
-r Y’ THURSDAY, JULY 80, 1968 ^ j n m t w lB M T y ^ ' ' ' v ■ iffianr^eat^r Suftting lirralb Manchester *Dog Bays* Sale Ends Tomorrow; Still Many Bargains^Available Robart J. Olrouard. SIT ToUahd slowed to allow another car ln| Tpke.. haa arrived at Ft. Dix ahd | BloM’oiit (Causes front of It to turn into PJdgerton, .da Hospital Notes; 81. The Paascantetl vehicle, trev-.. AiioutTowii been aaaigned to I Co.. Srd Train­ Avemge Daily Net Pretw Ran ing Regiment of the U.S. Army A cc id en t, eling behind the Fagan vehicle SPECIAL THURSe, FRL. SAT. The Weather i'latUng Hnnra: Adnita t t« 8 atmek from the rear. Far tha lYaek Bndad ForeeauH at II. <8. Weather Bateau 3ttm Orr. tor of Mf. uid , Training Center. Infantr.v. for; May SSrd, 1858 K obttt JC. Orr. 31 Maple 8t .. eight of baaic training. He la' p.m.: MaSenittg— to A eed Driver Injured Tialnayc v s r minor to the Fa- Mau’i, Womaa’t HM «ngM*d In. tk« V 8. >favy and I the aon of Mr f and Mra. B. U to 8 p.m.; rhIWhen'a Ward— 8 to gap vehicle. ; ! Fog early toalgM. elearlng. T p.m. , la nmv taking raerult training a t ' Brown. Si 7 Tolland Tpke. One man was Injured, and one j fT and Ohlldrau’t Haals 12,925 enaler late tonight. I.nw near 85. the U.8. Naval Training I Station IE man was arrested after three aep-1 hatorday fair, warm, leo« hnnrtd. Oaaat tiakaa. III. A l*M l graduate PattenU Today: I8t I Member af tha Aadlt Children of SI. .Tohn'a Church arate accidents in Msnehester dur­ mgh In fln*. ’ o ( Maadiaatar High School, ha had ADMITTED TBSTBRt>AY: OPEN ilAILY Buraan of Otrenhrtien taking part In the fle|d day on Aug. ing the past two days. haan amployad at Pratt and Whit- James I^pp. South Rid.. Boltoit: Manchenter—^A City of Vitlago ChdrtH 1* at Wallingford will meet In the VIncenty Sawed, 29, Hebron, 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. < FRANK’S SHOE SHOP nagp Aircraft. Mra. Fannie Doacy. Lalurel Manor church hall Saturday morning at suffered a broken right wrist yes­ Gonvalesreni Home; David Oalli- SUNDAY. 8jA.M..8 P.M. /f FINE SHOE REPAIRINO S o'clock, ronfeaaiona for children terday at 1:16 am. when hia car The wadding of MUa Irena M. ; gan. 303 N. Main 8t.; Chester Fur- ' (( 310 MAIN ST. — NEAR MIDDUe TURNPIKE VOL. LXXVIlf, NO. 256 (roURTBRN PAGB8) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1959 (ClhMlfM Advartlelng on Page It) PRICE FIVE CENTS and young people will he Held Sat- blew a right front tire on the Mhua.. dauhgtar of Mr. and Mre. man. Broad Brook: Everett Rich­ PINE PHARMACY -urda'y morning at 11 o'clock. curve on Hartford Rd., and collid­ R m A. Mhira, 55 Cedar Ridge D r. mond. 343 Charter Oak St.; Thom- 884 CENTER ST. (Saatenbury, and Harold K. Im­ ed, with a utility pole. ■ as Lefebvre, French Rd.. Bolton. He waa taken to Manchester' port, aon of Mr. and Mra Warren Robert n Olmaled. aon of Mr. b i r t h s y e s t e r d a y , a Memorial Hospital to have the K. LaPbrt. S7« Lydall St., will take > Mre Richard S. Olmated. S.i Com- Urges U.S. Stand Firm Yduth Festival daughter to Mr. and Mra. Ray- hoh* set. The rar waa a total loaa, plaoa In St. .Tamea' Church at 11 at^k Rd haa been accepted to I mond MarAlpinr. Wappina; a aon and was towed frohl the scene by e’eleck Saturday moitning. tenerl- ehigh Ttniveraity, Bethle­ to Mr. and Mrs. William Topping. | a wrecktr.' The utility pole waa Reds Blocking hem. Pa.. College of Arte and Sci­ 73 Ridge St.; a son to Mr. and | not damaged. No arrest waa made.. ence. thia fall. He graduated from n s ff U t k t l M -fm m f ■ Mra. Herbert Greenwood, East Phfltp Doiighney. 41. Poqnonock, r i S Nixon to Use Red T V Mancheater High School In June. j Hartford. '' | waa charged with failure to grant SHOP HALE'S Bonn Soared Mass Pefection' ' BIRTH TODAY; A non to Mr. | the right of way after hia dump w-lmUiiiriinii Enffaged , ■ , . x t The weekly program of outdoor and Mra. Jgmea Roach, Harriett ' truck was Involved in a colllson; Vienna. Austria. July ,31 (>P) F o u n d L i v e i i chlldren'a moviea will he held Mew 4*Teeneleter St.. Vernon. The engagement of Mias Mari­ Tuesday at Oakland and N. Main — Official.* of the Seventh j again this evening, weather per­ Sta. with [.a .vehicle driven by (ifend Canyon, AriZ., July. I DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: lyn .1. Huhhard lo Thomas O. Hull Communist World Youth Fes-; mitting. In Center Park beginning ; Mra. Edna Finley, 105 Birch St.; Margaret :D. Hampaon, 47. , 46 -31 )— Sheriff Cecil Richard-j at duak The moviea vvili conaiat of la announced by her parents, Mr. SELF SERVE » (IP i Mias Zenta. Osola. 49 Doane St.; Union SI. ''' Of Red Snare tival took new precautions to-; on aaid John Manson Owens i romediea and will laat approxi­ I Mra. Delia Messier. 132 W. Center and Mra. Harold V. Hubbard, 50 Manchester police said the day to prevent any mas* de-, H e c k l e r s mately 4S minutes. ! St.; Mrs. Vivian Dom. Brockton, Cambridge St. dump truck which, Doiighney waa DOUBLE, GREEN STAMPS TODAY! fection of Iron Curtain dele-, III, 16, Savannah. Ga., was; i Mass : Mra. Florence Kelleher. Her fiance is the aon of Mn and driving for the .larvla Construction G eneva. J u lv 31 (/p)— W eat^hi* infUienre with Herter to re- found alive today in the Grand Mforff in t i fl y at tha. Ear! Co. struck the rear of ^ e Hamp- gaten fo the West. 1 The Recreation Detpertmemt an­ ' Brockton. Maas.; Mra, Evelyn Sal­ Mra. Isaac Hull. Scituate. R. I. German offieialR Reliable aourcea in.aide the fes­ Canyon. He had been missing son vehicle which waa making a aaid ‘1 s ”- SmOlfa umVQ« OOfVfnWO to 19V nounces Uiht- the.-e will be dancing ters. Coventry; Peter Shainin, .3.5 Mias Hubbard is a Junior at the tival aaid there will be a aharp re­ .six days and uresiimed dead. left turn from N. Mam St. into they won fresh ^urancM; Weat German, met with anaMf light at the ear! 10-day I Friday by recordings At the Rob- I S. Lakewood Circle; Thomas Hun­ Hartford Hospital School of Nurs­ duction in Eaat-Weat meetings, po­ 73ie boy', condition we., not im­ Oakland St. HALE'S Moaay-Baclc Guarantae. Eaay I erteem PaHt — Children's Dance ter. 281 Center St.; Mrs Mary ing. and Mr. Hull la presently em­ from Secretary of state Chris-1 .hortiv before the aerre- litical diacussiona and even aiirh mediately known. Doughney w ill appear In court tanH. Saeik today...anjev fa- i il3 years and underi at 7:80 p.m. ! Duray and aon, Enfield: .Mrs. | ployed as a dn^taman at Pratt tlan A. Herter that he will not tary of state went into another anciai events as dancing parties and Owen, hiked into the lanyon Plans Report to UrS. tomorrow. Moaa Zamth Qualny! Free homa I —Teenage Dance at 8:30. Theresa Hajbiicki and aon. East and Whltne.v Aircraft, IVeek^endi QUALITY cut hi.s basic price for a Berlin secret aeaeion with Gromyko, Brit- sightseeing tours. ia.t Friday with two companion.. ! There was no arreat made fol­ damonatratton arranged. Hartford; Mrs. .lune Slut* and j .No dal* has been aet for the truce. i»h Foreign Secretary Selwyn "A ll this stuff about deinocrac.v. A .eai'ch for the llirce w’a. .tarted daughter. T’ oventry; Mra. Doro-1 wedding. • lowing a cniliaion at , tjie comer Lloyd and French Foreign Minie- Satiirdey after toiiri,!. on the Thomas Lombardo, son of Thom­ freedom and Rock 'n Roll just gives thea Clarke and son. .3 Avon St | of Center and Edgerton' Sta. yes­ Bv JOHN M. HIGHTOWER | >'•' M "'ince Coiive de Mtirville at our people a lot of wrong ideas and .outh rim reporled hearing call, as J. Liombardo 8r.. 27 Nye 8t.. DISCHARGED TODAY: Rich-: terday at 12;.38 p.m MEAT DEPT. for help from deep in the gorge, Aftjcr Visit to Poland is bound to caii.,e trouble." an East ! has bsen assigned to 1, Co. of the ard Chandler. Box Mi Rd . Bolton , Arcording to police, a oar driven r.eneva. Juh 31 rile bodie* of hi. companion. — 2nd Training Regiment at Ft. Dix. MGRTBOVS O im a n v • tod ay unred the Meanwhile, high-level expert. Em-opean <?ommuni.,t pally official Barton W ill F'ace by Rita Paaaeantell, 34, .38 Pioneer the Rev, Eugene A. Gavigaii, 30, QyiNN'S PHARMACY N" .1 for eight weeks of infantry tV .V j from Rn.l «nd W e.t failed to waa quoted as saying. Circle, struck, the rear of a ve­ U n ited S tates to stand fir*^!r«rach Ayrppment in a AAssion d«- and Waller .1. Mahany .Ii.. Ifi, both Mokfovr. July 31 t/T)— Vice PresiHpnt Rirhard M. Nixon I baair tralninjr in ron.lvnction with Three delegates— from Cominii- . PBONB Ml S-41SS Bad Check Counts hicle driven bv Olive Fagan. 37. A REAL TREAT! . aajain.st any pi'es.siire to make.; voted to *n effort to find common ni.,1 Hungary, Cxechoalovakia and of Savannah wetp recovered dur­ ratinnpri lorlay fronn 8 flying Sibfri*n-rral trip unH promised the 1P58 Reserve Forres Art.
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