COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA I'kgizmti&£ Wnurnm TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2001 SESSION OF 2001 185TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 63 SENATE By Your spirit, break through barriers that divide people. Destroy hatred and let suspicions disappear so that we may live TUESDAY, December 11,2001 as one. The Senate met at 11 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. Lastly, in these perilous times, we commend to Your protec­ tive care and benevolent keeping all the men and women ofour The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Robert C. Jubelirer) anned forces at home and abroad. Defend them with Your guid­ in the Chair. ing hand. Encourage them and strengthen them in their trials, and grant them Your abiding presence in their times ofloneliness. In PRAYER this holy season, fill their families with hope and joy. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Chaplain, the Very Reverend THOMAS A. CAPPELLONI, ofHoly Name of Jesus Church, Scranton, of­ THE PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Reverend Cappelloni, fered the following prayer: who is the guest today ofSenator Musto and Senator Lemmond. Let us pray. JOURNAL APPROVED Eternal God, we gather to hold in our hearts and minds the memory ofthe terrorist attacks on our nation's life and liberty. The PRESIDENT. A quorum ofthe Senate being present, the Once we beheld the face ofevil, and we have responded with the Clerk will read the Journal ofthe preceding Session ofDecember sure and certain remedy of faith and God's supreme power to 10,2001. save and give life. On this anniversary, we commend especially The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding to Your care the victims ofthese attacks and their survivors. We Session, when, on motion ofSenator BRIGHTBILL, and agreed praise You for the lives of the valiant men and women who to by voice vote, further reading was dispensed with and the brought comfort, courage, valor, love, and compassion to those Journal was approved. in need. HOUSE MESSAGES Almighty God, we humbly thank You for this good land which You have given as our inheritance. May we always prove HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE BILL to be a people mindful ofYour love and kindness. Bless this land with honest labor. Save us from violence, discord and confusion, The Clerk of the House of Representatives returned to the from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Preserve and Senate SB 286, with the information the House has passed the increase our liberties and fashion into one united nation this peo­ same without amendments. ple ofmany races and tongues. Fill with the spirit ofwisdom those to whom we entrust the authority ofgovernment. Let them HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE AMENDMENTS seek justice and peace and prosperity. Fill our hearts with thank­ BY AMENDING SAID AMENDMENTS fulness, and in these times oftrouble, do not allow our trust and TO HOUSE BILL hope in You to fail. We commend our land to Your merciful care, that we may follow Your guidance and live in peace. The Clerk ofthe House ofRepresentatives informed the Sen­ Guide and direct our Senators and all Members ofthis legisla­ ate that the House has concurred in amendments made by the ture, that by just and prudent laws they may promote the Senate by amending said amendments to HB 1633, in which well-being of all our people. Fill them with the love of truth, concurrence ofthe Senate is requested. honesty, and righteousness. Make them' always remember that The PRESIDENT. Pursuant to Senate Rule XIV, section 5, they are Your servants, called to lead and serve this State in the this bill will be referred to the Committee on Rules and Execu­ fear ofYour righteous judgments. tive Nominations. We pray for strength and purpose to make officers in every branch ofgovernment accountable to all people, fulfilling roles SENATE BILL RETURNED WITH AMENDMENTS ofservice and responsibility, that they may seek justice, protect The Clerk of the House 'of Representatives returned to the the weak, and lead us in constructing institutions for our peace Senate SB 607, with the information the House has passed the and mutual aid. same with amendments in which the concurrence ofthe Senate is requested. 1220 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - SENATE DECEMBER 11 , The PRESIDENT. Pursuant to Senate Rule XIV, section 5, tern costs, for SURE registration number and for conversion ofregistra­ this bill will be referred to the Committee on Rules and Execu­ tion records. tive Nominations. HO 3 (Pr. No. 3060) (Amended) (Rereported) HOUSE CONCURS IN SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION An Act establishing a unified workforce investment system; restruc­ turing certain administrative functions, procedures and entities; transfer­ ring ~or~orce development functions of Commonwealth agencies; The Clerk ofthe House ofRepresentatives infonned the Sen­ establishing the Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board; providing ate that the House has concurred in resolution from the Senate, for critical job training grants; and authorizing local workforce invest­ entitled: ment boards. Recess adjournment. HB 27 (Pr. No. 616) (Rereported) BILL SIGNED An Act amending TItles 24 (Education) and 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further defining "salary The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Robert C. Jubelirer) deductions"; and further providing for member contributions for credit­ in the presence ofthe Senate signed the following bill: able school service, for contributions for purchase ofcredit for credit­ able nonschool servicc, for incomplete payments, for tcrmination of annuities, for administrative duties ofboard, for reporting requirements SO 286. of board, for duties of board regarding applications and elections of members, for duties ofemployers, for crcditable nonstate service, for SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS member contributions for purchase ofcredit for previous State service ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SECRETARY or to become a full coverage member, for contributions for the purchase ofcredit for creditable nonstate service and for duties ofheads ofde­ The SECRETARY. Consent has been given for the Commit­ partments and for rights and duties ofState employees and members. tee on Rules and Executive Nominations to meet during today's Session to consider Senate Bills No. 216, 696, 837, House Bill Senator EARLL, from the Committec~ on Finance, reported the No. 1633, and certain nominations. folJowing bills: REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES SO 315 (Pr. No. 320) Senator THOMPSON, from the Committee on Appropria­ An Act amending TItle 71 (State Government) ofthe Pennsylvania tions, reported the following bills: Consolidated Statutes, further providing for retention and reinstatement ofservice credits. SB 955 (Pr. No. 1584) (Rereported) SO 1223 (Pr. No. 1614) (Amended) An Act providing for vaccination against meningococcal disease for An Act amending the act of October 6, 1998 (P.L.70S, No.92), students at institutions ofhigher education and for duties ofthe Depart­ known as the Keystone Opportunity Zone and Keystone Opportunity ment ofHealth. Expansion Zone Act, further providing for the zone authorization and duration ofprogram. SB 1007 (Pr. No. 1615) (Amended) (Rereported) HB 1360 (Pr. No. 1683) An Act amending the act of February 14, 1986 (P.L.2, No.2), known as the Acupuncture Registration Act, providing for the definition An Act amending the act of December 14, 1988 (P.L.1192, of "acupuncture educational program"; and further providing for the No.l47), known as the Special Ad Hoc Municipal Police and Firefighter regulations ofthe practice ofacupuncture. Postretirement Adjustment Act, further providing for definitions, for special ad hoc postretirement adjustments and for the administration of the Commonwealth's reimbursements for these adjustments; and making SB 1240 (Pr. No. 1607) (Rereported) editorial changes. An Act amending the act ofJune 30, 1995 (P.L.170, No.25), enti­ tled "An act providing for voter registration, for registration commis­ HB 1363 (Pr. No. 3059) (Amended) sions, for remedies and for absentee ballots; imposing penalties; making An Act amending the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), appropriations; and making repeals," further providing for the defini­ known as The Third Class City Code, further providing for service tions of"district register," "general register," "qualified elector," "regis­ increments to pensions ofpolice and firefighters. trant," "registration records". and "Statewide Uniform Registry ofElec­ tors" or "SURE system," for departmental responsibilitics, for commis­ sions, for legislative intent, for establishment ofSURE system, for qual­ Senator GREENLEAF, from the Committee on Judiciary, ifications to register, for in-person votcr registration, for application reported the following bills: with driver's license application, for application by mail, for time, for prcparation and distribution of applications, for approval ofregistration applications, for general register, for district registers, for street lists, for SB 1048 (Pr. No. 1309) public information lists, for retention ofrecords, for removal notices, for transfer ofregistration, for court ofcommon pleas, for registration, for An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Qlfenses) ofthe Pennsylva­ votes, for official documents, for law enforcement assistance, for pre­ nia Consolidated Statutes, prohibiting the simulation of legal process venting registration, for approval of registration, for power of depart­ and related acts; prohibiting the use of unofficial license plates; and ment, for removal ofvoters and for files; and providing for SURE sys- imposing penalties. 2001 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL
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