A Abegg-Stifltung 13:21 Adhesives 2:2; 4:8; 5:3; 7:16; 11:12; 12:23; 13:17; 16:4,7; 19:12; 24:20; 37:21; 38:10; Supp1987 Acryloid FIO 4:9 P.V.A 12:12 removal 12:7; 16:3; 37:21; Supp.1998 starch paste 12:21; Supp.1998 Alberta, Conservators Association 17:21 American Textile History Museum Supp.2000 Ammonia 34:12,20 Analysis contemporary materials 37:4 FTIR 37:4 gunpowder residue 36:14; 37:10 'Host' rug drycleaning product 12:24 ICP (inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry) Supp.1992 mineral weighting of flags 12:22 Neutron Activated Analysis (NAA) 14:33; Supp.1992 Orvus WA Paste 22:2 SEM/EDS (scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry) Supp.1992 Volatile emissions from materials 12:23 X-ray microanalysis 36:14 Anderson House Museum 14:13 Arbocel Supp.1998 Archaeological Sites Hesquiat Burial Site 8:8; 9:1 Red Bay 4:3; 11:10; 20:6 Spitsbergen 9:1 Sugar Loaf Burial Site 8:12 Svalbard 9:1 Artifact, Archaeological Bamberg Cathedral 15:4 Basque clothing 8:17; 11:10 Fiber mats 20:6 Artifact, Native 6:3 "Micmac Chiefs Costume" 6:S "Micmac Cradle" 6:6 cedar bark mat 12:7; 24:3 Chilkat blankets 6:3; 7:2 tunic 14:19 Cowichan lndian Knitting 13:28 Dance Screen 5:2; 6:2 headdress, split-horn 21:3 Malecite Chief’s costume 8:15 Métis dog blanket 19:8 Micmac chief's costume 6:5 cradle 6:6 O'Halloran 6:5 Salish blankets 23:17 smoking cap 6:3 Tsimshian hat 13:5 Arts, Crafts, and Theater Safety (ACTS) 19:19; 27:17; 28:40; 29:41; 30:29: 31:28,29,30; 32:38; 33:19; 34:32,33; 35:33; 36:33; 37:27,28 Asian Art Museum [San Francisco] 35:8 Australian War Memorial 29:28; 36:18,27 B Banners distortion 7:17 painted 7:15 Bata Shoe Museum 14:15 Batik 20:28 Battle of Britain Lace 16:7 Bayerisches National Museum 38:5 Bernese Historical Museum 25:15 Biltmore House 16:11; 22:2; 37:24 Blanche Payne Eastern European Costume Collection 25:25 Blankets 9:20; 19:8; 33:33 Bleaching 4:11; 18:9; 20:16 Bleeding 11:6 halos 11:6 British Columbia Fabricare Institute 9:5 British Columbia Provincial Museum (see Royal British Columbia Museum) British Museum [conservation at] 28:33 Burn tests 27:9; 31:5 C Canadian Association for the Conservation of Cultural Property (CAC) 32:34 Canadian Conservation lnstitute (CCI) 32:32; 37:21; 38:10 Archaeology 4:2; 7:11; 8:17; 11:10; 13:20 Conservation Processes Research 5:5; 10:30; 35:11 Environmental & Deterioration Research 9:24; 11:12 Ethnology 12:11; 13:5; 14:7; 16:3; 20:21; 21:3; Textiles 4:7,22; 5:3,14; 6:4,10,17; 7:9; 8:14,23; 9:24; 10:23; 11:7; 12:9; 13:20; 14:5,30; 15:23; 16:22; 18:9; 20:10; 21:26; 23:2; 25:13; 26:5; 27:16; 28:5,9,10,12; 29:20; 29:36; 30:12; 30:16,24,26; 32:37; 33:14; 34:34; 36:9,14 Works on Paper 11:9 Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) 13:13; 14:30 Canadian Museum of Civilization (see Canadian Museum of History) Canadian Museum of History 3:4; 7:26; 9:22,23; 10:28; 11:13; 12:14; 14:18,19; 15:25; 17:16; 18:19; 19:1,8,11; 21:17; 23:17; 28:33; 31:18; Supp. 1991,1995 Canadian Parks Service (see Parks Canada) Canadian Textile Journal 33:33 Canadian War Museum 9:22; 14:23; 16:7; 20:2; 25:19; 26:16; 27:7; 28:4,8; 29:3,5; 30:4,28; 37:20 Carleton University 33:40 Carpets 18:23 Cavallo, Adolph S. 14:3 Cellulose nitrate 14:34; 37:4 Center for Safety in the Arts (see Arts, Crafts, and Theater Safety (ACTS)) Centre de Conservation du Quebec 1:1; 2:2; 3:3; 4:9; 5:5,8; 6:6; 7:15; 9:25,38; 15:7; 18:20; 30:15; 36:31 Chemicals dichlorvos 19:21; Supp. 1989 use in textile manufacture 34:12,20 Chemical testing (see also Equipment and its use) 21:3; 27:9; 31:5 Chromatography 35:11 Church vestments (see Ecclesiastical Textiles) Cigarette silks 30:4 Cleaning (see also Treatment) analysis of dry cleaning product 12:24 beaded dress 6:4; 13:14; 20:10 detergents/surfactants 1:2; 2:8; 34:20 dry-cleaning 4:7; 9:3; 10:1,20; 14:22 eraser crumbs [using] 36:9 historical methods 34:4; 34:20 lace 16:7 mechanical 11:11; 16:4; 18:12 preliminary 4:4 sequins, gelatin 28:12 solvent 9:3; 15:12 steam 9:25 surface 36:9 washing of beaded dress 6:4; 20:10 wet, in field lab 4:4; 11:10 wet 4:11; 9:27; 10:20; 16:8,25; 20:2; 23:2; 29:36; 31:16 Collection: accession labeling 32:22 catalogue records 9:9 documentation 4:6; 14:11; 20:13; 33:25; 34:22 inspections 14:3; 29:5 management 22:6; 24:2; 25:2; 26:15; 28:12; 32:22; 33:25 moving 24:2; 25:8 policy 3:3 registration 3:3 survey 14:1; 20:13; 34:22 Colonial Williamsburg 18:21; 24:9 Compensation for loss 28:5; 30:12 Condition surveys costume use of diagrams 29:5 contemporary materials 37:4 Chinese robes 33:25 Conferences, Courses. Lectures, Tours, Workshops 2:13; 3:17; 4:19; 5:12; 6:16; 7:31,32; 8:27; 9:32,39; 10:33,38; 11:21; 12:29; 13:22; 14:43; 15:34; 16:32; 17:26; 18:30; 19:24; 21:32; 22:18; 23:20; 23:27; 25:28; 27:24,26,33; 28:41; 29:43; 30:16; 31:25; 32:33,34,36,37; 35:29,30; 37:24; 38:10,11,12 reports 2:12; 3:18; 5:2,13; 6:6,17; 7:2,31,35; 8:22 ;9:28 31;11:17; 12:25; 13:16;14:36; 15:26; 16:31; 17:24; 18:21,23; 19:22,23; 23:21; 24:20; 29:36; 30:16; 30:18; 37:21 trips 10:17; 11:7; 15:21; 20:28; ; 23:23 Conservation Bibliographic Database (BCIN) 14:30 Conservation Information Network (ClN) 14:30 Conservation Materials Database (MCIN) 14:30 Conservation Product/Supplier Database (ACIN) 14:31 Conservation [at the Deutsches Textilmuseum] 23:11,23 [at Gothenburg University] 30:16 [needs at the Croatian Restoration Center] 26:22 [needs of developing countries] 29:3 documentation 4:6; 20:13 education (see also specific institutions) 38:12 ethics 5:2; 7:1; 8:25; 9:1; 11:4; 29:3; 36:5 internet resources 29:27; 30:30; 32:21; 35:5 laboratory planning 24:9 philosophy 17:12, 24 policy 3:3 private practice 28:35 suppliers Supp.1997b public perception 28:39 Cooper Hewitt Museum 24:20 Costume (sec also: Uniform and Treatment) 8:22 18th Century dress 12:9 Basque 16th Century 11:10 beaded dress 6:4; 20:10; 25:13 boxes Supp.1994 Chinese dragon robe, 17th cent 33:20 condition reports 29:5 doublet, 16th cent 32:24 dry-cleaning 4:7 Eastern European 25:25 First Ladies collection 20:13 girl's 18th Century dress 11:6 girl's 1820's dress 5:4 glass beads 4:22; 6:5; 20:10 hats 15:16; 28:12; 29:4 Kaftan 12:23 Man's 18th Century Chintz Coat: 4:7 Medici 25:26; 32:24 Mexican dance costume: 12:20 mounting (see Mannequins) packing for travel Supp.1994 parasol 16:25; 17:21 preservation [commercial, wedding gown] 28:37 reproduction 22:14; 27:2; 30:12 rubber 21:11 shawl 16:14 trousers 18:12 trunk hose, 16th cent 32:24 vulcanization, of rubber 21:11 wigs 18:7 Costume Society (UK) 32:24 Costume Society of America 19:23 Costume Society of Ontario 10:29; 12:28; 13:19; 18:12 Crepeline (silk); 30:12; 36:29; Supp. 1997a painting with dye for patterned overlay 28:5 Croatian Restoration Center 26:22 D Degradation intentional 37:4 plastics 14:34; 37:4 rubber 37:4 silk 14:31-34; 29:36; 31:5; 33:20; 35:11; Supp.1992 wool 29:36 Deodorants and antiperspirants 20:2 Detroit Historical Department 17:2; 25:8 Deutsches Textilmuseum 23:11,21 Digital preservation 32:34 Disaster (see also: Emergency) planning 7:35 treatment of textiles after 5:4 Display (see also: Exhibition, Mannequins, Mounting) 9:13; 12:23; 25:15; 26:13; 27:2 costumes 7:3; 9:13; 14:9,19,24; 22:14 damage caused 29:36 display units 5:6; 9:9; 27:2 doll clothing 16:1 dressing mannequin 17:9 ecclesiastical textiles 20:18 mount, oversized flat: 8:9;15:20; 16:7; 31:10; 34:5 techniques: 10:19,21,23;18:26; 24:18 fabrics, custom-dyed 28:9 flame-retardant textile finishes 29:20 frame small textiles 2:4 Tapis Crocheté (hooked rug) 5:5 hats 12:6 interactive 11:4; 27:2 materials checklist 17:19 small artifacts 8:9 soap 12:6 travelling 10:23; 12:5; 19:12 visible storage 16:17 volatile emissions from materials 12:23 wigs 14:10 Documentation 32:34 shoes 17:12 Doll display 16:1 treatment 7:1; 16:1,3; 36:9 Dugald Costume Museum 12:9; 13:1; 16:17 Dust covers 27:7 Dyes and dyeing 4:10; 27:17; 28:5; 29:3; 33:14; 34:12; 34:33; Supp.1991,1997a,1997b analysis 2:10; 36:14 anthraquinone 32:38 azo 31:28 Bayer 5:8; 28:40 benzidine 34:32 CIBA-GEIGY 4:9; 11:9; 28:5; 33:14 classification 6:8; 34:33 cochineal, mordanting by metals 36:14 colour catalogue, Sandoz 4:10 colour matching 5:4; 22:17; 28:5,8; Supp.1991 commisioning custom work 28:9 course 4:9,10 Crayola® Fabric Crayons 33:14 equipment launder-ometer 6:10;10:26;11:10 · polymat 15:7 polycolour 15:7 fabrics, pre-scoured 4:10 fugitive 5:4; 34:20 identification 9:30 indigo, reduction methods 36:33 Irgalan 28:5; 29:3; 33:14 iron gall 4:7 Lanaset 33:14 paper pulp 11:9 recipes, classification 6:8 safety 27:17; 30:29; 33:19; 34:32 Sandoz 4:10 Solophenyl Dye 11:9 synthetic 13:20 E Ecclesiastical Textiles 5:6; 6:7; 7:15; 8:5; 10:23; 20:18 Electrophoresis 35:11 Emergency (sec also: Disaster) 5:4, 21:20; 33:33 damage, water: 5:4; 33:33 fire 21:20 mildew 5:4; 17:2 mold growth, treatment of: 6:7 smoke 5:4 soot 5:4 Environmental survey 14:3 Equipment and its use 2:6,10; 24:9; 28:35; Supp.
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