Comparison of principal causes of death (1) of Vnited States Veterans’ Bureau patienti in all hospitals, fiscal years 1924-1928- 69 * COMPE~SA’I’IONTABLES TABLE No. 29.—Summary of regional activities-- ---- _- -_ --- _--------- 71 TABLE No. 30.— Number of compensation death and disability. claims re- ceived by fiscal ears from October 1, 1917, to June 30, 1928, inclusi~re- - 72 TABLE No. 31.—.4 umber of compensation death and disability awards by fiscal ~3~om October 1, 1917, to June 30, 1928, incluslve_ _. _---- 72 TABLE $ . .—Gross number of compensation a~vartis oIi which pay- ments have been terminated, analyzed as to reasons for terminations during fiscal year 1928- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ 72 TABLE No. 33.—Compensation, active disability awards; comparative an- alysis of type of major disability by extent of disability, by fiscal years l923-l928------------------------------------------------------ 73 TABLE No. 34.—Compensation, active disability a~vards; degree of im- pairment and extent of disability correlated with classification of major disability, showing number of disabled veterans and amount of monthly payments, as of June 30, 1928 ------------------------------------ 74 TABLE No. 35.—Compensation, active disability awards; number
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