Eden and Lyne Buzz Eden and Lyne Buzz June and July 2017 FOR THE COMMUNITIES OF ROCKCLIFFE, CARGO, HARKER, BLACKFORD,WESTLINTON AND ALL POINTS IN BETWEEN BRITISH PIE NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 5pm 3 PIES AVAILABLE £7 PER MEAL SOLAR OR NUCLEAR—IS THAT THE QUESTION?” 24 Eden and Lyne Buzz Eden and Lyne Buzz “Detectives” is the whole-school topic this IN THIS EDITION LIST OF ADVERTISED SERVICES Cover Photo— Stormy Dawn at Blackrigg Accountant—Page 16 term’; the children are investigating many Page 2 - Constitution, Advertisers, Copy Date Boiler Servicing, Repairs and Installation—Page 19 different areas. The infants have been on a Page 3— Editorial, What’s On Building Society/Bank—Page 22 minibeast hunt around the school grounds Page 4— Blackford WI and PCC Catering—Page 14 and then researched facts about their Page 5—The Carlisle Patriot 1815 and the Litterpick Chimney Sweeps—Pages 8 and 15 finds. They have also made moving models of snails and LYNEFOOT KENNELS Page 7— Children’s Page Chiropodist—Page 10 caterpillars whilst practicing their cutting and sticking skills. http://lynefootkennelsltd.co.uk Page 9 — The High Tides of 1967 Coffee Mornings—Page 6 At playtimes, there are many minibeast homes being cre- Page 11– Presentation of a BEM Computer repairs etc—10 ated on the school field from all kinds of materials. Established in 2009 Lynefoot Kennels is a family run Page 12— Rockcliffe Parish Council Domestic Appliances Repairs and Sales—11 The junior children are being history detectives and are business. With help from a small, dedicated team, Page 13 — Kingmoor PC and Westlinton PC Electrical Repairs etc— Page 6 investigating the impact that the Romans had on the local we want you to leave your dog knowing that they Page 14— Westlinton AGM Report Firewood/Logs—Page 16 area. In Art, they are designing and making their own will receive our personal care and attention at all Page 15— Community Fund and Fire Safety Food Bank—Page 8 Roman-style mosaics created with different media. times. Page 17— From the Vicarage, Parish Registers Funeral Director—Page 10 After-school clubs The school choir meets on Wednesdays “Lynefoot is a friendly, family-run kennel with high Page 18— Rockcliffe, Blackford and Garden Centre—Page 6 after school and took part in Carlisle Music Festival. They standards of cleanliness and care . Extremely roomy St Augustine’s Church Services Garden Maintenance—Page 10 were the smallest choir there, with only 11 children, but indoor kennels with an outside bit . An exercise pen which were highly commended for the beautiful sounds they David and his family make sure all dogs get use of through- Page 20 —Sudoku Puzzle Hair Dresser (Mobile) Page 16 out the day . Twice daily walks in lovely fields . It is created. Numbers have increased recently and they really Page 21—Rockcliffe Cricket Club Fixture List Indoor Bowls—Page 21 reassuring to know that they make regular checks on vacs Page 22—Rockcliffe Centre Karate Classes—Page 13 are a joy to listen to. and health updates” Page 23—Blacxkford School News Kennels—Page 23 Gardening club continue to meet on Thursday after school Address: Lynefoot Kennels, EDEN AND LYNE BUZZ CONSTITUTION Kirklinton Hall—Page 20 and have made planters to decorate the fence. They were Lynefoot Farm, Carlisle, CA6 6AJ most excited to see the arrival of the first flowers on the Eden and Lyne Buzz is a community magazine run by unpaid Milk and Newspaper Deliveries—Page 6 Telephone: 01228 674 376 strawberries. Thursday also has cricket club which will car- volunteers on a not for profit basis. Plumber—Page 20 Email: [email protected] Eden and Lyne Buzz is run by a group of volunteer Trustees who, Public House—Page 24 ry on until the end of this term. for the time being are Mr A L Parrini (Chairman and Editor), Mrs Rockcliffe Centre—Page 22 Carlisle United leads a multi-skills club on Tuesdays. Janette Fisher (Treasurer), Rotary Club—Page 20 Gymnastics continues on Mondays and the children are Mrs Judith Twentyman (Secretary) and Mrs Ann Hay Scarecrow Festival—Page 6 busily preparing for an end of year performance to parents (Advertising Coordinator). Sheds and Fences etc—Page 19 and the rest of the school. The Bank Account is with The Cumberland Building Soc’ty. Summer Fayre—Page 23 Invitation All payments out of the account will be by Cheques Tax/Wills advice—Page 10 Our choir will be performing a range of pieces at a tea/ ROCKCLIFFE CENTRE signed by the Treasurer and 2 other Trustees. coffee and cake afternoon on Wednesday 28th June from ND Legitimate expenses are available if requested by volunteers and Tree Feller—Page 14 2pm until end of school. We would like to warmly invite SUNDAY 2 JULY Trustees if approved unanimously by the Trustees. Tuesday Club—Page 14 Eden and Lyne Buzz will be published 6 times per year. Vehicle Repairs—Page 16 any members of the community to join us. Please let us 2.30pm to 4.30pm Subscriptions and Advertising Rates will be set by the Trustees in Window Cleaning etc—Page 10 know on 01228 674614 or via email if you are coming so Afternoon Teas, Stalls, Raffle Draw April each year based on the financial results of the previous we can be sure there’s enough refreshments! Village Wheels—Page 16 Competitions for the Children year’s trading. The Trustees will invite all subscribers to attend an AGM in May SUDOKU – Solution – See Page 20 each year to present the accounts and agree the distribution of NEXT COPY DATE any surplus funds held. The Eden and Lyne Buzz will be produced 6 DISCLAIMER times a year at the start of the even months 1862 City of Carlisle) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets The Eden and Lyne Buzz is produced for residents in the Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct and Dec. Rockcliffe, Kingmoor and Westlinton Parish Council areas. Material can be sent at anytime to We are Recruiting Now! The magazine seeks to serve the local community by [email protected] Between ages 12 (Year 8) and 16? including local community events, advertisements and Carlisle Air Cadets, Crindledyke, Carlisle, CA6 4BZ items of local interest. Inclusion of such material in the The final date for material for the Aug/ Google 'Carlisle Air Cadets’ for directions magazine does not imply that the Trustees endorse Sep Edition is Monday & Friday 7pm till 9.30pm everything that is mentioned, nor are they responsible for FRIDAY 21st JULY 2017 www.facebook.com/1862sqn Phone 01228 674559 any inaccuracies in the information supplied. Email [email protected] 2 23 Eden and Lyne Buzz Eden and Lyne Buzz WE ARE BUZZING!!! Here’s some ideas: Thanks to all who have sent in Emails and notes to praise Would someone produce regular Gardening Tips? the new Eden and Lyne Buzz.– you obviously like our first How about some Favourite recipes? efforts. You like the size, the format, the quality of the What about a Sales and Wants Column? articles, the clarity of the printing and so far we haven’t Please put on your thinking caps, be had a bad word spoken! So thank you. In addition, we must thank all the people who offered donations to get creative and let’s have some submissions the first edition launched in just under 2 weeks. We for the next Edition. pushed the boat out a bit and didn’t have to worry about Trustees the cost. Mrs Ann Hay, Mrs Judith Twentyman, One comment was that £5 was too little to pay as a Mr Tony Parrini and Mrs Janette Fisher subscription through to April 2018. At the moment we plan to stick with this level of subscription, but if you feel EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] inclined to pay more or make a donation, we won’t refuse the gesture. However, we are aware that we can seek funds from the WHAT’S ON - FUTURE EVENTS Burn Beck Windfarm Fund or via the small grants process via the local Parish Councils if necessary.. JUNE By the time this edition gets to you we will have had the 4th to 11th — Scarecrow Festival (See Page 5) local County Elections and we’ll be very close to the 8th June —General Election General Election. These are important events and 12th June- Blackford WI (See Page 4) certainly the General Election will have an enormous 17th June—Cumberland Show at Brisco influence on our community. 24th June – Armed Forces Day in City Centre 30th —Fashion Show - Rockcliffe Centre COMMUNITY (See advert on page 20) One of the aims of this magazine is to communicate the events, facilities and local businesses available to our JULY readers. It is a great shame that many of the events and 2nd July – Summer Fayre (Rockcliffe Centre) activities arranged by well meaning people do not get (See advert on Page 17) local support. Two different advertisers of activities both 8th July—Open Garden and Afternoon Tea said that they had no local support for their leisure (See advert on Page 17) activities and felt that it was not worth advertising their AUGUST AND BEYOND classes!! Many events in the Rockcliffe Centre have folded 28th August – Bank Holiday in recent times through a lack of local support. It seems a Car Boot Sale at St Augustines bit strange when people from Wigton, Scotby and the City 1st October – Harvest Festival and Supper Centre travel to Rockcliffe, yet residents from the 28th October to 11th November – Poppy Appeal surrounding villages seem uninterested.
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